Python | 113 lines | 79 code | 22 blank | 12 comment | 13 complexity | 8a5ddb53ee5db7e4d61b05233e7f7d41 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
- """
- author comger@gmail.com
- """
- import tornado.web
- import tornado.ioloop
- import tornado.options
- from tornado.options import define, options
- from inspect import isclass
- from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer
- from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
- from kpages.router import load_handlers
- from kpages.context import LogicContext
- from kpages.utility import refresh_config, app_path, set_default_encoding, get_members
- def get_ui_modules():
- """
- return ui module members in ACTION_DIR
- """
- m_filter = lambda m: isclass(m) and issubclass(m, tornado.web.UIModule)
- ms = get_members(__conf__.ACTION_DIR, member_filter=m_filter)
- if 'tornado.web.UIModule' in ms:
- del ms['tornado.web.UIModule']
- newms = {}
- for key,val in ms.items():
- newms[key.replace('.','_')] = val
- return newms
- def get_ui_methods():
- """
- return uimethod methods in ACTION_DIR
- """
- m_filter = lambda m: hasattr(m,'__reg_ui__') and m.__reg_ui__ ==True
- ms = get_members(__conf__.ACTION_DIR, member_filter=m_filter)
- newms = {}
- for key,val in ms.items():
- newms[key.replace('.','_')] = val
- return newms
- class WebApp(object):
- settings = property(lambda self: __conf__.__dict__)
- handlers = property(lambda self: self._handlers)
- uimodules = property(lambda self: self._modules)
- uimethods = property(lambda self: self._methods)
- webapp = property(lambda self: self._webapp)
- def __init__(self, port=None,bindip=None, handlers=None, callback=None):
- self._port = port or __conf__.PORT
- self._ip = bindip or __conf__.BIND_IP
- self._callback = callback
- self._handlers = load_handlers(__conf__.ACTION_DIR)
- self._modules = get_ui_modules()
- self._methods = get_ui_methods()
- self._webapp = self._get_webapp()
- __conf__.APP = self._webapp
- def _get_webapp(self):
- settings = {"debug": __conf__.DEBUG,
- "static_path": app_path(__conf__.STATIC_DIR_NAME),
- "template_path": app_path(__conf__.TEMPLATE_DIR_NAME),
- "gzip": __conf__.GZIP,
- "cookie_secret": __conf__.COOKIE_SECRET,
- "ui_modules":self.uimodules,
- "ui_methods":self.uimethods,
- "xsrf_cookies": __conf__.XSRF_COOKIES}
- return tornado.web.Application(self._handlers, **settings)
- def _run_server(self):
- if __conf__.DEBUG:
- print('web app')
- self._webapp.listen(self._port, address=self._ip, max_buffer_size = __conf__.max_buffer_size)
- else:
- server = HTTPServer(self._webapp, xheaders=True, max_buffer_size = __conf__.max_buffer_size)
- server.bind(self._port, address=self._ip)
- server.start(0)
- #tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
- tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().start()
- def run(self):
- if self._callback:
- self._callback(self)
- self._run_server()
- define("port", default=None, help="run on the given port", type=int)
- define("config", default='setting.py', help="set config for server")
- define("ip", help="bind accept ip for server")
- define("debug", default=None, help="Debug Mode")
- define("ndebug", help="No Debug Mode")
- def run(callback=None):
- set_default_encoding()
- tornado.options.parse_command_line()
- opts = options
- refresh_config(opts.config)
- __conf__.PORT = opts.port or __conf__.PORT
- __conf__.DEBUG = opts.debug or __conf__.DEBUG
- __conf__.BIND_IP = opts.ip or __conf__.BIND_IP
- WebApp(callback=callback).run()
- __all__ = ["run", "WebApp", "get_ui_modules", "get_ui_methods"]