Python | 342 lines | 291 code | 18 blank | 33 comment | 14 complexity | 863957bf60587715d98fb551e1fda472 MD5 | raw file
- import re
- from decimal import Decimal
- from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.base import BaseSpatialOperations
- from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.util import SpatialOperation, SpatialFunction
- from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.spatialite.adapter import SpatiaLiteAdapter
- from django.contrib.gis.geometry.backend import Geometry
- from django.contrib.gis.measure import Distance
- from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
- from django.db.backends.sqlite3.base import DatabaseOperations
- from django.db.utils import DatabaseError
- class SpatiaLiteOperator(SpatialOperation):
- "For SpatiaLite operators (e.g. `&&`, `~`)."
- def __init__(self, operator):
- super(SpatiaLiteOperator, self).__init__(operator=operator)
- class SpatiaLiteFunction(SpatialFunction):
- "For SpatiaLite function calls."
- def __init__(self, function, **kwargs):
- super(SpatiaLiteFunction, self).__init__(function, **kwargs)
- class SpatiaLiteFunctionParam(SpatiaLiteFunction):
- "For SpatiaLite functions that take another parameter."
- sql_template = '%(function)s(%(geo_col)s, %(geometry)s, %%s)'
- class SpatiaLiteDistance(SpatiaLiteFunction):
- "For SpatiaLite distance operations."
- dist_func = 'Distance'
- sql_template = '%(function)s(%(geo_col)s, %(geometry)s) %(operator)s %%s'
- def __init__(self, operator):
- super(SpatiaLiteDistance, self).__init__(self.dist_func,
- operator=operator)
- class SpatiaLiteRelate(SpatiaLiteFunctionParam):
- "For SpatiaLite Relate(<geom>, <pattern>) calls."
- pattern_regex = re.compile(r'^[012TF\*]{9}$')
- def __init__(self, pattern):
- if not self.pattern_regex.match(pattern):
- raise ValueError('Invalid intersection matrix pattern "%s".' % pattern)
- super(SpatiaLiteRelate, self).__init__('Relate')
- # Valid distance types and substitutions
- dtypes = (Decimal, Distance, float, int, long)
- def get_dist_ops(operator):
- "Returns operations for regular distances; spherical distances are not currently supported."
- return (SpatiaLiteDistance(operator),)
- class SpatiaLiteOperations(DatabaseOperations, BaseSpatialOperations):
- compiler_module = 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.spatialite.compiler'
- name = 'spatialite'
- spatialite = True
- version_regex = re.compile(r'^(?P<major>\d)\.(?P<minor1>\d)\.(?P<minor2>\d+)')
- valid_aggregates = dict([(k, None) for k in ('Extent', 'Union')])
- Adapter = SpatiaLiteAdapter
- Adaptor = Adapter # Backwards-compatibility alias.
- area = 'Area'
- centroid = 'Centroid'
- contained = 'MbrWithin'
- difference = 'Difference'
- distance = 'Distance'
- envelope = 'Envelope'
- intersection = 'Intersection'
- length = 'GLength' # OpenGis defines Length, but this conflicts with an SQLite reserved keyword
- num_geom = 'NumGeometries'
- num_points = 'NumPoints'
- point_on_surface = 'PointOnSurface'
- scale = 'ScaleCoords'
- svg = 'AsSVG'
- sym_difference = 'SymDifference'
- transform = 'Transform'
- translate = 'ShiftCoords'
- union = 'GUnion' # OpenGis defines Union, but this conflicts with an SQLite reserved keyword
- unionagg = 'GUnion'
- from_text = 'GeomFromText'
- from_wkb = 'GeomFromWKB'
- select = 'AsText(%s)'
- geometry_functions = {
- 'equals' : SpatiaLiteFunction('Equals'),
- 'disjoint' : SpatiaLiteFunction('Disjoint'),
- 'touches' : SpatiaLiteFunction('Touches'),
- 'crosses' : SpatiaLiteFunction('Crosses'),
- 'within' : SpatiaLiteFunction('Within'),
- 'overlaps' : SpatiaLiteFunction('Overlaps'),
- 'contains' : SpatiaLiteFunction('Contains'),
- 'intersects' : SpatiaLiteFunction('Intersects'),
- 'relate' : (SpatiaLiteRelate, basestring),
- # Returns true if B's bounding box completely contains A's bounding box.
- 'contained' : SpatiaLiteFunction('MbrWithin'),
- # Returns true if A's bounding box completely contains B's bounding box.
- 'bbcontains' : SpatiaLiteFunction('MbrContains'),
- # Returns true if A's bounding box overlaps B's bounding box.
- 'bboverlaps' : SpatiaLiteFunction('MbrOverlaps'),
- # These are implemented here as synonyms for Equals
- 'same_as' : SpatiaLiteFunction('Equals'),
- 'exact' : SpatiaLiteFunction('Equals'),
- }
- distance_functions = {
- 'distance_gt' : (get_dist_ops('>'), dtypes),
- 'distance_gte' : (get_dist_ops('>='), dtypes),
- 'distance_lt' : (get_dist_ops('<'), dtypes),
- 'distance_lte' : (get_dist_ops('<='), dtypes),
- }
- geometry_functions.update(distance_functions)
- def __init__(self, connection):
- super(DatabaseOperations, self).__init__(connection)
- # Determine the version of the SpatiaLite library.
- try:
- vtup = self.spatialite_version_tuple()
- version = vtup[1:]
- if version < (2, 3, 0):
- raise ImproperlyConfigured('GeoDjango only supports SpatiaLite versions '
- '2.3.0 and above')
- self.spatial_version = version
- except ImproperlyConfigured:
- raise
- except Exception, msg:
- raise ImproperlyConfigured('Cannot determine the SpatiaLite version for the "%s" '
- 'database (error was "%s"). Was the SpatiaLite initialization '
- 'SQL loaded on this database?' %
- (self.connection.settings_dict['NAME'], msg))
- # Creating the GIS terms dictionary.
- gis_terms = ['isnull']
- gis_terms += self.geometry_functions.keys()
- self.gis_terms = dict([(term, None) for term in gis_terms])
- def check_aggregate_support(self, aggregate):
- """
- Checks if the given aggregate name is supported (that is, if it's
- in `self.valid_aggregates`).
- """
- agg_name = aggregate.__class__.__name__
- return agg_name in self.valid_aggregates
- def convert_geom(self, wkt, geo_field):
- """
- Converts geometry WKT returned from a SpatiaLite aggregate.
- """
- if wkt:
- return Geometry(wkt, geo_field.srid)
- else:
- return None
- def geo_db_type(self, f):
- """
- Returns None because geometry columnas are added via the
- `AddGeometryColumn` stored procedure on SpatiaLite.
- """
- return None
- def get_distance(self, f, value, lookup_type):
- """
- Returns the distance parameters for the given geometry field,
- lookup value, and lookup type. SpatiaLite only supports regular
- cartesian-based queries (no spheroid/sphere calculations for point
- geometries like PostGIS).
- """
- if not value:
- return []
- value = value[0]
- if isinstance(value, Distance):
- if f.geodetic(self.connection):
- raise ValueError('SpatiaLite does not support distance queries on '
- 'geometry fields with a geodetic coordinate system. '
- 'Distance objects; use a numeric value of your '
- 'distance in degrees instead.')
- else:
- dist_param = getattr(value, Distance.unit_attname(f.units_name(self.connection)))
- else:
- dist_param = value
- return [dist_param]
- def get_geom_placeholder(self, f, value):
- """
- Provides a proper substitution value for Geometries that are not in the
- SRID of the field. Specifically, this routine will substitute in the
- Transform() and GeomFromText() function call(s).
- """
- def transform_value(value, srid):
- return not (value is None or value.srid == srid)
- if hasattr(value, 'expression'):
- if transform_value(value, f.srid):
- placeholder = '%s(%%s, %s)' % (self.transform, f.srid)
- else:
- placeholder = '%s'
- # No geometry value used for F expression, substitue in
- # the column name instead.
- return placeholder % '%s.%s' % tuple(map(self.quote_name, value.cols[value.expression]))
- else:
- if transform_value(value, f.srid):
- # Adding Transform() to the SQL placeholder.
- return '%s(%s(%%s,%s), %s)' % (self.transform, self.from_text, value.srid, f.srid)
- else:
- return '%s(%%s,%s)' % (self.from_text, f.srid)
- def _get_spatialite_func(self, func):
- """
- Helper routine for calling SpatiaLite functions and returning
- their result.
- """
- cursor = self.connection._cursor()
- try:
- try:
- cursor.execute('SELECT %s' % func)
- row = cursor.fetchone()
- except:
- # Responsibility of caller to perform error handling.
- raise
- finally:
- cursor.close()
- return row[0]
- def geos_version(self):
- "Returns the version of GEOS used by SpatiaLite as a string."
- return self._get_spatialite_func('geos_version()')
- def proj4_version(self):
- "Returns the version of the PROJ.4 library used by SpatiaLite."
- return self._get_spatialite_func('proj4_version()')
- def spatialite_version(self):
- "Returns the SpatiaLite library version as a string."
- return self._get_spatialite_func('spatialite_version()')
- def spatialite_version_tuple(self):
- """
- Returns the SpatiaLite version as a tuple (version string, major,
- minor, subminor).
- """
- # Getting the SpatiaLite version.
- try:
- version = self.spatialite_version()
- except DatabaseError:
- # The `spatialite_version` function first appeared in version 2.3.1
- # of SpatiaLite, so doing a fallback test for 2.3.0 (which is
- # used by popular Debian/Ubuntu packages).
- version = None
- try:
- tmp = self._get_spatialite_func("X(GeomFromText('POINT(1 1)'))")
- if tmp == 1.0: version = '2.3.0'
- except DatabaseError:
- pass
- # If no version string defined, then just re-raise the original
- # exception.
- if version is None: raise
- m = self.version_regex.match(version)
- if m:
- major = int(m.group('major'))
- minor1 = int(m.group('minor1'))
- minor2 = int(m.group('minor2'))
- else:
- raise Exception('Could not parse SpatiaLite version string: %s' % version)
- return (version, major, minor1, minor2)
- def spatial_aggregate_sql(self, agg):
- """
- Returns the spatial aggregate SQL template and function for the
- given Aggregate instance.
- """
- agg_name = agg.__class__.__name__
- if not self.check_aggregate_support(agg):
- raise NotImplementedError('%s spatial aggregate is not implmented for this backend.' % agg_name)
- agg_name = agg_name.lower()
- if agg_name == 'union': agg_name += 'agg'
- sql_template = self.select % '%(function)s(%(field)s)'
- sql_function = getattr(self, agg_name)
- return sql_template, sql_function
- def spatial_lookup_sql(self, lvalue, lookup_type, value, field, qn):
- """
- Returns the SpatiaLite-specific SQL for the given lookup value
- [a tuple of (alias, column, db_type)], lookup type, lookup
- value, the model field, and the quoting function.
- """
- alias, col, db_type = lvalue
- # Getting the quoted field as `geo_col`.
- geo_col = '%s.%s' % (qn(alias), qn(col))
- if lookup_type in self.geometry_functions:
- # See if a SpatiaLite geometry function matches the lookup type.
- tmp = self.geometry_functions[lookup_type]
- # Lookup types that are tuples take tuple arguments, e.g., 'relate' and
- # distance lookups.
- if isinstance(tmp, tuple):
- # First element of tuple is the SpatiaLiteOperation instance, and the
- # second element is either the type or a tuple of acceptable types
- # that may passed in as further parameters for the lookup type.
- op, arg_type = tmp
- # Ensuring that a tuple _value_ was passed in from the user
- if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
- raise ValueError('Tuple required for `%s` lookup type.' % lookup_type)
- # Geometry is first element of lookup tuple.
- geom = value[0]
- # Number of valid tuple parameters depends on the lookup type.
- if len(value) != 2:
- raise ValueError('Incorrect number of parameters given for `%s` lookup type.' % lookup_type)
- # Ensuring the argument type matches what we expect.
- if not isinstance(value[1], arg_type):
- raise ValueError('Argument type should be %s, got %s instead.' % (arg_type, type(value[1])))
- # For lookup type `relate`, the op instance is not yet created (has
- # to be instantiated here to check the pattern parameter).
- if lookup_type == 'relate':
- op = op(value[1])
- elif lookup_type in self.distance_functions:
- op = op[0]
- else:
- op = tmp
- geom = value
- # Calling the `as_sql` function on the operation instance.
- return op.as_sql(geo_col, self.get_geom_placeholder(field, geom))
- elif lookup_type == 'isnull':
- # Handling 'isnull' lookup type
- return "%s IS %sNULL" % (geo_col, (not value and 'NOT ' or ''))
- raise TypeError("Got invalid lookup_type: %s" % repr(lookup_type))
- # Routines for getting the OGC-compliant models.
- def geometry_columns(self):
- from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.spatialite.models import GeometryColumns
- return GeometryColumns
- def spatial_ref_sys(self):
- from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.spatialite.models import SpatialRefSys
- return SpatialRefSys