Python | 431 lines | 394 code | 7 blank | 30 comment | 3 complexity | f469c5e34b4b521ab72b142934b946ec MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #Copyright (C) 2009-2010 :
- # Gabes Jean, naparuba@gmail.com
- # Gerhard Lausser, Gerhard.Lausser@consol.de
- # Gregory Starck, g.starck@gmail.com
- # Hartmut Goebel, h.goebel@goebel-consult.de
- #
- #This file is part of Shinken.
- #
- #Shinken is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- #(at your option) any later version.
- #
- #Shinken is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- #GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- #
- #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- #along with Shinken. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- import copy
- from itemgroup import Itemgroup, Itemgroups
- from shinken.property import BoolProp, IntegerProp, StringProp
- from shinken.log import logger
- #It change from hostgroup Class because there is no members
- #propertie, just the realm_members that we rewrite on it.
- class Realm(Itemgroup):
- id = 1 #0 is always a little bit special... like in database
- my_type = 'realm'
- properties = Itemgroup.properties.copy()
- properties.update({
- 'id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status']),
- 'realm_name': StringProp (fill_brok=['full_status']),
- 'realm_members': StringProp (default=''),#No status_broker_name because it put hosts, not host_name
- 'higher_realms': StringProp (default=''),
- 'default': BoolProp (default='0'),
- #'alias': {'required': True, 'fill_brok' : ['full_status']},
- #'notes': {'required': False, 'default':'', 'fill_brok' : ['full_status']},
- #'notes_url': {'required': False, 'default':'', 'fill_brok' : ['full_status']},
- #'action_url': {'required': False, 'default':'', 'fill_brok' : ['full_status']},
- })
- macros = {
- 'REALMNAME': 'realm_name',
- 'REALMMEMBERS': 'members',
- }
- def get_name(self):
- return self.realm_name
- def get_realms(self):
- return self.realm_members
- def add_string_member(self, member):
- self.realm_members += ','+member
- def get_realm_members(self):
- if self.has('realm_members'):
- return [r.strip() for r in self.realm_members.split(',')]
- else:
- return []
- # Use to make pyton properties
- # TODO : change itemgroup function pythonize?
- def pythonize(self):
- cls = self.__class__
- for prop, tab in cls.properties.items():
- try:
- old_val = getattr(self, prop)
- new_val = tab.pythonize(old_val)
- #print "Changing ", old_val, "by", new_val
- setattr(self, prop, new_val)
- except AttributeError , exp:
- pass # Will be catch at the is_correct moment
- # We fillfull properties with template ones if need
- # Because hostgroup we call may not have it's members
- # we call get_hosts_by_explosion on it
- def get_realms_by_explosion(self, realms):
- # First we tag the hg so it will not be explode
- # if a son of it already call it
- self.already_explode = True
- # Now the recursiv part
- # rec_tag is set to False avery HG we explode
- # so if True here, it must be a loop in HG
- # calls... not GOOD!
- if self.rec_tag:
- err = "Error : we've got a loop in realm definition %s" % self.get_name()
- self.configuration_errors.append(err)
- if self.has('members'):
- return self.members
- else:
- return ''
- #Ok, not a loop, we tag it and continue
- self.rec_tag = True
- p_mbrs = self.get_realm_members()
- for p_mbr in p_mbrs:
- p = realms.find_by_name(p_mbr.strip())
- if p is not None:
- value = p.get_realms_by_explosion(realms)
- if value is not None:
- self.add_string_member(value)
- if self.has('members'):
- return self.members
- else:
- return ''
- def get_all_subs_pollers(self):
- r = copy.copy(self.pollers)
- for p in self.realm_members:
- tmps = p.get_all_subs_pollers()
- for s in tmps:
- r.append(s)
- return r
- def get_all_subs_reactionners(self):
- r = copy.copy(self.reactionners)
- for p in self.realm_members:
- tmps = p.get_all_subs_reactionners()
- for s in tmps:
- r.append(s)
- return r
- def count_reactionners(self):
- self.nb_reactionners = 0
- for reactionner in self.reactionners:
- if not reactionner.spare:
- self.nb_reactionners += 1
- for realm in self.higher_realms:
- for reactionner in realm.reactionners:
- if not reactionner.spare and reactionner.manage_sub_realms:
- self.nb_reactionners += 1
- def fill_potential_reactionners(self):
- self.potential_reactionners = []
- for reactionner in self.reactionners:
- self.potential_reactionners.append(reactionner)
- for realm in self.higher_realms:
- for reactionner in realm.reactionners:
- if reactionner.manage_sub_realms:
- self.potential_reactionners.append(reactionner)
- def count_pollers(self):
- self.nb_pollers = 0
- for poller in self.pollers:
- if not poller.spare:
- self.nb_pollers += 1
- for realm in self.higher_realms:
- for poller in realm.pollers:
- if not poller.spare and poller.manage_sub_realms:
- self.nb_pollers += 1
- def fill_potential_pollers(self):
- self.potential_pollers = []
- for poller in self.pollers:
- self.potential_pollers.append(poller)
- for realm in self.higher_realms:
- for poller in realm.pollers:
- if poller.manage_sub_realms:
- self.potential_pollers.append(poller)
- def count_brokers(self):
- self.nb_brokers = 0
- for broker in self.brokers:
- if not broker.spare:
- self.nb_brokers += 1
- for realm in self.higher_realms:
- for broker in realm.brokers:
- if not broker.spare and broker.manage_sub_realms:
- self.nb_brokers += 1
- def fill_potential_brokers(self):
- self.potential_brokers = []
- for broker in self.brokers:
- self.potential_brokers.append(broker)
- for realm in self.higher_realms:
- for broker in realm.brokers:
- if broker.manage_sub_realms:
- self.potential_brokers.append(broker)
- def count_receivers(self):
- self.nb_receivers = 0
- for receiver in self.receivers:
- if not receiver.spare:
- self.nb_receivers += 1
- for realm in self.higher_realms:
- for receiver in realm.receivers:
- if not receiver.spare and receiver.manage_sub_realms:
- self.nb_receivers += 1
- def fill_potential_receivers(self):
- self.potential_receivers = []
- for broker in self.receivers:
- self.potential_receivers.append(broker)
- for realm in self.higher_realms:
- for broker in realm.receivers:
- if broker.manage_sub_realms:
- self.potential_receivers.append(broker)
- #Return the list of satellites of a certain type
- #like reactionner -> self.reactionners
- def get_satellties_by_type(self, type):
- if hasattr(self, type+'s'):
- return getattr(self, type+'s')
- else:
- print "Sorry I do not have this kind of satellites : ", type
- return []
- #Return the list of potentials satellites of a certain type
- #like reactionner -> self.potential_reactionners
- def get_potential_satellites_by_type(self, type):
- if hasattr(self, 'potential_'+type+'s'):
- return getattr(self, 'potential_'+type+'s')
- else:
- print "Sorry I do not have this kind of satellites : ", type
- return []
- #Return the list of potentials satellites of a certain type
- #like reactionner -> self.nb_reactionners
- def get_nb_of_must_have_satellites(self, type):
- if hasattr(self, 'nb_'+type+'s'):
- return getattr(self, 'nb_'+type+'s')
- else:
- print "Sorry I do not have this kind of satellites : ", type
- return 0
- #Fill dict of realms for managing the satellites confs
- def prepare_for_satellites_conf(self):
- self.to_satellites = {}
- self.to_satellites['reactionner'] = {}
- self.to_satellites['poller'] = {}
- self.to_satellites['broker'] = {}
- self.to_satellites['receiver'] = {}
- self.to_satellites_need_dispatch = {}
- self.to_satellites_need_dispatch['reactionner'] = {}
- self.to_satellites_need_dispatch['poller'] = {}
- self.to_satellites_need_dispatch['broker'] = {}
- self.to_satellites_need_dispatch['receiver'] = {}
- self.to_satellites_managed_by = {}
- self.to_satellites_managed_by['reactionner'] = {}
- self.to_satellites_managed_by['poller'] = {}
- self.to_satellites_managed_by['broker'] = {}
- self.to_satellites_managed_by['receiver'] = {}
- self.count_reactionners()
- self.fill_potential_reactionners()
- self.count_pollers()
- self.fill_potential_pollers()
- self.count_brokers()
- self.fill_potential_brokers()
- self.count_receivers()
- self.fill_potential_receivers()
- s = "%s : (in/potential) (schedulers:%d) (pollers:%d/%d) (reactionners:%d/%d) (brokers:%d/%d) (receivers:%d/%d)" % \
- (self.get_name(),
- len(self.schedulers),
- self.nb_pollers, len(self.potential_pollers),
- self.nb_reactionners, len(self.potential_reactionners),
- self.nb_brokers, len(self.potential_brokers),
- self.nb_receivers, len(self.potential_receivers)
- )
- logger.log(s)
- # TODO: find a better name...
- # TODO : and if he goes active?
- def fill_broker_with_poller_reactionner_links(self, broker):
- # First we create/void theses links
- broker.cfg['pollers'] = {}
- broker.cfg['reactionners'] = {}
- # First our own level
- for p in self.pollers:
- cfg = p.give_satellite_cfg()
- broker.cfg['pollers'][p.id] = cfg
- for r in self.reactionners:
- cfg = r.give_satellite_cfg()
- broker.cfg['reactionners'][r.id] = cfg
- # Then sub if we must to it
- if broker.manage_sub_realms:
- # Now pollers
- for p in self.get_all_subs_pollers():
- cfg = p.give_satellite_cfg()
- broker.cfg['pollers'][p.id] = cfg
- # Now reactionners
- for r in self.get_all_subs_reactionners():
- cfg = r.give_satellite_cfg()
- broker.cfg['reactionners'][r.id] = cfg
- # Get a conf package of satellites links that can be useful for
- # a scheduler
- def get_satellites_links_for_scheduler(self):
- cfg = {}
- # First we create/void theses links
- cfg['pollers'] = {}
- cfg['reactionners'] = {}
- # First our own level
- for p in self.pollers:
- c = p.give_satellite_cfg()
- cfg['pollers'][p.id] = c
- for r in self.reactionners:
- c = r.give_satellite_cfg()
- cfg['reactionners'][r.id] = c
- #print "***** Preparing a satellites conf for a scheduler", cfg
- return cfg
- class Realms(Itemgroups):
- name_property = "realm_name" # is used for finding hostgroups
- inner_class = Realm
- def get_members_by_name(self, pname):
- realm = self.find_by_name(pname)
- if realm is None:
- return []
- return realm.get_realms()
- def linkify(self):
- self.linkify_p_by_p()
- # prepare list of satellites and confs
- for p in self:
- p.pollers = []
- p.schedulers = []
- p.reactionners = []
- p.brokers = []
- p.receivers = []
- p.packs = []
- p.confs = {}
- #We just search for each realm the others realms
- #and replace the name by the realm
- def linkify_p_by_p(self):
- for p in self.items.values():
- mbrs = p.get_realm_members()
- #The new member list, in id
- new_mbrs = []
- for mbr in mbrs:
- new_mbr = self.find_by_name(mbr)
- if new_mbr is not None:
- new_mbrs.append(new_mbr)
- #We find the id, we remplace the names
- p.realm_members = new_mbrs
- #Now put higher realm in sub realms
- #So after they can
- for p in self.items.values():
- p.higher_realms = []
- for p in self.items.values():
- for sub_p in p.realm_members:
- sub_p.higher_realms.append(p)
- #Use to fill members with hostgroup_members
- def explode(self):
- #We do not want a same hg to be explode again and again
- #so we tag it
- for tmp_p in self.items.values():
- tmp_p.already_explode = False
- for p in self:
- if p.has('realm_members') and not p.already_explode:
- #get_hosts_by_explosion is a recursive
- #function, so we must tag hg so we do not loop
- for tmp_p in self:
- tmp_p.rec_tag = False
- p.get_realms_by_explosion(self)
- #We clean the tags
- for tmp_p in self.items.values():
- if hasattr(tmp_p, 'rec_tag'):
- del tmp_p.rec_tag
- del tmp_p.already_explode
- def get_default(self):
- for r in self:
- if getattr(r, 'default', False):
- return r
- return None
- def prepare_for_satellites_conf(self):
- for r in self:
- r.prepare_for_satellites_conf()