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C++ | 285 lines | 190 code | 67 blank | 28 comment | 23 complexity | 540a2288e7a657c4da306073af86d52a MD5 | raw file
  1. /*
  2. ==============================================================================
  3. This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
  4. Copyright 2004-11 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
  5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
  7. Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8. A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
  9. online at
  10. JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
  11. WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
  12. A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  13. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
  15. available: visit for more information.
  16. ==============================================================================
  17. */
  18. //==============================================================================
  20. STATICMETHOD (create, "create", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)Landroid/graphics/Typeface;") \
  21. STATICMETHOD (createFromFile, "createFromFile", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/graphics/Typeface;") \
  22. DECLARE_JNI_CLASS (TypefaceClass, "android/graphics/Typeface");
  23. #undef JNI_CLASS_MEMBERS
  24. //==============================================================================
  25. StringArray Font::findAllTypefaceNames()
  26. {
  27. StringArray results;
  28. Array<File> fonts;
  29. File ("/system/fonts").findChildFiles (fonts, File::findFiles, false, "*.ttf");
  30. for (int i = 0; i < fonts.size(); ++i)
  31. results.addIfNotAlreadyThere (fonts.getReference(i).getFileNameWithoutExtension()
  32. .upToLastOccurrenceOf ("-", false, false));
  33. return results;
  34. }
  35. StringArray Font::findAllTypefaceStyles (const String& family)
  36. {
  37. StringArray results ("Regular");
  38. Array<File> fonts;
  39. File ("/system/fonts").findChildFiles (fonts, File::findFiles, false, family + "-*.ttf");
  40. for (int i = 0; i < fonts.size(); ++i)
  41. results.addIfNotAlreadyThere (fonts.getReference(i).getFileNameWithoutExtension()
  42. .fromLastOccurrenceOf ("-", false, false));
  43. return results;
  44. }
  45. struct DefaultFontNames
  46. {
  47. DefaultFontNames()
  48. : defaultSans ("sans"),
  49. defaultSerif ("serif"),
  50. defaultFixed ("monospace"),
  51. defaultFallback ("sans")
  52. {
  53. }
  54. String defaultSans, defaultSerif, defaultFixed, defaultFallback;
  55. };
  56. Typeface::Ptr Font::getDefaultTypefaceForFont (const Font& font)
  57. {
  58. static DefaultFontNames defaultNames;
  59. String faceName (font.getTypefaceName());
  60. if (faceName == Font::getDefaultSansSerifFontName()) faceName = defaultNames.defaultSans;
  61. else if (faceName == Font::getDefaultSerifFontName()) faceName = defaultNames.defaultSerif;
  62. else if (faceName == Font::getDefaultMonospacedFontName()) faceName = defaultNames.defaultFixed;
  63. Font f (font);
  64. f.setTypefaceName (faceName);
  65. return Typeface::createSystemTypefaceFor (f);
  66. }
  67. const float referenceFontSize = 256.0f;
  68. const float referenceFontToUnits = 1.0f / referenceFontSize;
  69. //==============================================================================
  70. class AndroidTypeface : public Typeface
  71. {
  72. public:
  73. AndroidTypeface (const Font& font)
  74. : Typeface (font.getTypefaceName(), font.getTypefaceStyle()),
  75. ascent (0), descent (0), heightToPointsFactor (1.0f)
  76. {
  77. JNIEnv* const env = getEnv();
  78. const bool isBold = style.contains ("Bold");
  79. const bool isItalic = style.contains ("Italic");
  80. File fontFile (getFontFile (name, style));
  81. if (! fontFile.exists())
  82. fontFile = findFontFile (name, isBold, isItalic);
  83. if (fontFile.exists())
  84. typeface = GlobalRef (env->CallStaticObjectMethod (TypefaceClass, TypefaceClass.createFromFile,
  85. javaString (fontFile.getFullPathName()).get()));
  86. else
  87. typeface = GlobalRef (env->CallStaticObjectMethod (TypefaceClass, TypefaceClass.create,
  88. javaString (getName()).get(),
  89. (isBold ? 1 : 0) + (isItalic ? 2 : 0)));
  90. rect = GlobalRef (env->NewObject (RectClass, RectClass.constructor, 0, 0, 0, 0));
  91. paint = GlobalRef (GraphicsHelpers::createPaint (Graphics::highResamplingQuality));
  92. const LocalRef<jobject> ignored (paint.callObjectMethod (Paint.setTypeface, typeface.get()));
  93. paint.callVoidMethod (Paint.setTextSize, referenceFontSize);
  94. const float fullAscent = std::abs (paint.callFloatMethod (Paint.ascent));
  95. const float fullDescent = paint.callFloatMethod (Paint.descent);
  96. const float totalHeight = fullAscent + fullDescent;
  97. ascent = fullAscent / totalHeight;
  98. descent = fullDescent / totalHeight;
  99. heightToPointsFactor = referenceFontSize / totalHeight;
  100. }
  101. float getAscent() const { return ascent; }
  102. float getDescent() const { return descent; }
  103. float getHeightToPointsFactor() const { return heightToPointsFactor; }
  104. float getStringWidth (const String& text)
  105. {
  106. JNIEnv* env = getEnv();
  107. const int numChars = text.length();
  108. jfloatArray widths = env->NewFloatArray (numChars);
  109. const int numDone = paint.callIntMethod (Paint.getTextWidths, javaString (text).get(), widths);
  110. HeapBlock<jfloat> localWidths (numDone);
  111. env->GetFloatArrayRegion (widths, 0, numDone, localWidths);
  112. env->DeleteLocalRef (widths);
  113. float x = 0;
  114. for (int i = 0; i < numDone; ++i)
  115. x += localWidths[i];
  116. return x * referenceFontToUnits;
  117. }
  118. void getGlyphPositions (const String& text, Array<int>& glyphs, Array<float>& xOffsets)
  119. {
  120. JNIEnv* env = getEnv();
  121. const int numChars = text.length();
  122. jfloatArray widths = env->NewFloatArray (numChars);
  123. const int numDone = paint.callIntMethod (Paint.getTextWidths, javaString (text).get(), widths);
  124. HeapBlock<jfloat> localWidths (numDone);
  125. env->GetFloatArrayRegion (widths, 0, numDone, localWidths);
  126. env->DeleteLocalRef (widths);
  127. String::CharPointerType s (text.getCharPointer());
  128. xOffsets.add (0);
  129. float x = 0;
  130. for (int i = 0; i < numDone; ++i)
  131. {
  132. glyphs.add ((int) s.getAndAdvance());
  133. x += localWidths[i];
  134. xOffsets.add (x * referenceFontToUnits);
  135. }
  136. }
  137. bool getOutlineForGlyph (int /*glyphNumber*/, Path& /*destPath*/)
  138. {
  139. return false;
  140. }
  141. EdgeTable* getEdgeTableForGlyph (int glyphNumber, const AffineTransform& t)
  142. {
  143. JNIEnv* env = getEnv();
  144. jobject matrix = GraphicsHelpers::createMatrix (env, AffineTransform::scale (referenceFontToUnits).followedBy (t));
  145. jintArray maskData = (jintArray) android.activity.callObjectMethod (JuceAppActivity.renderGlyph, (jchar) glyphNumber, paint.get(), matrix, rect.get());
  146. env->DeleteLocalRef (matrix);
  147. const int left = env->GetIntField (rect.get(), RectClass.left);
  148. const int top = env->GetIntField (rect.get(),;
  149. const int right = env->GetIntField (rect.get(), RectClass.right);
  150. const int bottom = env->GetIntField (rect.get(), RectClass.bottom);
  151. const Rectangle<int> bounds (left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
  152. EdgeTable* et = nullptr;
  153. if (! bounds.isEmpty())
  154. {
  155. et = new EdgeTable (bounds);
  156. jint* const maskDataElements = env->GetIntArrayElements (maskData, 0);
  157. const jint* mask = maskDataElements;
  158. for (int y = top; y < bottom; ++y)
  159. {
  161. const uint8* const lineBytes = ((const uint8*) mask) + 3;
  162. #else
  163. const uint8* const lineBytes = (const uint8*) mask;
  164. #endif
  165. et->clipLineToMask (left, y, lineBytes, 4, bounds.getWidth());
  166. mask += bounds.getWidth();
  167. }
  168. env->ReleaseIntArrayElements (maskData, maskDataElements, 0);
  169. }
  170. env->DeleteLocalRef (maskData);
  171. return et;
  172. }
  173. GlobalRef typeface, paint, rect;
  174. float ascent, descent, heightToPointsFactor;
  175. private:
  176. static File findFontFile (const String& family,
  177. const bool bold, const bool italic)
  178. {
  179. File file;
  180. if (bold || italic)
  181. {
  182. String suffix;
  183. if (bold) suffix = "Bold";
  184. if (italic) suffix << "Italic";
  185. file = getFontFile (family, suffix);
  186. if (file.exists())
  187. return file;
  188. }
  189. file = getFontFile (family, "Regular");
  190. if (! file.exists())
  191. file = getFontFile (family, String::empty);
  192. return file;
  193. }
  194. static File getFontFile (const String& family, const String& style)
  195. {
  196. String path ("/system/fonts/" + family);
  197. if (style.isNotEmpty())
  198. path << '-' << style;
  199. return File (path + ".ttf");
  200. }
  202. };
  203. //==============================================================================
  204. Typeface::Ptr Typeface::createSystemTypefaceFor (const Font& font)
  205. {
  206. return new AndroidTypeface (font);
  207. }
  208. bool TextLayout::createNativeLayout (const AttributedString&)
  209. {
  210. return false;
  211. }