C | 613 lines | 291 code | 105 blank | 217 comment | 54 complexity | 73da922a30b325feccd7ba4fa7b184c2 MD5 | raw file
- /**
- * \file
- * \brief Low-level communication
- */
- #include "seawolf.h"
- #include "seawolf/mem_pool.h"
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <pthread.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- /**
- * \defgroup Comm Low-level communication
- * \ingroup Communications
- * \brief Provides support for sending and receiving messages directly to and from the hub
- * \{
- */
- /**
- * \cond Comm_Private
- * \internal
- */
- /**
- * Maximum number of consective errors allowed while attempting to receive data
- * from the hub before the application is terminated
- */
- /**
- * The response set starts out with this many space and will grow by this ammount any time more room is needed
- */
- /**
- * Maximum request ID that can be embedded in a message. 16-bits in the packed
- * message are reserved for the request ID allowing values up to this
- */
- #define MAX_REQUEST_ID ((uint32_t)0xffff)
- /** IP address of server to connect to */
- static char* comm_server = NULL;
- /** Port of server to connect to */
- static uint16_t comm_port = 31427;
- /** Password to authenticate using */
- static char* auth_password = NULL;
- /** The actual socket file descriptor */
- static int comm_socket;
- /** Task handle for thread that recieves incoming messages */
- static Task_Handle receive_thread;
- /** Component initialization status */
- static bool initialized = false;
- /** Signals that the current application has been disconnected from the hub */
- static bool hub_shutdown = false;
- /** Current size of the response set table */
- static size_t response_set_size = RESPONSE_SET_GROW;
- /** The response set table itself */
- static Comm_Message** response_set = NULL;
- /** Specifies whether a response is already pending for a given ID so as to not
- reissue that ID before a response is returned */
- static bool* response_pending = NULL;
- /** Response set mutex lock */
- static pthread_mutex_t response_set_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
- /** New response available conditional */
- static pthread_cond_t new_response = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
- static void Comm_authenticate(void);
- static Comm_PackedMessage* Comm_receivePackedMessage(void);
- static int Comm_receiveThread(void);
- /**
- * \endcond Comm_Private
- */
- /**
- * \brief Initialize the Comm component
- *
- * Initialize the Comm component by connecting a hub server at the configured
- * server and port and attempt to authenticate
- *
- * \private
- */
- void Comm_init(void) {
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- if(comm_server == NULL) {
- Logging_log(CRITICAL, "No Comm_server address is set!");
- Seawolf_exitError();
- }
- /* Build connection address */
- addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(comm_server);
- addr.sin_port = htons(comm_port);
- /* Create socket */
- comm_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if(comm_socket == -1) {
- Logging_log(CRITICAL, __Util_format("Unable to create socket: %s", strerror(errno)));
- Seawolf_exitError();
- }
- /* Connect socket */
- if(connect(comm_socket, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof(addr))) {
- Logging_log(CRITICAL, __Util_format("Unable to connect to Comm server: %s", strerror(errno)));
- Seawolf_exitError();
- }
- /* Prepare response set */
- response_set = calloc(response_set_size, sizeof(Comm_Message*));
- response_pending = calloc(response_set_size, sizeof(bool));
- /* Run receive thread */
- initialized = true;
- receive_thread = Task_background(&Comm_receiveThread);
- /* Authenticate */
- Comm_authenticate();
- }
- /**
- * \brief Perform authentication with the hub
- *
- * Authenticate with the hub server using the password specified by a call to
- * Comm_setPassword()
- */
- static void Comm_authenticate(void) {
- static char* namespace = "COMM";
- static char* command = "AUTH";
- if(auth_password) {
- Comm_Message* auth_message = Comm_Message_new(3);
- Comm_Message* response;
- auth_message->components[0] = namespace;
- auth_message->components[1] = command;
- auth_message->components[2] = auth_password;
- Comm_assignRequestID(auth_message);
- response = Comm_sendMessage(auth_message);
- if(response == NULL || strcmp(response->components[1], "SUCCESS") != 0) {
- Logging_log(CRITICAL, "Failed to authenticate with hub server!");
- } else {
- MemPool_free(auth_message->alloc);
- MemPool_free(response->alloc);
- return;
- }
- } else {
- Logging_log(CRITICAL, "No Comm_password set. Unable to connect to Comm server");
- }
- Seawolf_exitError();
- }
- /**
- * \brief Receive a packed message from the hub socket
- *
- * Receive a message from the hub and return at Comm_PackedMessage object
- * representing this received object
- *
- * \return A new Comm_PackedMessage object
- */
- static Comm_PackedMessage* Comm_receivePackedMessage(void) {
- Comm_PackedMessage* packed_message;
- uint16_t total_data_size;
- int n;
- n = recv(comm_socket, &total_data_size, sizeof(uint16_t), MSG_WAITALL|MSG_PEEK);
- if(n != sizeof(uint16_t)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- total_data_size = ntohs(total_data_size);
- packed_message = Comm_PackedMessage_new();
- packed_message->length = total_data_size + COMM_MESSAGE_PREFIX_LEN;
- packed_message->data = MemPool_reserve(packed_message->alloc, packed_message->length);
- n = recv(comm_socket, packed_message->data, packed_message->length, MSG_WAITALL);
- if(n != packed_message->length) {
- MemPool_free(packed_message->alloc);
- return NULL;
- }
- return packed_message;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Message receive loop
- *
- * Spawned by Comm_init() to receive incoming messages and process/queue them
- *
- * \return Returns 0 when shutting down (after a call to Comm_close())
- */
- static int Comm_receiveThread(void) {
- Comm_PackedMessage* packed_message;
- Comm_Message* message;
- unsigned short error_count = 0;
- while(initialized) {
- packed_message = Comm_receivePackedMessage();
- /* Receive error */
- if(packed_message == NULL) {
- if(Seawolf_closing()) {
- /* Library is closing and we've already been disconnected from
- the hub. Specify that the hub is gone and exit the main
- loop */
- hub_shutdown = true;
- break;
- }
- error_count++;
- if(error_count > MAX_RECEIVE_ERROR) {
- hub_shutdown = true;
- Logging_log(CRITICAL, "Excessive read errors (lost connection to hub), terminating!");
- Seawolf_exitError();
- /* It's possible for Seawolf_exitError to have been called
- elsewhere which presents a race condition. If
- Seawolf_exitError returns then ensure we exit the loop */
- break;
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* Received good packet, reset error count */
- error_count = 0;
- /* Unpack message */
- message = Comm_unpackMessage(packed_message);
- if(message->request_id != 0) {
- pthread_mutex_lock(&response_set_lock);
- response_set[message->request_id] = message;
- pthread_cond_broadcast(&new_response);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&response_set_lock);
- } else if(strcmp(message->components[0], "NOTIFY") == 0) {
- /* Inbound notification */
- Notify_inputMessage(message);
- } else if(strcmp(message->components[0], "WATCH") == 0) {
- /* Inbound variable subscription udpdate */
- Var_inputMessage(message);
- } else if(strcmp(message->components[0], "COMM") == 0) {
- if(strcmp(message->components[1], "KICKING") == 0) {
- hub_shutdown = true;
- Logging_log(ERROR, __Util_format("I've been kicked: %s", message->components[2]));
- Seawolf_exitError();
- }
- MemPool_free(message->alloc);
- } else {
- /* Unknown, unsolicited message */
- MemPool_free(message->alloc);
- }
- }
- /* Wake up any stuck Comm_sendMessage call */
- pthread_mutex_lock(&response_set_lock);
- pthread_cond_broadcast(&new_response);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&response_set_lock);
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Send a message to the hub
- *
- * Send a message given as a Comm_Message to the connected hub after
- * packing. If a response is expected, block until the response is received and
- * return it.
- *
- * \param message A pointer to a Comm_Message representing the message to be
- * sent
- * \return If a response is expected, block until the response is available and
- * return the unpacked response. Otherwise, return NULL
- */
- Comm_Message* Comm_sendMessage(Comm_Message* message) {
- static pthread_mutex_t send_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
- Comm_PackedMessage* packed_message;
- Comm_Message* response = NULL;
- int n;
- if(hub_shutdown) {
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Pack message */
- packed_message = Comm_packMessage(message);
- /* Send data */
- pthread_mutex_lock(&send_lock);
- n = send(comm_socket, packed_message->data, packed_message->length, 0);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&send_lock);
- /* Send error */
- if(n < 0) {
- hub_shutdown = true;
- Logging_log(CRITICAL, "Unable to send message (lost connection to hub), terminating!");
- Seawolf_exitError();
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Expect a response and wait for it */
- if(message->request_id != 0) {
- pthread_mutex_lock(&response_set_lock);
- while(response_set[message->request_id] == NULL) {
- /* Woken up during shutdown. Return NULL */
- if(hub_shutdown) {
- return NULL;
- }
- pthread_cond_wait(&new_response, &response_set_lock);
- }
- response = response_set[message->request_id];
- response_pending[message->request_id] = false;
- response_set[message->request_id] = NULL;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&response_set_lock);
- }
- return response;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Assign a ID for a request message
- *
- * If a message is to be sent and requires a responses than a request ID must be
- * assigned to the message
- *
- * \param message The message to assign an ID to
- */
- void Comm_assignRequestID(Comm_Message* message) {
- static uint32_t last_id = 1;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&response_set_lock);
- message->request_id = last_id;
- while(response_pending[message->request_id] == true) {
- message->request_id = (message->request_id % (response_set_size - 1)) + 1;
- /* Every available ID is taken, make space for more and make the
- response ID the next available one */
- if(message->request_id == last_id && response_set_size + RESPONSE_SET_GROW < MAX_REQUEST_ID) {
- last_id = response_set_size;
- message->request_id = last_id;
- response_set = realloc(response_set, sizeof(Comm_Message*) * (response_set_size + RESPONSE_SET_GROW));
- response_pending = realloc(response_pending, sizeof(bool) * (response_set_size + RESPONSE_SET_GROW));
- memset(response_set + response_set_size, 0, RESPONSE_SET_GROW * sizeof(Comm_Message*));
- memset(response_pending + response_set_size, 0, RESPONSE_SET_GROW * sizeof(bool));
- response_set_size += RESPONSE_SET_GROW;
- }
- }
- response_set[message->request_id] = NULL;
- response_pending[message->request_id] = true;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&response_set_lock);
- }
- /**
- * \brief Pack a message
- *
- * Return a packed message constructed from the given message
- *
- * \param message The message to packe
- * \return The packed equivalent of message
- */
- Comm_PackedMessage* Comm_packMessage(Comm_Message* message) {
- Comm_PackedMessage* packed_message = Comm_PackedMessage_newWithAlloc(message->alloc);
- size_t total_data_length = 0;
- size_t* component_lengths = MemPool_reserve(message->alloc, sizeof(size_t) * message->count);
- char* buffer;
- int i;
- /* Add length of each message and space for a null terminator for each */
- for(i = 0; i < message->count; i++) {
- component_lengths[i] = strlen(message->components[i]) + 1;
- total_data_length += component_lengths[i];
- }
- /* Store message information */
- packed_message->length = total_data_length + COMM_MESSAGE_PREFIX_LEN;
- packed_message->data = MemPool_reserve(message->alloc, packed_message->length);
- /* Build packed message header */
- ((uint16_t*)packed_message->data)[0] = htons(total_data_length);
- ((uint16_t*)packed_message->data)[1] = htons(message->request_id);
- ((uint16_t*)packed_message->data)[2] = htons(message->count);
- /* Copy message components */
- buffer = packed_message->data + COMM_MESSAGE_PREFIX_LEN;
- for(i = 0; i < message->count; i++) {
- memcpy(buffer, message->components[i], component_lengths[i]);
- buffer += component_lengths[i];
- }
- return packed_message;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Unpack a message
- *
- * Unpack and return the given packed message. The returned message can be freed
- * with a call to Comm_Message_destroyUnpacked()
- *
- * \param packed_message A packed message to unpack
- * \return The unpacked message
- */
- Comm_Message* Comm_unpackMessage(Comm_PackedMessage* packed_message) {
- Comm_Message* message = Comm_Message_newWithAlloc(packed_message->alloc, 0);
- size_t data_length = ntohs(((uint16_t*)packed_message->data)[0]);
- /* Build message meta information */
- message->request_id = ntohs(((uint16_t*)packed_message->data)[1]);
- message->count = ntohs(((uint16_t*)packed_message->data)[2]);
- if(message->count == 0) {
- message->components = NULL;
- return message;
- }
- message->components = MemPool_reserve(message->alloc, sizeof(char*) * message->count);
- /* Extract components -- we allocate all the space to the first and use the
- rest of the elements as indexes */
- message->components[0] = MemPool_reserve(message->alloc, data_length);
- memcpy(message->components[0], packed_message->data + COMM_MESSAGE_PREFIX_LEN, data_length);
- /* Point the rest of the components into the space allocated to the first */
- for(int i = 1; i < message->count; i++) {
- message->components[i] = message->components[i-1] + strlen(message->components[i-1]) + 1;
- }
- return message;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Create a new message
- *
- * Create a new message with space for the given number of components. Space is
- * only allocated for the char pointers to the components, not to the
- * components themselves. Space for the components should be allocated and freed
- * separately.
- *
- * \param alloc The MemPool allocation to allocate space for this message from
- * \param component_count The number of components to make space for. If component_count is 0, no allocation is done
- * \return A new message
- */
- Comm_Message* Comm_Message_newWithAlloc(MemPool_Alloc* alloc, unsigned int component_count) {
- Comm_Message* message = MemPool_reserve(alloc, sizeof(Comm_Message));
- message->request_id = 0;
- message->count = component_count;
- message->components = NULL;
- message->alloc = alloc;
- if(component_count) {
- message->components = MemPool_reserve(alloc, sizeof(char*) * component_count);
- }
- return message;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Create a new message
- *
- * Allocate and return a new message using a new allocation
- *
- * \param component_count The number of components to make space for
- * \return The newly allocated message
- * \see Comm_Message_newWithAlloc
- */
- Comm_Message* Comm_Message_new(unsigned int component_count) {
- MemPool_Alloc* alloc = MemPool_alloc();
- return Comm_Message_newWithAlloc(alloc, component_count);
- }
- /**
- * \brief Create a new packed message object
- *
- * Return a new, emtpy packed message. No space is allocated to store data and
- * this should be allocated separately.
- *
- * \param alloc The MemPool allocation to allocate space for this message from
- * \return A new packed message object
- */
- Comm_PackedMessage* Comm_PackedMessage_newWithAlloc(MemPool_Alloc* alloc) {
- Comm_PackedMessage* packed_message = MemPool_reserve(alloc, sizeof(Comm_PackedMessage));
- packed_message->length = 0;
- packed_message->data = NULL;
- packed_message->alloc = alloc;
- return packed_message;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Create a new packed message object
- *
- * Return a new packed message object allocated from a new MemPool allocation
- *
- * \return A new packed message object
- * \see Comm_PackedMessage_newWithAlloc
- */
- Comm_PackedMessage* Comm_PackedMessage_new(void) {
- MemPool_Alloc* alloc = MemPool_alloc();
- return Comm_PackedMessage_newWithAlloc(alloc);
- }
- /**
- * \brief Set the hub password
- *
- * Set the password to use when authenticating with the hub
- *
- * \param password The password to authenticate with
- */
- void Comm_setPassword(const char* password) {
- auth_password = strdup(password);
- }
- /**
- * \brief Set the server to connect to
- *
- * Specify the server to connect to as an IP address given as a string
- *
- * \param server The IP address of the server to connect to given as a string
- */
- void Comm_setServer(const char* server) {
- comm_server = strdup(server);
- }
- /**
- * \brief Set the hub server port
- *
- * Specify the port to connect to when connceting to the hub
- *
- * \param port The port number to connect to
- */
- void Comm_setPort(uint16_t port) {
- comm_port = port;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Destroy a message
- *
- * Free all memory associated with a message and any packed message derived from
- * this message
- *
- * \param message The message to free
- */
- void Comm_Message_destroy(Comm_Message* message) {
- MemPool_free(message->alloc);
- }
- /**
- * \brief Close the Comm component
- *
- * Close the Comm component; close all connections, free memory, etc.
- *
- * \private
- */
- void Comm_close(void) {
- Comm_Message* message;
- /* This check is necessary if an error condition is reached in Comm_init */
- if(initialized) {
- if(!hub_shutdown) {
- message = Comm_Message_new(2);
- message->components[0] = MemPool_strdup(message->alloc, "COMM");
- message->components[1] = MemPool_strdup(message->alloc, "SHUTDOWN");
- Comm_assignRequestID(message);
- Comm_sendMessage(message);
- MemPool_free(message->alloc);
- }
- shutdown(comm_socket, SHUT_RDWR);
- Task_wait(receive_thread);
- free(response_set);
- free(response_pending);
- initialized = false;
- }
- if(comm_server) {
- free(comm_server);
- }
- if(auth_password) {
- free(auth_password);
- }
- }
- /** \} */