Python | 303 lines | 236 code | 26 blank | 41 comment | 15 complexity | 8a1e8ebf082b9727718ecb0d3c1562de MD5 | raw file
- from Acquisition import aq_get
- from DateTime import DateTime
- from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
- from Products.CMFPlone.utils import base_hasattr
- from Products.MailBoxer.MailBoxer import FALSE
- from Products.MailBoxer.MailBoxer import MailBoxer
- from Products.MailBoxer.MailBoxer import TRUE
- from Products.MailBoxer.MailBoxer import setMailBoxerProperties
- from Products.MailBoxer.MailBoxerTools import splitMail
- from Products.MailBoxer.messagevalidators import setDefaultValidatorChain
- from Products.listen.i18n import _
- from Products.listen.interfaces import IMailFromString
- from Products.listen.interfaces import IMessageHandler
- from Products.listen.lib.browser_utils import getSiteEncoding
- from Products.listen.lib.common import construct_simple_encoded_message
- from email.Header import Header
- from plone.mail import decode_header
- from zope.app import zapi
- from zope.component import queryMultiAdapter
- import logging
- import re
- import rfc822
- import zope.event
- logger = logging.getLogger('listen.content.mailboxer_list')
- # A REGEX for messages containing mail-commands
- mail_command_re = re.compile('\(mail-command:([A-Za-z_-]+)',
- class MailBoxerMailingList(MailBoxer):
- """
- A slightly customized MailBoxer with some less cryptic method names
- """
- # Mailboxer wants the name of a catalog to acquire
- catalog = 'mail_catalog'
- def manage_mailboxer(self, REQUEST):
- """ Override to allow triggering of pluggable mail handlers
- """
- if self.checkMail(REQUEST):
- return FALSE
- # Check for subscription/unsubscription-request and confirmations
- if self.requestMail(REQUEST):
- return TRUE
- if self.adaptMail(REQUEST):
- return TRUE
- if self.manager_mail(REQUEST):
- return TRUE
- # Process the mail...
- self.processMail(REQUEST)
- return TRUE
- def manager_mail(self, REQUEST):
- # Intended for subclasses to override.
- return False
- def adaptMail(self, REQUEST):
- """Adapts an incoming request to a specialized view for handling
- mail if requested."""
- mailString = self.getMailFromRequest(REQUEST)
- (header, body) = splitMail(mailString)
- encoding = getSiteEncoding(self)
- subject = decode_header(str(Header(header.get('subject',''),
- encoding,
- errors='replace')))
- command_match = re.search(mail_command_re, subject)
- if command_match:
- command_name = command_match.groups()[0]
- adapter = queryMultiAdapter((self, REQUEST), IMessageHandler,
- name=command_name)
- if adapter is not None:
- adapter.processMail()
- return True
- return False
- def sendCommandRequestMail(self, address, subject, body, from_address=None, extra_headers={}):
- if not address:
- print ('Products.listen.content.MailBoxerMailingList.sendCommandRequestMail() '
- 'invalid address; user may have been deleted')
- return
- if from_address is None:
- from_address = self.mailto
- # Default headers:
- headers = {'X-Mailer': self.getValueFor('xmailer')}
- headers.update(extra_headers)
- encoding = getSiteEncoding(self)
- message = construct_simple_encoded_message(from_addr=from_address,
- to_addr=address,
- subject=subject,
- body=body,
- other_headers=headers,
- encoding=encoding)
- # XXX: Acquire the MailHost, yuck
- mh = getToolByName(self, 'MailHost')
- mh.send(str(message))
- def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container, **kw):
- """Setup properties and sub-objects"""
- # Only run on add, not rename, etc.
- if not base_hasattr(self, 'mqueue'):
- setMailBoxerProperties(self, self.REQUEST, kw)
- # Setup the default checkMail validator chain
- setDefaultValidatorChain(self)
- # Add Archive
- archive = zapi.createObject('listen.ArchiveFactory', self.storage,
- title=_(u'List Archive'))
- item._setObject(self.storage, archive)
- # Add moderation queue
- mqueue = zapi.createObject('listen.QueueFactory', self.mailqueue,
- title=_(u'Moderation queue'))
- item._setObject(self.mailqueue, mqueue)
- ttool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_types', None)
- if ttool is not None:
- # If the archive/queue are CMF types then we must finish
- # constructing them.
- fti = ttool.getTypeInfo(mqueue)
- if fti is not None:
- fti._finishConstruction(mqueue)
- fti = ttool.getTypeInfo(archive)
- if fti is not None:
- fti._finishConstruction(archive)
- MailBoxer.manage_afterAdd(self, self.REQUEST, kw)
- # modified manage_addMail from MailBoxer.py to make things more modular
- def addMail(self, mailString, force_id=False):
- """ Store mail in date based folder archive.
- Returns created mail. See IMailingList interface.
- """
- archive = aq_get(self, self.getValueFor('storage'), None)
- # no archive available? then return immediately
- if archive is None:
- return None
- (header, body) = splitMail(mailString)
- # if 'keepdate' is set, get date from mail,
- if self.getValueFor('keepdate'):
- assert header.get("date") is not None
- time = DateTime(header.get("date"))
- # ... take our own date, clients are always lying!
- else:
- time = DateTime()
- # now let's create the date-path (yyyy/mm)
- year = str(time.year()) # yyyy
- month = str(time.mm()) # mm
- title = "%s %s"%(time.Month(), year)
- # do we have a year folder already?
- if not base_hasattr(archive, year):
- self.addMailBoxerFolder(archive, year, year, btree=False)
- yearFolder=getattr(archive, year)
- # do we have a month folder already?
- if not base_hasattr(yearFolder, month):
- self.addMailBoxerFolder(yearFolder, month, title)
- mailFolder=getattr(yearFolder, month)
- subject = header.get('subject', _('No Subject'))
- sender = header.get('from',_('Unknown'))
- # search a free id for the mailobject
- id = time.millis()
- while base_hasattr(mailFolder, str(id)):
- if force_id:
- raise AssertionError("ID %s already exists on folder %s" % (id, mailFolder))
- id = id + 1
- id = str(id)
- self.addMailBoxerMail(mailFolder, id, sender, subject, time,
- mailString)
- mailObject = getattr(mailFolder, id)
- return mailObject
- # Override the original MailBoxer method
- manage_addMail = addMail
- # Componentize folder creation
- def addMailBoxerFolder(self, context, id, title, btree=True):
- """ Adds an archive-folder using a configured factory
- """
- folder = zapi.createObject('listen.FolderFactory',
- id, title, btree=btree)
- context._setObject(id, folder)
- # Componentize mail creation
- def addMailBoxerMail(self, folder, id, sender, subject, date, mail):
- # Strip out the list name from the subject, as it serves no purpose
- # in the archive.
- subject = subject.replace('[%s]' % self.getValueFor('title'), '')
- new_message = zapi.createObject('listen.MailFactory',
- id, sender, subject, date)
- folder._setObject(id, new_message)
- msg = getattr(folder, id)
- # Adapt message to provide methods for parsing mail and extracting
- # headers
- settable_msg = IMailFromString(msg)
- # This is ugly, but it is the MailBoxer way, last option means no
- # attachments.
- store_attachments = self.archived == 0
- # Set properties on message
- settable_msg.createMailFromMessage(mail, store_attachments)
- zope.event.notify(
- zope.app.event.objectevent.ObjectModifiedEvent(msg))
- return msg
- # For now use the builtin methods
- resetBounces = MailBoxer.manage_resetBounces
- moderateMail = MailBoxer.manage_moderateMail
- # Override getValueFor to always return ASCII encoded strings, as they
- # may be included in an email header or body. We use 7-bit encoded
- # in the site encoding if the string won't convert to ascii.
- # Our mailing list title, and email addresses may be unicode, this will
- # convert them
- def getValueFor(self, key):
- # value = MailBoxer.getValueFor(self, key)
- # Simplify: we have no need for all the strange 'getter' magic that
- # MailBoxer does
- value = self.getProperty(key)
- encoding = getSiteEncoding(self)
- try:
- if hasattr(value, 'encode'):
- value = self._encodedHeader(value, encoding)
- elif isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple):
- value = [self._encodedHeader(v, encoding) for v in value]
- except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
- # Just in case one of our 'utf-8' encoding attempts fails, we
- # give up
- pass
- except AttributeError:
- # No 'encode' method on a list element, so give up
- pass
- return value
- @staticmethod
- def _encodedHeader(value, encoding):
- """
- Given a value (or list of values) and an ecoding, return it
- encoded as per rfc2047 for use in a MIME message header.
- >>> from Products.listen.content.mailboxer_list import MailBoxerMailingList
- If the input can be converted to ascii, it will be, regardless
- of the encoding argument:
- >>> MailBoxerMailingList._encodedHeader('blah', 'utf8')
- 'blah'
- If it can be encoded to the target encoding, it will be, and
- then encoded as per rfc2047:
- >>> input = u'\xbfhmm?'
- >>> MailBoxerMailingList._encodedHeader(input, 'utf8')
- '=?utf8?b?wr9obW0/?='
- >>> MailBoxerMailingList._encodedHeader(input.encode('utf8'), 'utf8')
- '=?utf8?b?wr9obW0/?='
- >>> raw = 'a string \345\276\267\345\233\275'
- >>> MailBoxerMailingList._encodedHeader(raw, 'utf8')
- '=?utf8?b?YSBzdHJpbmcg5b635Zu9?='
- All other cases will raise an exception. Typically this means
- a raw byte string in an incompatible encoding:
- >>> MailBoxerMailingList._encodedHeader(input.encode('latin1'), 'utf8')
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xbf in position 0: unexpected code byte
- """
- try:
- value = value.encode('ascii')
- except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
- try:
- value = Header(value.encode(encoding), encoding).encode()
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- try:
- value = Header(value, encoding).encode()
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- logger.error("Could not guess encoding of raw bytestring %r, there is probably a bug in the code that created this header." % value)
- raise
- return value