Python | 408 lines | 355 code | 18 blank | 35 comment | 6 complexity | d49639b4dafdf8879d8f7d97300e1faf MD5 | raw file
- import re
- import glob
- import numpy as np
- from ... import ascii as asciitable
- io = asciitable.core.io
- from .common import (raises,
- assert_equal, assert_almost_equal, assert_true,
- setup_function, teardown_function)
- def assert_equal_splitlines(arg1, arg2):
- assert_equal(arg1.splitlines(), arg2.splitlines())
- def test_read_normal():
- """Nice, typical fixed format table"""
- table = """
- # comment (with blank line above)
- | Col1 | Col2 |
- | 1.2 | "hello" |
- | 2.4 |'s worlds|
- """
- reader = asciitable.get_reader(Reader=asciitable.FixedWidth)
- dat = reader.read(table)
- assert_equal(reader.header.colnames, ('Col1', 'Col2'))
- assert_almost_equal(dat[1][0], 2.4)
- assert_equal(dat[0][1], '"hello"')
- assert_equal(dat[1][1], "'s worlds")
- def test_read_normal_names():
- """Nice, typical fixed format table with col names provided"""
- table = """
- # comment (with blank line above)
- | Col1 | Col2 |
- | 1.2 | "hello" |
- | 2.4 |'s worlds|
- """
- reader = asciitable.get_reader(Reader=asciitable.FixedWidth,
- names=('name1', 'name2'))
- dat = reader.read(table)
- assert_equal(reader.header.colnames, ('name1', 'name2'))
- assert_almost_equal(dat[1][0], 2.4)
- def test_read_normal_names_include():
- """Nice, typical fixed format table with col names provided"""
- table = """
- # comment (with blank line above)
- | Col1 | Col2 | Col3 |
- | 1.2 | "hello" | 3 |
- | 2.4 |'s worlds| 7 |
- """
- reader = asciitable.get_reader(Reader=asciitable.FixedWidth,
- names=('name1', 'name2', 'name3'),
- include_names=('name1', 'name3'))
- dat = reader.read(table)
- assert_equal(reader.header.colnames, ('name1', 'name3'))
- assert_almost_equal(dat[1][0], 2.4)
- assert_equal(dat[0][1], 3)
- def test_read_normal_exclude():
- """Nice, typical fixed format table with col name excluded"""
- table = """
- # comment (with blank line above)
- | Col1 | Col2 |
- | 1.2 | "hello" |
- | 2.4 |'s worlds|
- """
- reader = asciitable.get_reader(Reader=asciitable.FixedWidth,
- exclude_names=('Col1',))
- dat = reader.read(table)
- assert_equal(reader.header.colnames, ('Col2',))
- assert_equal(dat[1][0], "'s worlds")
- def test_read_weird():
- """Weird input table with data values chopped by col extent """
- table = """
- Col1 | Col2 |
- 1.2 "hello"
- 2.4 sdf's worlds
- """
- reader = asciitable.get_reader(Reader=asciitable.FixedWidth)
- dat = reader.read(table)
- assert_equal(reader.header.colnames, ('Col1', 'Col2'))
- assert_almost_equal(dat[1][0], 2.4)
- assert_equal(dat[0][1], '"hel')
- assert_equal(dat[1][1], "df's wo")
- def test_read_double():
- """Table with double delimiters"""
- table = """
- || Name || Phone || TCP||
- | John | 555-1234 ||
- | Mary | 555-2134 ||
- | Bob | 555-4527 ||
- """
- dat = asciitable.read(table, Reader=asciitable.FixedWidth, guess=False)
- assert_equal(tuple(dat.dtype.names), ('Name', 'Phone', 'TCP'))
- assert_equal(dat[1][0], "Mary")
- assert_equal(dat[0][1], "555-1234")
- assert_equal(dat[2][2], "")
- def test_read_space_delimiter():
- """Table with space delimiter"""
- table = """
- Name --Phone- ----TCP-----
- John 555-1234
- Mary 555-2134
- Bob 555-4527
- """
- dat = asciitable.read(table, Reader=asciitable.FixedWidth, guess=False,
- delimiter=' ')
- assert_equal(tuple(dat.dtype.names), ('Name', '--Phone-', '----TCP-----'))
- assert_equal(dat[1][0], "Mary")
- assert_equal(dat[0][1], "555-1234")
- assert_equal(dat[2][2], "")
- def test_read_no_header_autocolumn():
- """Table with no header row and auto-column naming"""
- table = """
- | John | 555-1234 ||
- | Mary | 555-2134 ||
- | Bob | 555-4527 ||
- """
- dat = asciitable.read(table, Reader=asciitable.FixedWidth, guess=False,
- header_start=None, data_start=0)
- assert_equal(tuple(dat.dtype.names), ('col1', 'col2', 'col3'))
- assert_equal(dat[1][0], "Mary")
- assert_equal(dat[0][1], "555-1234")
- assert_equal(dat[2][2], "")
- def test_read_no_header_names():
- """Table with no header row and with col names provided. Second
- and third rows also have hanging spaces after final |."""
- table = """
- | John | 555-1234 ||
- | Mary | 555-2134 ||
- | Bob | 555-4527 ||
- """
- dat = asciitable.read(table, Reader=asciitable.FixedWidth, guess=False,
- header_start=None, data_start=0,
- names=('Name', 'Phone', 'TCP'))
- assert_equal(tuple(dat.dtype.names), ('Name', 'Phone', 'TCP'))
- assert_equal(dat[1][0], "Mary")
- assert_equal(dat[0][1], "555-1234")
- assert_equal(dat[2][2], "")
- def test_read_no_header_autocolumn_NoHeader():
- """Table with no header row and auto-column naming"""
- table = """
- | John | 555-1234 ||
- | Mary | 555-2134 ||
- | Bob | 555-4527 ||
- """
- dat = asciitable.read(table, Reader=asciitable.FixedWidthNoHeader)
- assert_equal(tuple(dat.dtype.names), ('col1', 'col2', 'col3'))
- assert_equal(dat[1][0], "Mary")
- assert_equal(dat[0][1], "555-1234")
- assert_equal(dat[2][2], "")
- def test_read_no_header_names_NoHeader():
- """Table with no header row and with col names provided. Second
- and third rows also have hanging spaces after final |."""
- table = """
- | John | 555-1234 ||
- | Mary | 555-2134 ||
- | Bob | 555-4527 ||
- """
- dat = asciitable.read(table, Reader=asciitable.FixedWidthNoHeader,
- names=('Name', 'Phone', 'TCP'))
- assert_equal(tuple(dat.dtype.names), ('Name', 'Phone', 'TCP'))
- assert_equal(dat[1][0], "Mary")
- assert_equal(dat[0][1], "555-1234")
- assert_equal(dat[2][2], "")
- def test_read_col_starts():
- """Table with no delimiter with column start and end values specified."""
- table = """
- # 5 9 17 18 28
- # | | || |
- John 555- 1234
- Mary 555- 2134
- Bob 555- 4527
- """
- dat = asciitable.read(table, Reader=asciitable.FixedWidthNoHeader,
- names=('Name', 'Phone', 'TCP'),
- col_starts=(0, 9, 18),
- col_ends=(5, 17, 28),
- )
- assert_equal(tuple(dat.dtype.names), ('Name', 'Phone', 'TCP'))
- assert_equal(dat[0][1], "555- 1234")
- assert_equal(dat[1][0], "Mary")
- assert_equal(dat[1][2], "192.168.1.")
- assert_equal(dat[2][2], "192.168.1") # col_end=28 cuts this column off
- table = """\
- | Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 |
- | 1.2 | "hello" | 1 | a |
- | 2.4 | 's worlds | 2 | 2 |
- """
- dat = asciitable.read(table, Reader=asciitable.FixedWidth)
- def test_write_normal():
- """Write a table as a normal fixed width table."""
- out = io.StringIO()
- asciitable.write(dat, out, Writer=asciitable.FixedWidth)
- assert_equal_splitlines(out.getvalue(), """\
- | Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 |
- | 1.2 | "hello" | 1 | a |
- | 2.4 | 's worlds | 2 | 2 |
- """)
- def test_write_no_pad():
- """Write a table as a fixed width table with no padding."""
- out = io.StringIO()
- asciitable.write(dat, out, Writer=asciitable.FixedWidth,
- delimiter_pad=None)
- assert_equal_splitlines(out.getvalue(), """\
- |Col1| Col2|Col3|Col4|
- | 1.2| "hello"| 1| a|
- | 2.4|'s worlds| 2| 2|
- """)
- def test_write_no_bookend():
- """Write a table as a fixed width table with no bookend."""
- out = io.StringIO()
- asciitable.write(dat, out, Writer=asciitable.FixedWidth, bookend=False)
- assert_equal_splitlines(out.getvalue(), """\
- Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4
- 1.2 | "hello" | 1 | a
- 2.4 | 's worlds | 2 | 2
- """)
- def test_write_no_delimiter():
- """Write a table as a fixed width table with no delimiter."""
- out = io.StringIO()
- asciitable.write(dat, out, Writer=asciitable.FixedWidth, bookend=False,
- delimiter=None)
- assert_equal_splitlines(out.getvalue(), """\
- Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
- 1.2 "hello" 1 a
- 2.4 's worlds 2 2
- """)
- def test_write_noheader_normal():
- """Write a table as a normal fixed width table."""
- out = io.StringIO()
- asciitable.write(dat, out, Writer=asciitable.FixedWidthNoHeader)
- assert_equal_splitlines(out.getvalue(), """\
- | 1.2 | "hello" | 1 | a |
- | 2.4 | 's worlds | 2 | 2 |
- """)
- def test_write_noheader_no_pad():
- """Write a table as a fixed width table with no padding."""
- out = io.StringIO()
- asciitable.write(dat, out, Writer=asciitable.FixedWidthNoHeader,
- delimiter_pad=None)
- assert_equal_splitlines(out.getvalue(), """\
- |1.2| "hello"|1|a|
- |2.4|'s worlds|2|2|
- """)
- def test_write_noheader_no_bookend():
- """Write a table as a fixed width table with no bookend."""
- out = io.StringIO()
- asciitable.write(dat, out, Writer=asciitable.FixedWidthNoHeader,
- bookend=False)
- assert_equal_splitlines(out.getvalue(), """\
- 1.2 | "hello" | 1 | a
- 2.4 | 's worlds | 2 | 2
- """)
- def test_write_noheader_no_delimiter():
- """Write a table as a fixed width table with no delimiter."""
- out = io.StringIO()
- asciitable.write(dat, out, Writer=asciitable.FixedWidthNoHeader, bookend=False,
- delimiter=None)
- assert_equal_splitlines(out.getvalue(), """\
- 1.2 "hello" 1 a
- 2.4 's worlds 2 2
- """)
- def test_write_formats():
- """Write a table as a fixed width table with no delimiter."""
- out = io.StringIO()
- asciitable.write(dat, out, Writer=asciitable.FixedWidth,
- formats={'Col1': '%-8.3f', 'Col2': '%-15s'})
- assert_equal_splitlines(out.getvalue(), """\
- | Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 |
- | 1.200 | "hello" | 1 | a |
- | 2.400 | 's worlds | 2 | 2 |
- """)
- def test_read_twoline_normal():
- """Typical fixed format table with two header lines (with some cruft
- thrown in to test column positioning"""
- table = """
- Col1 Col2
- ---- ---------
- 1.2xx"hello"
- 2.4 's worlds
- """
- dat = asciitable.read(table, Reader=asciitable.FixedWidthTwoLine)
- assert_equal(dat.dtype.names, ('Col1', 'Col2'))
- assert_almost_equal(dat[1][0], 2.4)
- assert_equal(dat[0][1], '"hello"')
- assert_equal(dat[1][1], "'s worlds")
- def test_read_twoline_ReST():
- """Read restructured text table"""
- table = """
- ======= ===========
- Col1 Col2
- ======= ===========
- 1.2 "hello"
- 2.4 's worlds
- ======= ===========
- """
- dat = asciitable.read(table, Reader=asciitable.FixedWidthTwoLine,
- header_start=1, position_line=2, data_end=-1)
- assert_equal(dat.dtype.names, ('Col1', 'Col2'))
- assert_almost_equal(dat[1][0], 2.4)
- assert_equal(dat[0][1], '"hello"')
- assert_equal(dat[1][1], "'s worlds")
- def test_read_twoline_human():
- """Read text table designed for humans and test having position line
- before the header line"""
- table = """
- +------+----------+
- | Col1 | Col2 |
- +------|----------+
- | 1.2 | "hello" |
- | 2.4 | 's worlds|
- +------+----------+
- """
- dat = asciitable.read(table, Reader=asciitable.FixedWidthTwoLine,
- delimiter='+',
- header_start=1, position_line=0,
- data_start=3, data_end=-1)
- assert_equal(dat.dtype.names, ('Col1', 'Col2'))
- assert_almost_equal(dat[1][0], 2.4)
- assert_equal(dat[0][1], '"hello"')
- assert_equal(dat[1][1], "'s worlds")
- def test_write_twoline_normal():
- """Write a table as a normal fixed width table."""
- out = io.StringIO()
- asciitable.write(dat, out, Writer=asciitable.FixedWidthTwoLine)
- assert_equal_splitlines(out.getvalue(), """\
- Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
- ---- --------- ---- ----
- 1.2 "hello" 1 a
- 2.4 's worlds 2 2
- """)
- def test_write_twoline_no_pad():
- """Write a table as a fixed width table with no padding."""
- out = io.StringIO()
- asciitable.write(dat, out, Writer=asciitable.FixedWidthTwoLine,
- delimiter_pad=' ', position_char='=')
- assert_equal_splitlines(out.getvalue(), """\
- Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
- ==== ========= ==== ====
- 1.2 "hello" 1 a
- 2.4 's worlds 2 2
- """)
- def test_write_twoline_no_bookend():
- """Write a table as a fixed width table with no bookend."""
- out = io.StringIO()
- asciitable.write(dat, out, Writer=asciitable.FixedWidthTwoLine,
- bookend=True, delimiter='|')
- assert_equal_splitlines(out.getvalue(), """\
- |Col1| Col2|Col3|Col4|
- |----|---------|----|----|
- | 1.2| "hello"| 1| a|
- | 2.4|'s worlds| 2| 2|
- """)