Python | 260 lines | 205 code | 39 blank | 16 comment | 14 complexity | 6ba8a89e69a9d1c2b32a28bf80dba953 MD5 | raw file
- #!c:\\python\\python.exe
- import threading
- import getopt
- import time
- import sys
- import os
- from sulley import pedrpc
- import pcapy
- import impacket
- import impacket.ImpactDecoder
- PORT = 26001
- IFS = []
- ERR = lambda msg: sys.stderr.write("ERR> " + msg + "\n") or sys.exit(1)
- USAGE = "USAGE: network_monitor.py" \
- "\n <-d|--device DEVICE #> device to sniff on (see list below)" \
- "\n [-f|--filter PCAP FILTER] BPF filter string" \
- "\n [-P|--log_path PATH] log directory to store pcaps to" \
- "\n [-l|--log_level LEVEL] log level (default 1), increase for more verbosity" \
- "\n [--port PORT] TCP port to bind this agent to" \
- "\n\nNetwork Device List:\n"
- # add the device list to the usage string.
- i = 0
- for dev in pcapy.findalldevs():
- IFS.append(dev)
- # if we are on windows, try and resolve the device UUID into an IP address.
- if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
- import _winreg
- try:
- # extract the device UUID and open the TCP/IP parameters key for it.
- dev = dev[dev.index("{"):dev.index("}")+1]
- subkey = r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\%s" % dev
- key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, subkey)
- # if there is a DHCP address snag that, otherwise fall back to the IP address.
- try: ip = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "DhcpIPAddress")[0]
- except: ip = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "IPAddress")[0][0]
- dev = dev + "\t" + ip
- except:
- pass
- USAGE += " [%d] %s\n" % (i, dev)
- i += 1
- ########################################################################################################################
- class pcap_thread (threading.Thread):
- def __init__ (self, network_monitor, pcap, pcap_save_path):
- self.network_monitor = network_monitor
- self.pcap = pcap
- self.decoder = None
- self.dumper = self.pcap.dump_open(pcap_save_path)
- self.active = True
- self.data_bytes = 0
- # register the appropriate decoder.
- if pcap.datalink() == pcapy.DLT_EN10MB:
- self.decoder = impacket.ImpactDecoder.EthDecoder()
- elif pcap.datalink() == pcapy.DLT_LINUX_SLL:
- self.decoder = impacket.ImpactDecoder.LinuxSLLDecoder()
- else:
- raise Exception
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- def packet_handler (self, header, data):
- # add the captured data to the PCAP.
- self.dumper.dump(header, data)
- # increment the captured byte count.
- self.data_bytes += len(data)
- # log the decoded data at the appropriate log level.
- self.network_monitor.log(self.decoder.decode(data), 15)
- def run (self):
- # process packets while the active flag is raised.
- while self.active:
- self.pcap.dispatch(0, self.packet_handler)
- ########################################################################################################################
- class network_monitor_pedrpc_server (pedrpc.server):
- def __init__ (self, host, port, device, filter="", log_path="./", log_level=1):
- '''
- @type host: String
- @param host: Hostname or IP address to bind server to
- @type port: Integer
- @param port: Port to bind server to
- @type device: String
- @param device: Name of device to capture packets on
- @type ignore_pid: Integer
- @param ignore_pid: (Optional, def=None) Ignore this PID when searching for the target process
- @type log_path: String
- @param log_path: (Optional, def="./") Path to save recorded PCAPs to
- @type log_level: Integer
- @param log_level: (Optional, def=1) Log output level, increase for more verbosity
- '''
- # initialize the PED-RPC server.
- pedrpc.server.__init__(self, host, port)
- self.device = device
- self.filter = filter
- self.log_path = log_path
- self.log_level = log_level
- self.pcap = None
- self.pcap_thread = None
- # ensure the log path is valid.
- if not os.access(self.log_path, os.X_OK):
- self.log("invalid log path: %s" % self.log_path)
- raise Exception
- self.log("Network Monitor PED-RPC server initialized:")
- self.log("\t device: %s" % self.device)
- self.log("\t filter: %s" % self.filter)
- self.log("\t log path: %s" % self.log_path)
- self.log("\t log_level: %d" % self.log_level)
- self.log("Awaiting requests...")
- def __stop (self):
- '''
- Kill the PCAP thread.
- '''
- if self.pcap_thread:
- self.log("stopping active packet capture thread.", 10)
- self.pcap_thread.active = False
- self.pcap_thread = None
- def alive (self):
- '''
- Returns True. Useful for PED-RPC clients who want to see if the PED-RPC connection is still alive.
- '''
- return True
- def post_send (self):
- '''
- This routine is called after the fuzzer transmits a test case and returns the number of bytes captured by the
- PCAP thread.
- @rtype: Integer
- @return: Number of bytes captured in PCAP thread.
- '''
- # grab the number of recorded bytes.
- data_bytes = self.pcap_thread.data_bytes
- # stop the packet capture thread.
- self.__stop()
- self.log("stopped PCAP thread, snagged %d bytes of data" % data_bytes)
- return data_bytes
- def pre_send (self, test_number):
- '''
- This routine is called before the fuzzer transmits a test case and spin off a packet capture thread.
- '''
- self.log("initializing capture for test case #%d" % test_number)
- # open the capture device and set the BPF filter.
- self.pcap = pcapy.open_live(self.device, -1, 1, 100)
- self.pcap.setfilter(self.filter)
- # instantiate the capture thread.
- pcap_log_path = "%s/%d.pcap" % (self.log_path, test_number)
- self.pcap_thread = pcap_thread(self, self.pcap, pcap_log_path)
- self.pcap_thread.start()
- def log (self, msg="", level=1):
- '''
- If the supplied message falls under the current log level, print the specified message to screen.
- @type msg: String
- @param msg: Message to log
- '''
- if self.log_level >= level:
- print "[%s] %s" % (time.strftime("%I:%M.%S"), msg)
- def retrieve (self, test_number):
- '''
- Return the raw binary contents of the PCAP saved for the specified test case number.
- @type test_number: Integer
- @param test_number: Test number to retrieve PCAP for.
- '''
- self.log("retrieving PCAP for test case #%d" % test_number)
- pcap_log_path = "%s/%d.pcap" % (self.log_path, test_number)
- fh = open(pcap_log_path, "rb")
- data = fh.read()
- fh.close()
- return data
- def set_filter (self, filter):
- self.log("updating PCAP filter to '%s'" % filter)
- self.filter = filter
- def set_log_path (self, log_path):
- self.log("updating log path to '%s'" % log_path)
- self.log_path = log_path
- ########################################################################################################################
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # parse command line options.
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:f:P:l:", ["device=", "filter=", "log_path=", "log_level=", "port="])
- except getopt.GetoptError:
- device = None
- filter = ""
- log_path = "./"
- log_level = 1
- for opt, arg in opts:
- if opt in ("-d", "--device"): device = IFS[int(arg)]
- if opt in ("-f", "--filter"): filter = arg
- if opt in ("-P", "--log_path"): log_path = arg
- if opt in ("-l", "--log_level"): log_level = int(arg)
- if opt in ("--port"): PORT = int(arg)
- if not device:
- try:
- servlet = network_monitor_pedrpc_server("", PORT, device, filter, log_path, log_level)
- servlet.serve_forever()
- except:
- pass