Python | 308 lines | 66 code | 61 blank | 181 comment | 5 complexity | f62c627a7f4bf33a6ab0b9b2f8bc2bd2 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # coding: utf-8
- import web
- import config
- import md5
- import os
- import Image
- import time
- import datetime
- import cgi
- import random
- import hashlib
- from web import form
- from app.models import applicants, postModel, users, notification
- from app.common import session, utils
- from app.common import email_templates
- from config import view, site_name, encryption_key
- siteName = site_name
- user = session.get_session()
- # password_form = form.Form(
- # form.Password('password',
- # form.notnull,
- # form.Validator('至少6个字符',
- # lambda x: users.is_valid_password(x)),
- # description='你的新密码:'),
- # form.Button('submit', type='submit', value='Change password')
- # )
- # nickname_form = form.Form(
- # form.Textbox('nickname',
- # form.notnull,
- # description='你的新昵称:'),
- # form.Button('submit', type='submit', value='Change your nickname')
- # )
- # vemail = form.regexp(r'.+@.+', '请检查你的邮箱格式')
- # email_form = form.Form(
- # form.Textbox('email',
- # form.notnull, vemail,
- # form.Validator('这个已经被占用了.',
- # lambda x: users.is_email_available(x)),
- # description='你的新邮箱:'),
- # form.Button('submit', type='submit', value='Change your email')
- # )
- # def render_settings(nickname_form=nickname_form(), email_form=email_form(), password_form=password_form(), on_success_message=''):
- # #counts = applicants.get_counts()
- # username = str(user.username)
- # u = users.get_user_by_username(username)
- # # if not u.avatarPath:
- # # src = '/static/public/img/default_48x48.jpg'
- # # else:
- # # src = '/static/upload/image' + avatar + '_48.jpg'
- # return view.base(
- # view.settings(user, nickname_form, email_form, password_form, on_success_message, u), user, site_name
- # )
- class index:
- @session.login_required
- def GET(self):
- # u = users.get_user_by_id(session.get_user_id())
- # ut = u.nicknameChangeTime #得到上次修改昵称的时间
- # c = datetime.datetime.now()#得到当前时间
- # if (c - ut).days < 30: #时间差
- # can_change_nickname = False
- # else:
- # can_change_nickname = True
- #得到权限
- per = users.get_permission_by_douid(user.douban_id)
- rights = per[0].rights
- #得到提醒
- notification_results, notification_num = notification.get_unread_notification(user.id)
- #得到@提醒
- notification_mention_results, mention_num= notification.get_unread_metion_notifition(user.id)
- #链表 得到提醒的详细id\名称等
- ntf_posts = []
- ntf_users = []
- mtf_posts = []
- mtf_users = []
- ntf_list = notification_results.list()
- mtf_list = notification_mention_results.list()
- for x in xrange(len(ntf_list)):
- ntf_posts += postModel.getPostsByPostId(ntf_list[x].pid)
- ntf_users += users.get_users_by_id(ntf_list[x].uid)
- for x in xrange(len(mtf_list)):
- mtf_posts += postModel.getPostsByPostId(mtf_list[x].pid)
- mtf_users += users.get_users_by_id(mtf_list[x].uid)
- ntf_list = ntf_list + mtf_list
- ntf_posts = ntf_posts + mtf_posts
- ntf_users = ntf_users + mtf_users
- notification_num = notification_num+mention_num
- #得到资料设置
- profile = users.get_profile_by_user_id(user.id)
- #得到邮箱验证状态
- confirm = users.get_confirm_email_by_douban_id(user.douban_id)
- return view.base(view.member_setting_profile(user, profile, confirm), user, siteName, rights, ntf_list, notification_num, ntf_posts, ntf_users)
- # @session.login_required
- # def POST(self):
- # f = web.input()
- # #判断是更新还是新增
- # if users.is_user_profile_changed(session.get_user_id()):
- # users.update_profile(session.get_user_id(), **f)
- # else:
- # users.insert_profile(session.get_user_id(), **f)
- # session.reset()
- # raise web.seeother('/settings')
- # class change_nickname:
- # @session.login_required
- # def POST(self):
- # f = web.input()
- # time = datetime.datetime.now()
- # users.update(session.get_user_id(), nickname=f.nickname, nicknameChangeTime = time)
- # session.reset()
- class change_email:
- # @session.login_required
- # def GET(self):
- # e = users.get_confirm_email_by_email(user.email)
- # c = e.get('confirmed')
- # if c == 1:
- # return view.base(view.member_setting_email(user, msg='<span class="label label-success">已验证</lable>'), user, siteName)
- # else:
- # return view.base(view.member_setting_email(user, msg='<span class="label label-important">未验证</span>'), user, siteName)
- @session.login_required
- def POST(self):
- email = web.input().email
- #检查是否变动
- old_email = users.get_user_by_id(user.id).email
- if email == old_email:
- return '{"status":"n", "code":"n-wbh", "info":"邮箱地址未变化"}'
- #检查新邮箱是否已经存在
- elif not users.is_email_available(email):
- return '{"status":"n", "code":"n-ybsy", "info":"此邮箱已被使用"}'
- else:
- #更新用户表中email字段
- # users.update(user.id, email=email)
- token = md5.md5(time.ctime() + email).hexdigest()
- t = datetime.datetime.now()
- #更新邮箱验证表中email\confirmed\token字段
- users.update_confirm_email_by_douban_id(user.douban_id, email, token, t)
- #发送通知邮件
- email_templates.change_email(email, token)
- print '======email send======'
- # session.reset()
- return '{"status":"y", "code":"y-y", "info":"验证邮件已发送,请通过邮件中的链接来验证此邮箱。在未验证之前,提醒通知还是发到旧邮箱中。"}'
- # class change_password:
- # @session.login_required
- # def GET(self):
- # return view.base(view.member_setting_password(user), user, siteName)
- # @session.login_required
- # def POST(self):
- # data = web.input()
- # email = data.email
- # id = data.id
- # password = data.password
- # newPassword = data.newPassword
- # user = users.get_user_by_id(id)
- # ua = web.ctx.env.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT')
- # ip = web.ctx.ip
- # timestamp = time.mktime(time.localtime())
- # tm = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(timestamp))
- # if users.is_correct_password(email, password):
- # users.update(id, password=hashlib.md5(newPassword + encryption_key).hexdigest())
- # session.reset()
- # email_templates.change_pwd(email, user, ua, ip, tm)
- # web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
- # return '{"status":"y"}'
- # else :
- # web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
- # return '{"status":"n"}'
- # class member_avatar:
- # @session.login_required
- # def GET(self):
- # return view.base(view.member_setting_avatar(user, mid_src=''), user, siteName)
- # @session.login_required
- # def POST(self):
- # cgi.maxlen = 2 * 1024 * 1024 # 限制2MB
- # try:
- # x = web.input(uploadImg={})
- # homedir = os.getcwd()
- # filedir = '%s/static/upload/image' %homedir #图片存放路径
- # if 'uploadImg' in x: # to check if the file-object is created
- # filepath = x.uploadImg.filename.replace('\\','/') # replaces the windows-style slashes with linux ones.
- # filename = filepath.split('/')[-1] # splits the and chooses the last part (the filename with extension) #获取文件名
- # ext = filename.split('.', -1)[-1] #获取后缀
- # if ext == 'jpg' or ext == 'gif' or ext == 'jpeg' or ext == 'png' or ext == 'JPG':
- # now = datetime.datetime.now()
- # d_path = filedir + '/%d/%d/%d' %(now.year, now.month, now.day)
- # if not os.path.exists(d_path):
- # os.makedirs(d_path) #创建当前日期目录
- # t = '%d%d%d%d%d%d' %(now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)
- # all = list('0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSQUVWXYZ')
- # randStr = ''
- # for i in range(10):
- # index = random.randint(0,len(all)-1)
- # randStr = randStr + all[index] #生成10位随机数
- # authKey = hashlib.md5(randStr + user.username).hexdigest()
- # filename = t + '_' + authKey + '.' + ext #以时间+authKey作为文件名
- # fout = open(d_path + '/' + filename,'wb') # creates the file where the uploaded file should be stored
- # fout.write(x.uploadImg.file.read()) # writes the uploaded file to the newly created file.
- # fout.close() # closes the file, upload complete.
- # im = Image.open(d_path + '/' + filename)
- # width, height = im.size #判断比例
- # if width/height > 5 or height/width > 5 :
- # os.remove(d_path + '/' + filename) #删除图片
- # #session.reset()
- # return view.base(view.member_setting_avatar(user, mid_src='', message='图片的比例有些不太合适,请选择一张更容易辨识的图片吧'), user, siteName)
- # else:
- # path = d_path + '/' + filename #for thumb
- # utils.make_thumb(path) #创建缩略图
- # #big_src = '/static/upload/image/%d/%d/%d/' %(now.year, now.month, now.day) + filename
- # mid_src = '/static/upload/image/%d/%d/%d/' %(now.year, now.month, now.day) + t + '_' + authKey + '_160.jpg'
- # #sml_src = '/static/upload/image/%d/%d/%d/' %(now.year, now.month, now.day) + t + '_' + authKey + '_48x48.jpg'
- # user_id = user.id
- # avatar = '/%d/%d/%d/' %(now.year, now.month, now.day) + t + '_' + authKey
- # users.save_user_avatar(user_id, avatar)#入库
- # #session.reset()
- # return view.base(view.member_setting_avatar(user, mid_src), user, siteName)
- # else:
- # #session.reset()
- # return view.base(view.member_setting_avatar(
- # user, mid_src='',
- # message='上传格式仅支持jpg/png/gif/jpeg'), user, siteName)
- # except ValueError:
- # #session.reset()
- # return view.base(view.member_setting_avatar(
- # user, mid_src='',
- # message='文件太大了,我吃不消哇~'), user, siteName)
- # class member_avatar_crop:
- # @session.login_required
- # def POST(self):
- # crop_data = web.input()
- # path = crop_data['path']
- # x = crop_data['x']
- # y = crop_data['y']
- # w = crop_data['w']
- # h = crop_data['h']
- # s = utils.make_thumb_crop(path, x, y, w, h)
- # session.reset()
- # raise web.seeother('/settings')
- # # return view.base(view.member_setting_avatar(
- # # user, mid_src='',
- # # message='头像更新成功~'), user, siteName)
- # #return view.test(path, x, y, w, h, s)
- #邮箱提醒开启/关闭
- class email_subscribe:
- @session.login_required
- def POST(self):
- action = web.input().subscribe
- users.email_subscribe(user.id, action)
- s = 's'
- return s