Java | 126 lines | 114 code | 10 blank | 2 comment | 4 complexity | 6ec89eb458abb8745fa2f5bca623ffe6 MD5 | raw file
- package me.rigi.acceptrules;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.logging.Logger;
- import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
- import org.bukkit.Location;
- import org.bukkit.World;
- import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
- import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
- import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
- import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
- public class AcceptRulesMain extends JavaPlugin {
- Logger Log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
- public static AcceptRulesMain plugin;
- public static ArrayList<String> players = new ArrayList<String>();
- public static ArrayList<String> rules = new ArrayList<String>();
- public static ArrayList<Player> readed = new ArrayList<Player>();
- public static String AcceptedMsg,AcceptedAllreadyMsg,InformMsg,MustReadRules,CantBuildMsg,TpWorld,SpawnWorld,RulesCmd;
- public static boolean TpAfterAccept,AllowBuild,Notify,Inform,AllowMove,TpOnJoin, BlockCmds, RulesMngr;
- public static Location TpPosition;
- public static Location SpawnPosition;
- public static FileConfiguration config;
- //@Override
- public void onDisable() {
- Log.info("[AcceptRules] AcceptRules plugin succesfully disabled!");
- }
- //@Override
- public void onEnable() {
- PluginManager pm = getServer().getPluginManager();
- AcceptRulesPreferences acceptrulespreferences = new AcceptRulesPreferences();
- acceptrulespreferences.createDir();
- getConfig().options().copyDefaults(true);
- saveConfig();
- config = getConfig();
- AcceptedMsg = config.getString("AcceptedMsg", "You have succesfully accepted the rules! Have fun!");
- AcceptedAllreadyMsg = config.getString("AcceptedAllreadyMsg", "You have allready accepted the rules!");
- CantBuildMsg = config.getString("CantBuildMsg", "You must accept rules to build!");
- MustReadRules = config.getString("MustReadRules", "You must read the rules in order to accept them!");
- InformMsg = config.getString("InformMsg","You have to accept the rules! Use /rules and then /acceptrules!");
- RulesCmd = config.getString("RulesCmd","/rules");
- TpAfterAccept = config.getBoolean("TpAfterAccept", false);
- TpOnJoin = config.getBoolean("TpOnJoin", false);
- AllowBuild = config.getBoolean("AllowBuildBeforeAccept", false);
- AllowMove = config.getBoolean("AllowMoveBeforeAccept", true);
- Notify = config.getBoolean("NotifyOPs", true);
- Inform = config.getBoolean("InformUser", true);
- BlockCmds = config.getBoolean("BlockCommandsBeforeAccept", true);
- RulesMngr = config.getBoolean("BuiltInRulesManager", true);
- TpWorld = config.getString("TpWorld", "world");
- SpawnWorld = config.getString("SpawnWorld", "world");
- Double PosX = config.getDouble("TpPositionX", 0);
- Double PosY = config.getDouble("TpPositionY", 0);
- Double PosZ = config.getDouble("TpPositionZ", 0);
- float Pitch =(float) config.getDouble("TpPositionPitch", 0);
- float Yaw = (float) config.getDouble("TpPositionYaw", 0);
- World world = Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(TpWorld);
- Location location = new Location(world, PosX, PosY, PosZ, Yaw, Pitch);
- TpPosition = location;
- Double SPosX = config.getDouble("SpawnPositionX", 0);
- Double SPosY = config.getDouble("SpawnPositionY", 0);
- Double SPosZ = config.getDouble("SpawnPositionZ", 0);
- float SPitch = (float) config.getDouble("SpawnPositionPitch", 0);
- float SYaw = (float) config.getDouble("SpawnPositionYaw", 0);
- World Sworld = Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(SpawnWorld);
- Location Slocation = new Location(Sworld, SPosX, SPosY, SPosZ, SYaw, SPitch);
- SpawnPosition = Slocation;
- saveConfig();
- AcceptRulesPreferences.UserReader();
- AcceptRulesPreferences.RulesReader();
- pm.registerEvents(new AcceptRulesListener(), this);
- getCommand("acceptrules").setExecutor(new acceptrulesCmdExecutor(this));
- Log.info("[AcceptRules] AcceptRules plugin succesfully enabled!");
- }
- public void savePosToConfig(String type, String world, double x, double y, double z, double pitch, double yaw) {
- if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("tp")){
- config.set("TpWorld", world);
- config.set("TpPositionX", x);
- config.set("TpPositionY", y);
- config.set("TpPositionZ", z);
- config.set("TpPositionPitch", pitch);
- config.set("TpPositionYaw", yaw);
- }
- if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("spawn")){
- config.set("SpawnWorld", world);
- config.set("SpawnPositionX", x);
- config.set("SpawnPositionY", y);
- config.set("SpawnPositionZ", z);
- config.set("SpawnPositionPitch", pitch);
- config.set("SpawnPositionYaw", yaw);
- }
- saveConfig();
- reloadConfig();
- if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("tp")){
- TpWorld = config.getString("TpWorld", "world");
- Double PosX = config.getDouble("TpPositionX", 0);
- Double PosY = config.getDouble("TpPositionY", 0);
- Double PosZ = config.getDouble("TpPositionZ", 0);
- float Pitch =(float) config.getDouble("TpPositionPitch", 0);
- float Yaw = (float) config.getDouble("TpPositionYaw", 0);
- World worldd = Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(TpWorld);
- Location location = new Location(worldd, PosX, PosY, PosZ, Yaw, Pitch);
- TpPosition = location;
- }
- if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("spawn")){
- TpWorld = config.getString("SpawnWorld", "world");
- Double PosX = config.getDouble("SpawnPositionX", 0);
- Double PosY = config.getDouble("SpawnPositionY", 0);
- Double PosZ = config.getDouble("SpawnPositionZ", 0);
- float Pitch = (float) config.getDouble("SpawnPositionPitch", 0);
- float Yaw = (float) config.getDouble("SpawnPositionYaw", 0);
- config.set("SpawnPositionYaw", yaw);
- World worldd = Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(TpWorld);
- Location location = new Location(worldd, PosX, PosY, PosZ, Yaw, Pitch);
- SpawnPosition = location;
- }
- }
- }