PHP | 204 lines | 137 code | 13 blank | 54 comment | 32 complexity | 2664b04bca3129d3c22f2fd9065ea451 MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- /**
- * AddressHunter
- *
- *
- * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
- * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
- * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
- * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
- * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
- * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
- * to contact@addresshunter.net so we can send you a copy immediately.
- *
- * @package AddressHunter
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011 skobbler GmbH (http://www.skobbler.com)
- * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause New BSD License
- * @version $Id$
- */
- /**
- * Imports addresses from skobbler GeoCom logs
- * (to be run as cronjob)
- *
- * This script performs the first step of a two-step address import (data import and validation)
- * and is an example how address data can be imported from various sources. To import data from
- * another source, implement a similar tool to this one.
- *
- * This script parses the logs, extracts the (theoretically) usable addresses and imports them
- * to the database ("address_import" table) in a standardized format.
- * An address is considered usable if it has at least a street name and preferably also a
- * numeric housenumber. If the housenumber is missing, "1" is used instead.
- * The addresses are imported as lowercased addressline (string). Duplicates are discarded, but
- * their frequency is counted.
- */
- // debug and benchmark constants
- define('DEBUG', false);
- define('BENCHMARK', false);
- // including the init (ZF bootstrap)
- require_once 'init.php';
- // getting the config
- $config = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Config');
- $geocomLogsPath = $config->addressimport->geocom->path;
- // searching for the next logfile to parse
- $logfile = false;
- if ($dh = opendir($geocomLogsPath)) {
- while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) {
- if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != ".svn" && is_file($geocomLogsPath . $file)) {
- $logfile = $file;
- break;
- }
- }
- closedir($dh);
- } else {
- // TODO: use Zend logger everywhere
- error_log('AddressImportGeocom ERROR: Error reading from geocom logs directory');
- die();
- }
- if (!$logfile) {
- // no log file to parse
- die();
- }
- // array for statistics
- $stats = array(
- 'regular_has_nr_num' => 0, // regular search with numeric house number
- 'regular_has_nr_nan' => 0, // regular search with NaN house number
- 'regular_has_str_only' => 0, // regular search with street name only (no house number)
- 'regular_has_str_nr' => 0, // regular search with street name which starts or ends with a number (probably a house number, wrongly placed by the user)
- 'regular_no_str' => 0, // regular search with no street name (probably only a city, zipcode or country)
- 'oneline_has_nr' => 0, // oneline search with at least a numeric character in it
- 'oneline_no_nr' => 0, // oneline search with no numeric chars
- 'reverse' => 0, // reverse geocodings
- );
- // TODO: use Doctrine
- $dbSettings = $config->doctrine->connection->toArray();
- $dbh = mysql_connect($dbSettings['host'], $dbSettings['user'], $dbSettings['password']);
- if (!$dbh) {
- error_log('AddressImportGeocom ERROR: Could not connect to the database: ' . mysql_error());
- die();
- }
- if (!mysql_select_db($dbSettings['dbname'], $dbh)) {
- error_log('AddressImportGeocom ERROR: Could not select database: ' . mysql_error());
- die();
- }
- mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8", $dbh);
- $fh = fopen($geocomLogsPath . $logfile, "rb");
- if ($fh) {
- while (($buffer = fgets($fh, 4096)) !== false) {
- $finalAddressline = false;
- $finalHousenumber = false;
- // ####### regular searches (separate address details)
- if (strpos($buffer, ' message: GEOCOM request received from client: /geocode/regular?') === 0) {
- $query = substr($buffer, 65);
- $arr = array();
- parse_str($query, $arr);
- $arr = array_map('trim', $arr);
- $arr = array_map('mb_strtolower', $arr);
- if (isset($arr['number'])) { // house number specified
- if (preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $arr['number'])) { // numeric house number
- $stats['regular_has_nr_num']++;
- } else { // house number present, but not numeric (we will ignore it)
- $stats['regular_has_nr_nan']++;
- $arr['number'] = '1';
- }
- $finalAddressline = $arr['number'] . ' ' . @$arr['street'] . ', ' . @$arr['city'] . ' ' . @$arr['postal_code'] . ', ' . @$arr['state'] . ', ' . @$arr['country_code'];
- $finalHousenumber = $arr['number'];
- } elseif (isset($arr['street'])) { // no house number specified, but we have street name
- $x = explode(' ', $arr['street']);
- if (preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $x[0])) { // street name starts with a number (we will consider it as house number)
- $stats['regular_has_str_nr']++;
- $arr['number'] = $x[0];
- array_shift($x);
- $arr['street'] = implode(' ', $x);
- } elseif (preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $x[count($x)-1])) { // street name ends with a number (we will consider it as house number)
- $stats['regular_has_str_nr']++;
- $arr['number'] = $x[count($x)-1];
- array_pop($x);
- $arr['street'] = implode(' ', $x);
- } else { // street name with no number: we will search for house no. 1
- $stats['regular_has_str_only']++;
- $arr['number'] = '1';
- }
- $finalAddressline = $arr['number'] . ' ' . @$arr['street'] . ', ' . @$arr['city'] . ' ' . @$arr['postal_code'] . ', ' . @$arr['state'] . ', ' . @$arr['country_code'];
- $finalHousenumber = $arr['number'];
- } else {
- $stats['regular_no_str']++;
- }
- // ####### one-line searches
- } elseif (strpos($buffer, ' message: GEOCOM request received from client: /geocode/oneline?') === 0) {
- $query = substr($buffer, 65);
- $arr = array();
- parse_str($query, $arr);
- if (isset($arr['address'])) {
- $arr['address'] = trim($arr['address']);
- $arr['address'] = mb_strtolower($arr['address']);
- $matches = null;
- // we need to identify the housenumber (if there is one)
- if (preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $arr['address'], $matches)) { // addressline has at least a numerical character in it, otherwise it's discarded
- $stats['oneline_has_nr']++;
- // removing temporarily because we cannot identify the housenumber (reliably) for further comparison
- //$finalAddressline = $arr['address'];
- //$finalHousenumber = '';
- } else {
- $stats['oneline_no_nr']++;
- }
- }
- // ####### reverse geocodings
- } elseif (strpos($buffer, ' message: GEOCOM request received from client: /geocode/reverse?') === 0) {
- $stats['reverse']++;
- } else {
- // other lines from the log file are ignored
- }
- // inserting to the DB
- if ($finalAddressline) {
- // cleaning up the addressline
- $finalAddressline = str_replace(array(', , ', ' ', ', , ', ' ', ' ,', "\n", "\r"), array(', ', ' ', ', ', ' ', ',', ' ', ' '), $finalAddressline);
- $finalAddressline = preg_replace('!\s+!', ' ', $finalAddressline);
- $finalAddressline = trim($finalAddressline, ", \t\n\r\0\x0B");
- if (DEBUG) {
- //print "\n" . $finalAddressline;
- }
- $insert = sprintf("INSERT INTO address_import (addressline, housenumber, country_code) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE frequency = frequency + 1;",
- mysql_real_escape_string($finalAddressline),
- mysql_real_escape_string($finalHousenumber),
- mysql_real_escape_string(substr($finalAddressline, -2))
- );
- $dbresult = mysql_query($insert, $dbh);
- if (!$dbresult) {
- error_log('AddressImportGeocom ERROR: Error inserting to DB: ' . $insert);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!feof($fh)) {
- error_log('AddressImportGeocom ERROR: unexpected fgets() fail');
- }
- fclose($fh);
- } else {
- error_log('AddressImportGeocom ERROR: Error opening logfile' . $logfile);
- }
- // logging the statistics
- $statsLog = $config->addressimport->logs->path . 'geocom_import.log.csv';
- file_put_contents(
- $statsLog,
- "\n" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ';' . $logfile . ';' . implode(';', $stats),
- );
- if (DEBUG) {
- print "\n";
- print_r($stats);
- }
- // deleting the successfully processed log file
- unlink($geocomLogsPath . $logfile);