Java | 302 lines | 236 code | 21 blank | 45 comment | 39 complexity | 996dc1b73a20e03ec2d4b287a36ef8fb MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.apache.giraph.graph;
- import java.util.Comparator;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Map.Entry;
- import java.util.NavigableMap;
- import java.util.Set;
- import java.util.TreeMap;
- import java.util.TreeSet;
- import org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable;
- import org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable;
- import org.apache.hadoop.io.WritableComparable;
- import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
- import org.json.JSONArray;
- import org.json.JSONException;
- /**
- * Balancer that automatically balances vertex ranges based on
- * number of vertices or edges (configurable).
- *
- * @param <I> vertex id type
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
- public final class AutoBalancer<
- I extends WritableComparable,
- V extends Writable,
- E extends Writable,
- M extends Writable>
- extends VertexRangeBalancer<I, V, E, M> {
- /** Class logger */
- private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(AutoBalancer.class);
- /** enum for what to balance on */
- public enum BalCriterium {
- }
- /** boolean: decides whether to balance number of vertices or edges */
- private static BalCriterium balanceOn =
- public static void setBalCriterium(BalCriterium balanceOn) {
- AutoBalancer.balanceOn = balanceOn;
- }
- private long getVertexRangeEntries(VertexRange<I,V,E,M> v)
- {
- if (balanceOn == BalCriterium.BAL_NUM_VERTICES_AND_EDGES) {
- return v.getVertexCount() + v.getEdgeCount();
- }
- if (balanceOn == BalCriterium.BAL_NUM_EDGES) {
- return v.getEdgeCount();
- }
- if (balanceOn == BalCriterium.BAL_NUM_VERTICES) {
- return v.getVertexCount();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- public class VertexRangeComparator
- implements Comparator<VertexRange<I,V,E,M>> {
- /**
- * Compares the number of entities based on balanceOn.
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- public int compare(VertexRange<I,V,E,M> v1, VertexRange<I,V,E,M> v2) {
- long numEntries1 = getVertexRangeEntries(v1);
- long numEntries2 = getVertexRangeEntries(v2);
- if (numEntries1 == numEntries2) {
- return v1.getMaxIndex().compareTo(v2.getMaxIndex());
- }
- return (int)(numEntries2 - numEntries1);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public final NavigableMap<I, VertexRange<I, V, E, M>> rebalance() {
- if (balanceOn == BalCriterium.BAL_NONE) {
- return getPrevVertexRangeMap();
- }
- Map<String, JSONArray> workerHostnameIdMap = getWorkerHostnamePortMap();
- NavigableMap<I, VertexRange<I, V, E, M>> prevVertexRangeMap =
- getPrevVertexRangeMap();
- NavigableMap<I, VertexRange<I, V, E, M>> nextVertexRangeMap =
- new TreeMap<I, VertexRange<I, V, E, M>>();
- NavigableMap<String, Set<VertexRange<I,V,E,M>>> hostToVertexRangeMap =
- new TreeMap<String, Set<VertexRange<I, V, E, M>>>();
- NavigableMap<String, LongWritable> hostToNumEntriesMap =
- new TreeMap<String, LongWritable>();
- NavigableMap<VertexRange<I,V,E,M>, String> vRngDistToHostMap =
- new TreeMap<VertexRange<I, V, E, M>, String>(
- new VertexRangeComparator());
- NavigableMap<LongWritable, List<String>> numEntriesToHostMap =
- new TreeMap<LongWritable, List<String>>();
- LOG.info("rebalance: workerHostnameIdMap size=" +
- workerHostnameIdMap.size() +
- " prevVertexRangeMap size=" +
- prevVertexRangeMap.size());
- // First generate total number of entries to balance on
- // and generate appropriate maps:
- // map from hostnameId to list of vertex ranges
- // map from hostnameId to total number of entries
- int numVertexRanges = 0;
- long numTotalEntries = 0;
- // initialize with workerHostnameIdMap to account for
- // hostnameId's without any vertices
- for (String hostnameId : workerHostnameIdMap.keySet()) {
- hostToNumEntriesMap.put(hostnameId, new LongWritable(0));
- hostToVertexRangeMap.put(hostnameId,
- new TreeSet<VertexRange<I, V, E, M>>(
- new VertexRangeComparator()));
- }
- for (Entry<I, VertexRange<I, V, E, M>> entry :
- prevVertexRangeMap.entrySet()) {
- numVertexRanges++;
- VertexRange<I, V, E, M> vRange = entry.getValue();
- long numEntries = getVertexRangeEntries(vRange);
- numTotalEntries += numEntries;
- String hostnameId = vRange.getHostnameId();
- LongWritable entryLong = hostToNumEntriesMap.get(hostnameId);
- if (entryLong == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Unknown hostnameId=" +
- hostnameId);
- }
- entryLong.set(entryLong.get() + numEntries);
- Set<VertexRange<I, V, E, M>> vRangeList =
- hostToVertexRangeMap.get(hostnameId);
- if (vRangeList == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Unknown hostnameId=" +
- hostnameId);
- }
- if (vRangeList.add(vRange) == false) {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "All VertexRanges should be different");
- }
- }
- LOG.info("rebalance: numTotalEntries=" + numTotalEntries +
- " numVertexRanges=" + numVertexRanges +
- " hostToVertexRangeMap size=" + hostToVertexRangeMap.size() +
- " hostToNumEntriesMap size=" + hostToNumEntriesMap.size());
- // Next take away the vertex ranges with the smallest number of
- // entities till every hostnameId maps to a list of vertex ranges
- // containing not more than the average number of entries.
- // The vertex ranges taken away are put as keys into a sorted map,
- // sorted on the number of entries in descending order.
- long aveWorkerEntries = numTotalEntries / hostToNumEntriesMap.size();
- long squareDeviation = 0;
- numVertexRanges = 0;
- numTotalEntries = 0;
- for (Entry<String, Set<VertexRange<I,V,E,M>>> entry :
- hostToVertexRangeMap.entrySet()) {
- long numEntries = hostToNumEntriesMap.get(entry.getKey()).get();
- numTotalEntries += numEntries;
- numVertexRanges += entry.getValue().size();
- squareDeviation += ((numEntries - aveWorkerEntries) *
- (numEntries - aveWorkerEntries));
- if (numEntries > aveWorkerEntries) {
- int sz = entry.getValue().size();
- for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
- VertexRange<I,V,E,M> vRange =
- ((TreeSet<VertexRange<I,V,E,M>>)
- entry.getValue()).pollLast();
- vRngDistToHostMap.put(vRange, entry.getKey());
- numEntries -= getVertexRangeEntries(vRange);
- if (numEntries <= aveWorkerEntries) {
- hostToNumEntriesMap.get(entry.getKey()).set(numEntries);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- LOG.info("rebalance: Initial squareDeviation=" + squareDeviation +
- " numTotalEntries=" + numTotalEntries +
- " numVertexRanges=" + numVertexRanges);
- // Next the map from hostnameId to number of entries is reversed
- // (value becomes key) such that the number of entries get sorted.
- // Then the removed vertex ranges are assigned to hostnameId's, largest
- // vertex ranges to hostnameId's with the smallest number of entities.
- for (Entry<String, LongWritable> entry :
- hostToNumEntriesMap.entrySet()) {
- List<String> hostnameIds =
- numEntriesToHostMap.get(entry.getValue());
- if (hostnameIds == null) {
- hostnameIds = new ArrayList<String>();
- numEntriesToHostMap.put(entry.getValue(), hostnameIds);
- }
- hostnameIds.add(entry.getKey());
- }
- for (Entry<VertexRange<I,V,E,M>, String> entry :
- vRngDistToHostMap.entrySet()) {
- String hostnameId = entry.getValue();
- String newHostnameId = null;
- Entry<LongWritable, List<String>> entriesToHost =
- numEntriesToHostMap.firstEntry();
- for (String id : entriesToHost.getValue()) {
- if (hostnameId.equals(id)) {
- newHostnameId = id;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (newHostnameId == null) {
- newHostnameId = entriesToHost.getValue().get(0);
- }
- entriesToHost.getValue().remove(newHostnameId);
- VertexRange<I, V, E, M> replacedVertexRange = null;
- if (hostnameId.equals(newHostnameId)) {
- replacedVertexRange = entry.getKey();
- } else {
- try {
- replacedVertexRange =
- new VertexRange<I, V, E, M>(entry.getKey());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- JSONArray hostnamePortArray =
- workerHostnameIdMap.get(newHostnameId);
- try {
- replacedVertexRange.setHostnameId(newHostnameId);
- replacedVertexRange.setHostname(
- hostnamePortArray.getString(0));
- replacedVertexRange.setPort(hostnamePortArray.getInt(1));
- } catch (JSONException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- nextVertexRangeMap.put(replacedVertexRange.getMaxIndex(),
- replacedVertexRange);
- LongWritable numEntries =
- new LongWritable(entriesToHost.getKey().get() +
- getVertexRangeEntries(entry.getKey()));
- if (entriesToHost.getValue().size() == 0) {
- numEntriesToHostMap.remove(entriesToHost.getKey());
- }
- List<String> hostnameIds = numEntriesToHostMap.get(numEntries);
- if (hostnameIds == null) {
- hostnameIds = new ArrayList<String>();
- numEntriesToHostMap.put(numEntries, hostnameIds);
- }
- hostnameIds.add(newHostnameId);
- }
- squareDeviation = 0;
- numTotalEntries = 0;
- numVertexRanges = 0;
- for (Entry<LongWritable, List<String>> entriesToHost :
- numEntriesToHostMap.entrySet()) {
- long numEntries = entriesToHost.getKey().get();
- squareDeviation += (entriesToHost.getValue().size() *
- (numEntries - aveWorkerEntries) *
- (numEntries - aveWorkerEntries));
- numTotalEntries += (numEntries * entriesToHost.getValue().size());
- numVertexRanges += entriesToHost.getValue().size();
- }
- for (Set<VertexRange<I,V,E,M>> vRangeSet :
- hostToVertexRangeMap.values()) {
- for (VertexRange<I,V,E,M> vRange : vRangeSet) {
- nextVertexRangeMap.put(vRange.getMaxIndex(), vRange);
- }
- }
- LOG.info("rebalance: Final squareDeviation=" + squareDeviation +
- " numTotalEntries=" + numTotalEntries +
- " numVertexRangesCalculated=" + numVertexRanges +
- " numVertexRangesAssigned=" + nextVertexRangeMap.size());
- // only run once, revisit this when we make graph mutations
- balanceOn = BalCriterium.BAL_NONE;
- return nextVertexRangeMap;
- }
- }