Python | 221 lines | 175 code | 30 blank | 16 comment | 38 complexity | 3e7d5a443c9f7d4629f51c3348cfb5f4 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- Simulate a browser.
- Login to google appengine, parse several web pages into data structures
- and return them to the caller.
- """
- import re
- import random
- import logging
- import logging.handlers
- from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
- from ClientForm import *
- from mechanize import Browser
- class SoupLoginError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def __str__(self):
- return repr(self.value)
- class GoogleSoup:
- def __init__(self, username, password, logSeverity=logging.INFO):
- LOG_FILENAME = '/tmp/soup.out'
- # Set up a specific logger with our desired output level
- self.log = logging.getLogger('google_soup')
- self.log.setLevel( logSeverity )
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- # Add the log message handler to the logger
- handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( LOG_FILENAME, maxBytes=20, backupCount=5)
- self.log.addHandler(handler)
- self.br = Browser()
- def login(self, username, password):
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- self.br.open("http://appengine.google.com/")
- self.br.select_form(nr=0)
- # sometimes google "suggests" a email and requires us to put the
- # password in for it
- if self.br["Email"] is None or self.br["Email"] == '':
- self.br["Email"] = username
- self.br["Passwd"] = password
- response = self.br.submit()
- page_title = self.br.title()
- self.log.debug('On web Page %s, %s' % (response.geturl(), page_title))
- self.ensureMainPage()
- return response
- def ensureMainPage(self):
- page_title = self.br.title()
- self.log.debug('On web Page %s' % (page_title))
- if page_title == 'Google Accounts' or page_title != 'Applications Overview':
- raise SoupLoginError(self.username)
- def resetClient(self):
- return self.login(self.username, self.password)
- def strip_tags(self, element):
- text_accumulator = element.contents[0]
- for tag in element.findAll():
- tag_text = tag.renderContents()
- text_accumulator += tag_text
- text_accumulator = re.sub('\n', ' ', text_accumulator)
- text_accumulator = re.sub(' ', ' ', text_accumulator)
- text_accumulator = text_accumulator.strip()
- return text_accumulator
- def extract_headings(self, table):
- table_headings = []
- for header in table.findAll('th'):
- text = self.strip_tags(header)
- table_headings.append(text)
- return table_headings
- def findApplications(self):
- main_apps = BeautifulSoup(self.resetClient())
- column_headers = []
- apps = []
- for table in main_apps.findAll('table', limit=1):
- # table is a BeautifulSoup.Tag object
- column_headers = self.extract_headings(table)
- for app_row in table.tbody.findAll('tr'):
- column = 0
- basic_app_data = {}
- for app_data in app_row.findAllNext('td', limit=len(column_headers)):
- data_value = app_data.renderContents()
- attribute_name = column_headers[column]
- if 'app_id' in data_value:
- app_link = app_data.find('a', href=re.compile('.*app_id='))
- app_url = app_link['href'] #.attrs
- app_link.renderContents()
- basic_app_data.update({'url':app_url})
- basic_app_data.update({'name':self.strip_tags(app_data)})
- if 'ae-ext-link' in data_value:
- data_value = self.strip_tags(app_data)
- basic_app_data.update({attribute_name:data_value})
- column += 1
- apps.append(basic_app_data)
- return apps
- def decompose_reservation(self, stat_name, usage):
- usage = re.sub('\n', ' ', usage)
- if ' of ' in usage:
- parts = re.search('([0-9\.]*).of.([0-9\.]*)([^ ]*.*)', usage, re.MULTILINE)
- if parts:
- used, remaining, metric = parts.groups()
- metric = metric or stat_name
- return { 'metric': metric, 'used':used, 'remaining':remaining }
- else:
- return None
- def queryApplicationPerfs(self, applicationNames):
- self.resetClient()
- if applicationNames == '__ALL__':
- applicationLinks = self.br.links(url_regex='app_id=')
- else:
- for applicationName in applicationNames:
- applicationLinks = self.br.find_link(url_regex='app_id=%s' % applicationName)
- quota_stats = {}
- self.log.debug( 'Looking for application %s ' % applicationNames)
- for applicationLink in applicationLinks:
- response = self.br.follow_link(applicationLink)
- response = self.br.follow_link(text_regex=r'Quota Details')
- current_url = response.geturl()
- app_id_match = re.search('app_id=([^&]*)', current_url)
- if app_id_match:
- app_id = app_id_match.groups()[0]
- else:
- app_id = 'unknown_app'
- self.log.debug('Taking stats for application %s ' % app_id)
- quota_stats[app_id] = {}
- quota_details = response.read()
- quota_fix = re.compile('.*Why is My App Over Quota', re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
- quota_details = re.sub(quota_fix, '', quota_details)
- quota_soup = BeautifulSoup(quota_details)
- quota_section = quota_soup.find(attrs={'id':'ae-quota-details'})
- if quota_section:
- for quota_table in quota_section.findAll('table'):
- for stat_row in quota_table.tbody.findAll('tr', recursive=False):
- stat_name = self.strip_tags(stat_row.find('td'))
- for usage in stat_row.findAll('td', text=re.compile('%')):
- usage_string = usage.strip('\n')
- usage_string = int(usage_string.rstrip('%'))
- reservation = self.strip_tags(usage.parent.findNextSibling())
- reservation_components = self.decompose_reservation(stat_name, reservation)
- # just send random stuff for testing!!!!
- usage_string = str(random.randint(1000, 100000))
- quota_stats[app_id][stat_name + '_usage'] = usage_string
- quota_stats[app_id][stat_name + '_quota'] = reservation_components['used']
- quota_stats[app_id][stat_name + '_remaining'] = reservation_components['remaining']
- return quota_stats
- def parse_load(self):
- app_main = open('/tmp/dashboard.html', 'r').read()
- app_soup = BeautifulSoup(app_main)
- load_section = app_soup.find(text=re.compile('Current Load'))
- current_load = []
- if load_section:
- load_section = load_section.findParent('table')
- if load_section:
- column_headers = self.extract_headings(load_section)
- column = 0
- for stat_row in load_section.findAll('tr'):
- load_data = {}
- column = 0
- for stat_data in stat_row.findAll('td', limit=len(column_headers)):
- stat_name = column_headers[column]
- column += 1
- if 'URI' in stat_name:
- load_data['uri'] = stat_data.find('a')
- load_data['name'] = stat_data.find('a').string
- else:
- load_data[stat_name] = self.strip_tags(stat_data)
- current_load.append(load_data)
- def parse_errors(self):
- errors_section = app_soup.find(id='ae-dash-errors-count-col')
- errors = []
- if errors_section:
- errors_section = errors_section.findParent('table')
- if errors_section:
- column_headers = self.extract_headings(errors_section)
- column = 0
- for stat_row in errors_section.findAll('tr'):
- error_data = {}
- column = 0
- for stat_data in stat_row.findAll('td', limit=len(column_headers)):
- stat_name = column_headers[column]
- column += 1
- if 'URI' in stat_name:
- error_data['uri'] = stat_data.find('a')
- error_data['name'] = stat_data.find('a').string
- else:
- error_data[stat_name] = self.strip_tags(stat_data)
- errors.append(error_data)
- self.log.error(errors)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- pass
- # for testing
- # g = GoogleSoup('username', 'password')
- # print g.findApplications()