Python | 392 lines | 197 code | 83 blank | 112 comment | 30 complexity | 181f980a412443283d818c5245c9353b MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #
- # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- #
- """Status page handler for mapreduce framework."""
- import os
- import time
- from google.appengine.api import validation
- from google.appengine.api import yaml_builder
- from google.appengine.api import yaml_errors
- from google.appengine.api import yaml_listener
- from google.appengine.api import yaml_object
- from google.appengine.ext import db
- from google.appengine.ext.mapreduce import base_handler
- from google.appengine.ext.mapreduce import errors
- from google.appengine.ext.mapreduce import model
- MR_YAML_NAMES = ["mapreduce.yaml", "mapreduce.yml"]
- class BadStatusParameterError(Exception):
- """A parameter passed to a status handler was invalid."""
- class UserParam(validation.Validated):
- """A user-supplied parameter to a mapreduce job."""
- "name": r"[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+",
- "default": validation.Optional(r".*"),
- "value": validation.Optional(r".*"),
- }
- class MapperInfo(validation.Validated):
- """Configuration parameters for the mapper part of the job."""
- "handler": r".+",
- "input_reader": r".+",
- "output_writer": validation.Optional(r".+"),
- "params": validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(UserParam)),
- "params_validator": validation.Optional(r".+"),
- }
- class MapreduceInfo(validation.Validated):
- """Mapreduce description in mapreduce.yaml."""
- "name": r".+",
- "mapper": MapperInfo,
- "params": validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(UserParam)),
- "params_validator": validation.Optional(r".+"),
- }
- class MapReduceYaml(validation.Validated):
- """Root class for mapreduce.yaml.
- File format:
- mapreduce:
- - name: <mapreduce_name>
- mapper:
- - input_reader: google.appengine.ext.mapreduce.DatastoreInputReader
- - handler: path_to_my.MapperFunction
- - params:
- - name: foo
- default: bar
- - name: blah
- default: stuff
- - params_validator: path_to_my.ValidatorFunction
- Where
- mapreduce_name: The name of the mapreduce. Used for UI purposes.
- mapper_handler_spec: Full <module_name>.<function_name/class_name> of
- mapper handler. See MapreduceSpec class documentation for full handler
- specification.
- input_reader: Full <module_name>.<function_name/class_name> of the
- InputReader sub-class to use for the mapper job.
- params: A list of optional parameter names and optional default values
- that may be supplied or overridden by the user running the job.
- params_validator is full <module_name>.<function_name/class_name> of
- a callable to validate the mapper_params after they are input by the
- user running the job.
- """
- "mapreduce": validation.Optional(validation.Repeated(MapreduceInfo))
- }
- @staticmethod
- def to_dict(mapreduce_yaml):
- """Converts a MapReduceYaml file into a JSON-encodable dictionary.
- For use in user-visible UI and internal methods for interfacing with
- user code (like param validation). as a list
- Args:
- mapreduce_yaml: The Pyton representation of the mapreduce.yaml document.
- Returns:
- A list of configuration dictionaries.
- """
- all_configs = []
- for config in mapreduce_yaml.mapreduce:
- out = {
- "name": config.name,
- "mapper_input_reader": config.mapper.input_reader,
- "mapper_handler": config.mapper.handler,
- }
- if config.mapper.params_validator:
- out["mapper_params_validator"] = config.mapper.params_validator
- if config.mapper.params:
- param_defaults = {}
- for param in config.mapper.params:
- param_defaults[param.name] = param.default or param.value
- out["mapper_params"] = param_defaults
- if config.params:
- param_defaults = {}
- for param in config.params:
- param_defaults[param.name] = param.default or param.value
- out["params"] = param_defaults
- if config.mapper.output_writer:
- out["mapper_output_writer"] = config.mapper.output_writer
- all_configs.append(out)
- return all_configs
- def find_mapreduce_yaml(status_file=__file__):
- """Traverse directory trees to find mapreduce.yaml file.
- Begins with the location of status.py and then moves on to check the working
- directory.
- Args:
- status_file: location of status.py, overridable for testing purposes.
- Returns:
- the path of mapreduce.yaml file or None if not found.
- """
- checked = set()
- yaml = _find_mapreduce_yaml(os.path.dirname(status_file), checked)
- if not yaml:
- yaml = _find_mapreduce_yaml(os.getcwd(), checked)
- return yaml
- def _find_mapreduce_yaml(start, checked):
- """Traverse the directory tree identified by start until a directory already
- in checked is encountered or the path of mapreduce.yaml is found.
- Checked is present both to make loop termination easy to reason about and so
- that the same directories do not get rechecked.
- Args:
- start: the path to start in and work upward from
- checked: the set of already examined directories
- Returns:
- the path of mapreduce.yaml file or None if not found.
- """
- dir = start
- while dir not in checked:
- checked.add(dir)
- for mr_yaml_name in MR_YAML_NAMES:
- yaml_path = os.path.join(dir, mr_yaml_name)
- if os.path.exists(yaml_path):
- return yaml_path
- dir = os.path.dirname(dir)
- return None
- def parse_mapreduce_yaml(contents):
- """Parses mapreduce.yaml file contents.
- Args:
- contents: mapreduce.yaml file contents.
- Returns:
- MapReduceYaml object with all the data from original file.
- Raises:
- errors.BadYamlError: when contents is not a valid mapreduce.yaml file.
- """
- try:
- builder = yaml_object.ObjectBuilder(MapReduceYaml)
- handler = yaml_builder.BuilderHandler(builder)
- listener = yaml_listener.EventListener(handler)
- listener.Parse(contents)
- mr_info = handler.GetResults()
- except (ValueError, yaml_errors.EventError), e:
- raise errors.BadYamlError(e)
- if len(mr_info) < 1:
- raise errors.BadYamlError("No configs found in mapreduce.yaml")
- if len(mr_info) > 1:
- raise errors.MultipleDocumentsInMrYaml("Found %d YAML documents" %
- len(mr_info))
- jobs = mr_info[0]
- job_names = set(j.name for j in jobs.mapreduce)
- if len(jobs.mapreduce) != len(job_names):
- raise errors.BadYamlError(
- "Overlapping mapreduce names; names must be unique")
- return jobs
- def get_mapreduce_yaml(parse=parse_mapreduce_yaml):
- """Locates mapreduce.yaml, loads and parses its info.
- Args:
- parse: Used for testing.
- Returns:
- MapReduceYaml object.
- Raises:
- errors.BadYamlError: when contents is not a valid mapreduce.yaml file or the
- file is missing.
- """
- mr_yaml_path = find_mapreduce_yaml()
- if not mr_yaml_path:
- raise errors.MissingYamlError()
- mr_yaml_file = open(mr_yaml_path)
- try:
- return parse(mr_yaml_file.read())
- finally:
- mr_yaml_file.close()
- class ResourceHandler(base_handler.BaseHandler):
- """Handler for static resources."""
- "status": ("overview.html", "text/html"),
- "detail": ("detail.html", "text/html"),
- "base.css": ("base.css", "text/css"),
- "jquery.js": ("jquery-1.6.1.min.js", "text/javascript"),
- "jquery-json.js": ("jquery.json-2.2.min.js", "text/javascript"),
- "status.js": ("status.js", "text/javascript"),
- }
- def get(self, relative):
- if relative not in self._RESOURCE_MAP:
- self.response.set_status(404)
- self.response.out.write("Resource not found.")
- return
- real_path, content_type = self._RESOURCE_MAP[relative]
- path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static", real_path)
- self.response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "public; max-age=300"
- self.response.headers["Content-Type"] = content_type
- self.response.out.write(open(path).read())
- class ListConfigsHandler(base_handler.GetJsonHandler):
- """Lists mapreduce configs as JSON for users to start jobs."""
- def handle(self):
- self.json_response["configs"] = MapReduceYaml.to_dict(get_mapreduce_yaml())
- class ListJobsHandler(base_handler.GetJsonHandler):
- """Lists running and completed mapreduce jobs for an overview as JSON."""
- def handle(self):
- cursor = self.request.get("cursor")
- count = int(self.request.get("count", "50"))
- query = model.MapreduceState.all()
- if cursor:
- query.filter("__key__ >=", db.Key(cursor))
- query.order("__key__")
- jobs_list = query.fetch(count + 1)
- if len(jobs_list) == (count + 1):
- self.json_response["cursor"] = str(jobs_list[-1].key())
- jobs_list = jobs_list[:-1]
- all_jobs = []
- for job in jobs_list:
- out = {
- "name": job.mapreduce_spec.name,
- "mapreduce_id": job.mapreduce_spec.mapreduce_id,
- "active": job.active,
- "start_timestamp_ms":
- int(time.mktime(job.start_time.utctimetuple()) * 1000),
- "updated_timestamp_ms":
- int(time.mktime(job.last_poll_time.utctimetuple()) * 1000),
- "chart_url": job.sparkline_url,
- "chart_width": job.chart_width,
- "active_shards": job.active_shards,
- "shards": job.mapreduce_spec.mapper.shard_count,
- }
- if job.result_status:
- out["result_status"] = job.result_status
- all_jobs.append(out)
- self.json_response["jobs"] = all_jobs
- class GetJobDetailHandler(base_handler.GetJsonHandler):
- """Retrieves the details of a mapreduce job as JSON."""
- def handle(self):
- mapreduce_id = self.request.get("mapreduce_id")
- if not mapreduce_id:
- raise BadStatusParameterError("'mapreduce_id' was invalid")
- job = model.MapreduceState.get_by_key_name(mapreduce_id)
- if job is None:
- raise KeyError("Could not find job with ID %r" % mapreduce_id)
- self.json_response.update(job.mapreduce_spec.to_json())
- self.json_response.update(job.counters_map.to_json())
- self.json_response.update({
- "active": job.active,
- "start_timestamp_ms":
- int(time.mktime(job.start_time.utctimetuple()) * 1000),
- "updated_timestamp_ms":
- int(time.mktime(job.last_poll_time.utctimetuple()) * 1000),
- "chart_url": job.chart_url,
- })
- self.json_response["result_status"] = job.result_status
- shards_list = model.ShardState.find_by_mapreduce_state(job)
- all_shards = []
- shards_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.shard_number)
- for shard in shards_list:
- out = {
- "active": shard.active,
- "result_status": shard.result_status,
- "shard_number": shard.shard_number,
- "shard_id": shard.shard_id,
- "updated_timestamp_ms":
- int(time.mktime(shard.update_time.utctimetuple()) * 1000),
- "shard_description": shard.shard_description,
- "last_work_item": shard.last_work_item,
- }
- out.update(shard.counters_map.to_json())
- all_shards.append(out)
- self.json_response["shards"] = all_shards