https://github.com/jdubois/usi2011 · Java · 308 lines · 250 code · 49 blank · 9 comment · 29 complexity · ff9ea0cfc506c2a0c1552e2e66a29e24 MD5 · raw file
- package usi2011.repository.cassandra;
- import static com.google.common.collect.Lists.newArrayList;
- import static java.lang.Math.min;
- import static me.prettyprint.hector.api.factory.HFactory.createMutator;
- import static me.prettyprint.hector.api.factory.HFactory.createSuperSliceQuery;
- import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
- import static usi2011.repository.GameStatusRepository.GameStatusSuperColMetadata.GAME_CREATION_TIME;
- import static usi2011.repository.GameStatusRepository.GameStatusSuperColMetadata.NB_TWEET_SENT_FOR_MACHINE;
- import static usi2011.repository.GameStatusRepository.GameStatusSuperColMetadata.NB_USER_LOGGED_FOR_MACHINE;
- import static usi2011.repository.GameStatusRepository.GameStatusSuperColMetadata.QUESTION_1_TIMEFRAME_START;
- import static usi2011.repository.GameStatusRepository.GameStatusSuperColMetadata.WHEN_FIRST_LOGGED_IN_MILLISECONDS;
- import static usi2011.repository.cassandra.CassandraRepository.cfName;
- import static usi2011.util.LogUtil.isDebugEnabled;
- import static usi2011.util.LogUtil.isInfoEnabled;
- import static usi2011.util.Profiles.HECTOR;
- import java.net.InetAddress;
- import java.util.List;
- import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.IntegerSerializer;
- import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.LongSerializer;
- import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.StringSerializer;
- import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.HColumn;
- import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.HSuperColumn;
- import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.SuperSlice;
- import me.prettyprint.hector.api.factory.HFactory;
- import me.prettyprint.hector.api.mutation.Mutator;
- import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.QueryResult;
- import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.SuperColumnQuery;
- import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.SuperSliceQuery;
- import org.slf4j.Logger;
- import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
- import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary;
- import org.springframework.context.annotation.Profile;
- import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedOperation;
- import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedResource;
- import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
- import usi2011.domain.GameStatus;
- import usi2011.domain.GameStatus.GameStatusBuilder;
- import usi2011.repository.GameStatusRepository;
- @Component
- @ManagedResource
- @Profile(HECTOR)
- @Primary
- public class CassandraGameStatusWithSuperColumnRepository implements GameStatusRepository {
- private static final Logger logger = getLogger(CassandraGameStatusWithSuperColumnRepository.class);
- private static final StringSerializer stringSerializer = StringSerializer.get();
- private static final LongSerializer longSerializer = LongSerializer.get();
- private static final IntegerSerializer intSerializer = IntegerSerializer.get();
- private static final String uniqueId;
- private static String SUPER_COLUMN_FAMILY = cfName(GameStatusSuperColMetadata.class);
- @Autowired
- private CassandraRepository cassandra;
- private Long currentGameCreationTime = null;
- static {
- try {
- uniqueId = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new IllegalStateException(e);
- }
- }
- @Override
- @ManagedOperation
- public void reset() {
- // no need to truncate anything
- // no need to reset the currentGameCreationTime
- }
- @Override
- @ManagedOperation
- public void loggedUsers(int nbLoggedUsers) {
- if (currentGameCreationTime == null) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting a game to be present...");
- }
- if (isDebugEnabled) {
- logger.debug("Saving loggedUsers {}", nbLoggedUsers);
- }
- // create our sub column to store first login info
- final String key = NB_USER_LOGGED_FOR_MACHINE + "-" + uniqueId;
- List<HColumn<String, Long>> cols = newArrayList();
- cols.add(HectorUtil.createStringLongColumn(key, nbLoggedUsers));
- final Mutator<String> mutator = createMutator(cassandra.keyspace(), stringSerializer);
- mutator.addInsertion(cassandra.getDefaultKey(), // row key value (we use one row only)
- SUPER_COLUMN_FAMILY, // Super Column Family name
- HFactory.createSuperColumn(currentGameCreationTime, // superCol name
- cols, // cols in that super col
- longSerializer, // serializer for super col name
- stringSerializer, // serializer for col name
- longSerializer)).// serializer for col value
- execute();
- }
- @Override
- @ManagedOperation
- public void firstLogin(long firstLoginInMilliseconds) {
- if (currentGameCreationTime == null) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting a game to be present...");
- }
- if (isInfoEnabled) {
- logger.info("Saving first login at {}", firstLoginInMilliseconds);
- }
- // create our sub column to store first login info
- final String key = WHEN_FIRST_LOGGED_IN_MILLISECONDS + "-" + uniqueId;
- List<HColumn<String, Long>> cols = newArrayList();
- cols.add(HectorUtil.createStringLongColumn(key, firstLoginInMilliseconds));
- final Mutator<String> mutator = createMutator(cassandra.keyspace(), stringSerializer);
- mutator.addInsertion(cassandra.getDefaultKey(), // row key value (we use one row only)
- SUPER_COLUMN_FAMILY, // Super Column Family name
- HFactory.createSuperColumn(currentGameCreationTime, // superCol name
- cols, // cols in that super col
- longSerializer, // serializer for super col name
- stringSerializer, // serializer for col name
- longSerializer)).// serializer for col value
- execute();
- }
- @Override
- @ManagedOperation
- public void gameCreated(long gameCreationTime) {
- if (isInfoEnabled) {
- logger.info("Saving game created at {}", gameCreationTime);
- }
- // create our sub column to store our game info
- // we add one redundant col (the gameCreationTime) to please hector.
- List<HColumn<String, Long>> cols = newArrayList();
- cols.add(HectorUtil.createStringLongColumn(GAME_CREATION_TIME.name(), gameCreationTime));
- final Mutator<String> mutator = createMutator(cassandra.keyspace(), stringSerializer);
- mutator.addInsertion(cassandra.getDefaultKey(), // row key value (we use one row only)
- SUPER_COLUMN_FAMILY, // Super Column Family name
- HFactory.createSuperColumn(gameCreationTime, // superCol name
- cols, // cols in that super col
- longSerializer, // serializer for super col name
- stringSerializer, // serializer for col name
- longSerializer)).// serializer for col value
- execute();
- currentGameCreationTime = gameCreationTime;
- }
- @Override
- public void question1TimeframeSTart(long question1TimeframeSTart) {
- if (currentGameCreationTime == null) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting a game to be present...");
- }
- if (isInfoEnabled) {
- logger.info("Saving question1TimeframeSTart {}", question1TimeframeSTart);
- }
- // create our sub column to store first login info
- final String key = QUESTION_1_TIMEFRAME_START + "-" + uniqueId;
- List<HColumn<String, Long>> cols = newArrayList();
- cols.add(HectorUtil.createStringLongColumn(key, question1TimeframeSTart));
- final Mutator<String> mutator = createMutator(cassandra.keyspace(), stringSerializer);
- mutator.addInsertion(cassandra.getDefaultKey(), // row key value (we use one row only)
- SUPER_COLUMN_FAMILY, // Super Column Family name
- HFactory.createSuperColumn(currentGameCreationTime, // superCol name
- cols, // cols in that super col
- longSerializer, // serializer for super col name
- stringSerializer, // serializer for col name
- longSerializer)).// serializer for col value
- execute();
- }
- @Override
- public void tweetSent() {
- if (currentGameCreationTime == null) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting a game to be present...");
- }
- if (isInfoEnabled) {
- logger.info("Saving 1 tweet sent for game {}", currentGameCreationTime);
- }
- // create our sub column to store first login info
- final String key = NB_TWEET_SENT_FOR_MACHINE + "-" + uniqueId;
- List<HColumn<String, Long>> cols = newArrayList();
- cols.add(HectorUtil.createStringLongColumn(key, 1)); // 1 tweet sent by this machine
- final Mutator<String> mutator = createMutator(cassandra.keyspace(), stringSerializer);
- mutator.addInsertion(cassandra.getDefaultKey(), // row key value (we use one row only)
- SUPER_COLUMN_FAMILY, // Super Column Family name
- HFactory.createSuperColumn(currentGameCreationTime, // superCol name
- cols, // cols in that super col
- longSerializer, // serializer for super col name
- stringSerializer, // serializer for col name
- longSerializer)).// serializer for col value
- execute();
- }
- @Override
- public GameStatus getGameStatus() {
- final SuperSliceQuery<String, Long, String, Long> ssq = createSuperSliceQuery(cassandra.keyspace(), stringSerializer, longSerializer,
- stringSerializer, longSerializer);
- SuperSlice<Long,String,Long> result = ssq.setColumnFamily(SUPER_COLUMN_FAMILY) //
- .setKey(cassandra.getDefaultKey()) //
- .setRange(null, null, true, 1) // true= > we want the most recent game
- .execute() //
- .get();
- if (result.getSuperColumns().isEmpty()) {
- return null;
- }
- HSuperColumn<Long, String, Long> gameSuperCol = result.getSuperColumns().get(0);
- GameStatus def = GameStatus.DEFAULT;
- long nbOfUsersLogged = def.getNbOfUsersLogged();
- long whenFirstLogged = def.getWhenFirstUserLoggedInMilliseconds();
- long question1TimeframeSTart = def.getQuestion1TimeframeSTart();
- long gameCreationTime = def.getGameCreationTime();
- int nbTweetSent = def.getNbTweetSent();
- for (HColumn<String, Long> column : gameSuperCol.getColumns()) {
- final String key = column.getName();
- if (key.startsWith(WHEN_FIRST_LOGGED_IN_MILLISECONDS.name())) {
- whenFirstLogged = min(column.getValue(), whenFirstLogged);
- } else if (key.startsWith(NB_USER_LOGGED_FOR_MACHINE.name())) {
- nbOfUsersLogged += column.getValue();
- } else if (key.startsWith(NB_TWEET_SENT_FOR_MACHINE.name())) {
- nbTweetSent += column.getValue();
- } else if (key.startsWith(QUESTION_1_TIMEFRAME_START.name())) {
- question1TimeframeSTart = min(column.getValue(), question1TimeframeSTart);
- } else if (key.equals(GAME_CREATION_TIME.name())) {
- gameCreationTime = column.getValue();
- }
- }
- currentGameCreationTime = gameCreationTime;
- return new GameStatusBuilder() //
- .setWhenFirstUserLoggedInMilliseconds(whenFirstLogged) //
- .setGameCreationTime(gameCreationTime) //
- .setNbOfUsersLogged(nbOfUsersLogged) //
- .setQuestion1TimeframeSTart(question1TimeframeSTart) //
- .setNbTweetSent(nbTweetSent) //
- .build();
- }
- @Override
- public void publishLocalRankingRequestCount(long gameCreationTimeMs, int value) {
- publishLocalRankingRequestCount(uniqueId, gameCreationTimeMs, value);
- }
- @Override
- public void publishLocalRankingRequestCount(String machineUid, long gameCreationTimeMs, int value) {
- // create our sub column to store our local counter
- List<HColumn<String, Integer>> cols = newArrayList();
- cols.add(HectorUtil.createStringIntegerColumn(machineUid, value));
- final Mutator<String> mutator = createMutator(cassandra.keyspace(), stringSerializer);
- mutator.addInsertion(cassandra.getDefaultKey(), // row key value (we use one row only)
- cfName(RankingStatusMetadata.class), // Super Column Family name
- HFactory.createSuperColumn(gameCreationTimeMs, // superCol name
- cols, // cols in that super col
- longSerializer, // serializer for super col name
- stringSerializer, // serializer for col name
- intSerializer)).// serializer for col value
- execute();
- }
- @Override
- public int getGlobalRankingRequestCount(long gameCreationTimeMs) {
- SuperColumnQuery<String, Long, String, Integer> scq = HFactory.createSuperColumnQuery(cassandra.keyspace(), stringSerializer, longSerializer,
- stringSerializer, intSerializer);
- QueryResult<HSuperColumn<Long, String, Integer>> result = scq.setKey(cassandra.getDefaultKey()). //
- setColumnFamily(cfName(RankingStatusMetadata.class)). //
- setSuperName(gameCreationTimeMs).execute();
- HSuperColumn<Long, String, Integer> superCol = result.get();
- if (superCol == null) {
- return 0;
- }
- List<HColumn<String, Integer>> localCounters = superCol.getColumns();
- int globalCounter = 0;
- if (localCounters != null) {
- for (HColumn<String, Integer> localCounter : localCounters) {
- globalCounter += localCounter.getValue();
- }
- return globalCounter;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- }