Python | 448 lines | 280 code | 53 blank | 115 comment | 26 complexity | a053e5e5b81587630cd4335eb1d358c7 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- _PSetTweaks_
- Record a set of tweakable parameters from a CMSSW Configuration in a CMSSW
- independent python structure
- """
- from future import standard_library
- standard_library.install_aliases()
- from builtins import object, map, range
- from past.builtins import basestring
- from future.utils import viewitems, viewvalues
- import imp
- import inspect
- import json
- import pickle
- import sys
- from functools import reduce
- class PSetHolder(object):
- """
- _PSetHolder_
- Dummy PSet object used to construct the Tweak object to mimic
- the config structure
- """
- def __init__(self, psetName):
- self.psetName_ = psetName
- self.parameters_ = []
- # //
- # // Assistant lambda functions
- #//
- childPSets = lambda x: [ value for value in viewvalues(x.__dict__)
- if value.__class__.__name__ == "PSetHolder" ]
- childParameters = lambda p, x: [ "%s.%s" % (p,i) for i in x.parameters_ ]
- recursiveGetattr = lambda obj, attr: reduce(getattr, attr.split("."), obj)
- def parameterIterator(obj):
- """
- _parameterIterator_
- Util to iterate through the parameters in a PSetHolder
- """
- x = None
- for x in childParameters(obj):
- yield getattr(obj, x)
- def psetIterator(obj):
- """
- _psetIterator_
- Util to iterate through the child psets in a PSetHolder
- """
- for x in childPSets(obj):
- yield x
- class PSetLister(object):
- """
- _PSetLister_
- Operator to decompose the PSet structure into a
- more sequence like get up
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.psets = []
- self.parameters = {}
- self.queue = []
- def __call__(self, pset):
- """
- _operator(PSetHolder)_
- recursively traverse all parameters in this and all child
- PSets
- """
- self.queue.append(pset.psetName_)
- psetPath = ".".join(self.queue)
- self.psets.append(psetPath)
- params = childParameters(psetPath, pset)
- self.parameters[psetPath] = params
- list(map(self, childPSets(pset)))
- self.queue.pop(-1)
- class JSONiser(object):
- """
- _JSONiser_
- Util class to build a json dictionary structure from the PSet tree
- and also recover the pset tree from a json structure
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.json = {}
- self.queue = []
- self.parameters = {}
- def __call__(self, pset, parent = None):
- """
- _operator(pset)_
- operate on pset and substructure to build a json dictionary
- """
- if parent == None: parent = self.json
- thisPSet = parent.get(pset.psetName_, None)
- if thisPSet == None:
- parent[pset.psetName_] = {}
- thisPSet = parent[pset.psetName_]
- for param in pset.parameters_:
- thisPSet[param] = getattr(pset, param)
- thisPSet['parameters_'] = pset.parameters_
- for child in childPSets(pset):
- self(child, thisPSet)
- def dejson(self, dictionary):
- """
- _dejson_
- Convert the json structure back to PSetHolders
- """
- params = dictionary.get('parameters_', [])
- queue = ".".join(self.queue)
- for param in params:
- self.parameters["%s.%s" % (queue, param)] = dictionary[param]
- for key, value in viewitems(dictionary):
- if isinstance(value, dict):
- self.queue.append(key)
- self.dejson(dictionary[key])
- self.queue.pop(-1)
- class PSetTweak(object):
- """
- _PSetTweak_
- Template object listing the parameters to be edited.
- Also provides serialisation functionality and defines the
- process + tweak operator to apply the tweaks to a process.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.process = PSetHolder("process")
- def addParameter(self, attrName, value):
- """
- _addAttribute_
- Add an attribute as process.pset1.pset2.param = value
- Value should be the appropriate python type
- """
- currentPSet = None
- paramList = attrName.split(".")
- for _ in range(0, len(paramList)):
- param = paramList.pop(0)
- if param == "process":
- currentPSet = self.process
- elif len(paramList) > 0:
- if not hasattr(currentPSet, param):
- setattr(currentPSet, param, PSetHolder(param))
- currentPSet = getattr(currentPSet, param)
- else:
- setattr(currentPSet, param, value)
- currentPSet.parameters_.append(param)
- def getParameter(self, paramName):
- """
- _getParameter_
- Get value of the parameter with the name given of the
- form process.module...
- """
- if not paramName.startswith("process"):
- msg = "Invalid Parameter Name: %s\n" % paramName
- msg += "Parameter must start with process"
- raise RuntimeError(msg)
- return recursiveGetattr(self, paramName)
- def __iter__(self):
- """
- _iterate_
- Loop over all parameters in the tweak, returning the
- parameter name as a . delimited path and the value
- """
- lister = PSetLister()
- lister(self.process)
- for pset in lister.psets:
- for param in lister.parameters[pset]:
- yield param , self.getParameter(param)
- def psets(self):
- """
- _psets_
- Generator function to yield the PSets in the tweak
- """
- lister = PSetLister()
- lister(self.process)
- for pset in lister.psets:
- yield pset
- def __str__(self):
- """string repr for debugging etc"""
- result = ""
- for x,y in self:
- result += "%s = %s\n" % (x, y)
- return result
- def setattrCalls(self, psetPath):
- """
- _setattrCalls_
- Generate setattr call for each parameter in the pset structure
- Used for generating python format
- """
- result = {}
- current = None
- last = None
- psets = psetPath.split(".")
- for _ in range(0, len(psets)):
- pset = psets.pop(0)
- last = current
- if current == None:
- current = pset
- else:
- current += ".%s" % pset
- if last != None:
- result[current] = "setattr(%s, \"%s\", PSetHolder(\"%s\"))" % (
- last, pset, pset)
- return result
- def pythonise(self):
- """
- _pythonise_
- return this object as python format
- """
- src = inspect.getsourcelines(PSetHolder)
- result = ""
- for line in src[0]:
- result += line
- result += "\n\n"
- result += "# define PSet Structure\n"
- result += "process = PSetHolder(\"process\")\n"
- setattrCalls = {}
- for pset in self.psets():
- setattrCalls.update(self.setattrCalls(pset))
- order = sorted(setattrCalls.keys())
- for call in order:
- if call == "process": continue
- result += "%s\n" % setattrCalls[call]
- result += "# set parameters\n"
- for param, value in self:
- psetName = param.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
- paramName = param.rsplit(".", 1)[1]
- if isinstance(value, basestring):
- value = "\"%s\"" % value
- result += "setattr(%s, \"%s\", %s)\n" % (
- psetName, paramName, value)
- result += "%s.parameters_.append(\"%s\")\n" % (psetName, paramName)
- return result
- def jsonise(self):
- """
- _jsonise_
- return json format of this tweak
- """
- jsoniser = JSONiser()
- jsoniser(self.process)
- result = json.dumps(jsoniser.json)
- return result
- def jsondictionary(self):
- """
- _jsondictionary_
- return the json layout dictionary, rather than stringing it
- """
- jsoniser = JSONiser()
- jsoniser(self.process)
- return jsoniser.json
- def simplejsonise(self):
- """
- _simplejsonise_
- return simple json format of this tweak
- E.g.:
- {"process.maxEvents.input": 1200, "process.source.firstRun": 1, "process.source.firstLuminosityBlock": 59965}
- """
- jsoniser = JSONiser()
- jsoniser.dejson(self.jsondictionary())
- result = json.dumps(jsoniser.parameters)
- return result
- def persist(self, filename, formatting="python"):
- """
- _persist_
- Save this object as either python, json or pickle
- """
- if formatting not in ("python", "json", "pickle", "simplejson"):
- msg = "Unsupported Format: %s" % formatting
- raise RuntimeError(msg)
- if formatting == "python":
- with open(filename, 'w') as handle:
- handle.write(self.pythonise())
- if formatting == "json":
- with open(filename, "w") as handle:
- handle.write(self.jsonise())
- if formatting == "pickle":
- with open(filename, "wb") as handle:
- pickle.dump(self, handle)
- if formatting == "simplejson":
- with open(filename, "w") as handle:
- handle.write(self.simplejsonise())
- return
- def unpersist(self, filename, formatting=None):
- """
- _unpersist_
- Load data from file provided, if format is not specified, guess
- it based on file extension
- """
- if formatting == None:
- fileSuffix = filename.rsplit(".", 1)[1]
- if fileSuffix == "py":
- formatting = "python"
- if fileSuffix == "pkl":
- formatting = "pickle"
- if fileSuffix == "json":
- formatting = "json"
- if formatting not in ("python", "json", "pickle"):
- msg = "Unsupported Format: %s" % formatting
- raise RuntimeError(msg)
- if formatting == "pickle":
- with open(filename, 'rb') as handle:
- unpickle = pickle.load(handle)
- self.process.__dict__.update(unpickle.__dict__)
- if formatting == "python":
- modRef = imp.load_source('tempTweak', filename)
- lister = PSetLister()
- lister(modRef.process)
- for pset in lister.psets:
- for param in lister.parameters[pset]:
- self.addParameter(param , recursiveGetattr(modRef, param))
- del modRef, sys.modules['tempTweak']
- if formatting == "json":
- with open(filename, 'r') as handle:
- jsonContent = handle.read()
- jsoniser = JSONiser()
- jsoniser.dejson(json.loads(jsonContent))
- for param, value in viewitems(jsoniser.parameters):
- self.addParameter(param , value)
- def reset(self):
- """
- _reset_
- Reset pset holder process
- """
- del self.process
- self.process = PSetHolder("process")
- def makeTweakFromJSON(jsonDictionary):
- """
- _makeTweakFromJSON_
- Make a tweak instance and populate it from a dictionary JSON
- structure
- """
- jsoniser = JSONiser()
- jsoniser.dejson(jsonDictionary)
- tweak = PSetTweak()
- for param, value in viewitems(jsoniser.parameters):
- tweak.addParameter(param , value)
- return tweak