Python | 143 lines | 95 code | 23 blank | 25 comment | 21 complexity | 6bdc7ef4fa4c4a05786ae79a8bbca66d MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- Version of dbsClient.dbsApi intended to be used with mock or unittest.mock
- """
- from __future__ import (division, print_function)
- from builtins import object
- from future.utils import viewitems
- import copy
- import json
- import os
- from RestClient.ErrorHandling.RestClientExceptions import HTTPError
- from WMCore.Services.DBS.DBSErrors import DBSReaderError
- from WMCore.WMBase import getTestBase
- from Utils.Utilities import encodeUnicodeToBytesConditional
- from Utils.PythonVersion import PY2
- # Read in the data just once so that we don't have to do it for every test (in __init__)
- mockData = {}
- globalFile = os.path.join(getTestBase(), '..', 'data', 'Mock', 'DBSMockData.json')
- phys03File = os.path.join(getTestBase(), '..', 'data', 'Mock', 'DBSMockData03.json')
- try:
- with open(globalFile, 'r') as mockFile:
- mockDataGlobal = json.load(mockFile)
- except IOError:
- mockDataGlobal = {}
- try:
- with open(phys03File, 'r') as mockFile:
- mockData03 = json.load(mockFile)
- except IOError:
- mockData03 = {}
- mockData['https://cmsweb-prod.cern.ch/dbs/prod/global/DBSReader'] = mockDataGlobal
- mockData['https://cmsweb-prod.cern.ch/dbs/prod/phys03/DBSReader'] = mockData03
- class MockDbsApi(object):
- def __init__(self, url):
- print("Using MockDBSApi")
- self.url = url.strip('/')
- # print("Initializing MockDBSApi")
- def serverinfo(self):
- return {'dbs_instance': 'MOCK', 'dbs_version': '3.3.144'}
- def listFileArray(self, **kwargs):
- """
- Handle the case when logical_file_name is called with a list (longer than one) of files
- since we don't want to store all permutations. Rebuild the list of dicts that DBS returns
- Args:
- **kwargs: any kwargs that dbs client accepts
- Returns:
- """
- self.item = 'listFileArray'
- if 'logical_file_name' in kwargs and len(kwargs['logical_file_name']) > 1:
- origArgs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
- returnDicts = []
- for lfn in kwargs['logical_file_name']:
- origArgs.update({'logical_file_name': [lfn]})
- returnDicts.extend(self.genericLookup(**origArgs))
- return returnDicts
- else:
- return self.genericLookup(**kwargs)
- def listFileLumiArray(self, **kwargs):
- """
- Handle the case when logical_file_name is called with a list (longer than one) of files
- since we don't want to store all permutations. Rebuild the list of dicts that DBS returns
- Args:
- **kwargs: any kwargs that dbs client accepts
- Returns:
- """
- self.item = 'listFileLumiArray'
- if 'logical_file_name' in kwargs and len(kwargs['logical_file_name']) > 1:
- origArgs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
- returnDicts = []
- # since we iterate over this, we better make sure it's a list to avoid
- # things like: ['U', 'N', 'K', 'N', 'O', 'W', 'N']
- if isinstance(kwargs['logical_file_name'], str):
- kwargs['logical_file_name'] = [kwargs['logical_file_name']]
- for lfn in kwargs['logical_file_name']:
- origArgs.update({'logical_file_name': [lfn]})
- returnDicts.extend(self.genericLookup(**origArgs))
- return returnDicts
- else:
- return self.genericLookup(**kwargs)
- def __getattr__(self, item):
- """
- __getattr__ gets called in case lookup of the actual method fails. We use this to return data based on
- a lookup table
- :param item: The method name the user is trying to call
- :return: The generic lookup function
- """
- self.item = item
- return self.genericLookup
- def genericLookup(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- This function returns the mocked DBS data
- :param args: positional arguments it was called with
- :param kwargs: named arguments it was called with
- :return: the dictionary that DBS would have returned
- """
- if self.url not in mockData:
- raise DBSReaderError("Mock DBS emulator knows nothing about instance %s" % self.url)
- if kwargs:
- for k in kwargs:
- if isinstance(kwargs[k], (list, tuple)):
- kwargs[k] = [encodeUnicodeToBytesConditional(item, condition=PY2) for item in kwargs[k]]
- else:
- kwargs[k] = encodeUnicodeToBytesConditional(kwargs[k], condition=PY2)
- signature = '%s:%s' % (self.item, sorted(viewitems(kwargs)))
- else:
- signature = self.item
- try:
- if mockData[self.url][signature] == 'Raises HTTPError':
- raise HTTPError('http:/dbs.mock.fail', 400, 'MockDBS is raising an exception in place of DBS', 'Dummy header', 'Dummy body')
- else:
- return mockData[self.url][signature]
- except KeyError:
- if kwargs.get('dataset', None) == '/HighPileUp/Run2011A-v1/RAW-BLAH':
- return []
- raise KeyError("DBS mock API could not return data for method %s, args=%s, and kwargs=%s (URL %s) (Signature: %s)" %
- (self.item, args, kwargs, self.url, signature))