Python | 319 lines | 176 code | 71 blank | 72 comment | 34 complexity | 0b8f354f7a220a96e9e35c7854a7da20 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- _LsfPlugin_
- Plugin to support use of LSF queues (at CERN)
- Does not support rerunnable jobs, ie. which are
- automatically requeued by LSF with a different job id
- """
- import os
- import re
- import errno
- import time
- import datetime
- import socket
- import logging
- import subprocess
- from WMCore.WMInit import getWMBASE
- from WMCore.BossAir.Plugins.BasePlugin import BasePlugin, BossAirPluginException
- from WMCore.FwkJobReport.Report import Report
- class LsfPlugin(BasePlugin):
- """
- _LsfPlugin_
- """
- @staticmethod
- def stateMap():
- """
- For a given name, return a global state
- """
- stateDict = {'New': 'Pending',
- 'PEND': 'Pending',
- 'PSUSP': 'Pending',
- 'WAIT': 'Pending',
- 'RUN': 'Running',
- 'USUSP': 'Running',
- 'SSUSP': 'Running',
- 'DONE': 'Complete',
- 'EXIT': 'Error',
- 'UNKWN': 'Error',
- 'ZOMBI': 'Error',
- 'Timeout' : 'Error'}
- return stateDict
- def __init__(self, config):
- self.config = config
- BasePlugin.__init__(self, config)
- self.packageDir = None
- self.unpacker = os.path.join(getWMBASE(),
- 'WMCore/WMRuntime/Unpacker.py')
- self.agent = config.Agent.agentName
- self.sandbox = None
- self.scriptFile = None
- self.queue = None
- self.resourceReq = None
- self.jobGroup = None
- return
- def submit(self, jobs, info = None):
- """
- _submit_
- Submit jobs for one subscription
- """
- # If we're here, then we have submitter components
- self.scriptFile = self.config.JobSubmitter.submitScript
- self.queue = self.config.JobSubmitter.LsfPluginQueue
- self.resourceReq = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'LsfPluginResourceReq', None)
- self.jobGroup = self.config.JobSubmitter.LsfPluginJobGroup
- self.batchOutput = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'LsfPluginBatchOutput', None)
- successfulJobs = []
- failedJobs = []
- if len(jobs) == 0:
- # Then we have nothing to do
- return successfulJobs, failedJobs
- # Now assume that what we get is the following; a mostly
- # unordered list of jobs with random sandboxes.
- # We intend to sort them by sandbox.
- submitDict = {}
- for job in jobs:
- sandbox = job['sandbox']
- if not sandbox in submitDict.keys():
- submitDict[sandbox] = []
- submitDict[sandbox].append(job)
- # Now submit the bastards
- for sandbox in submitDict.keys():
- jobList = submitDict.get(sandbox, [])
- while len(jobList) > 0:
- jobsReady = jobList[:self.config.JobSubmitter.jobsPerWorker]
- jobList = jobList[self.config.JobSubmitter.jobsPerWorker:]
- for job in jobsReady:
- if job == {}:
- # Then I don't know how we got here either
- logging.error("Was passed a nonexistant job. Ignoring")
- continue
- submitScript = self.makeSubmit(job)
- if not submitScript:
- # Then we got nothing
- logging.error("No submit script made!")
- return {'NoResult': [0]}
- submitScriptFile = os.path.join(job['cache_dir'], "submit.sh")
- handle = open(submitScriptFile, 'w')
- handle.writelines(submitScript)
- handle.close()
- # make reasonable job name
- jobName = "WMAgentJob"
- regExpParser = re.compile('.*/JobCreator/JobCache/([^/]+)/[^/]+/.*')
- match = regExpParser.match(job['cache_dir'])
- if ( match != None ):
- jobName = "%s-%s" % (match.group(1), job['id'])
- # //
- # // Submit LSF job
- # //
- command = 'bsub'
- command += ' -q %s' % self.queue
- if self.resourceReq != None:
- command += ' -R "%s"' % self.resourceReq
- command += ' -g %s' % self.jobGroup
- command += ' -J %s' % jobName
- lsfLogDir = self.batchOutput
- if lsfLogDir != None:
- now = datetime.datetime.today()
- lsfLogDir += '/%s' % now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H")
- try:
- os.mkdir(lsfLogDir)
- logging.debug("Created directory %s" % lsfLogDir)
- except OSError, err:
- # suppress LSF log unless it's about an already exisiting directory
- if err.errno != errno.EEXIST or not os.path.isdir(lsfLogDir):
- logging.error("Can't create directory %s, turning off LSF log" % lsfLogDir)
- lsfLogDir = None
- if lsfLogDir == None:
- command += ' -oo /dev/null'
- else:
- command += ' -oo %s/%s.%%J.out' % (lsfLogDir, jobName)
- command += ' < %s' % submitScriptFile
- logging.info("Submitting LSF job: %s" % command)
- p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell = True,
- stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
- stdout = p.communicate()[0]
- returncode = p.returncode
- if returncode == 0:
- # check for correct naming convention in PFN
- regExpParser = re.compile('Job <([0-9]+)> is submitted to queue')
- match = regExpParser.match(stdout)
- if match != None:
- job['gridid'] = match.group(1)
- successfulJobs.append(job)
- logging.info("LSF Job ID : %s" % job['gridid'] )
- continue
- else:
- logging.error("bsub didn't return a valid Job ID. Job is not submitted")
- logging.error(stdout)
- lsfErrorReport = Report()
- lsfErrorReport.addError("JobSubmit", 61202, "LsfError", stdout)
- job['fwjr'] = lsfErrorReport
- failedJobs.append(job)
- # We must return a list of jobs successfully submitted,
- # and a list of jobs failed
- return successfulJobs, failedJobs
- def track(self, jobs, info = None):
- """
- _track_
- Track the jobs while in condor
- This returns a three-way ntuple
- First, the total number of jobs still running
- Second, the jobs that need to be changed
- Third, the jobs that need to be completed
- """
- # If we're here, then we have submitter components
- self.jobGroup = self.config.JobSubmitter.LsfPluginJobGroup
- changeList = []
- completeList = []
- runningList = []
- # get info about all active and recent jobs
- command = 'bjobs -a -w'
- command += ' -g %s' % self.jobGroup
- p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell = True,
- stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
- stdout = p.communicate()[0]
- returncode = p.returncode
- if returncode == 0:
- jobInfo = {}
- for line in stdout.splitlines(False)[1:]:
- # take line apart into elements
- linelist = line.rstrip().split()
- # dict with LSF jobid as key and LSF jobs status as value
- jobInfo[linelist[0]] = linelist[2]
- # now go over the jobs and see what we have
- for job in jobs:
- # if LSF doesn't know anything about the job, mark it complete
- if not jobInfo.has_key(job['gridid']):
- completeList.append(job)
- # otherwise act on LSF job status
- else:
- newStatus = jobInfo[job['gridid']]
- # track status changes
- if newStatus != job['status']:
- job['status'] = newStatus
- job['status_time'] = int(time.time())
- changeList.append(job)
- job['globalState'] = LsfPlugin.stateMap()[newStatus]
- # stop tracking finished jobs
- if job['globalState'] in [ 'Complete', 'Error' ]:
- completeList.append(job)
- else:
- runningList.append(job)
- return runningList, changeList, completeList
- def kill(self, jobs, info = None):
- """
- Kill a list of jobs based on their LSF jobid
- """
- for job in jobs:
- command = "bkill %s\n" % job['gridid']
- p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell = True,
- stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
- p.communicate()
- return
- def makeSubmit(self, job):
- """
- _makeSubmit_
- For a given job make a shell script to submit the job
- """
- script = ["#!/bin/sh\n"]
- # needed to construct rfio URL to access head node
- hostname = socket.getfqdn()
- # files needed to copied from head node to WN
- jobInputFiles = [ job['sandbox'],
- "%s/JobPackage.pkl" % job['packageDir'],
- self.unpacker,
- self.scriptFile ]
- for filename in jobInputFiles:
- script.append("rfcp %s:%s .\n" % (hostname, filename))
- script.append("bash %s %s %s\n" % (os.path.basename(self.scriptFile),
- os.path.basename(job['sandbox']),
- job['id']))
- script.append("rfcp Report.%i.pkl %s:%s/\n" % (job["retry_count"], hostname, job['cache_dir']))
- # get back a lot of debug information to the head node
- #script.append("find . -type f -name '*.log' -exec rfcp {} %s:%s/ \;\n" % (hostname, job['cache_dir']))
- return script