Python | 286 lines | 268 code | 10 blank | 8 comment | 0 complexity | b670c8df9778e134fd543cf2d02e0c6b MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #pylint: disable-msg=E1101,C0103,R0902
- import unittest
- import os
- from WMCore.Configuration import ConfigSection
- from WMCore.Configuration import Configuration
- from WMCore.Configuration import loadConfigurationFile
- from WMCore.Configuration import saveConfigurationFile
- from WMQuality.TestInitCouchApp import TestInitCouchApp as TestInit
- class ConfigurationTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """
- test case for Configuration object
- """
- def setUp(self):
- """set up"""
- self.testInit = TestInit(__file__)
- self.testDir = self.testInit.generateWorkDir()
- self.normalSave = "%s/WMCore_Agent_Configuration_t_normal.py" % self.testDir
- self.docSave = "%s/WMCore_Agent_Configuration_t_documented.py" % self.testDir
- self.commentSave = "%s/WMCore_Agent_Configuration_t_commented.py" % self.testDir
- def tearDown(self):
- """clean up"""
- self.testInit.delWorkDir()
- def testA(self):
- """ctor"""
- try:
- config = Configuration()
- except Exception, ex:
- msg = "Failed to instantiate Configuration\n"
- msg += str(ex)
- self.fail(msg)
- def testB(self):
- """add settings"""
- config = Configuration()
- config.section_("Section1")
- section1 = getattr(config, "Section1", None)
- self.failUnless(section1 != None)
- config.section_("Section2")
- section2 = getattr(config, "Section2", None)
- self.failUnless(section2 != None)
- self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, config, "Section3")
- # basic types
- config.Section1.Parameter1 = True
- config.Section1.Parameter2 = "string"
- config.Section1.Parameter3 = 123
- config.Section1.Parameter4 = 123.456
- self.assertEqual(config.Section1.Parameter1, True)
- self.assertEqual(config.Section1.Parameter2, "string")
- self.assertEqual(config.Section1.Parameter3, 123)
- self.assertEqual(config.Section1.Parameter4, 123.456)
- # dictionary format:
- try:
- section1Dict = config.Section1.dictionary_()
- except Exception, ex:
- msg = "Error converting section to dictionary:\n"
- msg += "%s\n" % str(ex)
- self.fail(msg)
- self.failUnless( section1Dict.has_key("Parameter1"))
- self.failUnless( section1Dict.has_key("Parameter2"))
- self.failUnless( section1Dict.has_key("Parameter3"))
- self.failUnless( section1Dict.has_key("Parameter4"))
- self.assertEqual(section1Dict['Parameter1'],
- config.Section1.Parameter1)
- self.assertEqual(section1Dict['Parameter2'],
- config.Section1.Parameter2)
- self.assertEqual(section1Dict['Parameter3'],
- config.Section1.Parameter3)
- self.assertEqual(section1Dict['Parameter4'],
- config.Section1.Parameter4)
- # compound types
- config.Section2.List = ["string", 123, 123.456, False]
- config.Section2.Dictionary = { "string" : "string",
- "int" : 123,
- "float" : 123.456,
- "bool" : False}
- config.Section2.Tuple = ("string", 123, 123.456, False)
- self.assertEqual(config.Section2.List,
- ["string", 123, 123.456, False])
- self.assertEqual(config.Section2.Tuple,
- ("string", 123, 123.456, False))
- class DummyObject:
- pass
- # unsupported parameter type
- self.assertRaises(
- RuntimeError, setattr,
- config.Section2, "BadObject", DummyObject())
- # unsupported data type in compound type
- badList = [ DummyObject(), DummyObject()]
- self.assertRaises(
- RuntimeError, setattr,
- config.Section2, "BadList", badList)
- badDict = { "dict" : {}, "list": [], "tuple" : () }
- self.assertRaises(
- RuntimeError, setattr,
- config.Section2, "BadDict", badDict)
- def testC(self):
- """add components"""
- config = Configuration()
- config.component_("Component1")
- config.component_("Component2")
- config.component_("Component3")
- comp1 = getattr(config, "Component1", None)
- self.failUnless(comp1 != None)
- comp2 = getattr(config, "Component2", None)
- self.failUnless(comp2 != None)
- def testD(self):
- """test documentation"""
- config = Configuration()
- config.section_("Section1")
- config.Section1.Parameter1 = True
- config.Section1.Parameter2 = "string"
- config.Section1.Parameter3 = 123
- config.Section1.Parameter4 = 123.456
- config.Section1.Parameter5 = {"test1" : "test2", "test3" : 123}
- config.Section1.document_("""This is Section1""")
- config.Section1.document_("""This is Section1.Parameter1""",
- "Parameter1")
- config.Section1.document_("""This is Section1.Parameter2""",
- "Parameter2")
- config.Section1.document_("""This is Section1.Parameter3\n with multiline comments""",
- "Parameter3")
- try:
- config.Section1.documentedString_()
- except Exception, ex:
- msg = "Error calling ConfigSection.documentedString_:\n"
- msg += "%s\n" % str(ex)
- self.fail(msg)
- try:
- config.Section1.commentedString_()
- except Exception, ex:
- msg = "Error calling ConfigSection.commentedString_:\n"
- msg += "%s\n" % str(ex)
- self.fail(msg)
- try:
- config.documentedString_()
- except Exception, ex:
- msg = "Error calling Configuration.documentedString_:\n"
- msg += "%s\n" % str(ex)
- self.fail(msg)
- try:
- config.commentedString_()
- except Exception, ex:
- msg = "Error calling Configuration.commentedString_:\n"
- msg += "%s\n" % str(ex)
- self.fail(msg)
- def testE(self):
- """test save/load """
- testValues = [
- "string", 123, 123.456,
- ["list", 789, 10.1 ],
- { "dict1" : "value", "dict2" : 10.0 }
- ]
- config = Configuration()
- for x in range(0, 5):
- config.section_("Section%s" % x)
- config.component_("Component%s" % x)
- sect = getattr(config, "Section%s" % x)
- comp = getattr(config, "Component%s" % x)
- sect.document_("This is Section%s" % x)
- comp.document_("This is Component%s" % x)
- for i in range(0, 5):
- setattr(comp, "Parameter%s" % i, testValues[i])
- setattr(sect, "Parameter%s" % i, testValues[i])
- comp.document_("This is Parameter%s" % i,
- "Parameter%s" %i)
- sect.document_("This is Parameter%s" %i,
- "Parameter%s" %i)
- stringSave = str(config)
- documentSave = config.documentedString_()
- commentSave = config.commentedString_()
- saveConfigurationFile(config, self.normalSave)
- saveConfigurationFile(config, self.docSave, document = True)
- saveConfigurationFile(config, self.commentSave, comment = True)
- plainConfig = loadConfigurationFile(self.normalSave)
- docConfig = loadConfigurationFile(self.docSave)
- commentConfig = loadConfigurationFile(self.commentSave)
- #print commentConfig.commentedString_()
- #print docConfig.documentedString_()
- #print docConfig.commentedString_()
- def testF(self):
- """
- Test internal functions pythonise_, listSections_
- """
- config = ConfigSection("config")
- config.section_("SectionA")
- config.section_("SectionB")
- config.SectionA.section_("Section1")
- config.SectionA.section_("Section2")
- config.SectionA.Section1.x = 100
- config.SectionA.Section1.y = 100
- pythonise = config.pythonise_()
- assert "config.section_('SectionA')" in pythonise, "Pythonise failed: Could not find SectionA"
- assert "config.SectionA.Section1.x = 100" in pythonise, "Pythonise failed: Could not find x"
- pythonise = config.SectionA.pythonise_()
- assert "SectionA.section_('Section1')" in pythonise, "Pythonise failed: Could not find Section1"
- assert "SectionA.Section1.x = 100" in pythonise, "Pythonise failed: Could not find x"
- self.assertEqual(config.listSections_(), ['SectionB', 'SectionA'])
- self.assertEqual(config.SectionA.listSections_(), ['Section2', 'Section1'])
- def testG_testStaticReferenceToConfigurationInstance(self):
- """
- test Configuration.getInstance() which returns reference
- to the Configuration object instance.
- """
- config = Configuration()
- instance = Configuration.getInstance()
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(instance, "testsection"))
- config.section_("testsection")
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(instance, "testsection"))
- config.testsection.var = 10
- self.assertEquals(instance.testsection.var, 10)
- def testH_ConfigSectionDictionariseInternalChildren(self):
- """
- The test checks if any item of the dictionary_whole_tree_()
- result is not unexpanded instance of ConfigSection.
- """
- config = ConfigSection("config")
- config.value1 = "MyValue1"
- config.section_("Task1")
- config.Task1.value2 = "MyValue2"
- config.Task1.section_("subSection")
- config.Task1.subSection.value3 = "MyValue3"
- d = config.dictionary_whole_tree_()
- for values in d.values():
- self.assertFalse(isinstance(values, ConfigSection))
- self.assertEqual(d["Task1"]["subSection"]["value3"], "MyValue3")
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()