Python | 415 lines | 317 code | 35 blank | 63 comment | 16 complexity | d6da6691459dd13fa59f5de6e7392620 MD5 | raw file
- # Author Chet Mancini
- # Disclaimer - this code needs a lot of work.
- # There's a lot that can be refactored at the moment!
- # I just had to get it working for class.
- import sys, copy
- # Easy hack for enums. Not terribly pythonic, but will get job done here.
- class Color:
- B = "B"
- W = "W"
- Y = "Y"
- R = "R"
- G = "G"
- O = "O"
- class Face:
- face = []
- def rotateClock(self):
- temp = self.face
- temp[0] = self.face[6]
- temp[1] = self.face[3]
- temp[2] = self.face[0]
- temp[3] = self.face[7]
- #faceClone[4] = face[4] (always static)
- temp[5] = self.face[1]
- temp[6] = self.face[8]
- temp[7] = self.face[5]
- temp[8] = self.face[2]
- self.face = temp
- def rotateCounter(self):
- temp = self.face
- temp[0] = self.face[2]
- temp[1] = self.face[5]
- temp[2] = self.face[8]
- temp[3] = self.face[1]
- #faceClone[4] = face[4] (always static)
- temp[5] = self.face[7]
- temp[6] = self.face[0]
- temp[7] = self.face[3]
- temp[8] = self.face[6]
- self.face = temp
- def allSameColor():
- color = face[0]
- for test in face:
- if test != color:
- return False
- return True
- class Rubik:
- paths = []
- top = Face()
- bottom = Face()
- left = Face()
- right = Face()
- front = Face()
- back = Face()
- # Representation is stored in a 9-element list
- # 1-3, 4-6, 7-9
- def __init__(self):
- paths = []
- def successors(self):
- toReturn = []
- TopCounter = copy.deepcopy(self)
- topCounter(TopCounter)
- TopCounter.paths.append("TCo")
- toReturn.append(TopCounter)
- TopClock = copy.deepcopy(self)
- topClock(TopClock)
- TopClock.paths.append("TCl")
- toReturn.append(TopClock)
- # LeftForward = copy.deepcopy(self)
- # LeftForward.leftForward()
- # LeftForward.paths.append("LF")
- # toReturn.append(LeftForward)
- #
- # LeftBackward = copy.deepcopy(self)
- # LeftBackward.leftBackward()
- # LeftBackward.paths.append("LB")
- # toReturn.append(LeftBackward)
- #
- # RightForward = copy.deepcopy(self)
- # RightForward.rightForward()
- # RightForward.paths.append("RF")
- # toReturn.append(RightForward)
- #
- # RightBackward = copy.deepcopy(self)
- # RightBackward.rightBackward()
- # RightBackward.paths.append("RB")
- # toReturn.append(RightBackward)
- #
- # BottomCounter = copy.deepcopy(self)
- # BottomCounter.bottomCounter()
- # BottomCounter.paths.append("BCo")
- # toReturn.append(BottomCounter)
- #
- # BottomClock = copy.deepcopy(self)
- # BottomClock.bottomClock()
- # BottomClock.paths.append("BCl")
- # toReturn.append(BottomClock)
- #
- # FrontClock = copy.deepcopy(self)
- # FrontClock.frontClock()
- # FrontClock.paths.append("FCl")
- # toReturn.append(FrontClock)
- #
- # FrontCounter = copy.deepcopy(self)
- # FrontCounter.frontCounter()
- # FrontCounter.paths.append("FCo")
- # toReturn.append(FrontCounter)
- # print FrontCounter.dictKey()
- #
- # BackClock = copy.deepcopy(self)
- # BackClock.backClock()
- # BackClock.paths.append("BaCl")
- # toReturn.append(BackClock)
- # print BackClock.dictKey()
- #
- # BackCounter = copy.deepcopy(self)
- # BackCounter.backCounter()
- # BackCounter.paths.append("BaCo")
- # toReturn.append(BackCounter)
- # print BackCounter.dictKey()
- return toReturn
- def dictKey(self):
- toReturn = []
- toReturn.extend(self.top.face)
- toReturn.extend(self.bottom.face)
- toReturn.extend(self.left.face)
- toReturn.extend(self.right.face)
- toReturn.extend(self.front.face)
- toReturn.extend(self.back.face)
- return ''.join(toReturn)
- def goalCheck():
- return top.allSameColor() and bottom.allSameColor() and left.allSameColor() and right.allSameColor() and front.allSameColor() and back.allSameColor()
- class RubikCube:
- def solve(self):
- Cube = Rubik()
- f = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
- #Tried to refactor this but got a bunch of global var errors? weird.
- Cube.back.face = f.readline().split()
- Cube.back.face.extend(f.readline().split())
- Cube.back.face.extend(f.readline().split())
- Cube.left.face = f.readline().split()
- Cube.left.face.extend(f.readline().split())
- Cube.left.face.extend(f.readline().split())
- Cube.top.face = f.readline().split()
- Cube.top.face.extend(f.readline().split())
- Cube.top.face.extend(f.readline().split())
- Cube.right.face = f.readline().split()
- Cube.right.face.extend(f.readline().split())
- Cube.right.face.extend(f.readline().split())
- Cube.front.face = f.readline().split()
- Cube.front.face.extend(f.readline().split())
- Cube.front.face.extend(f.readline().split())
- Cube.bottom.face = f.readline().split()
- Cube.bottom.face.extend(f.readline().split())
- Cube.bottom.face.extend(f.readline().split())
- f.close()
- openList = Cube.successors()
- closeList = {}
- closeList[Cube.dictKey()] = Cube
- while len(openList) > 0:
- newCube = openList.pop()
- print newCube.dictKey()
- if closeList.has_key(newCube.dictKey()) or (len(newCube.paths) == 20):
- continue
- else:
- closeList[newCube.dictKey()] = newCube
- if newCube.goalCheck():
- return ', '.join(newCube.paths)
- else:
- for successor in newCube.successors():
- if not closeList.has_key(successor.dictKey()):
- openList.append(successor)
- return 'Done'
- ### Transformations ####
- def topCounter(cube):
- cube.top.rotateCounter()
- temp1 = cube.front.face[0]
- temp2 = cube.front.face[1]
- temp3 = cube.front.face[2]
- cube.front.face[0] = cube.left.face[2]
- cube.front.face[1] = cube.left.face[5]
- cube.front.face[2] = cube.left.face[8]
- cube.left.face[2] = cube.back.face[8]
- cube.left.face[5] = cube.back.face[7]
- cube.left.face[8] = cube.back.face[6]
- cube.back.face[8] = cube.right.face[6]
- cube.back.face[7] = cube.right.face[3]
- cube.back.face[6] = cube.right.face[0]
- cube.right.face[6] = temp1
- cube.right.face[3] = temp2
- cube.right.face[0] = temp3
- def topClock(cube):
- cube.top.rotateClock()
- temp1 = cube.front.face[0]
- temp2 = cube.front.face[1]
- temp3 = cube.front.face[2]
- cube.front.face[0] = cube.right.face[0]
- cube.front.face[1] = cube.right.face[3]
- cube.front.face[2] = cube.right.face[6]
- cube.right.face[0] = cube.back.face[6]
- cube.right.face[3] = cube.back.face[7]
- cube.right.face[6] = cube.back.face[8]
- cube.back.face[6] = cube.left.face[8]
- cube.back.face[7] = cube.left.face[5]
- cube.back.face[8] = cube.left.face[2]
- cube.left.face[8] = temp3
- cube.left.face[5] = temp2
- cube.left.face[2] = temp1
- def leftForward():
- left.rotateClock()
- temp1 = front.face[0]
- temp2 = front.face[3]
- temp3 = front.face[6]
- front.face[0] = top.face[0]
- front.face[3] = top.face[3]
- front.face[6] = top.face[6]
- top.face[0] = back.face[0]
- top.face[3] = back.face[3]
- top.face[6] = back.face[6]
- back.face[0] = bottom.face[0]
- back.face[3] = bottom.face[3]
- back.face[6] = bottom.face[6]
- bottom.face[0] = temp1
- bottom.face[3] = temp2
- bottom.face[6] = temp3
- def leftBackward():
- left.rotateCounter()
- temp1 = front.face[0]
- temp2 = front.face[3]
- temp3 = front.face[6]
- front.face[0] = bottom.face[0]
- front.face[3] = bottom.face[3]
- front.face[6] = bottom.face[6]
- bottom.face[0] = back.face[0]
- bottom.face[3] = back.face[3]
- bottom.face[6] = back.face[6]
- back.face[0] = top.face[0]
- back.face[3] = top.face[3]
- back.face[6] = top.face[6]
- top.face[0] = temp1
- top.face[3] = temp2
- top.face[6] = temp3
- def rightForward():
- right.rotateCounter()
- temp1 = front.face[2]
- temp2 = front.face[5]
- temp3 = front.face[8]
- front.face[2] = top.face[2]
- front.face[5] = top.face[5]
- front.face[8] = top.face[8]
- top.face[2] = back.face[2]
- top.face[5] = back.face[5]
- top.face[8] = back.face[8]
- back.face[2] = bottom.face[2]
- back.face[5] = bottom.face[5]
- back.face[8] = bottom.face[8]
- bottom.face[2] = temp1
- bottom.face[5] = temp2
- bottom.face[8] = temp3
- def rightBackward():
- right.rotateClock()
- temp1 = front.face[2]
- temp2 = front.face[5]
- temp3 = front.face[8]
- front.face[2] = bottom.face[2]
- front.face[5] = bottom.face[5]
- front.face[8] = bottom.face[8]
- bottom.face[2] = back.face[2]
- bottom.face[5] = back.face[5]
- bottom.face[8] = back.face[8]
- back.face[2] = top.face[2]
- back.face[5] = top.face[5]
- back.face[8] = top.face[8]
- top.face[2] = temp1
- top.face[5] = temp2
- top.face[8] = temp3
- def bottomCounter():
- bottom.rotateCounter()
- temp1 = front.face[6]
- temp2 = front.face[7]
- temp3 = front.face[8]
- front.face[6] = left.face[0]
- front.face[7] = left.face[3]
- front.face[8] = left.face[6]
- left.face[0] = back.face[2]
- left.face[3] = back.face[1]
- left.face[6] = back.face[0]
- back.face[2] = right.face[8]
- back.face[1] = right.face[5]
- back.face[0] = right.face[2]
- right.face[8] = temp1
- right.face[5] = temp2
- right.face[2] = temp3
- def bottomClock():
- bottom.rotateClock()
- temp1 = front.face[6]
- temp2 = front.face[7]
- temp3 = front.face[8]
- front.face[6] = right.face[8]
- front.face[7] = right.face[5]
- front.face[8] = right.face[2]
- right.face[8] = back.face[2]
- right.face[5] = back.face[1]
- right.face[2] = back.face[0]
- back.face[2] = left.face[0]
- back.face[1] = left.face[3]
- back.face[0] = left.face[6]
- left.face[0] = temp1
- left.face[3] = temp2
- left.face[6] = temp3
- def frontClock():
- front.rotateClock()
- temp1 = top.face[6]
- temp2 = top.face[7]
- temp3 = top.face[8]
- top.face[6] = left.face[6]
- top.face[7] = left.face[7]
- top.face[8] = left.face[8]
- left.face[6] = bottom.face[2]
- left.face[7] = bottom.face[1]
- left.face[8] = bottom.face[0]
- bottom.face[2] = right.face[6]
- bottom.face[1] = right.face[7]
- bottom.face[0] = right.face[8]
- right.face[6] = temp1
- right.face[7] = temp2
- right.face[8] = temp3
- def frontCounter():
- front.rotateCounter()
- temp1 = top.face[6]
- temp2 = top.face[7]
- temp3 = top.face[8]
- top.face[6] = right.face[6]
- top.face[7] = right.face[7]
- top.face[8] = right.face[8]
- right.face[6] = bottom.face[2]
- right.face[7] = bottom.face[1]
- right.face[8] = bottom.face[0]
- bottom.face[2] = left.face[6]
- bottom.face[1] = left.face[7]
- bottom.face[0] = left.face[8]
- left.face[6] = temp1
- left.face[7] = temp2
- left.face[8] = temp3
- def backClock():
- back.rotateCounter()
- temp1 = top.face[0]
- temp2 = top.face[1]
- temp3 = top.face[2]
- top.face[0] = left.face[0]
- top.face[1] = left.face[1]
- top.face[2] = left.face[2]
- left.face[0] = bottom.face[6]
- left.face[1] = bottom.face[7]
- left.face[2] = bottom.face[8]
- bottom.face[6] = right.face[2]
- bottom.face[7] = right.face[1]
- bottom.face[8] = right.face[0]
- right.face[2] = temp3
- right.face[1] = temp2
- right.face[0] = temp1
- def backCounter():
- back.rotateClock()
- temp1 = top.face[0]
- temp2 = top.face[1]
- temp3 = top.face[2]
- top.face[0] = right.face[0]
- top.face[1] = right.face[1]
- top.face[2] = right.face[2]
- right.face[0] = bottom.face[8]
- right.face[1] = bottom.face[7]
- right.face[2] = bottom.face[6]
- bottom.face[8] = left.face[2]
- bottom.face[7] = left.face[1]
- bottom.face[6] = left.face[0]
- left.face[2] = temp3
- left.face[1] = temp2
- left.face[0] = temp1
- if __name__=="__main__":
- c = RubikCube()
- print c.solve()