Python | 256 lines | 229 code | 4 blank | 23 comment | 1 complexity | b636d9a0096f5d08dcc1e89969fa2b9d MD5 | raw file
- #==========================================================================
- #
- # Copyright Insight Software Consortium
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- #
- #==========================================================================*/
- from __future__ import print_function
- import os
- import os.path
- import sys
- import imp
- import inspect
- import itkConfig
- import itkTemplate
- def LoadModule(name, namespace=None):
- """This function causes a SWIG module to be loaded into memory after its
- dependencies are satisfied. Information about the templates defined therein
- is looked up from a config file, and PyTemplate instances for each are
- created. These template instances are placed in a module with the given
- name that is either looked up from sys.modules or created and placed there
- if it does not already exist.
- Optionally, a 'namespace' parameter can be provided. If it is provided,
- this namespace will be updated with the new template instantiations.
- The raw classes loaded from the named module's SWIG interface are placed in
- a 'swig' sub-module. If the namespace parameter is provided, this
- information will be placed in a sub-module named 'swig' therein as well.
- This later submodule will be created if it does not already exist."""
- # find the module's name in sys.modules, or create a new module so named
- this_module = sys.modules.setdefault(name, imp.new_module(name))
- # if this library and it's template instantiations have already been loaded
- # into sys.modules, bail out after loading the defined symbols into
- # 'namespace'
- if hasattr(this_module, '__templates_loaded'):
- if namespace is not None:
- swig = namespace.setdefault('swig', imp.new_module('swig'))
- swig.__dict__.update(this_module.swig.__dict__)
- # don't worry about overwriting the symbols in namespace -- any
- # common symbols should be of type itkTemplate, which is a
- # singleton type. That is, they are all identical, so replacing one
- # with the other isn't a problem.
- for k, v in this_module.__dict__.items():
- if not (k.startswith('_') or k == 'swig'):
- namespace[k] = v
- return
- # We're definitely going to load the templates. We set templates_loaded
- # here instead of at the end of the file to protect against cyclical
- # dependencies that could kill the recursive lookup below.
- this_module.__templates_loaded = True
- # For external projects :
- # If this_module name (variable name) is in the module_data dictionnary,
- # then this_module is an installed module (or a previously loaded module).
- # Otherwise, it may come from an external project. In this case, we must
- # search the Configuration/<name>Config.py file of this project.
- try:
- module_data[name]
- except:
- file = inspect.getfile(this_module)
- path = os.path.dirname(file)
- data = {}
- conf = name + 'Config.py'
- try:
- # for a linux tree
- execfile(os.path.join(path, 'Configuration', conf), data)
- except:
- try:
- # for a windows tree
- execfile(os.path.join(path, '..', 'Configuration', conf), data)
- except:
- data = None
- if(data):
- module_data[name] = data
- # Now, we definitely need to load the template instantiations from the
- # named module, and possibly also load the underlying SWIG module. Before
- # we can load the template instantiations of this module, we need to load
- # those of the modules on which this one depends. Ditto for the SWIG
- # modules.
- # So, we recursively satisfy the dependencies of named module and create
- # the template instantiations.
- # Dependencies are looked up from the auto-generated configuration files,
- # via the module_data instance defined at the bottom of this file, which
- # knows how to find those configuration files.
- data = module_data[name]
- if data:
- deps = sorted(data['depends'])
- for dep in deps:
- LoadModule(dep, namespace)
- if itkConfig.ImportCallback:
- itkConfig.ImportCallback(name, 0)
- # SWIG-generated modules have 'Python' appended. Only load the SWIG module
- # if we haven't already.
- swigModuleName = name + "Python"
- loader = LibraryLoader()
- if not swigModuleName in sys.modules:
- module = loader.load(swigModuleName)
- # OK, now the modules on which this one depends are loaded and
- # template-instantiated, and the SWIG module for this one is also loaded.
- # We're going to put the things we load and create in two places: the
- # optional 'namespace' parameter, and the this_module variable's namespace.
- # make a new 'swig' sub-module for this_module. Also look up or create a
- # different 'swig' module for 'namespace'. Since 'namespace' may be used to
- # collect symbols from multiple different ITK modules, we don't want to
- # stomp on an existing 'swig' module, nor do we want to share 'swig'
- # modules between this_module and namespace.
- this_module.swig = imp.new_module('swig')
- if namespace is not None:
- swig = namespace.setdefault('swig', imp.new_module('swig'))
- for k, v in module.__dict__.items():
- if not k.startswith('__'):
- setattr(this_module.swig, k, v)
- if namespace is not None and not k.startswith('__'):
- setattr(swig, k, v)
- data = module_data[name]
- if data:
- for template in data['templates']:
- if len(template) == 4:
- # This is a template description
- pyClassName, cppClassName, swigClassName, templateParams = \
- template
- # It doesn't matter if an itkTemplate for this class name
- # already exists since every instance of itkTemplate with the
- # same name shares the same state. So we just make a new
- # instance and add the new templates.
- templateContainer = itkTemplate.itkTemplate(cppClassName)
- try:
- templateContainer.__add__(
- templateParams, getattr(module, swigClassName))
- setattr(this_module, pyClassName, templateContainer)
- if namespace is not None:
- curval = namespace.get(pyClassName)
- if curval is not None and curval != templateContainer:
- DebugPrintError("Namespace already has a value for"
- " %s, which is not an itkTemplate"
- "instance for class %s. "
- "Overwriting old value."
- % (pyClassName, cppClassName))
- namespace[pyClassName] = templateContainer
- except Exception as e:
- DebugPrintError("%s not loaded from module %s because of "
- "exception:\n %s"
- % (swigClassName, name, e))
- else:
- # this is a description of a non-templated class
- pyClassName, cppClassName, swigClassName = template
- try:
- swigClass = getattr(module, swigClassName)
- itkTemplate.registerNoTpl(cppClassName, swigClass)
- setattr(this_module, pyClassName, swigClass)
- if namespace is not None:
- curval = namespace.get(pyClassName)
- if curval is not None and curval != swigClass:
- DebugPrintError("Namespace already has a value for"
- " %s, which is not class %s. "
- "Overwriting old value."
- % (pyClassName, cppClassName))
- namespace[pyClassName] = swigClass
- except Exception as e:
- DebugPrintError("%s not found in module %s because of "
- "exception:\n %s"
- % (swigClassName, name, e))
- if itkConfig.ImportCallback:
- itkConfig.ImportCallback(name, 1)
- def DebugPrintError(error):
- if itkConfig.DebugLevel == itkConfig.WARN:
- print(error, file=sys.stderr)
- elif itkConfig.DebugLevel == itkConfig.ERROR:
- raise RuntimeError(error)
- class LibraryLoader(object):
- """Do all the work to set up the environment so that a SWIG-generated
- library can be properly loaded. This invloves setting paths defined in
- itkConfig."""
- def setup(self):
- self.old_cwd = os.getcwd()
- try:
- os.chdir(itkConfig.swig_lib)
- except OSError:
- # silently pass to avoid the case where the dir is not there
- pass
- self.old_path = sys.path
- sys.path = [itkConfig.swig_lib, itkConfig.swig_py] + sys.path
- def load(self, name):
- self.setup()
- try:
- # needed in case next line raises exception, so that finally block
- # works
- fp = None
- fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module(name)
- return imp.load_module(name, fp, pathname, description)
- finally:
- # Since we may exit via an exception, close fp explicitly.
- if fp:
- fp.close()
- self.cleanup()
- def cleanup(self):
- os.chdir(self.old_cwd)
- sys.path = self.old_path
- # Make a list of all know modules (described in *Config.py files in the
- # config_py directory) and load the information described in those Config.py
- # files.
- dirs = [p for p in itkConfig.path if os.path.isdir(p)]
- module_data = {}
- for d in dirs:
- files = os.listdir(d + os.sep + "Configuration")
- known_modules = sorted([f[:-9] for f in files if f.endswith('Config.py')])
- sys.path.append(d)
- sys.path.append(d + os.sep + ".." + os.sep + "lib")
- for module in known_modules:
- data = {}
- conf = module + 'Config.py'
- path = os.path.join(d + os.sep + "Configuration", conf)
- if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
- with open(path, "rb") as modulefile:
- exec(modulefile.read(), data)
- else:
- execfile(path, data)
- module_data[module] = data