https://github.com/MadMikeyB/CakePHP-Scrapbook · PHP · 130 lines · 83 code · 19 blank · 28 comment · 23 complexity · 4dd6c283d117e44b8c11841107acbda6 MD5 · raw file
- <?php
- App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http'); //cake 2.x
- class ShortenComponent extends Component
- {
- var $name = 'Shorten';
- public $bitlyLogin; // obtain from https://bitly.com/a/your_api_key
- public $bitlyApiKey; // obtain from https://bitly.com/a/your_api_key
- public $bitlyFormat; // json, xml, txt
- public $kwnDomain; // kwn.me or quicklink.me
- public $kwnApiKey; // obtain from kwn.me/api?act=key
- public $yourlsDomain; // the domain YOURLS is installed on
- public $yourlsFormat; // json, xml, simple
- public $googleDomain; // Google API's URL
- public $googleApiKey; // obtain from https://code.google.com/apis/console/
- /**
- * ShortenComponent::shorten()
- *
- * @param mixed $longurl
- * @param mixed $service
- * @param mixed $options
- * @return mixed $shorturl
- *
- * @author Michael Burton (MadMikeyB)
- * @copyright 2011
- * @link http://onemorefunction.com/blog/posts/cakephp-shortencomponent-a-component-for-url-shortening/9/
- * @example http://onemorefunction.com/blog/examples/shorten
- * @license BSD - https://github.com/MadMikeyB/CakePHP-Scrapbook/blob/master/LICENSE
- */
- public function shorten($longurl, $service, $options = array())
- {
- if (!empty($longurl)) {
- if ($service == 'kwnme') {
- // define all settings
- if (empty($options['kwn'])) { // check if the user has passed any args with the shorten func
- $this->kwnApiKey = 'REPLACEME'; // get from kwn.me/api?act=key
- $this->kwnDomain = 'kwn.me'; // can be kwn.me or quicklink.me
- } else {
- $this->kwnApiKey = $options['kwn']['ApiKey'];
- $this->kwnDomain = $options['kwn']['Domain'];
- }
- // get stuff done
- $kwnmeshortenedURL = file_get_contents("http://{$this->kwnDomain}/api.php?act=shorten&key={$this->kwnApiKey}&opt=text&url=" .
- urlencode($longurl) . "&type=plain&recycle=true");
- if (!empty($kwnmeshortenedURL)) {
- return $kwnmeshortenedURL;
- } else {
- return 'error';
- }
- }
- /**
- * @example $this->Shorten->shorten('http://onemorefunction.com', 'bitly', array('bitly', array('Login' => 'REPLACEME', 'ApiKey' => 'REPLACEME', 'Format' => 'txt')));
- **/
- if ($service == 'bitly') {
- // define all settings
- if (empty($options['bitly'])) { // check if the user has passed any args with the shorten func
- $this->bitlyLogin = 'REPLACEME'; // https://bitly.com/a/your_api_key
- $this->bitlyApiKey = 'REPLACEME'; // https://bitly.com/a/your_api_key
- $this->bitlyFormat = 'txt'; // txt, json or xml
- } else { // args passed?
- $this->bitlyLogin = $options['bitly']['Login'];
- $this->bitlyApiKey = $options['bitly']['ApiKey'];
- $this->bitlyFormat = $options['bitly']['Format'];
- }
- // get stuff done
- $bitlyshortenedURL = file_get_contents("http://api.bitly.com/v3/shorten?login={$this->bitlyLogin}&apiKey={$this->bitlyApiKey}&longUrl={$longurl}&format={$this->bitlyFormat}");
- if (!empty($bitlyshortenedURL)) {
- return $bitlyshortenedURL;
- } else {
- return 'error';
- }
- }
- if ($service == 'yourls') {
- // define all settings
- if (empty($options['yourls'])) { // check if the user has passed any args with the shorten func
- $this->yourlsDomain = 'topic.to';
- } else {
- $this->yourlsDomain = $options['yourls']['Domain'];
- }
- $this->yourlsFormat = 'simple'; // json, xml or simple
- // get stuff done
- $yourlsshortenedURL = file_get_contents("http://{$this->yourlsDomain}/api.php?action=shorturl&url={$longurl}&format={$this->yourlsFormat}");
- if (!empty($yourlsshortenedURL)) {
- return $yourlsshortenedURL;
- } else {
- return 'error';
- }
- }
- if ($service == 'google') {
- // define all settings
- if (empty($options['google'])) { // check if the user has passed any args with the shorten func
- $this->googleDomain = 'https://www.googleapis.com/urlshortener/v1/url?key=';
- $this->googleApiKey = 'REPLACEME'; // get here: https://code.google.com/apis/console/
- } else {
- $this->googleDomain = $options['google']['Domain'];
- $this->googleApiKey = $options['google']['ApiKey'];
- }
- /**
- * @link https://github.com/fabricioferracioli/CakePHP-Google-URL-Shortener-Component/blob/master/google_url_shortener.php
- **/
- //App::import('Core', 'HttpSocket'); deleted for cake 2.x
- $socket = new HttpSocket();
- $result = $socket->post($this->googleDomain . $this->googleApiKey, json_encode(array
- ('longUrl' => $longurl)), array('header' => array('Content-Type' =>
- 'application/json')));
- $googleUrl = json_decode($result, true);
- return $googleUrl['id'];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ?>