Python | 326 lines | 273 code | 24 blank | 29 comment | 68 complexity | e789aa76bf8cac275f08b774f29c720b MD5 | raw file
- import distutils.ccompiler
- import distutils.sysconfig as sysconfig
- import glob
- import os
- import os.path
- import platform
- import subprocess
- import sys
- from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as build_ext
- from distutils.core import Extension
- from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError
- from setuptools import setup
- PY3= sys.version > '3'
- WIN32= platform.system() == 'Windows'
- no_compiler = False # Flag for cases where we are sure there is no compiler exists in user's system
- long_description= ''
- previous_line= ''
- with open('README.md') as dfile:
- for line in dfile:
- if not 'image' in line and not 'target' in line \
- and not 'DETAILED' in line and not '**main**' in line \
- and not '**development' in line \
- and not 'DETAILED' in previous_line:
- long_description+= line
- previous_line= line
- # Parse options; current options
- # --no-openmp: compile without OpenMP support
- # --coverage: compile with gcov support
- # --compiler= set the compiler by hand
- # --single_ext: compile all of the C code into a single extension (just for testing, do not use this)
- galpy_c_libraries = ['m','gsl','gslcblas','gomp']
- if WIN32:
- # On Windows it's unnecessary and erroneous to include m
- galpy_c_libraries.remove('m')
- # Windows does not need 'gomp' whether compiled with OpenMP or not
- galpy_c_libraries.remove('gomp')
- #Option to use Intel compilers
- try:
- compiler_option_pos = ['--compiler=' in opt for opt in sys.argv]\
- .index(True)
- except ValueError:
- use_intel_compiler= False
- else:
- use_intel_compiler= 'intel' in sys.argv[compiler_option_pos].split('=')[1]
- if use_intel_compiler and not WIN32:
- import numpy.distutils.intelccompiler
- elif use_intel_compiler and WIN32:
- import __intelcompiler
- if use_intel_compiler: # OpenMP by default included for Intel, see #416
- galpy_c_libraries.remove('gomp')
- #Option to forego OpenMP
- try:
- openmp_pos = sys.argv.index('--no-openmp')
- except ValueError:
- if "PYODIDE" in os.environ:
- extra_compile_args= ["-DNO_OMP"]
- galpy_c_libraries.remove('gomp')
- else:
- extra_compile_args = ["-fopenmp" if not WIN32 else "/openmp"]
- else:
- del sys.argv[openmp_pos]
- extra_compile_args= ["-DNO_OMP"]
- if not WIN32: # Because windows guarantee do not have 'gomp' in the list
- galpy_c_libraries.remove('gomp')
- #Option to track coverage
- try:
- coverage_pos = sys.argv.index('--coverage')
- except ValueError:
- extra_link_args= []
- else:
- del sys.argv[coverage_pos]
- extra_compile_args.extend(["-O0","--coverage","-D USING_COVERAGE"])
- extra_link_args= ["--coverage"]
- #Option to compile everything into a single extension
- try:
- single_ext_pos = sys.argv.index('--single_ext')
- except ValueError:
- single_ext= False
- else:
- del sys.argv[single_ext_pos]
- single_ext= True
- #Option to not compile any extension
- try:
- no_ext_pos = sys.argv.index('--no_ext')
- except ValueError:
- no_ext= False
- else:
- del sys.argv[no_ext_pos]
- no_ext= True
- #code to check the GSL version; list cmd w/ shell=True only works on Windows
- # (https://docs.python.org/3/library/subprocess.html#converting-argument-sequence)
- cmd= ['gsl-config','--version']
- try:
- if sys.version_info < (2,7): #subprocess.check_output does not exist
- gsl_version= subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=sys.platform.startswith('win'),
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
- else:
- gsl_version= \
- subprocess.check_output(cmd,
- shell=sys.platform.startswith('win'))
- except (OSError,subprocess.CalledProcessError):
- if "PYODIDE" in os.environ:
- gsl_version= ['2','7']
- else:
- gsl_version= ['0','0']
- else:
- if PY3:
- gsl_version= gsl_version.decode('utf-8')
- gsl_version= gsl_version.split('.')
- extra_compile_args.append("-D GSL_MAJOR_VERSION=%s" % (gsl_version[0]))
- #HACK for testing
- #gsl_version= ['0','0']
- # MSVC: inline does not exist (not C99!); default = not necessarily actual, but will have to do for now...
- # Note for the futureL could now get the actual compiler in the BuildExt class
- # below
- if distutils.ccompiler.get_default_compiler().lower() == 'msvc':
- extra_compile_args.append("-Dinline=__inline")
- # only msvc compiler can be tested with initialize(), msvc is a default on windows
- # check for 'msvc' not WIN32, user can use other compiler like 'mingw32', in such case compiler exists for them
- try:
- test_compiler = distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler()
- test_compiler.initialize() # try to initialize a test compiler to see if compiler presented
- except DistutilsPlatformError: # this error will be raised if no compiler in the system
- no_compiler = True
- # To properly export GSL symbols on Windows, need to defined GSL_DLL and WIN32
- if WIN32:
- extra_compile_args.append("-DGSL_DLL")
- extra_compile_args.append("-DWIN32")
- #main C extension
- galpy_c_src= ['galpy/util/bovy_symplecticode.c', 'galpy/util/bovy_rk.c',
- 'galpy/util/leung_dop853.c','galpy/util/bovy_coords.c']
- galpy_c_src.extend(glob.glob('galpy/potential/potential_c_ext/*.c'))
- galpy_c_src.extend(glob.glob('galpy/potential/interppotential_c_ext/*.c'))
- galpy_c_src.extend(glob.glob('galpy/util/interp_2d/*.c'))
- galpy_c_src.extend(glob.glob('galpy/orbit/orbit_c_ext/*.c'))
- galpy_c_src.extend(glob.glob('galpy/actionAngle/actionAngle_c_ext/*.c'))
- galpy_c_include_dirs= ['galpy/util',
- 'galpy/util/interp_2d',
- 'galpy/potential/potential_c_ext',
- 'galpy/potential/interppotential_c_ext',
- 'galpy/orbit/orbit_c_ext',
- 'galpy/actionAngle/actionAngle_c_ext']
- #actionAngleTorus C extension (files here, so we can compile a single extension if so desidered)
- actionAngleTorus_c_src= \
- glob.glob('galpy/actionAngle/actionAngleTorus_c_ext/*.cc')
- actionAngleTorus_c_src.extend(\
- glob.glob('galpy/actionAngle/actionAngleTorus_c_ext/torus/src/*.cc'))
- actionAngleTorus_c_src.extend(\
- ['galpy/actionAngle/actionAngleTorus_c_ext/torus/src/utils/CHB.cc',
- 'galpy/actionAngle/actionAngleTorus_c_ext/torus/src/utils/Err.cc',
- 'galpy/actionAngle/actionAngleTorus_c_ext/torus/src/utils/Compress.cc',
- 'galpy/actionAngle/actionAngleTorus_c_ext/torus/src/utils/Numerics.cc',
- 'galpy/actionAngle/actionAngleTorus_c_ext/torus/src/utils/PJMNum.cc'])
- actionAngleTorus_c_src.extend(\
- glob.glob('galpy/potential/potential_c_ext/*.c'))
- actionAngleTorus_c_src.extend(\
- glob.glob('galpy/orbit/orbit_c_ext/integrateFullOrbit.c'))
- actionAngleTorus_c_src.extend(glob.glob('galpy/util/interp_2d/*.c'))
- actionAngleTorus_c_src.extend(glob.glob('galpy/util/*.c'))
- actionAngleTorus_include_dirs= \
- ['galpy/actionAngle/actionAngleTorus_c_ext',
- 'galpy/actionAngle/actionAngleTorus_c_ext/torus/src',
- 'galpy/actionAngle/actionAngleTorus_c_ext/torus/src/utils',
- 'galpy/actionAngle/actionAngle_c_ext',
- 'galpy/util/interp_2d',
- 'galpy/util',
- 'galpy/orbit/orbit_c_ext',
- 'galpy/potential/potential_c_ext']
- if single_ext: #add the code and libraries for the actionAngleTorus extensions
- if os.path.exists('galpy/actionAngle/actionAngleTorus_c_ext/torus/src'):
- galpy_c_src.extend(actionAngleTorus_c_src)
- galpy_c_src= list(set(galpy_c_src))
- galpy_c_include_dirs.extend(actionAngleTorus_include_dirs)
- galpy_c_include_dirs= list(set(galpy_c_include_dirs))
- #Installation of this extension using the GSL may (silently) fail, if the GSL
- #is built for the wrong architecture, on Mac you can install the GSL correctly
- #using
- #brew install gsl --universal
- galpy_c= Extension('libgalpy',
- sources=galpy_c_src,
- libraries=galpy_c_libraries,
- include_dirs=galpy_c_include_dirs,
- extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args,
- extra_link_args=extra_link_args)
- ext_modules=[]
- if float(gsl_version[0]) >= 1. \
- and (float(gsl_version[0]) >= 2. or float(gsl_version[1]) >= 14.):
- galpy_c_incl= True
- ext_modules.append(galpy_c)
- else:
- galpy_c_incl= False
- # Add the actionAngleTorus extension (src and include specified above)
- actionAngleTorus_c= Extension('libgalpy_actionAngleTorus',
- sources=actionAngleTorus_c_src,
- libraries=galpy_c_libraries,
- include_dirs=actionAngleTorus_include_dirs,
- extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args,
- extra_link_args=extra_link_args)
- if float(gsl_version[0]) >= 1. \
- and (float(gsl_version[0]) >= 2. or float(gsl_version[1]) >= 14.) and \
- os.path.exists('galpy/actionAngle/actionAngleTorus_c_ext/torus/src') \
- and not single_ext:
- actionAngleTorus_c_incl= True
- ext_modules.append(actionAngleTorus_c)
- else:
- actionAngleTorus_c_incl= False
- # Test whether compiler allows for the -fopenmp flag and all other flags
- # to guard against compilation errors
- # (https://stackoverflow.com/a/54518348)
- def compiler_has_flag(compiler,flagname):
- """Test whether a given compiler supports a given option"""
- import tempfile
- from distutils.errors import CompileError
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', suffix='.cpp') as f:
- f.write('int main (int argc, char **argv) { return 0; }')
- try:
- compiler.compile([f.name], extra_postargs=[flagname])
- except CompileError:
- return False
- return True
- # Now need to subclass BuildExt to access the compiler used and check flags
- class BuildExt(build_ext):
- def build_extensions(self):
- ct= self.compiler.compiler_type
- if ct == 'unix':
- for ext in self.extensions:
- # only add flags which pass the flag_filter
- extra_compile_args= []
- for flag in ext.extra_compile_args:
- if compiler_has_flag(self.compiler,flag):
- extra_compile_args.append(flag)
- ext.extra_compile_args= extra_compile_args
- build_ext.build_extensions(self)
- setup(cmdclass=dict(build_ext=BuildExt), # this to allow compiler check above
- name='galpy',
- version='1.8.1.dev0',
- description='Galactic Dynamics in python',
- author='Jo Bovy',
- author_email='bovy@astro.utoronto.ca',
- license='New BSD',
- long_description=long_description,
- long_description_content_type='text/markdown',
- url='http://github.com/jobovy/galpy',
- package_dir = {'galpy/': ''},
- packages=['galpy','galpy/orbit','galpy/potential',
- 'galpy/df','galpy/util','galpy/snapshot',
- 'galpy/actionAngle'],
- package_data={'galpy/orbit':['named_objects.json'],
- 'galpy/df':['data/*.sav'],
- "": ["README.md","README.dev","LICENSE","AUTHORS.rst"]},
- include_package_data=True,
- install_requires=['setuptools','numpy>=1.7','scipy','matplotlib'],
- ext_modules=ext_modules if not no_compiler and not no_ext else None,
- classifiers=[
- "Development Status :: 6 - Mature",
- "Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
- "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License",
- "Operating System :: OS Independent",
- "Programming Language :: C",
- "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
- "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
- "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
- "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
- "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy",
- "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics"]
- )
- def print_gsl_message(num_messages=1):
- if num_messages > 1:
- this_str= 'these installations'
- else:
- this_str= 'this installation'
- print('If you believe that %s should have worked, make sure\n(1) that the GSL include/ directory can be found by the compiler (you might have to edit CFLAGS for this: export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I/path/to/gsl/include/", or equivalent for C-type shells; replace /path/to/gsl/include/ with the actual path to the include directory),\n(2) that the GSL library can be found by the linker (you might have to edit LDFLAGS for this: export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/path/to/gsl/lib/", or equivalent for C-type shells; replace /path/to/gsl/lib/ with the actual path to the lib directory),\n(3) and that `gsl-config --version` returns the correct version' % this_str)
- num_gsl_warn= 0
- if not galpy_c_incl:
- num_gsl_warn+= 1
- print('\033[91;1m'+'WARNING: galpy C library not installed because your GSL version < 1.14'+'\033[0m')
- if not actionAngleTorus_c_incl and not single_ext:
- num_gsl_warn+= 1
- print('\033[91;1m'+'WARNING: galpy action-angle-torus C library not installed because your GSL version < 1.14 or because you did not first download the torus code as explained in the installation guide in the html documentation'+'\033[0m')
- if num_gsl_warn > 0:
- print_gsl_message(num_messages=num_gsl_warn)
- print('\033[1m'+'These warning messages about the C code do not mean that the python package was not installed successfully'+'\033[0m')
- print('\033[1m'+'Finished installing galpy'+'\033[0m')
- print('You can run the test suite using `pytest -v tests/` to check the installation (but note that the test suite currently takes about 50 minutes to run)')
- #if single_ext, symlink the other (non-compiled) extensions to libgalpy.so (use EXT_SUFFIX for python3 compatibility)
- if PY3:
- _ext_suffix= sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX')
- else:
- _ext_suffix= '.so'
- if single_ext:
- if not os.path.exists('libgalpy_actionAngleTorus%s' % _ext_suffix) \
- and os.path.exists('galpy/actionAngle/actionAngleTorus_c_ext/torus/src'):
- os.symlink('libgalpy%s' % _ext_suffix,
- 'libgalpy_actionAngleTorus%s' % _ext_suffix)