https://github.com/wolfv/silverstripe-userforms · PHP · 281 lines · 278 code · 3 blank · 0 comment · 0 complexity · bc543dedb8b3f7378373375d1590896b MD5 · raw file
- <?php
- global $lang;
- $lang['en_US']['CustomRule.ss']['BLANK'] = 'Blank';
- $lang['en_US']['CustomRule.ss']['DELETE'] = 'Delete';
- $lang['en_US']['CustomRule.ss']['GREATERTHAN'] = 'Value Greater Than';
- $lang['en_US']['CustomRule.ss']['GREATERTHANEQUAL'] = 'Value Greater Than Or Equal';
- $lang['en_US']['CustomRule.ss']['HIDETHISFIELD'] = 'Hide This Field';
- $lang['en_US']['CustomRule.ss']['IS'] = 'Is';
- $lang['en_US']['CustomRule.ss']['LESSTHAN'] = 'Value Less Than';
- $lang['en_US']['CustomRule.ss']['LESSTHANEQUAL'] = 'Value Less Than Or Equal';
- $lang['en_US']['CustomRule.ss']['NOTBLANK'] = 'Not Blank';
- $lang['en_US']['CustomRule.ss']['NOTVALUE'] = 'Not Value';
- $lang['en_US']['CustomRule.ss']['SHOWTHISFIELD'] = 'Show This Field';
- $lang['en_US']['CustomRule.ss']['VALUE'] = 'Value';
- $lang['en_US']['CustomRule.ss']['WHEN'] = 'When';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableCheckbox']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Checkboxes',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableCheckbox']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Checkbox Field',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableCheckboxGroupField']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Checkbox Groups',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableCheckboxGroupField']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Checkbox Group',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableDateField']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Date Fields',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableDateField']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Date Field',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableDropdown']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Dropdowns',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableDropdown']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Dropdown Field',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableEmailField']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Email Fields',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableEmailField']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Email Field',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFileField']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'File Upload Fields',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFileField']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'File Upload Field',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField']['CHECKEDBYDEFAULT'] = 'Checked by Default?';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField']['CUSTOMERROR'] = 'Custom Error Message';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField']['DEFAULTTOTODAY'] = 'Default to Today?';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField']['ENTERQUESTION'] = 'Enter Question';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField']['GROUP'] = 'Group';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField']['NO'] = 'No';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Editable Form Fields',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField']['REQUIRED'] = 'Is this field Required?';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField']['RIGHTTITLE'] = 'Right Title';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Editable Form Field',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField']['YES'] = 'Yes';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['ADD'] = 'Add';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['ADDRULE'] = 'Add Rule';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['BLANK'] = 'Blank';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['CUSTOMRULES'] = 'Custom Rules';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['DELETE'] = 'Delete';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['DRAG'] = 'Drag to rearrange order of fields';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['FIELDCONFIGURATION'] = 'Field Configuration';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['FIELDONDEFAULT'] = 'Field On Default';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['GREATERTHAN'] = 'Value Greater Than';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['GREATERTHANEQUAL'] = 'Value Greater Than Or Equal';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['HIDE'] = 'Hide';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['HIDETHISFIELD'] = 'Hide This Field';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['IS'] = 'Is';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['LESSTHAN'] = 'Value Less Than';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['LESSTHANEQUAL'] = 'Value Less Than Or Equal';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['LOCKED'] = 'These fields cannot be modified';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['NOTBLANK'] = 'Not Blank';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['NOTVALUE'] = 'Not Value';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['OPTIONS'] = 'Options';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['SHOW'] = 'Show';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['SHOWOPTIONS'] = 'Show Options';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['SHOWTHISFIELD'] = 'Show This Field';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['VALIDATION'] = 'Validation';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['VALUE'] = 'Value';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormField.ss']['WHEN'] = 'When';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormHeading']['LEVEL'] = 'Select Heading Level';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormHeading']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Headings',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableFormHeading']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Heading',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableLiteralField']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'HTML Blocks',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableLiteralField']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'HTML Block',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableMemberListField']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Member List Fields',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableMemberListField']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Member List Field',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableMultipleOptionField']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Editable Multiple Option Fields',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableMultipleOptionField']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Editable Multiple Option Field',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableOption']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Editable Options',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableOption']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Editable Option',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableOption.ss']['DELETE'] = 'Remove this option';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableOption.ss']['DRAG'] = 'Drag to rearrange order of options';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableOption.ss']['LOCKED'] = 'These fields cannot be modified';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableRadioField']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Radio fields',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableRadioField']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Radio field',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableTextField']['NUMBERROWS'] = 'Number of rows';
- $lang['en_US']['EditableTextField']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Text fields',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableTextField']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Text field',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['EditableTextField']['TEXTLENGTH'] = 'Text length';
- $lang['en_US']['FieldEditor.ss']['ADD'] = 'Add';
- $lang['en_US']['FieldEditor.ss']['SELECTAFIELD'] = 'Select a Field';
- $lang['en_US']['Form']['FIELDISREQUIRED'] = '%s is required';
- $lang['en_US']['SubmittedFileField']['DOWNLOADFILE'] = 'Download File';
- $lang['en_US']['SubmittedFileField']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Submitted File Fields',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['SubmittedFileField']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Submitted File Field',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['SubmittedForm']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Submitted Forms',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['SubmittedForm']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Submitted Form',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['SubmittedFormField']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'Submitted Form Fields',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['SubmittedFormField']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'Submitted Form Field',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['SubmittedFormReportField.ss']['DELETEALLSUBMISSIONS'] = 'Delete All Submissions';
- $lang['en_US']['SubmittedFormReportField.ss']['DELETESUBMISSION'] = 'Delete Submission';
- $lang['en_US']['SubmittedFormReportField.ss']['EXPORTSUBMISSIONS'] = 'Export submissions to CSV';
- $lang['en_US']['SubmittedFormReportField.ss']['NOSUBMISSIONS'] = 'No Submissions';
- $lang['en_US']['SubmittedFormReportField.ss']['SUBMITTED'] = 'Submitted at';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['AEMAILRECIPIENT'] = 'A Email Recipient';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['EMAILADDRESS'] = 'Email';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['EMAILBODY'] = 'Body';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['EMAILFROM'] = 'From';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['EMAILRECIPIENTS'] = 'Email Recipients';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['EMAILSUBJECT'] = 'Email Subject';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['FORM'] = 'Form';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['FROMADDRESS'] = 'Send Email From';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['HIDEFORMDATA'] = 'Hide Form Data from Email';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['ONCOMPLETE'] = 'On Complete';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['ONCOMPLETELABEL'] = 'Show on completion';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['OPTIONS'] = 'Options';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['ORSELECTAFIELDTOUSEASFROM'] = '.. or Select a Form Field to use as the From Address';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['ORSELECTAFIELDTOUSEASTO'] = '.. or Select a Field to use as the To Address';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'User Defined Forms',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['RECEIVED'] = 'Received Submissions';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['SAVESUBMISSIONS'] = 'Disable Saving Submissions to Server';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['SENDEMAILTO'] = 'Send Email To';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['SENDPLAIN'] = 'Send Email as Plain Text (HTML will be stripped)';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['SHOWCLEARFORM'] = 'Show Clear Form Button';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'User Defined Form',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['SUBMISSIONS'] = 'Submissions';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['SUBMITBUTTON'] = 'Submit';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm']['TEXTONSUBMIT'] = 'Text on submit button:';
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient']['PLURALNAME'] = array(
- 'User Defined Form Email Recipients',
- 50,
- 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['UserDefinedForm_EmailRecipient']['SINGULARNAME'] = array(
- 'User Defined Form Email Recipient',
- 50,
- 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface'
- );
- $lang['en_US']['UserFormsMigrationTask']['DEFAULTSUBMISSIONTITLE'] = 'Submission Data';
- ?>