Python | 127 lines | 87 code | 16 blank | 24 comment | 19 complexity | 8582344eae7211895410ef0e21720b44 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python
- #Page view counter
- # Reads squid logs (https://wikitech.leuksman.com/view/Squid_log_format)
- # Normalizes page name, aggregates them for a configurable time window, shoves the
- # aggregates into a database.
- # Usage: ./counter.py [list of allowed pages] < logfile
- # Be sure sampleHits is set correctly
- #Notes:
- # * Requires pyjudy (http://www.dalkescientific.com/Python/PyJudy.html)
- # (python dicts and sets use too much darn memory)
- # * The final incomplete aggregation window is discarded.
- # * Fixed aggregation windows that align to time of day may be more useful than the current
- # behavior.
- import MySQLdb
- import re
- import sys
- import urllib
- import time
- import pyjudy
- sampleHits = 100 # Number of hits to record per sample
- aggThresh = 3600 # Number of sample seconds needed to trigger a data export
- globalConnection = None
- aggCounter = pyjudy.JudySLInt()
- aggRange = (sys.maxint,0)
- def runLoop(inputFile, targetPages=None):
- for line in inputFile:
- # Skip lines that are just going to be hitting the upload server
- # or common skin files
- if line.find(" GET http://upload.wikimedia.org/") == -1 \
- and line.find(".org/skins-1.5/") == -1:
- page,timestamp = extractPage(line)
- if page and (targetPages == None or page in targetPages):
- recordHit(page,timestamp)
- closeConnection()
- def extractPage(line):
- # Extract the page name from the URL.
- # A check should probably be placed here to toss requests with
- # page names larger than the maximum length.
- url,timestamp = extractUrl(line)
- if url and \
- "?" not in url and \
- url[0:7] == "http://":
- bits = url[7:].split("/", 2)
- if len(bits) == 3 and bits[1] == "wiki":
- host = bits[0]
- page = normalizePage(bits[2])
- return (host + ":" + page, timestamp)
- return None
- def extractUrl(line):
- # https://wikitech.leuksman.com/view/Squid_log_format
- # $hostname %sn %ts.%03tu %tr %>a %Ss/%03Hs %<st %rm %ru %Sh/%<A %mt %{Referer}>h %{X-Forwarded-For}>h %{User-Agent}>h
- # ...
- # 3. Seconds (and milliseconds) since epoch
- # ...
- # 9. URL
- bits = line.split(" ", 10)
- if len(bits) > 9 and bits[8] == "GET":
- return (bits[9],int(round(float(bits[3]))))
- else:
- return None
- def normalizePage(page):
- return urllib.unquote(page).replace("_", " ")
- def recordHit(page,timestamp):
- global aggCounter
- global aggRange
- global aggThresh
- if (max(timestamp,aggRange[1])-aggRange[0] >= aggThresh):
- for item in aggCounter.items():
- (site, pagename) = item[0].split(":", 1)
- conn = getConnection()
- conn.cursor().execute(
- "INSERT INTO hit_counter (hc_tsstart, hc_tsend, hc_site, hc_page, hc_count) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
- (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.gmtime(aggRange[0])),time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.gmtime(aggRange[1])),site, pagename, item[1]))
- conn.commit()
- aggRange=(aggRange[1],aggRange[1])
- aggCounter.FreeArray()
- if page in aggCounter:
- aggCounter[page] += sampleHits
- else:
- aggCounter[page] = sampleHits
- aggRange=(min(timestamp,aggRange[0]),max(timestamp,aggRange[1]))
- def getConnection():
- global globalConnection
- if not globalConnection:
- globalConnection = openConnection()
- return globalConnection
- def openConnection():
- return MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="root", passwd="", db="counter")
- def closeConnection():
- global globalConnection
- if globalConnection:
- globalConnection.close()
- globalConnection = None
- def setFromFile(filename):
- """Read list of lines from a file"""
- infile = open(filename)
- out = pyjudy.JudySLInt()
- for line in infile:
- if line.strip()!="":
- out.Ins(line.strip(),1)
- infile.close()
- return out
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- targetPages = setFromFile(sys.argv[1])
- runLoop(sys.stdin, targetPages)
- else:
- runLoop(sys.stdin)