Python | 397 lines | 329 code | 29 blank | 39 comment | 13 complexity | 00092e9103bd028dd981c00d0418ca83 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/local/bin/python
- #TODO:
- # - try catches
- # - globals-
- # - os.tmpfile() http://docs.python.org/library/os.html#os.tmpfile
- # feature: archives all avatar-test output folders if moveold isnt enabled (or preservelogs is on) wildcard glob
- #
- import time
- import StringIO
- import ftplib
- import glob
- import os
- import pycurl
- import shutil
- import zipfile
- import os.path
- import platform
- # FTP-CONFIG for fileUpload
- FTPHOST="xxx"
- FTPUSER="xxx"
- # GITHUB-CONFIG for createGithubIssue
- GITHUBLOGIN="rex-test-autoreport" # user
- GITHUBAPITOKEN="4b05500b0593b50f4c89dacb6d11449c" #users api token
- GITHUBREPO="rex-test-autoreport/issueReportTest" # e.g. "projectowner/project"
- #
- #
- # Option for preserving test output files after archive has been created
- configPreserveLogs = False
- # Option for moving test output files to an old archives folder (debug-standalone-run)
- # if preserveLogs is set to false option is ignored
- configMoveOld = False
- # Option for cleaning up (removing temp files) the the folder after running the script
- # default true
- configCleanUp = True
- # Option for uploading report .zip to host
- # default false (needs config)
- configUploadFile = False
- # Option for making github issue report
- # default false (needs config)
- configCreateGithubIssue = False
- #Option for including test machine info to the report file
- includeMachineInfo = True
- # configured test cases
- TEST0 = "Example-skeleton"
- TEST1 = "js-viewer-server-test"
- TEST2 = "avatar-test"
- # misc
- tempCount = "count.txt"
- tempErrors = "errors.txt"
- #tempCount = tempfile.mktemp()
- #tempErrors = tempfile.mktemp()
- # bools
- errors = False
- # names
- testName = None
- # files
- html = None
- zipName = None
- logFile = None
- outputFile = None
- # directories
- logDir = None
- oldDir = None
- # misc
- timeStamp = None
- testComment = None
- errorPattern = None
- def testSkeleton():
- global testName
- global testComment
- global errorPattern
- global logDir
- global logFile
- global outputFile
- testName = TEST0
- testComment = "This is an example"
- logDir = "logs/example"
- errorPattern = [
- 'example',
- 'e.g.'
- ]
- logFile = [
- '1.example',
- '2.example',
- '3.example'
- ]
- #files included in the zip archive
- outputFile = glob.glob(logDir + '/*') #everything in outputDir, script presumes test outputs everything to its own output folder, files can also be added to a list individually
- operation()
- def jsViewerServerTest():
- global testName
- global testComment
- global errorPattern
- global logDir
- global logFile
- global outputFile
- testName = TEST1
- testComment = "This test tries to launch local server and connect to it with the viewer app."
- logDir = "logs/jvst-output"
- errorPattern = [
- 'Error',
- 'fail'
- ]
- logFile = glob.glob(logDir + '/*.out')
- outputFile = glob.glob(logDir + '/*') #everything in outputDir
- operation()
- def avatarTest():
- global testName
- global testComment
- global errorPattern
- global logDir
- global logFile
- global outputFile
- testName = TEST2
- testComment = "This test tries to connect to the server multiple times and move the avatar around, while recording traffic with tshark"
- logDir = "logs/avatar-output"
- errorPattern = [
- 'Error',
- 'fail'
- ]
- logFile = glob.glob(logDir + '/logs_*/naaliLog*.*.log')
- outputFile = glob.glob(logDir + '/*/*') #everything in outputDir
- operation()
- def operation():
- global html
- html = testName + "_summary.html"
- print("Running autoreport for: " + testName)
- whatWentWrong()
- if errors:
- createSummary()
- createArchive()
- if configUploadFile:
- uploadFile()
- if not configPreserveLogs:
- #remove files
- for f in outputFile:
- os.remove(f)
- #remove dir
- #os.removedirs(logDir)
- shutil.rmtree(logDir, ignore_errors=True)
- else:
- #relocate already archieved files
- if configMoveOld:
- moveOld()
- if configCreateGithubIssue:
- createGithubIssue()
- if configCleanUp:
- cleanUp()
- print "Finished..."
- def whichTestWasRun(option):
- if option == TEST1:
- jsViewerServerTest()
- elif option == TEST2:
- avatarTest()
- else:
- print("Error: test config not found")
- def whatWentWrong():
- global errors
- errorAmounts = len(errorPattern)*[0]
- #reset temp file
- with open(tempErrors, 'w') as fo:
- fo.write("")
- #loop through files
- for i in range(0, len(logFile)):
- #make sure there is such a file
- if os.path.isfile(logFile[i]):
- #open file for reading
- with open(logFile[i]) as f:
- #open tempFile for appending
- with open(tempErrors, 'a') as fo:
- #write file identifier
- fo.write("---" + logFile[i] + "\n")
- #go through the file line by line
- for line in f:
- #compare to all given indicators
- for n in range(0, len(errorPattern)):
- #if a matching is found print the line to tempFile and set vars for making report files
- if errorPattern[n] in line:
- #set errors to true, for operation() knows to continue
- errors = True
- #count errors
- #insert new value to n,get previous value with pop(which also removes it) and add one
- errorAmounts.insert(n, errorAmounts.pop(n) + 1)
- #write errors to file
- with open(tempErrors, 'a') as fo:
- fo.write(line)
- else:
- print "Configured logfile not found. Skipping..."
- if os.path.isfile(tempCount):
- os.remove(tempCount)
- #make count tempfile
- for i in range(0, len(errorPattern)):
- with open(tempCount, 'a') as cnt:
- cnt.write(str(errorPattern[i]) + " - " + str(errorAmounts[i]) + "\n")
- def createSummary():
- global html
- print "Creating report...",
- try:
- htmlReportFile = open(html, 'w')
- summaryOperations(htmlReportFile, "start")
- if includeMachineInfo == True:
- summaryOperations(htmlReportFile, "machine")
- summaryOperations(htmlReportFile, "desc")
- summaryOperations(htmlReportFile, "found")
- summaryOperations(htmlReportFile, "errors")
- for i in range(0, len(outputFile)):
- summaryOperations(htmlReportFile, "add", outputFile[i])
- summaryOperations(htmlReportFile, "total")
- summaryOperations(htmlReportFile, "stop")
- htmlReportFile.close()
- print("successful")
- except:
- print("failed")
- def summaryOperations(htmlReportFile, option, *fileName):
- errorFile = open(tempErrors, 'r')
- errorOutput = errorFile.read()
- errorFile.close()
- if option == 'start':
- htmlReportFile.write("<html><body><h1>TEST SUMMARY: " + testName + "</h1>")
- elif option =='machine':
- htmlReportFile.write("<p>Test machine info: " + platform.platform() + "<p>")
- elif option == 'desc':
- htmlReportFile.write("<p>" + testComment + "</p><hr />")
- elif option == 'found':
- htmlReportFile.write("<pre>")
- with open(tempCount,'r') as a:
- for line in a:
- htmlReportFile.write(line)
- htmlReportFile.write("</pre><hr />")
- elif option == 'errors':
- htmlReportFile.write("<pre>" + errorOutput + "</pre><hr /><h3>Files:</h3><ul>")
- elif option == 'add':
- htmlReportFile.write("<li>File: <a href=" + str(fileName) +">" + str(fileName)[2:-3] + "</a></li>") # [2:-3] strip list brackets ('xxx',) --> xxx
- elif option == 'total':
- htmlReportFile.write("</ul><hr /><p>Total files: " + str(len(outputFile)) + "</p>")
- elif option == 'stop':
- htmlReportFile.write("</body></html>")
- def createArchive():
- global timeStamp
- global zipName
- print "Creating zip... ",
- try:
- timeStamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z", time.localtime())
- zipName = testName + "_" + timeStamp + ".zip"
- for i in range(0, len(outputFile)):
- if os.path.isfile(outputFile[i]):
- zipFiles(outputFile[i])
- else:
- print "Configured file missing. Skipping over..."
- if os.path.isfile(html):
- zipFiles(html)
- else:
- print "Report file missing !"
- print("successful")
- except:
- print("failed")
- def zipFiles(file):
- #open file for appending
- z = zipfile.ZipFile(zipName, 'a',zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
- #add created files to a zip archive
- z.write(file)
- z.close()
- def moveOld():
- # os.shutil
- global oldDir
- oldDir = "old/" + testName + "_" + timeStamp
- if not os.path.exists(oldDir):
- os.makedirs(oldDir)
- for i in range(0,len(outputFile)):
- shutil.move(outputFile[i], oldDir)
- def uploadFile():
- # ftplib
- #comma to prevent newline
- print "Uploading zip... ",
- try:
- s = ftplib.FTP(FTPHOST, FTPUSER, FTPPASSWD) # server,login, passwd
- f = open(zipName,'rb') # file to send (read, binary)
- s.storbinary('STOR ' + zipName, f) # Send file
- f.close() # Close file and FTP
- s.quit()
- print("successful")
- except:
- print("failed ")
- global uploadFailed
- uploadFailed = True
- def createGithubIssue():
- githubUrl="https://github.com/"
- print "Creating issue: " + githubUrl + GITHUBREPO + "/issues"
- url = "http://github.com/api/v2/json/issues/open/" + GITHUBREPO
- errorZipLink = "ftp://" + str(FTPHOST) + "/" + zipName
- issueTitle="Auto-reported: " + testName
- issueBodyInfo="""
- Errors were found during a test.
- This issue was created automatically by the auto-report script.
- """
- ziplink = ""
- # don't print link if upload is disabled or failed to configured host
- if configUploadFile == True and uploadFailed == False:
- ziplink = "\n\nError logs for this report can be found in here: " + errorZipLink
- # notify reader about upload failing
- elif uploadFailed == True:
- ziplink = "\n\nUpload failed to ftp host: " + FTPHOST
- with open(tempCount, 'r') as cnt:
- countPrint = cnt.read()
- issueBody = issueBodyInfo + "\n\nFound - count:\n" + countPrint + ziplink
- a1 = "login="+GITHUBLOGIN
- a2 = "token="+GITHUBAPITOKEN
- a3 = "title="+issueTitle
- a4 = "body="+issueBody
- c = pycurl.Curl()
- c.setopt(c.URL, url)
- #buffer for redirecting curl output
- output = StringIO.StringIO()
- c.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, output.write)
- c.setopt(c.POSTFIELDS, a1 + '&' + a2 + '&' + a3 + '&' + a4)
- c.perform()
- def cleanUp():
- print "Cleaning up...",
- try:
- # remove tempfiles
- if os.path.isfile(tempErrors):
- os.remove(tempErrors)
- if os.path.isfile(tempCount):
- os.remove(tempCount)
- if os.path.isfile(html):
- os.remove(html)
- print("successful")
- except:
- print("failed")
- def autoreport(test):
- whichTestWasRun(test)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- #test main for standalone run
- tmp = "js-viewer-server-test"
- autoreport(tmp)