Python | 183 lines | 123 code | 39 blank | 21 comment | 24 complexity | a5dc202b6dfd886d8a2b9b41838de801 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- ##
- # Copyright (C) 2013 TopCoder Inc., All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # @author KennyAlive
- # @version 1.0
- #
- ## Tests for numpad
- PKG = 'gazebo_taskboard'
- NAME = 'test_numpad'
- import math
- import roslib
- roslib.load_manifest(PKG)
- import sys, unittest
- import os, os.path, threading, time
- import rospy, rostest
- from std_msgs.msg import String
- from helper import *
- from gazebo_taskboard.msg import *
- from gazebo_taskboard.srv import *
- button_states = ['UNSEL', 'UNSEL', 'UNSEL', 'UNSEL', 'UNSEL', 'UNSEL', 'UNSEL', 'UNSEL', 'UNSEL']
- led_states = ['OFF', 'OFF', 'OFF', 'OFF', 'OFF', 'OFF', 'OFF', 'OFF', 'OFF']
- def onMessage(message):
- global button_states
- if button_states[0] != message.A02_NUM_PAD_A1:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad button A1: " + message.A02_NUM_PAD_A1)
- button_states[0] = message.A02_NUM_PAD_A1
- if button_states[1] != message.A02_NUM_PAD_A2:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad button A2: " + message.A02_NUM_PAD_A2)
- button_states[1] = message.A02_NUM_PAD_A2
- if button_states[2] != message.A02_NUM_PAD_A3:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad button A3: " + message.A02_NUM_PAD_A3)
- button_states[2] = message.A02_NUM_PAD_A3
- if button_states[3] != message.A02_NUM_PAD_B1:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad button B1: " + message.A02_NUM_PAD_B1)
- button_states[3] = message.A02_NUM_PAD_B1
- if button_states[4] != message.A02_NUM_PAD_B2:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad button B2: " + message.A02_NUM_PAD_B2)
- button_states[4] = message.A02_NUM_PAD_B2
- if button_states[5] != message.A02_NUM_PAD_B3:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad button B3: " + message.A02_NUM_PAD_B3)
- button_states[5] = message.A02_NUM_PAD_B3
- if button_states[6] != message.A02_NUM_PAD_C1:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad button C1: " + message.A02_NUM_PAD_C1)
- button_states[6] = message.A02_NUM_PAD_C1
- if button_states[7] != message.A02_NUM_PAD_C2:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad button C2: " + message.A02_NUM_PAD_C2)
- button_states[7] = message.A02_NUM_PAD_C2
- if button_states[8] != message.A02_NUM_PAD_C3:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad button C3: " + message.A02_NUM_PAD_C3)
- button_states[8] = message.A02_NUM_PAD_C3
- global led_states
- if led_states[0] != message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_A1:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad led A1: " + message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_A1)
- led_states[0] = message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_A1
- if led_states[1] != message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_A2:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad led A2: " + message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_A2)
- led_states[1] = message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_A2
- if led_states[2] != message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_A3:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad led A3: " + message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_A3)
- led_states[2] = message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_A3
- if led_states[3] != message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_B1:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad led B1: " + message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_B1)
- led_states[3] = message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_B1
- if led_states[4] != message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_B2:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad led B2: " + message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_B2)
- led_states[4] = message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_B2
- if led_states[5] != message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_B3:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad led B3: " + message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_B3)
- led_states[5] = message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_B3
- if led_states[6] != message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_C1:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad led C1: " + message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_C1)
- led_states[6] = message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_C1
- if led_states[7] != message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_C2:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad led C2: " + message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_C2)
- led_states[7] = message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_C2
- if led_states[8] != message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_C3:
- rospy.loginfo("Num Pad led C3: " + message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_C3)
- led_states[8] = message.A02_LED_NUM_PAD_C3
- class NumPadTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- super(NumPadTest, self).__init__(*args)
- def test_numpad(self):
- rospy.init_node(NAME, anonymous=True)
- rospy.Subscriber(TOPIC_NAME, TaskboardPanelA, onMessage)
- rospy.loginfo("Waiting for gazebo ...")
- rospy.wait_for_service(SERVICE_MANIPULATE_POWER_COVER)
- rospy.wait_for_service(SERVICE_MANIPULATE_POWER_SWITCH)
- rospy.wait_for_service(SERVICE_MANIPULATE_NUMPAD)
- rospy.loginfo("Testing has started")
- try:
- manipulatePowerCover = rospy.ServiceProxy(SERVICE_MANIPULATE_POWER_COVER, ManipulatePowerCover)
- manipulatePowerSwitch = rospy.ServiceProxy(SERVICE_MANIPULATE_POWER_SWITCH, ManipulatePowerSwitch)
- manipulateNumPad = rospy.ServiceProxy(SERVICE_MANIPULATE_NUMPAD, ManipulateNumPad)
- # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- # Open power cover
- manipulatePowerCover(deg2rad(50), 0.5)
- wait()
- # Turn on power
- manipulatePowerSwitch(deg2rad(30), 0.5)
- wait()
- ## !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- # Turn on all leds
- for i in range(9):
- manipulateNumPad(i, 20.0, 0.25)
- wait(1.5)
- assert led_states[i] == 'ON'
- rospy.loginfo("Case Done.")
- # Turn off some leds
- for i in range(1, 9, 2):
- manipulateNumPad(i, 20.0, 0.5)
- wait()
- assert led_states[i-1] == 'ON'
- assert led_states[i] == 'OFF'
- rospy.loginfo("Case Done")
- ## !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- # Turn off the power
- manipulatePowerSwitch(deg2rad(-30), 0.5)
- wait()
- # Close power cover
- manipulatePowerCover(deg2rad(-50), 0.5)
- wait()
- ## !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- # Check that all leds are off
- for i in range(9):
- assert led_states[i] == 'OFF'
- rospy.loginfo("Case Done")
- # Without power led is off
- manipulateNumPad(0, 20.0, 1.0)
- wait()
- assert led_states[0] == 'OFF'
- rospy.loginfo("Case Done")
- # Press on button long enough and check that it is in SEL state
- manipulateNumPad(3, 20.0, 8.0)
- wait(1)
- assert button_states[3] == 'SEL'
- rospy.loginfo("Case Done")
- except rospy.ServiceException, e:
- print "Service call failed: %s"%e
- time.sleep(0.5)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- print "Waiting for test to start at time "
- rostest.run(PKG, 'test_numpad', NumPadTest)