PHP | 69 lines | 56 code | 6 blank | 7 comment | 18 complexity | 3a9615f9401b72dc88e682c5be42a809 MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- require_once('functions.php');
- require_once('authentication.php');
- require_once('maintenance.php');
- include('header.php');
- $u = Authenticate();
- global $db_host;
- global $db_user;
- global $db_pass;
- global $db_database;
- @mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass) or slowDie("Error connecting to sql " . $db_user );
- @mysql_select_db($db_database) or slowDie("Error connecting to db");
- //Added way to vote without using ajax (robogeek)
- if ($_GET["mode"] == "vote") {
- //confirm profil_id
- if ($u == null || $u !== $_GET['profile_id']) die("Are you trying to hack the vote?");
- //confirm plugin_id and plugin_version
- $getPluginId = $_GET['plugin_id'];
- $getPluginVersion = $_GET['plugin_version'];
- $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM plugins WHERE plugin_ID='$getPluginId' AND plugin_Version='$getPluginVersion'");
- $numrows = mysql_numrows($res);
- if ($numrows <> 1) die("Are you scamming an old or non-existant plugin?");
- //confirm vote
- $v = $_GET['vote'];
- if ($v == null || $v == "") die("You forgot to vote?");
- if ($v !== "true" && $v !== "false") die("Invalid vote");
- VoteWorking($_GET['profile_id'], $getPluginId, $getPluginVersion, $v, null);
- }
- $res = mysql_query("SELECT plugin_ID, plugin_Name, plugin_Author, max(plugin_Date) as maxdate FROM plugins WHERE plugin_ReviewFlag = 'FALSE' GROUP BY plugin_ID ORDER BY maxdate desc LIMIT 10");
- while (($enreg=@mysql_fetch_array($res)))
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=600>";
- //Your last 10 downloads
- echo "<br><p><h1 id='title'>Your Last 10 Downloads:</b><br><br>";
- $where = "WHERE download_profil_id='$u'";
- if ($u == "binary64") $where = "";
- $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userdownloads $where ORDER BY download_Date DESC LIMIT 0,10");
- while (($enreg=@mysql_fetch_array($res)))
- {
- $plugin_id = $enreg["plugin_ID"];
- $plugin_version = $enreg["plugin_Version"];
- $plugin_date = $enreg["plugin_Date"];
- $profil_id = $enreg["profil_id"];
- //is vote still latest version?
- $res2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM plugins WHERE plugin_ID='$plugin_id' and plugin_Version='$plugin_version'");
- $enreg2 = @mysql_fetch_array($res2);
- if ($enreg2["plugin_Version"] == $plugin_version)
- {
- echo "<tr>";
- echo "<td id=\"pluginicon\" align='center' valign='center' width=130>\n";
- echo "<a href='detail.php?plugin_id=$plugin_id$breadcrumb'>\n";
- $plugin_directory = "$plugin_home_directory/$plugin_id/$plugin_version/$plugin_state";
- echo "<img src='" . GetPluginIcon($plugin_id,$plugin_version) . "' width='80' height='80'><br>\n"; //width=100 height=100
- echo "</a></td>";
- echo "<td id=\"plugininfos\">";
- echo "<a href=\"detail.php?plugin_id=" . $enreg2["plugin_ID"] . "\"><b>" . $enreg2["plugin_Name"] . "</b></a> by <a href=\"thelist.php?author=" . urlencode($enreg2["plugin_Author"]) . "\"><i>" . $enreg2["plugin_Author"] . "</i></a> ";
- VoteWorking($u, $plugin_id, $plugin_version, "", "userstats.php?");
- echo "</td>";
- echo "<tr height='10'/>";
- }
- }
- echo "</table>"
- ?>