Cython | 267 lines | 188 code | 62 blank | 17 comment | 49 complexity | 3921bcce405e4ed340b61f7565bb63c6 MD5 | raw file
- # cython: profile=False
- cimport numpy as np
- import numpy as np
- cimport cython
- from cython cimport Py_ssize_t
- np.import_array()
- from numpy cimport (ndarray,
- int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t, uint8_t, uint16_t,
- uint32_t, uint64_t, float16_t, float32_t, float64_t)
- cdef double NaN = <double> np.NaN
- cdef double nan = NaN
- from pandas._libs.algos import groupsort_indexer, ensure_platform_int
- from pandas.core.algorithms import take_nd
- include "join_func_helper.pxi"
- def inner_join(ndarray[int64_t] left, ndarray[int64_t] right,
- Py_ssize_t max_groups):
- cdef:
- Py_ssize_t i, j, k, count = 0
- ndarray[int64_t] left_count, right_count, left_sorter, right_sorter
- ndarray[int64_t] left_indexer, right_indexer
- int64_t lc, rc
- # NA group in location 0
- left_sorter, left_count = groupsort_indexer(left, max_groups)
- right_sorter, right_count = groupsort_indexer(right, max_groups)
- # First pass, determine size of result set, do not use the NA group
- for i in range(1, max_groups + 1):
- lc = left_count[i]
- rc = right_count[i]
- if rc > 0 and lc > 0:
- count += lc * rc
- # group 0 is the NA group
- cdef:
- Py_ssize_t loc, left_pos = 0, right_pos = 0, position = 0
- Py_ssize_t offset
- # exclude the NA group
- left_pos = left_count[0]
- right_pos = right_count[0]
- left_indexer = np.empty(count, dtype=np.int64)
- right_indexer = np.empty(count, dtype=np.int64)
- for i in range(1, max_groups + 1):
- lc = left_count[i]
- rc = right_count[i]
- if rc > 0 and lc > 0:
- for j in range(lc):
- offset = position + j * rc
- for k in range(rc):
- left_indexer[offset + k] = left_pos + j
- right_indexer[offset + k] = right_pos + k
- position += lc * rc
- left_pos += lc
- right_pos += rc
- return (_get_result_indexer(left_sorter, left_indexer),
- _get_result_indexer(right_sorter, right_indexer))
- def left_outer_join(ndarray[int64_t] left, ndarray[int64_t] right,
- Py_ssize_t max_groups, sort=True):
- cdef:
- Py_ssize_t i, j, k, count = 0
- ndarray[int64_t] left_count, right_count
- ndarray left_sorter, right_sorter, rev
- ndarray[int64_t] left_indexer, right_indexer
- int64_t lc, rc
- # NA group in location 0
- left_sorter, left_count = groupsort_indexer(left, max_groups)
- right_sorter, right_count = groupsort_indexer(right, max_groups)
- # First pass, determine size of result set, do not use the NA group
- for i in range(1, max_groups + 1):
- if right_count[i] > 0:
- count += left_count[i] * right_count[i]
- else:
- count += left_count[i]
- # group 0 is the NA group
- cdef:
- Py_ssize_t loc, left_pos = 0, right_pos = 0, position = 0
- Py_ssize_t offset
- # exclude the NA group
- left_pos = left_count[0]
- right_pos = right_count[0]
- left_indexer = np.empty(count, dtype=np.int64)
- right_indexer = np.empty(count, dtype=np.int64)
- for i in range(1, max_groups + 1):
- lc = left_count[i]
- rc = right_count[i]
- if rc == 0:
- for j in range(lc):
- left_indexer[position + j] = left_pos + j
- right_indexer[position + j] = -1
- position += lc
- else:
- for j in range(lc):
- offset = position + j * rc
- for k in range(rc):
- left_indexer[offset + k] = left_pos + j
- right_indexer[offset + k] = right_pos + k
- position += lc * rc
- left_pos += lc
- right_pos += rc
- left_indexer = _get_result_indexer(left_sorter, left_indexer)
- right_indexer = _get_result_indexer(right_sorter, right_indexer)
- if not sort: # if not asked to sort, revert to original order
- if len(left) == len(left_indexer):
- # no multiple matches for any row on the left
- # this is a short-cut to avoid groupsort_indexer
- # otherwise, the `else` path also works in this case
- left_sorter = ensure_platform_int(left_sorter)
- rev = np.empty(len(left), dtype=np.intp)
- rev.put(left_sorter, np.arange(len(left)))
- else:
- rev, _ = groupsort_indexer(left_indexer, len(left))
- rev = ensure_platform_int(rev)
- right_indexer = right_indexer.take(rev)
- left_indexer = left_indexer.take(rev)
- return left_indexer, right_indexer
- def full_outer_join(ndarray[int64_t] left, ndarray[int64_t] right,
- Py_ssize_t max_groups):
- cdef:
- Py_ssize_t i, j, k, count = 0
- ndarray[int64_t] left_count, right_count, left_sorter, right_sorter
- ndarray[int64_t] left_indexer, right_indexer
- int64_t lc, rc
- # NA group in location 0
- left_sorter, left_count = groupsort_indexer(left, max_groups)
- right_sorter, right_count = groupsort_indexer(right, max_groups)
- # First pass, determine size of result set, do not use the NA group
- for i in range(1, max_groups + 1):
- lc = left_count[i]
- rc = right_count[i]
- if rc > 0 and lc > 0:
- count += lc * rc
- else:
- count += lc + rc
- # group 0 is the NA group
- cdef:
- int64_t left_pos = 0, right_pos = 0
- Py_ssize_t offset, position = 0
- # exclude the NA group
- left_pos = left_count[0]
- right_pos = right_count[0]
- left_indexer = np.empty(count, dtype=np.int64)
- right_indexer = np.empty(count, dtype=np.int64)
- for i in range(1, max_groups + 1):
- lc = left_count[i]
- rc = right_count[i]
- if rc == 0:
- for j in range(lc):
- left_indexer[position + j] = left_pos + j
- right_indexer[position + j] = -1
- position += lc
- elif lc == 0:
- for j in range(rc):
- left_indexer[position + j] = -1
- right_indexer[position + j] = right_pos + j
- position += rc
- else:
- for j in range(lc):
- offset = position + j * rc
- for k in range(rc):
- left_indexer[offset + k] = left_pos + j
- right_indexer[offset + k] = right_pos + k
- position += lc * rc
- left_pos += lc
- right_pos += rc
- return (_get_result_indexer(left_sorter, left_indexer),
- _get_result_indexer(right_sorter, right_indexer))
- def _get_result_indexer(sorter, indexer):
- if len(sorter) > 0:
- res = take_nd(sorter, indexer, fill_value=-1)
- else:
- # length-0 case
- res = np.empty(len(indexer), dtype=np.int64)
- res.fill(-1)
- return res
- def ffill_indexer(ndarray[int64_t] indexer):
- cdef:
- Py_ssize_t i, n = len(indexer)
- ndarray[int64_t] result
- int64_t val, last_obs
- result = np.empty(n, dtype=np.int64)
- last_obs = -1
- for i in range(n):
- val = indexer[i]
- if val == -1:
- result[i] = last_obs
- else:
- result[i] = val
- last_obs = val
- return result
- def ffill_by_group(ndarray[int64_t] indexer, ndarray[int64_t] group_ids,
- int64_t max_group):
- cdef:
- Py_ssize_t i, n = len(indexer)
- ndarray[int64_t] result, last_obs
- int64_t gid, val
- result = np.empty(n, dtype=np.int64)
- last_obs = np.empty(max_group, dtype=np.int64)
- last_obs.fill(-1)
- for i in range(n):
- gid = group_ids[i]
- val = indexer[i]
- if val == -1:
- result[i] = last_obs[gid]
- else:
- result[i] = val
- last_obs[gid] = val
- return result
- include "join_helper.pxi"