Python | 278 lines | 276 code | 2 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | 44eea6373faa893b14e4bd8e5ac39307 MD5 | raw file
- from vbench.api import Benchmark
- from datetime import datetime
- start_date = datetime(2012, 7, 1)
- common_setup = """from .pandas_vb_common import *
- import os
- f = '__test__.h5'
- def remove(f):
- try:
- os.remove(f)
- except:
- pass
- """
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # get from a store
- setup1 = common_setup + """
- index = tm.makeStringIndex(25000)
- df = DataFrame({'float1' : randn(25000),
- 'float2' : randn(25000)},
- index=index)
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- store.put('df1',df)
- """
- read_store = Benchmark("store.get('df1')", setup1, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # write to a store
- setup2 = common_setup + """
- index = tm.makeStringIndex(25000)
- df = DataFrame({'float1' : randn(25000),
- 'float2' : randn(25000)},
- index=index)
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- """
- write_store = Benchmark(
- "store.put('df2',df)", setup2, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # get from a store (mixed)
- setup3 = common_setup + """
- index = tm.makeStringIndex(25000)
- df = DataFrame({'float1' : randn(25000),
- 'float2' : randn(25000),
- 'string1' : ['foo'] * 25000,
- 'bool1' : [True] * 25000,
- 'int1' : np.random.randint(0, 250000, size=25000)},
- index=index)
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- store.put('df3',df)
- """
- read_store_mixed = Benchmark(
- "store.get('df3')", setup3, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # write to a store (mixed)
- setup4 = common_setup + """
- index = tm.makeStringIndex(25000)
- df = DataFrame({'float1' : randn(25000),
- 'float2' : randn(25000),
- 'string1' : ['foo'] * 25000,
- 'bool1' : [True] * 25000,
- 'int1' : np.random.randint(0, 250000, size=25000)},
- index=index)
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- """
- write_store_mixed = Benchmark(
- "store.put('df4',df)", setup4, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # get from a table (mixed)
- setup5 = common_setup + """
- N=10000
- index = tm.makeStringIndex(N)
- df = DataFrame({'float1' : randn(N),
- 'float2' : randn(N),
- 'string1' : ['foo'] * N,
- 'bool1' : [True] * N,
- 'int1' : np.random.randint(0, N, size=N)},
- index=index)
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- store.append('df5',df)
- """
- read_store_table_mixed = Benchmark(
- "store.select('df5')", setup5, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # write to a table (mixed)
- setup6 = common_setup + """
- index = tm.makeStringIndex(25000)
- df = DataFrame({'float1' : randn(25000),
- 'float2' : randn(25000),
- 'string1' : ['foo'] * 25000,
- 'bool1' : [True] * 25000,
- 'int1' : np.random.randint(0, 25000, size=25000)},
- index=index)
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- """
- write_store_table_mixed = Benchmark(
- "store.append('df6',df)", setup6, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # select from a table
- setup7 = common_setup + """
- index = tm.makeStringIndex(25000)
- df = DataFrame({'float1' : randn(25000),
- 'float2' : randn(25000) },
- index=index)
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- store.append('df7',df)
- """
- read_store_table = Benchmark(
- "store.select('df7')", setup7, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # write to a table
- setup8 = common_setup + """
- index = tm.makeStringIndex(25000)
- df = DataFrame({'float1' : randn(25000),
- 'float2' : randn(25000) },
- index=index)
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- """
- write_store_table = Benchmark(
- "store.append('df8',df)", setup8, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # get from a table (wide)
- setup9 = common_setup + """
- df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(25000,100))
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- store.append('df9',df)
- """
- read_store_table_wide = Benchmark(
- "store.select('df9')", setup9, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # write to a table (wide)
- setup10 = common_setup + """
- df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(25000,100))
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- """
- write_store_table_wide = Benchmark(
- "store.append('df10',df)", setup10, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # get from a table (wide)
- setup11 = common_setup + """
- index = date_range('1/1/2000', periods = 25000)
- df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(25000,100), index = index)
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- store.append('df11',df)
- """
- query_store_table_wide = Benchmark(
- "store.select('df11', [ ('index', '>', df.index[10000]), ('index', '<', df.index[15000]) ])", setup11, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # query from a table
- setup12 = common_setup + """
- index = date_range('1/1/2000', periods = 25000)
- df = DataFrame({'float1' : randn(25000),
- 'float2' : randn(25000) },
- index=index)
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- store.append('df12',df)
- """
- query_store_table = Benchmark(
- "store.select('df12', [ ('index', '>', df.index[10000]), ('index', '<', df.index[15000]) ])", setup12, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # select from a panel table
- setup13 = common_setup + """
- p = Panel(randn(20, 1000, 25), items= [ 'Item%03d' % i for i in range(20) ],
- major_axis=date_range('1/1/2000', periods=1000), minor_axis = [ 'E%03d' % i for i in range(25) ])
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- store.append('p1',p)
- """
- read_store_table_panel = Benchmark(
- "store.select('p1')", setup13, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # write to a panel table
- setup14 = common_setup + """
- p = Panel(randn(20, 1000, 25), items= [ 'Item%03d' % i for i in range(20) ],
- major_axis=date_range('1/1/2000', periods=1000), minor_axis = [ 'E%03d' % i for i in range(25) ])
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- """
- write_store_table_panel = Benchmark(
- "store.append('p2',p)", setup14, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # write to a table (data_columns)
- setup15 = common_setup + """
- df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10000,10),columns = [ 'C%03d' % i for i in range(10) ])
- remove(f)
- store = HDFStore(f)
- """
- write_store_table_dc = Benchmark(
- "store.append('df15',df,data_columns=True)", setup15, cleanup="store.close()",
- start_date=start_date)