PHP | 418 lines | 332 code | 48 blank | 38 comment | 75 complexity | 7fe506a0a3b42adc4fc49fae778d107c MD5 | raw file
- <?php header("Content-type: text/plain");
- header("Pragma: no-cache");
- ignore_user_abort(1);
- $GLOBALS["peer_id"] = "";
- $summaryupdate = array();
- require_once("config.php");
- require_once("funcsv2.php");
- // Hey, want to ban shareaza? Remove slashes on these lines
- //if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]))
- // if (stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "Shareaza") || substr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], 0, 5) == "RAZA ")
- // showError("Shareaza is not allowed on this torrent.");
- // Prep database
- if ($GLOBALS["persist"])
- $db = @mysql_pconnect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or showError("Tracker error: can't connect to database. Contact the webmaster.");
- else
- $db = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or showError("Tracker error: can't connect to database. Contact the webmaster.");
- @mysql_select_db($database) or showError("Tracker error: can't open database. Contact the webmaster");
- /*
- A version of the BitTorrent tracker written in PHP and using
- MySQL as a manager. These paragraphs outline my design decisions.
- BTTrack uses a whole database which can be shared. Each torrent uses its
- own table while a single "summary" table shows overall information
- on each individual torrent at a glance. Putting all the torrent
- data in one table is easy enought to do (a primary key), but
- that would have some speed implications on a server with a lot of
- torrents.
- Before you begin, you must have a MySQL server configured with
- an appropriate user for BitTorrent, a database with permissions, etc.
- Create a summary table using the command below, and run
- maketorrents.php for each torrent you want the server to handle.
- You can use the instal.php script to prepare the database if you
- have appropriate database permission.
- In the future, I'm planning on writing code to delete torrents.
- A consistency checked is available in sanity.php.
- */
- if (isset ($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]))
- {
- // Scrape interface
- if (substr($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"],-7) == '/scrape')
- {
- $usehash = false;
- if (isset($_GET["info_hash"]))
- {
- if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
- $info_hash = stripslashes($_GET["info_hash"]);
- else
- $info_hash = $_GET["info_hash"];
- if (strlen($info_hash) == 20)
- $info_hash = bin2hex($info_hash);
- else if (strlen($info_hash) == 40)
- verifyHash($info_hash) or showError("Invalid info hash value.");
- else
- showError("Invalid info hash value.");
- $usehash = true;
- }
- if ($usehash)
- $query = mysql_query("SELECT info_hash, filename FROM BTPHP_namemap WHERE info_hash=\"$info_hash\"");
- else
- $query = mysql_query("SELECT info_hash, filename FROM BTPHP_namemap");
- $namemap = array();
- while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($query))
- $namemap[$row[0]] = $row[1];
- if ($usehash)
- $query = mysql_query("SELECT info_hash, seeds, leechers, finished FROM BTPHP_summary WHERE info_hash=\"$info_hash\"") or showError("Database error. Cannot complete request.");
- else
- $query = mysql_query("SELECT info_hash, seeds, leechers, finished FROM BTPHP_summary ORDER BY info_hash") or showError("Database error. Cannot complete request.");
- echo "d5:filesd";
- while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($query))
- {
- $hash = hex2bin($row[0]);
- echo "20:".$hash."d";
- echo "8:completei".$row[1]."e";
- echo "10:downloadedi".$row[3]."e";
- echo "10:incompletei".$row[2]."e";
- if (isset($namemap[$row[0]]))
- echo "4:name".strlen($namemap[$row[0]]).":".$namemap[$row[0]];
- echo "e";
- }
- echo "ee";
- exit;
- }
- /*if ($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"] != '/announce' && strlen($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]) > 0)
- {
- echo "Tracker.php error: ".$_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]." is unrecognized.";
- exit;
- }*/ // Ignore!
- } // end of isset($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"])
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Handling of parameters from the URL and other setup
- // Error: no web browsers allowed
- if (!isset($_GET["info_hash"]) || !isset($_GET["peer_id"]))
- {
- header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request");
- die("This file is for BitTorrent clients.\n");
- }
- // Many thanks to KktoMx for figuring out this head-ache causer,
- // and to bideomex for showing me how to do it PROPERLY... :)
- if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
- {
- $info_hash = bin2hex(stripslashes($_GET["info_hash"]));
- $peer_id = bin2hex(stripslashes($_GET["peer_id"]));
- }
- else
- {
- $info_hash = bin2hex($_GET["info_hash"]);
- $peer_id = bin2hex($_GET["peer_id"]);
- }
- if (!isset($_GET["port"]) || !isset($_GET["downloaded"]) || !isset($_GET["uploaded"]) || !isset($_GET["left"]))
- showError("Invalid information received from BitTorrent client");
- $port = $_GET["port"];
- $ip = mysql_escape_string(str_replace("::ffff:", "", $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]));
- $downloaded = $_GET["downloaded"];
- $uploaded = $_GET["uploaded"];
- $left = $_GET["left"];
- if (isset($_GET["event"]))
- $event = $_GET["event"];
- else
- $event = "";
- if (!isset($GLOBALS["ip_override"]))
- $GLOBALS["ip_override"] = true;
- if (isset($_GET["numwant"]))
- if ($_GET["numwant"] < $GLOBALS["maxpeers"] && $_GET["numwant"] >= 0)
- $GLOBALS["maxpeers"]=$_GET["numwant"];
- if (isset($_GET["trackerid"]))
- {
- if (is_numeric($_GET["trackerid"]))
- $GLOBALS["trackerid"] = mysql_escape_string($_GET["trackerid"]);
- }
- if (!is_numeric($port) || !is_numeric($downloaded) || !is_numeric($uploaded) || !is_numeric($left))
- showError("Invalid numerical field(s) from client");
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Checks
- // Upgrade holdover: check for unset directives
- if (!isset($GLOBALS["countbytes"]))
- $GLOBALS["countbytes"] = true;
- if (!isset($GLOBALS["peercaching"]))
- $GLOBALS["peercaching"] = false;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Any section of code might need to make a new peer, so this is a function here.
- // I don't want to put it into funcsv2, even though it should, just for consistency's sake.
- function start($info_hash, $ip, $port, $peer_id, $left)
- {
- if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]))
- {
- foreach(explode(",",$_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]) as $address)
- {
- $addr = ip2long(trim($address));
- if ($addr != -1)
- {
- if ($addr >= -1062731776 && $addr <= -1062666241)
- {
- // 192.168.x.x
- }
- else if ($addr >= -1442971648 && $addr <= -1442906113)
- {
- // 169.254.x.x
- }
- else if ($addr >= 167772160 && $addr <= 184549375)
- {
- // 10.x.x.x
- }
- else if ($addr >= 2130706432 && $addr <= 2147483647)
- {
- //
- }
- else if ($addr >= -1408237568 && $addr <= -1407188993)
- {
- // 172.[16-31].x.x
- }
- else
- {
- // Finally, we can accept it as a "real" ip address.
- $ip = mysql_escape_string(trim($address));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (isset($_GET["ip"]) && $GLOBALS["ip_override"])
- {
- // compact check: valid IP address:
- if (ip2long($_GET["ip"]) == -1)
- showError("Invalid IP address. Must be standard dotted decimal (hostnames not allowed)");
- $ip = mysql_escape_string($_GET["ip"]);
- }
- if ($left == 0)
- $status = "seeder";
- else
- $status = "leecher";
- if (@isFireWalled($info_hash, $peer_id, $ip, $port))
- $nat = "'Y'";
- else
- $nat = "'N'";
- $results = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO x$info_hash SET peer_id=\"$peer_id\", port=\"$port\", ip=\"$ip\", lastupdate=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), bytes=\"$left\", status=\"$status\", natuser=$nat");
- // Special case: duplicated peer_id.
- if (!$results)
- {
- $error = mysql_error();
- if (stristr($error, "key"))
- {
- // Duplicate peer_id! Check IP address
- $peer = getPeerInfo($peer_id, $info_hash);
- if ($ip == $peer["ip"])
- {
- // Same IP address. Tolerate this error.
- updatePeer($peer_id, $info_hash);
- return "WHERE natuser='N'";
- }
- //showError("Duplicated peer_id or changed IP address. Please restart BitTorrent.");
- // Different IP address. Assume they were disconnected, and alter the IP address.
- quickQuery("UPDATE x$info_hash SET ip=\"$ip\" WHERE peer_id=\"$peer_id\"");
- return "WHERE natuser='N'";
- }
- error_log("PHPBTTracker: start: ".$error);
- showError("Tracker/database error. The details are in the error log.");
- }
- $GLOBALS["trackerid"] = mysql_insert_id();
- if ($GLOBALS["peercaching"])
- {
- $compact = mysql_escape_string(pack('Nn', ip2long($ip), $port));
- $peerid = mysql_escape_string('2:ip' . strlen($ip) . ':' . $ip . '7:peer id20:' . hex2bin($peer_id) . "4:porti{$port}e");
- $no_peerid = mysql_escape_string('2:ip' . strlen($ip) . ':' . $ip . "4:porti{$port}e");
- mysql_query("INSERT INTO y$info_hash SET sequence=\"{$GLOBALS["trackerid"]}\", compact=\"$compact\", with_peerid=\"$peerid\", without_peerid=\"$no_peerid\"");
- // Let's just assume success... :/
- }
- if ($left == 0)
- {
- summaryAdd("seeds", 1);
- return "WHERE status=\"leecher\" AND natuser='N'";
- }
- else
- {
- summaryAdd("leechers", 1);
- return "WHERE natuser='N'";
- }
- }
- /// End of function start
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Actual work. Depends on value of $event. (Missing event is mapped to '' above)
- if ($event == '')
- {
- verifyTorrent($info_hash) or evilReject($ip, $peer_id,$port);
- $peer_exists = getPeerInfo($peer_id, $info_hash);
- $where = "WHERE natuser='N'";
- if (!is_array($peer_exists))
- $where = start($info_hash, $ip, $port, $peer_id, $left);
- if ($peer_exists["bytes"] != 0 && $left == 0)
- {
- quickQuery("UPDATE x$info_hash SET bytes=0, status=\"seeder\" WHERE sequence=\"${GLOBALS["trackerid"]}");
- if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1)
- {
- summaryAdd("leechers", -1);
- summaryAdd("seeds", 1);
- summaryAdd("finished", 1);
- }
- }
- updatePeer($peer_id, $info_hash);
- collectBytes($peer_exists, $info_hash, $left);
- if ($GLOBALS["peercaching"])
- sendRandomPeers($info_hash);
- else
- {
- $peers = getRandomPeers($info_hash, "");
- sendPeerList($peers);
- }
- }
- else if ($event == "started")
- {
- verifyTorrent($info_hash) or evilReject($ip, $peer_id,$port);
- $start = start($info_hash, $ip, $port, $peer_id, $left);
- // Don't send the tracker id for newly started clients. Send it next time. Make sure
- // they get a good random list of peers to begin with.
- if ($GLOBALS["peercaching"])
- sendRandomPeers($info_hash);
- else
- {
- $peers = getRandomPeers($info_hash, "");
- sendPeerList($peers);
- }
- }
- else if ($event == "stopped")
- {
- verifyTorrent($info_hash) or evilReject($ip, $peer_id,$port);
- killPeer($peer_id, $info_hash, $left);
- // I don't know why, but the real tracker returns peers on event=stopped
- // but I'll just send an empty list. On the other hand,
- // TheSHADOW asked for this.
- if (isset($_GET["tracker"]))
- $peers = getRandomPeers($info_hash);
- else
- $peers = array("size" => 0);
- sendPeerList($peers);
- }
- else if ($event == "completed") // now the same as an empty string
- {
- verifyTorrent($info_hash) or evilReject($ip, $peer_id,$port);
- $peer_exists = getPeerInfo($peer_id, $info_hash);
- if (!is_array($peer_exists))
- start($info_hash, $ip, $port, $peer_id, $left);
- else
- {
- quickQuery("UPDATE x$info_hash SET bytes=0, status=\"seeder\" WHERE sequence=\"${GLOBALS["trackerid"]}\"");
- // Race check
- if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1)
- {
- summaryAdd("leechers", -1);
- summaryAdd("seeds", 1);
- summaryAdd("finished", 1);
- }
- }
- updatePeer($peer_id, $info_hash);
- collectBytes($peer_exists, $info_hash, $left);
- $peers=getRandomPeers($info_hash);
- sendPeerList($peers);
- }
- else
- showError("Invalid event= from client.");
- if ($GLOBALS["countbytes"])
- {
- // Once every minute or so, we run the speed update checker.
- $query = @mysql_query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - lastSpeedCycle FROM BTPHP_summary WHERE info_hash=\"$info_hash\"");
- $results = mysql_fetch_row($query);
- if ($results[0] >= 60)
- {
- if (Lock("SPEED:$info_hash"))
- {
- @runSpeed($info_hash, $results[0]);
- Unlock("SPEED:$info_hash");
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Under heavy loads, this will lighten the load slightly... very slightly...
- */
- //if (mt_rand(1,10) == 4)
- trashCollector($info_hash, $report_interval);
- // Finally, it's time to do stuff to the summary table.
- if (!empty($summaryupdate))
- {
- $stuff = "";
- foreach ($summaryupdate as $column => $value)
- {
- $stuff .= ', '.$column. ($value[1] ? "=" : "=$column+") . $value[0];
- }
- mysql_query("UPDATE BTPHP_summary SET ".substr($stuff, 1)." WHERE info_hash=\"$info_hash\"");
- }
- // EOF