https://github.com/dwaynemac/contacts · Ruby · 294 lines · 241 code · 18 blank · 35 comment · 22 complexity · 73f159f37b859f4920eac43227fe9c0e MD5 · raw file
- ##
- # ContactSearcher converts a simple Hash that can be sent through API
- # into mongo query.
- #
- class ContactSearcher
- attr_accessor :initial_scope
- attr_accessor :account_id
- attr_accessor :new_selector
- # @param scope [Mongoid::Criteria]
- # @param acc_id [String] account_id
- def initialize(scope=Contact, acc_id=nil)
- self.initial_scope = scope
- self.account_id = acc_id
- end
- # This is same as #where but will make some transformations on selector.
- #
- # first_name and last_name are converted to Regex
- #
- # @param selector [ Hash ] query
- #
- # @option selector :nucleo_unit_id, scopes to accounts with given nucleo_id
- # @option selector :telephone, searches within all telephones
- # @option selector :email, searches within all emails
- # @option selector :address
- # @option selector :custom_attribute
- # @option selector :local_status only considered if account_id is specified or nucleo_unit_id
- # @option selector :local_teacher only considered if account_id is specified or nucleo_unit_id
- # @option selector :last_seen_at only considered if account_id is specified or nucleo_unit_id
- # @option selector :younger_than
- # @option selector :older_than
- # @option selector :attribute_value_at [Hash] keys: attribute, value, ref_date
- #
- # @return [Mongoid::Criteria]
- def api_where(selector=nil)
- return self.initial_scope if selector.nil?
- selector.stringify_keys!
- self.new_selector = {'$and' => []}
- selector.each do |k,v|
- unless v.blank?
- k = k.to_s
- case k
- when 'older_than'
- bdate = v.to_i.years.ago.to_date
- andit(
- "$or" => [
- {
- contact_attributes: {
- '$elemMatch' => {
- _type: "DateAttribute",
- category: 'birthday',
- year: bdate.year,
- month: bdate.month,
- day: { "$lte" => bdate.day }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- contact_attributes: {
- '$elemMatch' => {
- _type: "DateAttribute",
- category: 'birthday',
- year: bdate.year,
- month: { "$lt" => bdate.month }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- contact_attributes: {
- '$elemMatch' => {
- _type: "DateAttribute",
- category: 'birthday',
- year: { "$lt" => bdate. year }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- estimated_age: { "$gt" => v }
- # TODO consider estimated_age_on
- }
- ]
- )
- when 'younger_than'
- bdate = v.to_i.years.ago.to_date
- andit(
- "$or" => [
- {
- contact_attributes: {
- '$elemMatch' => {
- _type: "DateAttribute",
- category: 'birthday',
- year: bdate.year,
- month: bdate.month,
- day: { "$gte" => bdate.day }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- contact_attributes: {
- '$elemMatch' => {
- _type: "DateAttribute",
- category: 'birthday',
- year: bdate.year,
- month: { "$gt" => bdate.month }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- contact_attributes: {
- '$elemMatch' => {
- _type: "DateAttribute",
- category: 'birthday',
- year: { "$gt" => bdate. year }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- estimated_age: { "$lt" => v }
- # TODO consider estimated_age_on
- }
- ]
- )
- when 'nucleo_unit_id'
- andit({
- account_ids: nucleo_id_to_account_id(v)
- })
- when 'telephone', 'email', 'address', 'custom_attribute', 'occupation', 'identification'
- andit({
- :contact_attributes => { '$elemMatch' => { "_type" => k.camelize, "value" => Regexp.new(v.to_s,Regexp::IGNORECASE)}}
- })
- when 'country', 'state', 'city', 'postal_code', 'neighborhood'
- andit({:contact_attributes => { '$elemMatch' => { "_type" => "Address", k => Regexp.new(v.to_s)}}})
- when 'contact_attributes'
- andit({k => v})
- when 'date_attributes'
- v.each do |sv|
- aux = DateAttribute.convert_selector(sv)
- andit(aux) unless aux.nil?
- end
- when 'date_attribute'
- aux = DateAttribute.convert_selector(v)
- andit(aux) unless aux.nil?
- when 'local_status', 'coefficient', 'local_teacher'
- ref_id = ref_account_id(selector)
- if ref_id.present?
- if k == 'coefficient'
- filter_by_coefficient v, ref_id
- else
- andit({
- :local_unique_attributes => {'$elemMatch' => {_type: k.camelcase,
- value: {'$in' => v.to_a},
- account_id: ref_id}}
- })
- end
- end
- when 'professional_training_level'
- if v.is_a? Array
- andit({:professional_training_level => { '$in' => v.map{|lvl| lvl.to_i }}})
- else
- andit({:professional_training_level => v.to_i})
- end
- when 'level' # convert level name to level number
- if v.is_a? Array
- # ignore filter if all levels are considered
- unless v.select{|lvl| lvl != ''}.size == Contact::VALID_LEVELS.size
- andit({:level => { '$in' => v.map {|lvl| Contact::VALID_LEVELS[lvl]} }})
- end
- else
- andit({:level => Contact::VALID_LEVELS[v]})
- end
- local_attribute = $1
- a = get_account($2)
- if a
- if local_attribute.to_s == 'coefficient'
- filter_by_coefficient v, a.id
- else
- andit({
- :local_unique_attributes => {'$elemMatch' => {_type: local_attribute.to_s.camelcase, value: {'$in' => v.to_a}, account_id: a.id}}
- })
- end
- end
- when 'first_name', 'last_name'
- self.new_selector[k] = v.is_a?(String)? Regexp.new(v,Regexp::IGNORECASE) : v
- when 'tags'
- cs = Tag.find(v).map(&:contact_ids).flatten.uniq
- andit({
- :_id => {'$in' => cs}
- })
- when 'updated_at'
- andit({:updated_at => { '$gt' => v }})
- when 'last_seen_at'
- if account_id.present?
- andit({:local_unique_attributes => {'$elemMatch' => {_type: "LastSeenAt",
- value: {'$lt' => DateTime.parse(v).to_time_in_current_zone.utc},
- account_id: account_id}}
- })
- end
- custom_attribute_key = $1
- if account_id.present?
- andit({
- :contact_attributes => { '$elemMatch' => {
- _type: "CustomAttribute",
- key: custom_attribute_key,
- value: Regexp.new(v.to_s,Regexp::IGNORECASE),
- account_id: account_id
- }}
- })
- end
- else
- self.new_selector[k] = v
- end
- end
- end
- clean_selector
- self.initial_scope.where(self.new_selector)
- rescue Exceptions::ForceEmptyQuery
- Contact.where(id: 'force-empty-query') # force an empty result
- end
- private
- def andit(hsh)
- self.new_selector['$and'] << hsh
- end
- def clean_selector
- if self.new_selector['$and'].empty?
- self.new_selector.delete('$and')
- elsif self.new_selector['$and'].size == 1
- aux = self.new_selector.delete('$and')[0]
- self.new_selector = self.new_selector.merge(aux)
- end
- end
- #
- # Reference account for local_unique_attributes
- #
- def ref_account_id(selector=nil)
- if self.account_id
- self.account_id
- elsif selector
- if selector['nucleo_unit_id'].present?
- nucleo_id_to_account_id(selector['nucleo_unit_id'])
- end
- end
- end
- def nucleo_id_to_account_id(nucleo_id)
- account = PadmaAccount.find_by_nucleo_id(nucleo_id)
- if account
- local_account = get_account(account.name)
- local_account.id
- else
- # Mongo Queries can get slow. If account doesnt exist avoid querying.
- raise Exceptions::ForceEmptyQuery
- end
- end
- # Will search for account with given name and cache it
- # or read it from cache of sucesive calls
- # @param account_name [String]
- def get_account(account_name)
- sanitized_account_name = account_name.gsub(/\.|-/, '_')
- if (a = instance_variable_get("@cached_account_#{sanitized_account_name}")).blank?
- a = Account.where(name: account_name).first
- instance_variable_set("@cached_account_#{sanitized_account_name}", a)
- end
- a
- end
- def filter_by_coefficient(value,account_id)
- unless value.is_a?(Array) && value.select{|coef| coef != ''}.size == Coefficient::VALID_VALUES.size
- andit({
- :local_unique_attributes => {'$elemMatch' => {_type: 'Coefficient',
- value: {'$in' => value.to_a},
- account_id: account_id}}
- })
- end
- end
- end