JavaScript | 476 lines | 383 code | 33 blank | 60 comment | 53 complexity | 947d268442e80cc56bdb64850e19d26e MD5 | raw file
- //
- // Declare namespace
- Jschat = {};
- //
- //Models
- //=======
- // This is tool from [JavascriptMVC](http://javascriptmvc.com/) framework.
- // It used to create binded to `this` callbacks, when _.bind() can not do this.
- Jschat.JsmvcCallback = {
- callback: function( funcs ) {
- var makeArray = $.makeArray,
- isFunction = $.isFunction,
- isArray = $.isArray,
- extend = $.extend,
- concatArgs = function(arr, args){
- return arr.concat(makeArray(args));
- };
- // args that should be curried
- var args = makeArray(arguments),
- self;
- funcs = args.shift();
- if (!$.isArray(funcs) ) {
- funcs = [funcs];
- }
- self = this;
- for( var i =0; i< funcs.length;i++ ) {
- if(typeof funcs[i] == "string" && !isFunction(this[funcs[i]])){
- throw ("class.js does not have a "+funcs[i]+" method!");
- }
- }
- return function class_cb() {
- var cur = concatArgs(args, arguments),
- isString,
- length = funcs.length,
- f = 0,
- func;
- for (; f < length; f++ ) {
- func = funcs[f];
- if (!func ) {
- continue;
- }
- isString = typeof func == "string";
- if ( isString && self._set_called ) {
- self.called = func;
- }
- cur = (isString ? self[func] : func).apply(self, cur || []);
- if ( f < length - 1 ) {
- cur = !isArray(cur) || cur._use_call ? [cur] : cur;
- }
- }
- return cur;
- };
- }
- };
- //Contact model
- //--------------
- //Presence updated with `updatePrecense`. While updating,
- //program selects best status from `Jschat.Contact.Statuses`
- Jschat.Contact = Backbone.Model.extend({
- updatePrecense: function(presence){
- var status;
- if ($(presence).attr('type')) {
- status = $(presence).attr('type');
- } else {
- if ($(presence).find('show').length) {
- status = $(presence).find('show').text();
- } else {
- status = 'available';
- }
- }
- if (_.indexOf(Jschat.Contact.Statuses, status) > _.indexOf(Jschat.Contact.Statuses, this.status)) {
- this.set({status: status});
- }
- }
- });
- Jschat.Contact.Statuses = ['unavailable', 'xa', 'dnd', 'away', 'available', 'chat'];
- //Roster model
- //-------------
- //
- //It has special method to hold information about
- //started conversation, current manager and so on.
- Jschat.Roster = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- initialize: function(){
- // While conversation started, program should keep messaging only with
- // selected manager
- this._freezeManager = false;
- this.manager = null;
- this.bind('change:status', function(contact, new_status){
- this.updateManager();
- });
- this.bind('add', function(){
- this.updateManager();
- });
- // all of the object's function properties will be bound to ``this``.
- _.bindAll(this);
- },
- // public method
- freezeManager: function(){
- this._freezeManager = true;
- },
- updateManager: function(){
- if (!this._freezeManager) {
- this.manager = this.reduce(function(old_val, new_val){
- // First available:
- if (old_val === null){
- return new_val;
- }
- var new_status = _.indexOf(Jschat.Contact.Statuses, new_val.get('status')),
- old_status = _.indexOf(Jschat.Contact.Statuses, old_val.get('status'));
- if (new_status >= old_status){
- return new_val;
- } else {
- return old_val;
- }
- }, this.manager);
- }
- },
- model: Jschat.Contact
- });
- //Static method to create rosters from XMPP stanzas
- Jschat.Roster.serializeRoster = function(roster){
- res = [];
- $(roster).find('item').each(function(index, el){
- if ($(el).attr('subscription') === 'both'){
- res.push({
- jid: $(el).attr('jid'),
- bare_jid: Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($(el).attr('jid')),
- name: $(el).attr('name'),
- status: 'unavailable'
- });
- };
- });
- return res;
- };
- //Message model
- //--------------
- //
- //Message can automatically detect direction by calling
- //`message.incoming()`
- Jschat.Message = Backbone.Model.extend({
- incoming: function(){
- var to = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.to),
- myjid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.myjid);
- if (myjid === to) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- },
- send: function(connection){
- connection.send($msg({
- to: this.get('to'),
- "type": 'chat'
- }).c('body').t(this.get('text')));
- return this;
- }
- });
- Jschat.ChatLog = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- model: Jschat.Message
- });
- //
- //Views
- //=====
- //
- //Template for chat history
- Jschat.message_template = Handlebars.compile('<div class="message {{#incoming }}in{{/incoming}}{{^incoming }}out{{/incoming}}">'+
- '<div class="nick">{{#incoming }}{{ from }}{{/incoming}}{{^incoming }}You:{{/incoming}}</div>'+
- '<div class="text">{{ text }}</div></div>');
- //Template for welcome message
- Jschat.welcome_template = Handlebars.compile('Name: {{ name }}, Email: {{ email }}');
- Jschat.viewstates = {
- offline: 0,
- connecting: 1,
- online: 2
- };
- //Chat view
- //----------
- //
- //Main view in module. It handles everything user action in chat:
- //Opening chat, sending messages, closing chat
- Jschat.ChatView = Backbone.View.extend({
- initialize: function(){
- this.status = Jschat.viewstates.offline; // Default status
- this.send_on_enter = true;
- this.msgValid = false; // Require both filled Name and text before send message
- this.bind('change:status', this.onStatusChange);
- this.bind('change:msgValid', this.onMsgValidChange);
- this.trigger('change:status');
- this.bind('add:message', this.onMessageAdd);
- _.bindAll(this);
- },
- render: function(){
- this.el.show('200');
- },
- events: {
- 'click #id_close': 'destroy',
- 'focusin input,textarea': 'focusin',
- 'focusout input,textarea': 'focusout',
- 'change input,textarea': 'onFormChange',
- 'keyup input,textarea': 'onFormChange',
- 'keyup textarea': 'onKeyUp',
- 'click #id_send': 'sendMsg'
- },
- destroy: function(){
- this.el.hide('200');
- },
- focusin: function(ev){
- $('label[for=' + $(ev.target).attr('id') + ']').hide();
- },
- focusout: function(ev){
- if ($(ev.target).val() === '') {
- $('label[for=' + $(ev.target).attr('id') + ']').show();
- }
- },
- onFormChange: function(){
- if ((this.el.find('#id_full_name').val().length > 0)
- && (this.el.find('#id_text').val().length > 0)) {
- this.msgValid = true;
- this.trigger('change:msgValid');
- } else {
- this.msgValid = false;
- this.trigger('change:msgValid');
- }
- },
- onKeyUp: function(ev){
- if((ev.keyCode == 13) && (this.send_on_enter)){
- this.sendMsg(ev);
- }
- },
- getUserinfo: function(){
- return {
- 'name': this.el.find('#id_full_name').val(),
- 'email': this.el.find('#id_email').val()
- };
- },
- setStatus: function(new_status){
- switch(new_status){
- case Jschat.viewstates.offline:
- this.status = Jschat.viewstates.offline;
- break;
- case Jschat.viewstates.connecting:
- this.status = Jschat.viewstates.connecting;
- break;
- case Jschat.viewstates.online:
- this.status = Jschat.viewstates.online;
- break;
- }
- this.trigger('change:status');
- },
- sendMsg: function(ev){
- ev.preventDefault();
- // check if form is valid
- if (this.status === Jschat.viewstates.online && this.msgValid) {
- this.trigger('send:message', this.el.find('textarea').val());
- this.clear();
- }
- return true;
- },
- clear: function(){
- this.el.find('textarea').val('');
- },
- onStatusChange: function(){
- switch(this.status){
- case Jschat.viewstates.online:
- if (this.msgValid) {
- this.el.find('#id_send').removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('disabled');
- }
- break;
- case Jschat.viewstates.offline:
- this.el.find('#id_send').attr('disabled', 'disabled').addClass('disabled');
- break;
- }
- },
- onMsgValidChange: function(){
- if (this.msgValid) {
- if(this.status === Jschat.viewstates.online) {
- this.el.find('#id_send').removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('disabled');
- }
- } else {
- this.el.find('#id_send').attr('disabled', 'disabled').addClass('disabled');
- }
- },
- onMessageAdd: function(message, chatlog, ev) {
- if (this.el.find('#online-messages').is(':hidden')) {
- this.el.find('#online-messages').show(200);
- }
- var chat = this.el.find('#online-message-list');
- chat.append(Jschat.message_template(message.toJSON()));
- chat.scrollTop(chat[0].scrollHeight);
- }
- });
- //
- //Main class
- //==========
- //
- Jschat.Xmpp = function(options) {
- if (!options) options = {};
- if (this.defaults) options = _.extend(this.defaults, options);
- this.options = options;
- this.initialize();
- };
- //Xmpp class implementation
- //-------------------------
- _.extend(Jschat.Xmpp.prototype, Jschat.JsmvcCallback, Backbone.Events, {
- // Default options can be overriden in constructor:
- //
- // `chat = new Jschat.Xmpp({'jid': 'me@jabber.org})`
- defaults: {
- jid: 'isaacueca@logoslogic.com',
- password: 'cigano',
- bosh_service: '/http-bind',
- view_el_id: 'online-block'
- },
- initialize: function(){
- this.connection = new Strophe.Connection(this.options.bosh_service);
- this.roster = new Jschat.Roster();
- this.chatlog = new Jschat.ChatLog();
- this.view = new Jschat.ChatView({
- el: $('#'+this.options.view_el_id)
- });
- this._welcomeSent = false;
- // this.connection.rawInput = function (data) { console.log('RECV: ' + data); };
- // this.connection.rawOutput = function (data) { console.log('SEND: ' + data); };
- // listen events
- this.bind('connected', this.onConnect);
- if (this.options.autoConnect){
- this.connect();
- }
- this.chatlog.bind('add', this.callback('onMessageAdd'));
- this.view.bind('send:message', this.callback('sendMessage'));
- },
- connect: function(){
- this.connection.connect(this.options.jid, this.options.password, this.callback('onConnectChange'));
- this.trigger('ui:connect');
- },
- onConnectChange: function(status_code, error){
- for (st in Strophe.Status) {
- if (status_code === Strophe.Status[st]) {
- // console.log('status: ' + st);
- }
- }
- if (status_code === Strophe.Status.CONNECTED) {
- this.trigger('connected');
- }
- },
- onConnect: function(){
- // request roster
- var roster_iq = $iq({type: 'get'}).c('query', {xmlns: 'jabber:iq:roster'});
- this.connection.sendIQ(roster_iq, this.callback('onRoster'));
- this.trigger('ui:roster');
- // add handlers
- var nickname = 'guest_'+Math.floor(Math.random()*1111001);
- this.connection.send(
- $pres({
- to: 'southpark3@conference.logoslogic.com' + "/" + nickname
- }).c('x', {xmlns: "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc"}));
- this.connection.addHandler(this.callback('onContactPresence'), null, 'presence');
- this.connection.addHandler(this.callback('onMessage'), null, 'message', 'chat');
- this.connection.addHandler(this.callback('onMessage'), null, 'message', 'groupchat');
- },
- onRoster: function(roster){
- this.connection.send($pres());
- this.trigger('ui:ready');
- this.view.setStatus(Jschat.viewstates.online);
- var items = Jschat.Roster.serializeRoster(roster);
- for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
- this.roster.add(items[i]);
- }
- return true;
- },
- onContactPresence: function(presence){
- var from1 = $(presence).attr('from');
- console.log('onContactPresence from '+from1);
- var from = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($(presence).attr('from')),
- contact = this.roster.detect(function(c){return c.get('bare_jid') === from;});
- if (contact) {
- contact.updatePrecense(presence);
- }
- if(this.options.autoChat){
- _.delay(function(self){
- self.sendWelcome();
- }, '2000', this);
- }
- return true;
- },
- // Public method, use it directly if you set `{autoChat: false}`
- sendWelcome: function(){
- if (!this._welcomeSent) {
- var userinfo = this.getUserinfo();
- this.roster.freezeManager();
- this._welcomeSent = true;
- this.sendMessage({
- text: userinfo,
- from: this.options.jid,
- to: this.roster.manager.get('jid'),
- hidden: true,
- dt: new Date()
- });
- }
- },
- // `sendMessage` used for send all messages
- sendMessage: function(message){
- if (!this._welcomeSent){
- this.sendWelcome();
- }
- if (typeof(message) === 'string'){
- var msg = new Jschat.Message({
- text: message,
- from: this.options.jid,
- to: this.roster.manager.get('jid'),
- incoming: false,
- dt: new Date()
- });
- } else {
- var msg = new Jschat.Message(message);
- }
- msg.send(this.connection);
- if (!msg.get('hidden')){
- this.chatlog.add(msg);
- }
- },
- // Prepare and render userinfo
- getUserinfo: function(){
- return Jschat.welcome_template(this.view.getUserinfo());
- },
- // Handler for incoming messages
- onMessage: function(message){
- console.log('on message'+message);
- var msg = new Jschat.Message({
- text: $(message).find('body').text(),
- from: $(message).attr('from'),
- to: $(message).attr('to'),
- incoming: true,
- dt: new Date()
- });
- this.chatlog.add(msg);
- return true;
- },
- // Only trigger view event
- onMessageAdd: function(message){
- this.view.trigger('add:message', message);
- }
- });