JavaScript | 436 lines | 286 code | 90 blank | 60 comment | 34 complexity | daef9e0bed40ac928727826a5b5a687e MD5 | raw file
- //
- // Declare namespace
- //
- //Models
- //=======
- // This is tool from [JavascriptMVC](http://javascriptmvc.com/) framework.
- // It used to create binded to `this` callbacks, when _.bind() can not do this.
- Jabber.JsmvcCallback = {
- callback: function( funcs ) {
- var makeArray = $.makeArray,
- isFunction = $.isFunction,
- isArray = $.isArray,
- extend = $.extend,
- concatArgs = function(arr, args){
- return arr.concat(makeArray(args));
- };
- // args that should be curried
- var args = makeArray(arguments),
- self;
- funcs = args.shift();
- if (!$.isArray(funcs) ) {
- funcs = [funcs];
- }
- self = this;
- for( var i =0; i< funcs.length;i++ ) {
- if(typeof funcs[i] == "string" && !isFunction(this[funcs[i]])){
- throw ("class.js does not have a "+funcs[i]+" method!");
- }
- }
- return function class_cb() {
- var cur = concatArgs(args, arguments),
- isString,
- length = funcs.length,
- f = 0,
- func;
- for (; f < length; f++ ) {
- func = funcs[f];
- if (!func ) {
- continue;
- }
- isString = typeof func == "string";
- if ( isString && self._set_called ) {
- self.called = func;
- }
- cur = (isString ? self[func] : func).apply(self, cur || []);
- if ( f < length - 1 ) {
- cur = !isArray(cur) || cur._use_call ? [cur] : cur;
- }
- }
- return cur;
- };
- }
- };
- //Contact model
- //--------------
- //Presence updated with `updatePrecense`. While updating,
- //program selects best status from `Jabber.Contact.Statuses`
- Jabber.Contact = Backbone.Model.extend({
- updatePrecense: function(presence){
- var status;
- if ($(presence).attr('type')) {
- status = $(presence).attr('type');
- } else {
- if ($(presence).find('show').length) {
- status = $(presence).find('show').text();
- } else {
- status = 'available';
- }
- }
- if (_.indexOf(Jabber.Contact.Statuses, status) > _.indexOf(Jabber.Contact.Statuses, this.status)) {
- this.set({status: status});
- }
- }
- });
- Jabber.Contact.Statuses = ['unavailable', 'xa', 'dnd', 'away', 'available', 'chat'];
- //Roster model
- //-------------
- //
- //It has special method to hold information about
- //started conversation, current manager and so on.
- Jabber.Roster = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- initialize: function(){
- // While conversation started, program should keep messaging only with
- // selected manager
- this._freezeManager = false;
- this.manager = null;
- this.bind('change:status', function(contact, new_status){
- this.updateManager();
- });
- this.bind('add', function(){
- this.updateManager();
- });
- // all of the object's function properties will be bound to ``this``.
- _.bindAll(this);
- },
- // public method
- freezeManager: function(){
- this._freezeManager = true;
- },
- updateManager: function(){
- if (!this._freezeManager) {
- this.manager = this.reduce(function(old_val, new_val){
- // First available:
- if (old_val === null){
- return new_val;
- }
- var new_status = _.indexOf(Jabber.Contact.Statuses, new_val.get('status')),
- old_status = _.indexOf(Jabber.Contact.Statuses, old_val.get('status'));
- if (new_status >= old_status){
- return new_val;
- } else {
- return old_val;
- }
- }, this.manager);
- }
- },
- model: Jabber.Contact
- });
- //Static method to create rosters from XMPP stanzas
- Jabber.Roster.serializeRoster = function(roster){
- res = [];
- $(roster).find('item').each(function(index, el){
- if ($(el).attr('subscription') === 'both'){
- res.push({
- jid: $(el).attr('jid'),
- bare_jid: Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($(el).attr('jid')),
- name: $(el).attr('name'),
- status: 'unavailable'
- });
- };
- });
- return res;
- };
- //
- //Main class
- //==========
- //
- Jabber.Xmpp = function(options) {
- if (!options) options = {};
- if (this.defaults) options = _.extend(this.defaults, options);
- this.options = options;
- this.initialize();
- };
- //Xmpp class implementation
- //-------------------------
- _.extend(Jabber.Xmpp.prototype, Jabber.JsmvcCallback, Backbone.Events, {
- connection:null,
- initialize: function(){
- var BOSH_SERVICE = '/http-bind';
- this.connection = new Strophe.Connection(BOSH_SERVICE);
- // Strophe.log = function (lvl, msg) { log(msg); };
- this.connection.attach(Attacher.JID, Attacher.SID, Attacher.RID, this.callback('onConnect'));
- this.connection.rawInput = function (data) {
- log('RECV: ' + data);
- };
- this.connection.rawOutput = function (data) {
- log('SENT: ' + data);
- };
- // send disco#info to jabber.org
- var iq = $iq({to: 'jabber.org', type: 'get',id: 'disco-1'}).c('query', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.DISCO_INFO}).tree()
- this.connection.send(iq);
- this.roster = new Jabber.Roster();
- this.bind('connected', this.onConnect);
- this.chatViews = new Array();
- },
- addView: function(jid){
- this.chatViews[jid].bind('send:message', this.callback('sendMessage'));
- },
- onConnect: function(){
- // console.log('onConnect join Room'+this.joinRoom() );
- this.joinRoom();
- this.setVcard();
- this.subscribeFriends();
- this.getFriends();
- console.log('subscribeFriends');
- var that = this;
- // this.connection.addHandler(this.callback('onContactPresence'), null, 'presence');
- this.connection.addHandler(this.callback('onPrivateMessage'), null, 'message', 'chat');
- this.connection.addHandler(this.callback('onGroupMessage'), null, 'message', 'groupchat');
- return true;
- },
- subscribeFriends: function(){
- var that = this;
- _.each(FriendsWhoInstalledApp.data, function(friend){
- var data = {};
- data.jid = friend.uid+'@'+Application.domain;
- data.name = friend.name;
- // console.log('subscribeFriends add data.name '+data.name );
- // console.log('subscribeFriends add data.jid '+data.jid);
- var iq = $iq({type: "set"}).c("query", {xmlns: "jabber:iq:roster"}).c("item", data);
- that.connection.send(iq);
- var subscribe = $pres({to: data.jid, "type": "subscribe"});
- that.connection.send(subscribe);
- })
- },
- getFriends: function(){
- console.log('getFriends');
- var roster_iq = $iq({type: 'get'}).c('query', {xmlns: 'jabber:iq:roster'});
- this.connection.sendIQ(roster_iq, this.callback('onRoster'));
- //this.trigger('ui:roster');
- // add handlers
- this.connection.addHandler(this.callback('onContactPresence'), null, 'presence');
- },
- joinRoom: function(){
- console.log('join Room');
- var facebook_user_id = MyFacebookUser.id;
- var facebook_name = MyFacebookUser.name;
- if (facebook_user_id == ''){
- var nickname = 'guest_'+Math.floor(Math.random()*9999);
- }else{
- facebook_name = facebook_name.replace(/ /g,"_")
- var nickname = facebook_name+'-'+facebook_user_id;
- }
- console.log('join Room facebook_name'+facebook_name);
- this.connection.muc.join(RoomJid, nickname);
- },
- onSetVcard: function(){
- console.log('onSetVcard')
- },
- setVcard: function(){
- console.log('setVcard');
- console.log('setVcard FB ID' +MyFacebookUser.id);
- var facebook_user_id = MyFacebookUser.id;
- var vCardEl = document.createElement('nickname');
- var text = document.createTextNode(facebook_user_id);
- vCardEl.appendChild(text);
- this.connection.vcard.set(this.callback('onSetVcard'), vCardEl, facebook_user_id+'@'+Application.domain);
- },
- onRoster: function(roster){
- console.log('onRoster ')
- this.connection.send($pres());
- // this.trigger('ui:ready');
- // this.view.setStatus(Jabber.viewstates.online);
- //
- var items = Jabber.Roster.serializeRoster(roster);
- for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
- this.roster.add(items[i]);
- }
- return true;
- },
- onContactPresence: function(presence){
- console.log('onContactPresence from '+$(presence).attr('from'));
- var from = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($(presence).attr('from'));
- var contact = this.roster.detect(function(c){return c.get('bare_jid') === from;});
- if (contact) {
- contact.updatePrecense(presence);
- }
- var ptype = $(presence).attr('type');
- console.log('onContactPresence presence type '+ptype);
- if (ptype === 'subscribe') {
- // populate pending_subscriber
- this.connection.send($pres({to: from, "type": "subscribed"}));
- this.connection.send($pres({to: from,"type": "subscribe"}));
- }
- return true;
- },
- // `sendMessage` used for send all messages
- sendMessage: function(message, to, type){
- console.log('send message');
- if (typeof(message) === 'string'){
- var msg = new models.ChatEntry({
- text: message,
- from: '',
- to: to,
- facebook_id: '',
- incoming: false,
- dt: new Date()
- });
- } else {
- var msg = new models.ChatEntry(message);
- }
- if (type == 'private'){
- msg.send(this.connection, 'private');
- }else{
- msg.send(this.connection);
- }
- },
- // Handler for incoming messages
- onGroupMessage: function(message){
- console.log('onGroupMessage ')
- /* Nickname is Equal to FB Photo ID */
- var photo = $(message).find('nick').text();
- console.log('onMessage photo' +photo);
- var from = $(message).attr('from');
- var pos = from.indexOf('/') + 1;
- //console.log('pos '+pos);
- var full_nickname = from.substring(pos,from.length);
- var user_nick = full_nickname.split('-')[0];
- var facebook_id = full_nickname.split('-')[1];
- user_nick=user_nick.replace(/_/g," ");
- console.log('onMessage photo from' +from);
- console.log('onMessage photo full_nickname' +full_nickname);
- console.log('onMessage photo user_nick' +user_nick);
- console.log('onMessage photo facebook_id' +facebook_id);
- var messageSrc = $(message).find('body').text();
- var formattedMsg = emoticons(messageSrc);
- var msg = new models.ChatEntry({
- text: formattedMsg,
- from: user_nick,
- to: $(message).attr('to'),
- facebook_id: facebook_id,
- incoming: true,
- dt: new Date()
- });
- //console.log('onmessage from = '+$(message).attr('from'));
- ///console.log('onmessage to = '+$(message).attr('to'));
- this.chatViews[RoomJid].collection.add(msg);
- return true;
- },
- // Handler for incoming messages
- onPrivateMessage: function(message){
- console.log('onPrivateMessage ')
- /* Nickname is Equal to FB Photo ID */
- var from = $(message).attr('from');
- var facebook_id = from.substring(0, from.indexOf('@'));
- console.log('onPrivateMessage photo from' +from);
- console.log('onMesonPrivateMessagesage photo facebook_id' +facebook_id);
- //
- var messageSrc = $(message).find('body').text();
- var formattedMsg = emoticons(messageSrc);
- console.log('onPrivateMessage msg' +messageSrc);
- var msg = new models.ChatEntry({
- text: formattedMsg,
- from: from,
- to: '',
- facebook_id: facebook_id,
- incoming: true,
- dt: new Date()
- });
- //
- // //console.log('onmessage from = '+$(message).attr('from'));
- // ///console.log('onmessage to = '+$(message).attr('to'));
- //
- // for (chat in this.chatViews){
- // console.log('chat view '+chat);
- // }
- this.chatViews[facebook_id].collection.add(msg);
- return true;
- },
- // Only trigger view event
- onMessageAdd: function(message){
- this.view.trigger('add:message', message);
- }
- });