Python | 288 lines | 250 code | 16 blank | 22 comment | 0 complexity | c48b123ee1c5003fdfba2acc632cae32 MD5 | raw file
- # Copyright 2013, Kay Hayen, mailto:kay.hayen@gmail.com
- #
- # Part of "Nuitka", an optimizing Python compiler that is compatible and
- # integrates with CPython, but also works on its own.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- #
- """ Generator function (with yield) related templates.
- """
- genfunc_context_body_template = """
- // This structure is for attachment as self of the generator function %(function_identifier)s and
- // contains the common closure. It is allocated at the time the genexpr object is created.
- struct _context_common_%(function_identifier)s_t
- {
- // Ref count to keep track of common context usage and release only when it's the last one
- int ref_count;
- // The generator function can access a read-only closure of the creator.
- %(function_common_context_decl)s
- };
- struct _context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_t
- {
- _context_common_%(function_identifier)s_t *common_context;
- // The generator function instance can access its parameters from creation time.
- %(function_instance_context_decl)s
- };
- static void _context_common_%(function_identifier)s_destructor( void *context_voidptr )
- {
- _context_common_%(function_identifier)s_t *_python_context = (struct _context_common_%(function_identifier)s_t *)context_voidptr;
- assert( _python_context->ref_count > 0 );
- _python_context->ref_count -= 1;
- %(context_free)s
- if ( _python_context->ref_count == 0 )
- {
- delete _python_context;
- }
- }
- static void _context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_destructor( void *context_voidptr )
- {
- _context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_t *_python_context = (struct _context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_t *)context_voidptr;
- _context_common_%(function_identifier)s_destructor( _python_context->common_context );
- delete _python_context;
- }
- """
- genfunc_context_local_only_template = """
- struct _context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_t
- {
- // The generator function instance can access its parameters from creation time.
- %(function_instance_context_decl)s
- };
- static void _context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_destructor( void *context_voidptr )
- {
- _context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_t *_python_context = (struct _context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_t *)context_voidptr;
- delete _python_context;
- }
- """
- make_genfunc_with_context_template = """
- static PyObject *_MAKE_FUNCTION_%(function_identifier)s( %(function_creation_args)s )
- {
- struct _context_common_%(function_identifier)s_t *_python_context = new _context_common_%(function_identifier)s_t;
- _python_context->ref_count = 1;
- // Copy the parameter default values and closure values over.
- %(context_copy)s
- return Nuitka_Function_New(
- %(fparse_function_identifier)s,
- %(mparse_function_identifier)s,
- %(function_name_obj)s,
- #if PYTHON_VERSION >= 330
- %(function_qualname_obj)s,
- #endif
- %(code_identifier)s,
- %(defaults)s,
- #if PYTHON_VERSION >= 300
- %(kwdefaults)s,
- %(annotations)s,
- #endif
- %(module_identifier)s,
- %(function_doc)s,
- _python_context,
- _context_common_%(function_identifier)s_destructor
- );
- }
- """
- make_genfunc_without_context_template = """
- static PyObject *_MAKE_FUNCTION_%(function_identifier)s( %(function_creation_args)s )
- {
- return Nuitka_Function_New(
- %(fparse_function_identifier)s,
- %(mparse_function_identifier)s,
- %(function_name_obj)s,
- #if PYTHON_VERSION >= 330
- %(function_qualname_obj)s,
- #endif
- %(code_identifier)s,
- %(defaults)s,
- #if PYTHON_VERSION >= 300
- %(kwdefaults)s,
- %(annotations)s,
- #endif
- %(module_identifier)s,
- %(function_doc)s
- );
- }
- """
- genfunc_yielder_template = """
- static void %(function_identifier)s_context( Nuitka_GeneratorObject *generator )
- {
- {
- // Make context accessible if one is used.
- %(context_access)s
- // Local variable inits
- %(function_var_inits)s
- // Actual function code.
- %(function_body)s
- }
- // TODO: Won't return, we should tell the compiler about that.
- generator->m_yielded = NULL;
- swapFiber( &generator->m_yielder_context, &generator->m_caller_context );
- }
- """
- frame_guard_genfunc_template = """\
- static PyFrameObject *frame_%(frame_identifier)s = NULL;
- // Must be inside block, or else its d-tor will not be run.
- if ( isFrameUnusable( frame_%(frame_identifier)s ) )
- {
- if ( frame_%(frame_identifier)s )
- {
- puts( "reframe for %(frame_identifier)s" );
- #endif
- Py_DECREF( frame_%(frame_identifier)s );
- }
- frame_%(frame_identifier)s = MAKE_FRAME( %(code_identifier)s, %(module_identifier)s );
- }
- Py_INCREF( frame_%(frame_identifier)s );
- generator->m_frame = frame_%(frame_identifier)s;
- Py_CLEAR( generator->m_frame->f_back );
- generator->m_frame->f_back = PyThreadState_GET()->frame;
- Py_INCREF( generator->m_frame->f_back );
- PyThreadState_GET()->frame = generator->m_frame;
- FrameGuardLight frame_guard( &generator->m_frame );
- // TODO: The inject of the exception through C++ is very non-optimal, this flag
- // now indicates only if the exception occurs initially as supposed, or during
- // life, this could and should be shortcut.
- bool traceback;
- try
- {
- // TODO: In case we don't raise exceptions ourselves, we would still have to do this, so
- // beware to not optimize this away for generators without a replacement.
- traceback = true;
- CHECK_EXCEPTION( generator );
- traceback = false;
- %(codes)s
- PyErr_SetNone( PyExc_StopIteration );
- }
- catch ( PythonException &_exception )
- {
- if ( !_exception.hasTraceback() )
- {
- _exception.setTraceback( %(tb_making)s );
- }
- else if ( traceback == false )
- {
- _exception.addTraceback( generator->m_frame );
- }
- _exception.toPython();
- // TODO: Moving this code is not allowed yet.
- generator->m_yielded = NULL;
- }"""
- genfunc_common_context_use_template = """\
- struct _context_common_%(function_identifier)s_t *_python_common_context = (struct _context_common_%(function_identifier)s_t *)self->m_context;
- struct _context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_t *_python_context = new _context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_t;
- _python_context->common_context = _python_common_context;
- _python_common_context->ref_count += 1;"""
- genfunc_local_context_use_template = """\
- struct _context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_t *_python_context = \
- new _context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_t;"""
- genfunc_generator_without_context_making = """\
- PyObject *result = Nuitka_Generator_New(
- %(function_identifier)s_context,
- %(function_name_obj)s,
- %(code_identifier)s
- );"""
- genfunc_generator_with_context_making = """\
- PyObject *result = Nuitka_Generator_New(
- %(function_identifier)s_context,
- %(function_name_obj)s,
- %(code_identifier)s,
- _python_context,
- _context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_destructor
- );"""
- genfunc_function_maker_template = """
- static PyObject *impl_%(function_identifier)s( %(parameter_objects_decl)s )
- {
- // Create context if any
- %(context_making)s
- try
- {
- %(generator_making)s
- if (unlikely( result == NULL ))
- {
- PyErr_Format( PyExc_RuntimeError, "cannot create function %(function_name)s" );
- return NULL;
- }
- // Copy to context parameter values and closured variables if any.
- %(context_copy)s
- return result;
- }
- catch ( PythonException &_exception )
- {
- _exception.toPython();
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- """
- generator_context_access_template = """
- // The context of the generator.
- struct _context_common_%(function_identifier)s_t *_python_context = (struct _context_common_%(function_identifier)s_t *)self->m_context;
- """
- generator_context_unused_template = """\
- // No context is used.
- """
- # TODO: The NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED is because Nuitka doesn't yet detect the case of unused
- # parameters (which are stored in the context for generators to share) reliably.
- generator_context_access_template2 = """
- NUITKA_MAY_BE_UNUSED struct _context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_t *_python_context = (_context_generator_%(function_identifier)s_t *)generator->m_context;
- """