C# | 267 lines | 208 code | 35 blank | 24 comment | 45 complexity | a19830717456fe1e38ad9d9b5266dc3b MD5 | raw file
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Reflection;
- using System.Security;
- using System.Web.Http.Internal;
- using System.Web.Http.Properties;
- namespace System.Web.Http.Metadata.Providers
- {
- // REVIEW: No access to HiddenInputAttribute
- public class CachedDataAnnotationsModelMetadata : CachedModelMetadata<CachedDataAnnotationsMetadataAttributes>
- {
- public CachedDataAnnotationsModelMetadata(CachedDataAnnotationsModelMetadata prototype, Func<object> modelAccessor)
- : base(prototype, modelAccessor)
- {
- }
- public CachedDataAnnotationsModelMetadata(CachedDataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider provider, Type containerType, Type modelType, string propertyName, IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes)
- : base(provider, containerType, modelType, propertyName, new CachedDataAnnotationsMetadataAttributes(attributes.ToArray()))
- {
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override bool ComputeConvertEmptyStringToNull()
- {
- return PrototypeCache.DisplayFormat != null
- ? PrototypeCache.DisplayFormat.ConvertEmptyStringToNull
- : base.ComputeConvertEmptyStringToNull();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override string ComputeDataTypeName()
- {
- if (PrototypeCache.DataType != null)
- {
- return PrototypeCache.DataType.ToDataTypeName();
- }
- if (PrototypeCache.DisplayFormat != null && !PrototypeCache.DisplayFormat.HtmlEncode)
- {
- return DataTypeUtil.HtmlTypeName;
- }
- return base.ComputeDataTypeName();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override string ComputeDescription()
- {
- return PrototypeCache.Display != null
- ? PrototypeCache.Display.GetDescription()
- : base.ComputeDescription();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override string ComputeDisplayFormatString()
- {
- return PrototypeCache.DisplayFormat != null
- ? PrototypeCache.DisplayFormat.DataFormatString
- : base.ComputeDisplayFormatString();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override string ComputeDisplayName()
- {
- string result = null;
- if (PrototypeCache.Display != null)
- {
- result = PrototypeCache.Display.GetName();
- }
- if (result == null && PrototypeCache.DisplayName != null)
- {
- result = PrototypeCache.DisplayName.DisplayName;
- }
- return result ?? base.ComputeDisplayName();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override string ComputeEditFormatString()
- {
- if (PrototypeCache.DisplayFormat != null && PrototypeCache.DisplayFormat.ApplyFormatInEditMode)
- {
- return PrototypeCache.DisplayFormat.DataFormatString;
- }
- return base.ComputeEditFormatString();
- }
- protected override bool ComputeHideSurroundingHtml()
- {
- return /*PrototypeCache.HiddenInput != null
- ? !PrototypeCache.HiddenInput.DisplayValue
- :*/ base.ComputeHideSurroundingHtml();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type EditableAttribute
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override bool ComputeIsReadOnly()
- {
- if (PrototypeCache.Editable != null)
- {
- return !PrototypeCache.Editable.AllowEdit;
- }
- if (PrototypeCache.ReadOnly != null)
- {
- return PrototypeCache.ReadOnly.IsReadOnly;
- }
- return base.ComputeIsReadOnly();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type RequiredAttribute
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override bool ComputeIsRequired()
- {
- return PrototypeCache.Required != null
- ? true
- : base.ComputeIsRequired();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type DisplayFormatAttribute
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override string ComputeNullDisplayText()
- {
- return PrototypeCache.DisplayFormat != null
- ? PrototypeCache.DisplayFormat.NullDisplayText
- : base.ComputeNullDisplayText();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type OrderAttribute
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override int ComputeOrder()
- {
- int? result = null;
- if (PrototypeCache.Display != null)
- {
- result = PrototypeCache.Display.GetOrder();
- }
- return result ?? base.ComputeOrder();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type DisplayAttribute
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override string ComputeShortDisplayName()
- {
- return PrototypeCache.Display != null
- ? PrototypeCache.Display.GetShortName()
- : base.ComputeShortDisplayName();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type ScaffoldColumnAttribute
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override bool ComputeShowForDisplay()
- {
- return PrototypeCache.ScaffoldColumn != null
- ? PrototypeCache.ScaffoldColumn.Scaffold
- : base.ComputeShowForDisplay();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type ScaffoldColumnAttribute
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override bool ComputeShowForEdit()
- {
- return PrototypeCache.ScaffoldColumn != null
- ? PrototypeCache.ScaffoldColumn.Scaffold
- : base.ComputeShowForEdit();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type DisplayColumnAttribute
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override string ComputeSimpleDisplayText()
- {
- if (Model != null)
- {
- if (PrototypeCache.DisplayColumn != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(PrototypeCache.DisplayColumn.DisplayColumn))
- {
- PropertyInfo displayColumnProperty = GetPropertyInfoViaReflection(PrototypeCache.DisplayColumn.DisplayColumn);
- ValidateDisplayColumnAttribute(PrototypeCache.DisplayColumn, displayColumnProperty, ModelType);
- string simpleDisplayTextValue;
- if (TryGetPropertyValueAsStringViaReflection(displayColumnProperty, out simpleDisplayTextValue))
- {
- return simpleDisplayTextValue;
- }
- }
- }
- return base.ComputeSimpleDisplayText();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type UIHintAttribute
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override string ComputeTemplateHint()
- {
- if (PrototypeCache.UIHint != null)
- {
- return PrototypeCache.UIHint.UIHint;
- }
- #if false
- if (PrototypeCache.HiddenInput != null)
- {
- return "HiddenInput";
- }
- #endif
- return base.ComputeTemplateHint();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type DisplayAttribute
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- protected override string ComputeWatermark()
- {
- return PrototypeCache.Display != null
- ? PrototypeCache.Display.GetPrompt()
- : base.ComputeWatermark();
- }
- // [SecuritySafeCritical] because it uses DataAnnotations type DisplayColumnAttribute
- [SecuritySafeCritical]
- private static void ValidateDisplayColumnAttribute(DisplayColumnAttribute displayColumnAttribute, PropertyInfo displayColumnProperty, Type modelType)
- {
- if (displayColumnProperty == null)
- {
- throw Error.InvalidOperation(SRResources.DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider_UnknownProperty, modelType, displayColumnAttribute.DisplayColumn);
- }
- if (displayColumnProperty.GetGetMethod() == null)
- {
- throw Error.InvalidOperation(SRResources.DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider_UnreadableProperty, modelType, displayColumnAttribute.DisplayColumn);
- }
- }
- // This method is [SecurityTransparent] and is used only so that we don't call Reflection from
- // a [SecuritySafeCritical] method. Reflection works differently when called from [SecurityTransparent].
- private PropertyInfo GetPropertyInfoViaReflection(string propertyName)
- {
- return ModelType.GetProperty(propertyName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Instance);
- }
- // This method is [SecurityTransparent] and is used only so that we don't call Reflection from
- // a [SecuritySafeCritical] method. Reflection works differently when called from [SecurityTransparent].
- private bool TryGetPropertyValueAsStringViaReflection(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, out string valueAsString)
- {
- // PropertyInfo.GetValue() done here to avoid danger of the reflected method call under [SecuritySafeCritical]
- object value = propertyInfo.GetValue(Model, new object[0]);
- if (value == null)
- {
- valueAsString = null;
- return false;
- }
- valueAsString = value.ToString();
- return true;
- }
- }
- }