C# | 915 lines | 681 code | 160 blank | 74 comment | 216 complexity | bcb7dda9c067e003e64d12053ad888d9 MD5 | raw file
- /* ****************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
- *
- * This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A
- * copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
- * you cannot locate the Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to
- * dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- * by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
- *
- * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- *
- *
- * ***************************************************************************/
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Reflection;
- using System.Dynamic;
- using IronPython.Runtime.Binding;
- using IronPython.Runtime.Types;
- using Microsoft.Scripting;
- using Microsoft.Scripting.Actions;
- using Microsoft.Scripting.Generation;
- using Microsoft.Scripting.Runtime;
- using Microsoft.Scripting.Utils;
- namespace IronPython.Runtime.Operations {
- internal static class PythonTypeOps {
- private static readonly Dictionary<FieldInfo, PythonTypeSlot> _fieldCache = new Dictionary<FieldInfo, PythonTypeSlot>();
- private static readonly Dictionary<BuiltinFunction, BuiltinMethodDescriptor> _methodCache = new Dictionary<BuiltinFunction, BuiltinMethodDescriptor>();
- private static readonly Dictionary<BuiltinFunction, ClassMethodDescriptor> _classMethodCache = new Dictionary<BuiltinFunction, ClassMethodDescriptor>();
- internal static readonly Dictionary<BuiltinFunctionKey, BuiltinFunction> _functions = new Dictionary<BuiltinFunctionKey, BuiltinFunction>();
- private static readonly Dictionary<ReflectionCache.MethodBaseCache, ConstructorFunction> _ctors = new Dictionary<ReflectionCache.MethodBaseCache, ConstructorFunction>();
- private static readonly Dictionary<EventTracker, ReflectedEvent> _eventCache = new Dictionary<EventTracker, ReflectedEvent>();
- internal static readonly Dictionary<PropertyTracker, ReflectedGetterSetter> _propertyCache = new Dictionary<PropertyTracker, ReflectedGetterSetter>();
- internal static PythonTuple MroToPython(IList<PythonType> types) {
- List<object> res = new List<object>(types.Count);
- foreach (PythonType dt in types) {
- if (dt.UnderlyingSystemType == typeof(ValueType)) continue; // hide value type
- if(dt.OldClass != null) {
- res.Add(dt.OldClass);
- } else {
- res.Add(dt);
- }
- }
- return PythonTuple.Make(res);
- }
- internal static string GetModuleName(CodeContext/*!*/ context, Type type) {
- Type curType = type;
- while (curType != null) {
- string moduleName;
- if (PythonContext.GetContext(context).BuiltinModuleNames.TryGetValue(curType, out moduleName)) {
- return moduleName;
- }
- curType = curType.DeclaringType;
- }
- FieldInfo modField = type.GetField("__module__");
- if (modField != null && modField.IsLiteral && modField.FieldType == typeof(string)) {
- return (string)modField.GetRawConstantValue();
- }
- return "__builtin__";
- }
- internal static object CallParams(CodeContext/*!*/ context, PythonType cls, params object[] args\u03c4) {
- if (args\u03c4 == null) args\u03c4 = ArrayUtils.EmptyObjects;
- return CallWorker(context, cls, args\u03c4);
- }
- internal static object CallWorker(CodeContext/*!*/ context, PythonType dt, object[] args) {
- object newObject = PythonOps.CallWithContext(context, GetTypeNew(context, dt), ArrayUtils.Insert<object>(dt, args));
- if (ShouldInvokeInit(dt, DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(newObject), args.Length)) {
- PythonOps.CallWithContext(context, GetInitMethod(context, dt, newObject), args);
- AddFinalizer(context, dt, newObject);
- }
- return newObject;
- }
- internal static object CallWorker(CodeContext/*!*/ context, PythonType dt, IDictionary<string, object> kwArgs, object[] args) {
- object[] allArgs = ArrayOps.CopyArray(args, kwArgs.Count + args.Length);
- string[] argNames = new string[kwArgs.Count];
- int i = args.Length;
- foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in kwArgs) {
- allArgs[i] = kvp.Value;
- argNames[i++ - args.Length] = kvp.Key;
- }
- return CallWorker(context, dt, new KwCallInfo(allArgs, argNames));
- }
- internal static object CallWorker(CodeContext/*!*/ context, PythonType dt, KwCallInfo args) {
- object[] clsArgs = ArrayUtils.Insert<object>(dt, args.Arguments);
- object newObject = PythonOps.CallWithKeywordArgs(context,
- GetTypeNew(context, dt),
- clsArgs,
- args.Names);
- if (newObject == null) return null;
- if (ShouldInvokeInit(dt, DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(newObject), args.Arguments.Length)) {
- PythonOps.CallWithKeywordArgs(context, GetInitMethod(context, dt, newObject), args.Arguments, args.Names);
- AddFinalizer(context, dt, newObject);
- }
- return newObject;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Looks up __init__ avoiding calls to __getattribute__ and handling both
- /// new-style and old-style classes in the MRO.
- /// </summary>
- private static object GetInitMethod(CodeContext/*!*/ context, PythonType dt, object newObject) {
- // __init__ is never searched for w/ __getattribute__
- for (int i = 0; i < dt.ResolutionOrder.Count; i++) {
- PythonType cdt = dt.ResolutionOrder[i];
- PythonTypeSlot dts;
- object value;
- if (cdt.IsOldClass) {
- OldClass oc = PythonOps.ToPythonType(cdt) as OldClass;
- if (oc != null && oc.TryGetBoundCustomMember(context, "__init__", out value)) {
- return oc.GetOldStyleDescriptor(context, value, newObject, oc);
- }
- // fall through to new-style only case. We might accidently
- // detect old-style if the user imports a IronPython.NewTypes
- // type.
- }
- if (cdt.TryLookupSlot(context, "__init__", out dts) &&
- dts.TryGetValue(context, newObject, dt, out value)) {
- return value;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- private static void AddFinalizer(CodeContext/*!*/ context, PythonType dt, object newObject) {
- // check if object has finalizer...
- PythonTypeSlot dummy;
- if (dt.TryResolveSlot(context, "__del__", out dummy)) {
- IWeakReferenceable iwr = newObject as IWeakReferenceable;
- Debug.Assert(iwr != null);
- InstanceFinalizer nif = new InstanceFinalizer(context, newObject);
- iwr.SetFinalizer(new WeakRefTracker(nif, nif));
- }
- }
- private static object GetTypeNew(CodeContext/*!*/ context, PythonType dt) {
- PythonTypeSlot dts;
- if (!dt.TryResolveSlot(context, "__new__", out dts)) {
- throw PythonOps.TypeError("cannot create instances of {0}", dt.Name);
- }
- object newInst;
- bool res = dts.TryGetValue(context, dt, dt, out newInst);
- Debug.Assert(res);
- return newInst;
- }
- internal static bool IsRuntimeAssembly(Assembly assembly) {
- if (assembly == typeof(PythonOps).Assembly || // IronPython.dll
- assembly == typeof(Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.LightCompiler).Assembly || // Microsoft.Scripting.dll
- assembly == typeof(DynamicMetaObject).Assembly) { // Microsoft.Scripting.Core.dll
- return true;
- }
- AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName(assembly.FullName);
- if (assemblyName.Name.Equals("IronPython.Modules")) { // IronPython.Modules.dll
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- private static bool ShouldInvokeInit(PythonType cls, PythonType newObjectType, int argCnt) {
- // don't run __init__ if it's not a subclass of ourselves,
- // or if this is the user doing type(x), or if it's a standard
- // .NET type which doesn't have an __init__ method (this is a perf optimization)
- return (!cls.IsSystemType || cls.IsPythonType) &&
- newObjectType.IsSubclassOf(cls) &&
- (cls != TypeCache.PythonType || argCnt > 1);
- }
- // note: returns "instance" rather than type name if o is an OldInstance
- internal static string GetName(object o) {
- return DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(o).Name;
- }
- // a version of GetName that also works on old-style classes
- internal static string GetOldName(object o) {
- return o is OldInstance ? GetOldName((OldInstance)o) : GetName(o);
- }
- // a version of GetName that also works on old-style classes
- internal static string GetOldName(OldInstance instance) {
- return instance._class.Name;
- }
- internal static PythonType[] ObjectTypes(object[] args) {
- PythonType[] types = new PythonType[args.Length];
- for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) {
- types[i] = DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(args[i]);
- }
- return types;
- }
- internal static Type[] ConvertToTypes(PythonType[] pythonTypes) {
- Type[] types = new Type[pythonTypes.Length];
- for (int i = 0; i < pythonTypes.Length; i++) {
- types[i] = ConvertToType(pythonTypes[i]);
- }
- return types;
- }
- private static Type ConvertToType(PythonType pythonType) {
- if (pythonType.IsNull) {
- return typeof(DynamicNull);
- } else {
- return pythonType.UnderlyingSystemType;
- }
- }
- internal static TrackerTypes GetMemberType(MemberGroup members) {
- TrackerTypes memberType = TrackerTypes.All;
- for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++) {
- MemberTracker mi = members[i];
- if (mi.MemberType != memberType) {
- if (memberType != TrackerTypes.All) {
- return TrackerTypes.All;
- }
- memberType = mi.MemberType;
- }
- }
- return memberType;
- }
- internal static PythonTypeSlot/*!*/ GetSlot(MemberGroup group, string name, bool privateBinding) {
- if (group.Count == 0) {
- return null;
- }
- group = FilterNewSlots(group);
- TrackerTypes tt = GetMemberType(group);
- switch(tt) {
- case TrackerTypes.Method:
- bool checkStatic = false;
- List<MemberInfo> mems = new List<MemberInfo>();
- foreach (MemberTracker mt in group) {
- MethodTracker metht = (MethodTracker)mt;
- mems.Add(metht.Method);
- checkStatic |= metht.IsStatic;
- }
- Type declType = group[0].DeclaringType;
- MemberInfo[] memArray = mems.ToArray();
- FunctionType ft = GetMethodFunctionType(declType, memArray, checkStatic);
- return GetFinalSlotForFunction(GetBuiltinFunction(declType, group[0].Name, name, ft, memArray));
- case TrackerTypes.Field:
- return GetReflectedField(((FieldTracker)group[0]).Field);
- case TrackerTypes.Property:
- return GetReflectedProperty((PropertyTracker)group[0], group, privateBinding);
- case TrackerTypes.Event:
- return GetReflectedEvent(((EventTracker)group[0]));
- case TrackerTypes.Type:
- TypeTracker type = (TypeTracker)group[0];
- for (int i = 1; i < group.Count; i++) {
- type = TypeGroup.UpdateTypeEntity(type, (TypeTracker)group[i]);
- }
- if (type is TypeGroup) {
- return new PythonTypeUserDescriptorSlot(type, true);
- }
- return new PythonTypeUserDescriptorSlot(DynamicHelpers.GetPythonTypeFromType(type.Type), true);
- case TrackerTypes.Constructor:
- return GetConstructor(group[0].DeclaringType, privateBinding);
- case TrackerTypes.Custom:
- return ((PythonCustomTracker)group[0]).GetSlot();
- default:
- // if we have a new slot in the derived class filter out the
- // members from the base class.
- throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Bad member type {0} on {1}.{2}", tt.ToString(), group[0].DeclaringType, name));
- }
- }
- internal static MemberGroup FilterNewSlots(MemberGroup group) {
- if (GetMemberType(group) == TrackerTypes.All) {
- Type declType = group[0].DeclaringType;
- for (int i = 1; i < group.Count; i++) {
- if (group[i].DeclaringType != declType) {
- if (group[i].DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(declType)) {
- declType = group[i].DeclaringType;
- }
- }
- }
- List<MemberTracker> trackers = new List<MemberTracker>();
- for (int i = 0; i < group.Count; i++) {
- if (group[i].DeclaringType == declType) {
- trackers.Add(group[i]);
- }
- }
- if (trackers.Count != group.Count) {
- return new MemberGroup(trackers.ToArray());
- }
- }
- return group;
- }
- private static BuiltinFunction GetConstructor(Type t, bool privateBinding) {
- BuiltinFunction ctorFunc = InstanceOps.NonDefaultNewInst;
- MethodBase[] ctors = CompilerHelpers.GetConstructors(t, privateBinding, true);
- return GetConstructor(t, ctorFunc, ctors);
- }
- internal static bool IsDefaultNew(MethodBase[] targets) {
- if (targets.Length == 1) {
- ParameterInfo[] pis = targets[0].GetParameters();
- if (pis.Length == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- if (pis.Length == 1 && pis[0].ParameterType == typeof(CodeContext)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- internal static BuiltinFunction GetConstructorFunction(Type type, string name) {
- List<MethodBase> methods = new List<MethodBase>();
- bool hasDefaultConstructor = false;
- foreach (ConstructorInfo ci in type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) {
- if (ci.IsPublic) {
- if (ci.GetParameters().Length == 0) {
- hasDefaultConstructor = true;
- }
- methods.Add(ci);
- }
- }
- if (type.IsValueType && !hasDefaultConstructor && type != typeof(void)) {
- try {
- methods.Add(typeof(ScriptingRuntimeHelpers).GetMethod("CreateInstance", Type.EmptyTypes).MakeGenericMethod(type));
- } catch (BadImageFormatException) {
- // certain types (e.g. ArgIterator) won't survive the above call.
- // we won't let you create instances of these types.
- }
- }
- if (methods.Count > 0) {
- return BuiltinFunction.MakeFunction(name, methods.ToArray(), type);
- }
- return null;
- }
- internal static ReflectedEvent GetReflectedEvent(EventTracker tracker) {
- ReflectedEvent res;
- lock (_eventCache) {
- if (!_eventCache.TryGetValue(tracker, out res)) {
- if (PythonBinder.IsExtendedType(tracker.DeclaringType)) {
- _eventCache[tracker] = res = new ReflectedEvent(tracker, true);
- } else {
- _eventCache[tracker] = res = new ReflectedEvent(tracker, false);
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- internal static PythonTypeSlot/*!*/ GetFinalSlotForFunction(BuiltinFunction/*!*/ func) {
- if ((func.FunctionType & FunctionType.Method) != 0) {
- BuiltinMethodDescriptor desc;
- lock (_methodCache) {
- if (!_methodCache.TryGetValue(func, out desc)) {
- _methodCache[func] = desc = new BuiltinMethodDescriptor(func);
- }
- return desc;
- }
- }
- if (func.Targets[0].IsDefined(typeof(ClassMethodAttribute), true)) {
- lock (_classMethodCache) {
- ClassMethodDescriptor desc;
- if (!_classMethodCache.TryGetValue(func, out desc)) {
- _classMethodCache[func] = desc = new ClassMethodDescriptor(func);
- }
- return desc;
- }
- }
- return func;
- }
- internal static BuiltinFunction/*!*/ GetBuiltinFunction(Type/*!*/ type, string/*!*/ name, MemberInfo/*!*/[]/*!*/ mems) {
- return GetBuiltinFunction(type, name, null, mems);
- }
- #pragma warning disable 414 // unused fields - they're used by GetHashCode()
- internal struct BuiltinFunctionKey {
- Type DeclaringType;
- ReflectionCache.MethodBaseCache Cache;
- FunctionType FunctionType;
- public BuiltinFunctionKey(Type declaringType, ReflectionCache.MethodBaseCache cache, FunctionType funcType) {
- Cache = cache;
- FunctionType = funcType;
- DeclaringType = declaringType;
- }
- }
- #pragma warning restore 169
- public static MethodBase[] GetNonBaseHelperMethodInfos(MemberInfo[] members) {
- List<MethodBase> res = new List<MethodBase>();
- foreach (MemberInfo mi in members) {
- MethodBase mb = mi as MethodBase;
- if (mb != null && !mb.Name.StartsWith(NewTypeMaker.BaseMethodPrefix)) {
- res.Add(mb);
- }
- }
- return res.ToArray();
- }
- public static MemberInfo[] GetNonBaseHelperMemberInfos(MemberInfo[] members) {
- List<MemberInfo> res = new List<MemberInfo>(members.Length);
- foreach (MemberInfo mi in members) {
- MethodBase mb = mi as MethodBase;
- if (mb == null || !mb.Name.StartsWith(NewTypeMaker.BaseMethodPrefix)) {
- res.Add(mi);
- }
- }
- return res.ToArray();
- }
- internal static BuiltinFunction/*!*/ GetBuiltinFunction(Type/*!*/ type, string/*!*/ name, FunctionType? funcType, params MemberInfo/*!*/[]/*!*/ mems) {
- return GetBuiltinFunction(type, name, name, funcType, mems);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets a builtin function for the given declaring type and member infos.
- ///
- /// Given the same inputs this always returns the same object ensuring there's only 1 builtinfunction
- /// for each .NET method.
- ///
- /// This method takes both a cacheName and a pythonName. The cache name is the real method name. The pythonName
- /// is the name of the method as exposed to Python.
- /// </summary>
- internal static BuiltinFunction/*!*/ GetBuiltinFunction(Type/*!*/ type, string/*!*/ cacheName, string/*!*/ pythonName, FunctionType? funcType, params MemberInfo/*!*/[]/*!*/ mems) {
- BuiltinFunction res = null;
- if (mems.Length != 0) {
- FunctionType ft = funcType ?? GetMethodFunctionType(type, mems);
- type = GetBaseDeclaringType(type, mems);
- BuiltinFunctionKey cache = new BuiltinFunctionKey(type, new ReflectionCache.MethodBaseCache(cacheName, GetNonBaseHelperMethodInfos(mems)), ft);
- lock (_functions) {
- if (!_functions.TryGetValue(cache, out res)) {
- if (PythonTypeOps.GetFinalSystemType(type) == type) {
- IList<MethodInfo> overriddenMethods = NewTypeMaker.GetOverriddenMethods(type, cacheName);
- if (overriddenMethods.Count > 0) {
- List<MemberInfo> newMems = new List<MemberInfo>(mems);
- foreach (MethodInfo mi in overriddenMethods) {
- newMems.Add(mi);
- }
- mems = newMems.ToArray();
- }
- }
- _functions[cache] = res = BuiltinFunction.MakeMethod(pythonName, ReflectionUtils.GetMethodInfos(mems), type, ft);
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- private static Type GetCommonBaseType(Type xType, Type yType) {
- if (xType.IsSubclassOf(yType)) {
- return yType;
- } else if (yType.IsSubclassOf(xType)) {
- return xType;
- } else if (xType == yType) {
- return xType;
- }
- Type xBase = xType.BaseType;
- Type yBase = yType.BaseType;
- if (xBase != null) {
- Type res = GetCommonBaseType(xBase, yType);
- if (res != null) {
- return res;
- }
- }
- if (yBase != null) {
- Type res = GetCommonBaseType(xType, yBase);
- if (res != null) {
- return res;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- private static Type GetBaseDeclaringType(Type type, MemberInfo/*!*/[] mems) {
- // get the base most declaring type, first sort the list so that
- // the most derived class is at the beginning.
- Array.Sort<MemberInfo>(mems, delegate(MemberInfo x, MemberInfo y) {
- if (x.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(y.DeclaringType)) {
- return -1;
- } else if (y.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(x.DeclaringType)) {
- return 1;
- } else if (x.DeclaringType == y.DeclaringType) {
- return 0;
- }
- // no relationship between these types, they should be base helper
- // methods for two different types - for example object.MemberwiseClone for
- // ExtensibleInt & object. We need to reset our type to the common base type.
- type = GetCommonBaseType(x.DeclaringType, y.DeclaringType) ?? typeof(object);
- // generic type definitions will have a null name.
- if (x.DeclaringType.FullName == null) {
- return -1;
- } else if (y.DeclaringType.FullName == null) {
- return 1;
- }
- return x.DeclaringType.FullName.CompareTo(y.DeclaringType.FullName);
- });
- // then if the provided type is a subclass of the most derived type
- // then our declaring type is the methods declaring type.
- foreach (MemberInfo mb in mems) {
- // skip extension methods
- if (mb.DeclaringType.IsAssignableFrom(type)) {
- if (type == mb.DeclaringType || type.IsSubclassOf(mb.DeclaringType)) {
- type = mb.DeclaringType;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return type;
- }
- internal static ConstructorFunction GetConstructor(Type type, BuiltinFunction realTarget, params MethodBase[] mems) {
- ConstructorFunction res = null;
- if (mems.Length != 0) {
- ReflectionCache.MethodBaseCache cache = new ReflectionCache.MethodBaseCache("__new__", mems);
- lock (_ctors) {
- if (!_ctors.TryGetValue(cache, out res)) {
- _ctors[cache] = res = new ConstructorFunction(realTarget, mems);
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- internal static FunctionType GetMethodFunctionType(Type/*!*/ type, MemberInfo/*!*/[]/*!*/ methods) {
- return GetMethodFunctionType(type, methods, true);
- }
- internal static FunctionType GetMethodFunctionType(Type/*!*/ type, MemberInfo/*!*/[]/*!*/ methods, bool checkStatic) {
- FunctionType ft = FunctionType.None;
- foreach (MethodInfo mi in methods) {
- if (mi.IsStatic && mi.IsSpecialName) {
- ParameterInfo[] pis = mi.GetParameters();
- if ((pis.Length == 2 && pis[0].ParameterType != typeof(CodeContext)) ||
- (pis.Length == 3 && pis[0].ParameterType == typeof(CodeContext))) {
- ft |= FunctionType.BinaryOperator;
- if (pis[pis.Length - 2].ParameterType != type && pis[pis.Length - 1].ParameterType == type) {
- ft |= FunctionType.ReversedOperator;
- }
- }
- }
- if (checkStatic && IsStaticFunction(type, mi)) {
- ft |= FunctionType.Function;
- } else {
- ft |= FunctionType.Method;
- }
- }
- if (IsMethodAlwaysVisible(type, methods)) {
- ft |= FunctionType.AlwaysVisible;
- }
- return ft;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Checks to see if the provided members are always visible for the given type.
- ///
- /// This filters out methods such as GetHashCode and Equals on standard .NET
- /// types that we expose directly as Python types (e.g. object, string, etc...).
- ///
- /// It also filters out the base helper overrides that are added for supporting
- /// super calls on user defined types.
- /// </summary>
- private static bool IsMethodAlwaysVisible(Type/*!*/ type, MemberInfo/*!*/[]/*!*/ methods) {
- bool alwaysVisible = true;
- if (PythonBinder.IsPythonType(type)) {
- // only show methods defined outside of the system types (object, string)
- foreach (MethodInfo mi in methods) {
- if (PythonBinder.IsExtendedType(mi.DeclaringType) ||
- PythonBinder.IsExtendedType(mi.GetBaseDefinition().DeclaringType) ||
- mi.IsDefined(typeof(PythonHiddenAttribute), false)) {
- alwaysVisible = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if (typeof(IPythonObject).IsAssignableFrom(type)) {
- // check if this is a virtual override helper, if so we
- // may need to filter it out.
- foreach (MethodInfo mi in methods) {
- if (PythonBinder.IsExtendedType(mi.DeclaringType)) {
- alwaysVisible = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return alwaysVisible;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// a function is static if it's a static .NET method and it's defined on the type or is an extension method
- /// with StaticExtensionMethod decoration.
- /// </summary>
- private static bool IsStaticFunction(Type type, MethodInfo mi) {
- return mi.IsStatic && // method must be truly static
- !mi.IsDefined(typeof(WrapperDescriptorAttribute), false) && // wrapper descriptors are instance methods
- (mi.DeclaringType.IsAssignableFrom(type) || mi.IsDefined(typeof(StaticExtensionMethodAttribute), false)); // or it's not an extension method or it's a static extension method
- }
- internal static PythonTypeSlot GetReflectedField(FieldInfo info) {
- PythonTypeSlot res;
- NameType nt = NameType.Field;
- if (!PythonBinder.IsExtendedType(info.DeclaringType) &&
- !info.IsDefined(typeof(PythonHiddenAttribute), false)) {
- nt |= NameType.PythonField;
- }
- lock (_fieldCache) {
- if (!_fieldCache.TryGetValue(info, out res)) {
- if (nt == NameType.PythonField && info.IsLiteral) {
- if (info.FieldType == typeof(int)) {
- res = new PythonTypeUserDescriptorSlot(
- ScriptingRuntimeHelpers.Int32ToObject((int)info.GetRawConstantValue()),
- true
- );
- } else if (info.FieldType == typeof(bool)) {
- res = new PythonTypeUserDescriptorSlot(
- ScriptingRuntimeHelpers.BooleanToObject((bool)info.GetRawConstantValue()),
- true
- );
- } else {
- res = new PythonTypeUserDescriptorSlot(
- info.GetValue(null),
- true
- );
- }
- } else {
- res = new ReflectedField(info, nt);
- }
- _fieldCache[info] = res;
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- internal static string GetDocumentation(Type type) {
- // Python documentation
- object[] docAttr = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DocumentationAttribute), false);
- if (docAttr != null && docAttr.Length > 0) {
- return ((DocumentationAttribute)docAttr[0]).Documentation;
- }
- if (type == typeof(DynamicNull)) return null;
- // Auto Doc (XML or otherwise)
- string autoDoc = DocBuilder.CreateAutoDoc(type);
- if (autoDoc == null) {
- autoDoc = String.Empty;
- } else {
- autoDoc += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
- }
- // Simple generated helpbased on ctor, if available.
- ConstructorInfo[] cis = type.GetConstructors();
- foreach (ConstructorInfo ci in cis) {
- autoDoc += FixCtorDoc(type, DocBuilder.CreateAutoDoc(ci, DynamicHelpers.GetPythonTypeFromType(type).Name, 0)) + Environment.NewLine;
- }
- return autoDoc;
- }
- private static string FixCtorDoc(Type type, string autoDoc) {
- return autoDoc.Replace("__new__(cls)", DynamicHelpers.GetPythonTypeFromType(type).Name + "()").
- Replace("__new__(cls, ", DynamicHelpers.GetPythonTypeFromType(type).Name + "(");
- }
- internal static ReflectedGetterSetter GetReflectedProperty(PropertyTracker pt, MemberGroup allProperties, bool privateBinding) {
- ReflectedGetterSetter rp;
- lock (_propertyCache) {
- if (_propertyCache.TryGetValue(pt, out rp)) {
- return rp;
- }
- NameType nt = NameType.PythonProperty;
- MethodInfo getter = FilterProtectedGetterOrSetter(pt.GetGetMethod(true), privateBinding);
- MethodInfo setter = FilterProtectedGetterOrSetter(pt.GetSetMethod(true), privateBinding);
- if ((getter != null && getter.IsDefined(typeof(PythonHiddenAttribute), true)) ||
- setter != null && setter.IsDefined(typeof(PythonHiddenAttribute), true)) {
- nt = NameType.Property;
- }
- ExtensionPropertyTracker ept = pt as ExtensionPropertyTracker;
- if (ept == null) {
- ReflectedPropertyTracker rpt = pt as ReflectedPropertyTracker;
- Debug.Assert(rpt != null);
- if (PythonBinder.IsExtendedType(pt.DeclaringType) ||
- rpt.Property.IsDefined(typeof(PythonHiddenAttribute), true)) {
- nt = NameType.Property;
- }
- if (pt.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0) {
- List<MethodInfo> getters = new List<MethodInfo>();
- List<MethodInfo> setters = new List<MethodInfo>();
- IList<ExtensionPropertyTracker> overriddenProperties = NewTypeMaker.GetOverriddenProperties((getter ?? setter).DeclaringType, pt.Name);
- foreach (ExtensionPropertyTracker tracker in overriddenProperties) {
- MethodInfo method = tracker.GetGetMethod(privateBinding);
- if (method != null) {
- getters.Add(method);
- }
- method = tracker.GetSetMethod(privateBinding);
- if (method != null) {
- setters.Add(method);
- }
- }
- foreach (PropertyTracker propTracker in allProperties) {
- MethodInfo method = propTracker.GetGetMethod(privateBinding);
- if (method != null) {
- getters.Add(method);
- }
- method = propTracker.GetSetMethod(privateBinding);
- if (method != null) {
- setters.Add(method);
- }
- }
- rp = new ReflectedProperty(rpt.Property, getters.ToArray(), setters.ToArray(), nt);
- } else {
- rp = new ReflectedIndexer(((ReflectedPropertyTracker)pt).Property, NameType.Property, privateBinding);
- }
- } else {
- rp = new ReflectedExtensionProperty(new ExtensionPropertyInfo(pt.DeclaringType, getter ?? setter), nt);
- }
- _propertyCache[pt] = rp;
- return rp;
- }
- }
- private static MethodInfo FilterProtectedGetterOrSetter(MethodInfo info, bool privateBinding) {
- if (info != null) {
- if (privateBinding || info.IsPublic) {
- return info;
- }
- if (info.IsProtected()) {
- return info;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- internal static bool TryInvokeUnaryOperator(CodeContext context, object o, string name, out object value) {
- PerfTrack.NoteEvent(PerfTrack.Categories.Temporary, "UnaryOp " + CompilerHelpers.GetType(o).Name + " " + name);
- PythonTypeSlot pts;
- PythonType pt = DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(o);
- object callable;
- if (pt.TryResolveMixedSlot(context, name, out pts) &&
- pts.TryGetValue(context, o, pt, out callable)) {
- value = PythonCalls.Call(context, callable);
- return true;
- }
- value = null;
- return false;
- }
- internal static bool TryInvokeBinaryOperator(CodeContext context, object o, object arg1, string name, out object value) {
- PerfTrack.NoteEvent(PerfTrack.Categories.Temporary, "BinaryOp " + CompilerHelpers.GetType(o).Name + " " + name);
- PythonTypeSlot pts;
- PythonType pt = DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(o);
- object callable;
- if (pt.TryResolveMixedSlot(context, name, out pts) &&
- pts.TryGetValue(context, o, pt, out callable)) {
- value = PythonCalls.Call(context, callable, arg1);
- return true;
- }
- value = null;
- return false;
- }
- internal static bool TryInvokeTernaryOperator(CodeContext context, object o, object arg1, object arg2, string name, out object value) {
- PerfTrack.NoteEvent(PerfTrack.Categories.Temporary, "TernaryOp " + CompilerHelpers.GetType(o).Name + " " + name);
- PythonTypeSlot pts;
- PythonType pt = DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(o);
- object callable;
- if (pt.TryResolveMixedSlot(context, name, out pts) &&
- pts.TryGetValue(context, o, pt, out callable)) {
- value = PythonCalls.Call(context, callable, arg1, arg2);
- return true;
- }
- value = null;
- return false;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// If we have only interfaces, we'll need to insert object's base
- /// </summary>
- internal static PythonTuple EnsureBaseType(PythonTuple bases) {
- bool hasInterface = false;
- foreach (object baseClass in bases) {
- if (baseClass is OldClass) continue;
- PythonType dt = baseClass as PythonType;
- if (!dt.UnderlyingSystemType.IsInterface) {
- return bases;
- } else {
- hasInterface = true;
- }
- }
- if (hasInterface || bases.Count == 0) {
- // We found only interfaces. We need do add System.Object to the bases
- return new PythonTuple(bases, TypeCache.Object);
- }
- throw PythonOps.TypeError("a new-style class can't have only classic bases");
- }
- internal static Type GetFinalSystemType(Type type) {
- while (typeof(IPythonObject).IsAssignableFrom(type) && !type.IsDefined(typeof(DynamicBaseTypeAttribute), false)) {
- type = type.BaseType;
- }
- return type;
- }
- }
- }