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- from iptest.assert_util import *
- global flag
- def new_classes():
- class C1: pass
- class C2(object): pass
- return C1, C2
- # used as handler for __getattr__ and __getattribute__
- def return_100(self, name): return 100
- def throw_attribute_error(self, name): raise AttributeError
- def throw_assertion_error(self, name): raise AssertionError
- def test_getattr_alone():
- C1, C2 = new_classes()
- def __init__(self): self.x = 10
- def plus_100(self, name):
- if self.__class__ == C2:
- pass
- for C in [C1, C2]:
- C.__init__ = __init__
- C.y = 20
- c = C()
- C.__getattr__ = return_100
- AreEqual([c.x, c.y, c.z], [10, 20, 100])
- def access_z(): return c.z
- C.__getattr__ = throw_attribute_error
- AreEqual([c.x, c.y], [10, 20])
- AssertError(AttributeError, access_z)
- C.__getattr__ = throw_assertion_error
- AssertError(AssertionError, access_z)
- C.__getattr__ = lambda self, name: self.x + 200 # access attribute inside
- AreEqual([c.x, c.y, c.z], [10, 20, 210])
- del C.__getattr__
- AssertError(AttributeError, access_z)
- def test_setattr_alone():
- global flag
- C1, C2 = new_classes()
- def f(self): self.x = 10
- def simply_record(self, name, value): global flag; flag = "%s %s" % (name, value)
- def simply_throw(self, name, value): raise AssertionError
- def add_10_via_dict(self, name, value):
- self.__dict__[name] = value + 10
- def add_20_via_object(self, name, value):
- if self.__class__ == C2:
- object.__setattr__(self, name, value + 20)
- if self.__class__ == C1:
- self.__dict__[name] = value + 20
- for C in [C1, C2]:
- C.set_something = f
- c = C()
- c.x = 0
- C.__setattr__ = simply_record
- flag = 0
- c.set_something()
- AreEqual(flag, "x 10")
- AreEqual(c.x, 0) # unchanged
- c.y = 20
- AreEqual(flag, "y 20")
- AssertError(AttributeError, lambda: c.y)
- C.__setattr__ = simply_throw
- AssertError(AssertionError, c.set_something) # even if c.x already exists
- C.z = 30 # ok: class variable
- AreEqual(c.z, 30)
- C.__setattr__ = add_10_via_dict
- c.set_something()
- AreEqual(c.x, 20)
- C.__setattr__ = add_20_via_object
- c.u = 50
- AreEqual(c.u, 70)
- del C.__setattr__
- c.z = 40
- AreEqual([c.z, C.z], [40, 30])
- def test_delattr_only():
- C1, C2 = new_classes()
- # low pri
- @disabled("bug 365168")
- def test_negative1():
- class C:
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
- try: C().x = 1
- except TypeError: pass
- else: Fail("should have thrown: can't apply this __setattr__ to instance object")
- class C:
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- object.__getattribute__(self, name)
- AssertErrorWithMessage(AttributeError, "'instance' object has no attribute 'x'", lambda: C().x)
- def test_bad_signatures():
- C1, C2 = new_classes()
- def bad1(self): pass
- def bad2(self, x): pass
- def bad3(self, x, y): pass
- def bad4(self, x, y, z): pass
- for C in [C1, C2]:
- c = C()
- def f(): c.x = 1
- for bad_for_get in [bad1, bad3]:
- C.__getattr__ = bad_for_get
- AssertError(TypeError, lambda: c.x)
- for bad_for_set in [bad2, bad4]:
- C.__setattr__ = bad_for_set
- AssertError(TypeError, f)
- for bad_for_getattribute in [bad1, bad3]:
- C2.__getattribute__ = bad_for_getattribute
- AssertError(TypeError, lambda: c.x)
- def test_getattribute_only():
- class C:
- def __getattribute__(self, name):
- return 10
- c = C()
- AssertError(AttributeError, lambda: c.x) # __getattribute__ only works for new-style
- class C(object):
- def set_y(self): self.y = 30
- c = C()
- f = c.set_y
- c.x = 10
- C.__getattribute__ = return_100
- AreEqual(100, c.x)
- c.x = 20
- def plus_100(self, name):
- try:
- return object.__getattribute__(self, name) + 100
- except AttributeError:
- return 200
- C.__getattribute__ = plus_100
- AreEqual(120, c.x)
- f()
- AreEqual(130, c.y)
- AreEqual(200, c.z)
- C.__getattribute__ = throw_attribute_error
- AssertError(AttributeError, lambda: c.x)
- C.__getattribute__ = throw_assertion_error
- AssertError(AssertionError, lambda: c.x)
- del C.__getattribute__
- AreEqual(c.x, 20)
- AreEqual(c.y, 30)
- AssertError(AttributeError, lambda: c.z)
- def test_getattr_and_getattribute_together():
- class C(object): pass
- c = C()
- C.__getattr__ = lambda *args: 20
- C.__getattribute__ = lambda *args: 30
- AreEqual(c.x, 30)
- C.__getattribute__ = throw_attribute_error
- AreEqual(c.x, 20)
- C.__getattribute__ = throw_assertion_error
- AssertError(AssertionError, lambda: c.x)
- C.__getattribute__ = lambda *args: C.__getattr__(*args)
- AreEqual(c.x, 20)
- def test_subclassing():
- C1, C2 = new_classes()
- ## new style
- class D(C2): pass
- d = D()
- d.x = 10
- C2.__getattr__ = return_100
- AreEqual(d.y, 100)
- del C2.__getattr__
- def f(self, name, value): self.__dict__[name] = value + 10
- C2.__setattr__ = f
- d.x = 20
- AreEqual(d.x, 30)
- del C2.__setattr__
- C2.__getattribute__ = return_100
- #AreEqual(d.x, 100) # bug 365242
- ## old style
- class D(C1): pass
- d = D()
- C1.__getattr__ = return_100
- #AssertError(AttributeError, lambda: d.y) # (no?) dynamism for old style, bug 365266
- class D(C1): pass
- d = D()
- d.x = 10
- AreEqual([d.x, d.y], [10, 100])
- C1.__setattr__ = f
- class D(C1): pass
- d = D()
- d.x = 20
- AreEqual([d.x, d.y], [30, 100])
- C1.__getattribute__ = lambda *args: 200 # __getattribute__ not honored
- class D(C1): pass
- d = D()
- AreEqual([d.x, d.y], [100, 100])
- @disabled("bug 369042")
- def test_delete_getattribute():
- class B(object):
- def __getattribute__(self, name): pass
- class D(B): pass
- def f(): del D.__getattribute__
- AssertError(AttributeError, f)
- run_test(__name__)