Python | 281 lines | 167 code | 65 blank | 49 comment | 5 complexity | 326fad3f1819d296de132f22acfae395 MD5 | raw file
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- # This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A
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- '''
- Operations on event type.
- '''
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- from iptest.assert_util import *
- skiptest("silverlight")
- add_clr_assemblies("eventdefinitions", "typesamples")
- from Merlin.Testing import *
- from Merlin.Testing.Event import *
- def test_basic():
- # t1 is where the event is declared
- for t1 in [ ClassImplicitlyImplementInterface,
- #StructImplicitlyImplementInterface, # bug: 361955
- ClassWithSimpleEvent,
- #StructWithSimpleEvent, # bug: 361955
- ]:
- # t2 is where the handler is defined
- for t2 in [ TargetClass, TargetStruct ]:
- o = t2()
- # try both static and instance method
- for (double, square, negate, bad) in [
- (t2.s_Double, t2.s_Square, t2.s_Negate, t2.s_Throw),
- (o.i_Double, o.i_Square, o.i_Negate, o.i_Throw),
- ]:
- # no duplicate handlers, add/remove
- x = t1()
- Flag.Set(0)
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(1), -1)
- Flag.Check(0)
- Flag.Set(0)
- x.OnAction += double
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(2), 4)
- Flag.Check(1)
- Flag.Set(0)
- x.OnAction += square
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(3), 9)
- Flag.Check(101)
- Flag.Set(0)
- x.OnAction += negate
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(4), -4)
- Flag.Check(111)
- Flag.Set(0)
- x.OnAction -= square
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(5), -5)
- Flag.Check(11)
- Flag.Set(0)
- x.OnAction -= double
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(6), -6)
- Flag.Check(10)
- Flag.Set(0)
- x.OnAction -= negate
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(7), -1)
- Flag.Check(0)
- # duplicate: which one get removed
- x = t1()
- x.OnAction += double
- x.OnAction += square
- x.OnAction += double
- x.OnAction += double
- Flag.Set(0)
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(8), 16)
- Flag.Check(103)
- x.OnAction -= double
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(9), 18)
- x.OnAction -= double # verify the last one is removed
- Flag.Set(0)
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(10), 100) # bug 361971
- Flag.Check(101)
- x.OnAction -= double
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(11), 121)
- x.OnAction -= square
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(12), -1)
- # remove from empty invocation list
- x.OnAction -= double
- Flag.Set(0)
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(13), -1)
- Flag.Check(0)
- # troubling event handler in the middle
- x = t1()
- x.OnAction += double
- x.OnAction += bad
- x.OnAction += negate
- Flag.Set(0)
- AssertError(StandardError, lambda: x.CallInside(14))
- Flag.Check(1) # this also verified double was added/thus called first
- # different handler handling path:
- # - explicitly created delegate objects (d_xxx)
- # - mixed
- x = t1()
- d_double = Int32Int32Delegate(double)
- d_negate = Int32Int32Delegate(negate)
- d_square = Int32Int32Delegate(square)
- x.OnAction += d_double
- x.OnAction += d_square
- x.OnAction += double
- Flag.Set(0)
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(15), 30)
- Flag.Check(102)
- x.OnAction += d_negate
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(16), -16)
- x.OnAction -= d_square
- Flag.Set(0)
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(17), -17)
- Flag.Check(12)
- x.OnAction -= negate # remove the "native"
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(18), -18)
- x.OnAction -= d_negate # remove the 'stub'ed
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(19), 38)
- x.OnAction -= negate # list is not empty, try to remove the not-in-list
- x.OnAction -= d_negate # same
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(20), 40)
- x.OnAction -= double
- x.OnAction -= d_double
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(21), -1)
- def test_things_from_bound_event():
- #print ClassWithEvents.StaticEvent
- #print ClassWithEvents.InstanceEvent
- pass
- def test_explicitly_implemented_event():
- t1 = StructExplicitlyImplementInterface()
- #t1.OnAction += TargetClass.s_Double
- #print IInterface.OnAction # bound event
- #print dir(IInterface.OnAction)
- #print IInterface.OnAction.Event # reflected event
- #IInterface.OnAction.Add(t1, TargetClass.s_Double)
- @skip("multiple_execute")
- def test_static_event():
- for t1 in [
- ClassWithStaticEvent,
- #StructWithStaticEvent
- ]:
- x = t1()
- tc, ts = TargetClass(), TargetStruct()
- t1.OnAction += TargetClass.s_Double
- t1.OnAction += TargetStruct.s_Negate
- t1.OnAction += tc.i_Square
- Flag.Set(0)
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(30), 900)
- Flag.Set(111)
- t1.OnAction += ts.i_Negate
- Flag.Set(0)
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(31), -31)
- Flag.Check(121)
- t1.OnAction -= TargetStruct.s_Negate
- t1.OnAction -= ts.i_Double # not added before
- t1.OnAction -= tc.i_Square
- Flag.Set(0)
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(32), -32)
- Flag.Set(11)
- Flag.Set(0)
- t1.OnAction -= ts.i_Negate
- AreEqual(x.CallInside(33), 66)
- Flag.Set(1)
- def test_access_static_event_from_derived_type():
- def f1(): DerivedClassWithStaticEvent.OnAction += TargetClass.s_Double
- def f2(): DerivedClassWithStaticEvent.OnAction -= TargetStruct().s_Double
- for f in [f1, f2]:
- AssertErrorWithMessage(AttributeError,
- "attribute 'OnAction' of 'DerivedClassWithStaticEvent' object is read-only",
- f)
- #x = DerivedClassWithStaticEvent()
- #def f1(): x.OnAction += TargetClass.s_Double
- #def f2(): x.OnAction -= TargetStruct().s_Double
- #f1()
- def test_assignment():
- x = ClassWithSimpleEvent()
- # 362440
- def f(): x.OnAction = TargetClass.s_Double
- AssertErrorWithMessage(AttributeError,
- "attribute 'OnAction' of 'ClassWithSimpleEvent' object is read-only",
- f)
- def test_add_sub():
- x = ClassWithSimpleEvent()
- def f(): x.OnAction = x.OnAction + TargetClass.s_Negate
- AssertErrorWithMessage(TypeError,
- "unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'BoundEvent' and 'builtin_function_or_method'",
- f)
- def f(): x.OnAction - TargetClass.s_Negate
- AssertErrorWithMessage(TypeError,
- "unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'BoundEvent' and 'builtin_function_or_method'",
- f)
- def test_iadd_isub():
- x = ClassWithSimpleEvent()
- # 362447
- #x.OnAction.__iadd__(TargetClass.s_Negate)
- #AreEqual(x.CallInside(101), -101)
- #x.OnAction.__isub__(TargetClass.s_Negate)
- #AreEqual(x.CallInside(102), -1)
- def test_add_method_descriptor():
- x = ClassWithSimpleEvent()
- x.OnAction += TargetClass.s_Negate
- x.OnAction += TargetClass.i_Double # method
- Flag.Set(0)
- AssertErrorWithMessage(TypeError,
- "i_Double() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)",
- lambda: x.CallInside(4))
- Flag.Check(10)
- def test_call_outside():
- x = ClassWithSimpleEvent()
- x.OnAction += TargetClass.s_Negate
- #x.OnAction(3) # 362449
- run_test(__name__)