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- #####################################################################################
- #
- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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- # This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A
- # copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
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- #####################################################################################
- '''
- CPython's _warnings module. http://docs.python.org/library/warnings.html
- '''
- #--IMPORTS---------------------------------------------------------------------
- from iptest.assert_util import *
- skiptest("silverlight")
- import _warnings
- from iptest.assert_util import stderr_trapper as output_trapper
- #--GLOBALS---------------------------------------------------------------------
- EXPECTED = [] # expected output (ignoring filename, lineno, and line)
- WARN_TYPES = [Warning, UserWarning, PendingDeprecationWarning, SyntaxWarning,
- RuntimeWarning, FutureWarning, ImportWarning, UnicodeWarning,
- BytesWarning]
- #--HELPERS---------------------------------------------------------------------
- def cleanup():
- '''
- Clean up after possible incomplete test runs.
- '''
- global EXPECTED
- def expect(warn_type, message):
- '''
- Helper for test output
- '''
- for filter in _warnings.filters:
- if filter[0] == "ignore" and issubclass(warn_type, filter[2]):
- return
- EXPECTED.append(": " + warn_type.__name__ + ": " + message + "\n")
- #--TEST CASES------------------------------------------------------------------
- @skip("multiple_execute")
- def test_sanity():
- global EXPECTED
- try:
- with output_trapper() as output:
- # generate test output
- _warnings.warn("Warning Message!")
- expect(UserWarning, "Warning Message!")
- for warn_type in WARN_TYPES:
- _warnings.warn(warn_type("Type-overriding message!"), UnicodeWarning)
- expect(warn_type, "Type-overriding message!")
- _warnings.warn("Another Warning Message!", warn_type)
- expect(warn_type, "Another Warning Message!")
- _warnings.warn_explicit("Explicit Warning!", warn_type, "nonexistent_file.py", 12)
- expect(warn_type, "Explicit Warning!")
- _warnings.warn_explicit("Explicit Warning!", warn_type, "test_python26.py", 34)
- expect(warn_type, "Explicit Warning!")
- _warnings.warn_explicit("Explicit Warning!", warn_type, "nonexistent_file.py", 56, "module.py")
- expect(warn_type, "Explicit Warning!")
- _warnings.warn_explicit("Explicit Warning!", warn_type, "test_python26.py", 78, "module.py")
- expect(warn_type, "Explicit Warning!")
- temp_messages = output.messages
- #No point in going further if the number of lines is not what we expect
- nlines = len([x for x in temp_messages if not x.startswith(" ")])
- AreEqual(nlines, len(EXPECTED))
- # match lines
- for line in temp_messages:
- if line.startswith(" "):
- continue
- temp = EXPECTED.pop(0).rstrip()
- Assert(line.endswith(temp), str(line) + " does not end with " + temp)
- finally:
- # remove generated files
- cleanup()
- def test_default_action():
- print "TODO"
- def test_filters():
- print "TODO"
- def test_once_registry():
- print "TODO"
- def test_warn():
- print "TODO"
- def test_warn_explicit():
- print "TODO"
- ##############################################################################
- #--MAIN------------------------------------------------------------------------
- run_test(__name__)