C# | 1155 lines | 868 code | 163 blank | 124 comment | 37 complexity | 2a8f225b2b08dc39608b14e1a0829a9d MD5 | raw file
- /* ****************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
- *
- * This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A
- * copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
- * you cannot locate the Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to
- * ironruby@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- * by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
- *
- * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- *
- *
- * ***************************************************************************/
- #if !CLR2
- using System.Linq.Expressions;
- #else
- using Microsoft.Scripting.Ast;
- #endif
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Text;
- using Microsoft.Scripting.Generation;
- using Microsoft.Scripting.Utils;
- using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
- using System.Threading;
- using System.Reflection;
- namespace IronRuby.Tests {
- using Ast = Expression;
- using AstUtils = Microsoft.Scripting.Ast.Utils;
- public partial class Tests {
- #region Tracing Helpers
- [ThreadStatic]
- public static List<object> _trace = new List<object>();
- public static void Trace(object value) {
- _trace.Add(value);
- }
- private Expression TraceCall(Expression arg) {
- return Ast.Call(null, typeof(Tests).GetMethod("Trace"), Ast.Convert(arg, typeof(object)));
- }
- private void RunTraceTest(Expression<Action> lambda, Action<Action> invoker, out object[] compiled, out object[] interpreted, out object[] sync) {
- if (invoker == null) {
- invoker = (a) => a();
- }
- invoker(lambda.Compile());
- compiled = _trace.ToArray();
- _trace.Clear();
- // force synchronous compilation:
- invoker(lambda.LightCompile(0));
- sync = _trace.ToArray();
- _trace.Clear();
- // force interpretation:
- invoker(lambda.LightCompile(Int32.MaxValue));
- interpreted = _trace.ToArray();
- _trace.Clear();
- }
- private void TraceTestLambda(Expression<Action> lambda, Type expectedException) {
- TraceTestLambda(lambda, (a) => {
- try {
- a();
- Assert(false, "Expected exception " + expectedException);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- Assert(e.GetType() == expectedException, "Expected exception " + expectedException);
- }
- });
- }
- private void TraceTestLambda(Expression<Action> lambda) {
- TraceTestLambda(lambda, (Action<Action>)null);
- }
- private void TraceTestLambda(Expression<Action> lambda, Action<Action> invoker) {
- object[] compiled, interpreted, sync;
- RunTraceTest(lambda, invoker, out compiled, out interpreted, out sync);
- Assert(compiled.ValueEquals(interpreted));
- Assert(compiled.ValueEquals(sync));
- }
- private void XTraceTestLambda(Expression<Action> lambda) {
- object[] compiled, interpreted, sync;
- RunTraceTest(lambda, null, out compiled, out interpreted, out sync);
- Console.WriteLine("-- compiled --");
- foreach (var obj in compiled) {
- Console.WriteLine(obj);
- }
- Console.WriteLine("-- interpreted --");
- foreach (var obj in interpreted) {
- Console.WriteLine(obj);
- }
- Console.WriteLine("-- sync --");
- foreach (var obj in sync) {
- Console.WriteLine(obj);
- }
- }
- #endregion
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void Interpreter1A() {
- var m_AddValue = new Action<StrongBox<int>, int>(Interpreter1_AddValue).Method;
- var m_ThrowNSE = new Action(Interpreter1_ThrowNSE).Method;
- var m_f = new Func<int, int, int, int, int>(Interpreter1_f).Method;
- var m_g = new Func<int, int, int, int>(Interpreter1_g).Method;
- var value = new StrongBox<int>(0);
- LabelTarget label;
- int rc, ri;
- // value of try-catch:
- var l0 = Ast.Lambda<Func<int>>(
- Ast.TryCatch(Ast.Constant(1, typeof(int)), Ast.Catch(typeof(Exception), Ast.Constant(2, typeof(int))))
- );
- rc = l0.Compile()();
- ri = l0.LightCompile()();
- Assert(rc == ri);
- // cross-block goto in try-catch-finally:
- label = Ast.Label(typeof(int));
- var l1 = Ast.Lambda<Func<int>>(
- Ast.Label(label, Ast.TryCatchFinally(
- Ast.Goto(label, Ast.Constant(1), typeof(int)),
- Ast.Call(null, m_AddValue, Ast.Constant(value), Ast.Constant(1)),
- Ast.Catch(typeof(Exception), Ast.Constant(2, typeof(int)))
- )));
- value.Value = 0;
- rc = l1.Compile()();
- ri = l1.LightCompile()();
- Assert(value.Value == 11);
- Assert(rc == ri);
- // cross-block goto in try-catch-finally with an exception thrown and caught in finally:
- label = Ast.Label(typeof(int));
- var l2 = Ast.Lambda<Func<int>>(
- Ast.Label(label, Ast.TryCatchFinally(
- Ast.Goto(label, Ast.Constant(1), typeof(int)),
- Ast.Block(
- Ast.TryCatch(
- Ast.Call(null, m_ThrowNSE),
- Ast.Catch(typeof(NotSupportedException),
- Ast.Call(null, m_AddValue, Ast.Constant(value), Ast.Constant(1))
- )
- ),
- Ast.Call(null, m_AddValue, Ast.Constant(value), Ast.Constant(2))
- ),
- Ast.Catch(typeof(Exception), Ast.Constant(2, typeof(int)))
- )));
- value.Value = 0;
- rc = l2.Compile()();
- ri = l2.LightCompile()();
- Assert(value.Value == 1212);
- Assert(rc == ri);
- // executing fault and finally blocks for an exception coming from a method call:
- label = Ast.Label(typeof(int));
- var a = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.TryCatch(
- Ast.TryFinally(// TODO: faults not supported yet: Ast.TryFault(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.Call(null, m_ThrowNSE),
- Ast.Call(null, m_AddValue, Ast.Constant(value), Ast.Constant(1))
- ),
- Ast.Call(null, m_AddValue, Ast.Constant(value), Ast.Constant(2))
- ),
- Ast.Catch(typeof(NotSupportedException),
- Ast.Call(null, m_AddValue, Ast.Constant(value), Ast.Constant(3))
- )
- )
- );
- value.Value = 0;
- a.Compile()();
- a.LightCompile()();
- Assert(value.Value == 123123);
- // try-catch with non-empty stack:
- var l3 = Ast.Lambda<Func<int>>(
- Ast.Call(null, m_f,
- Ast.Constant(1),
- Ast.Constant(2),
- Ast.TryCatch(
- Ast.Call(null, m_g,
- Ast.Constant(3),
- Ast.Constant(4),
- Ast.Throw(Ast.Constant(new Exception("!!!")), typeof(int))
- ),
- Ast.Catch(
- typeof(Exception),
- Ast.Constant(5)
- )
- ),
- Ast.Constant(7)
- )
- );
- rc = l3.Compile()();
- ri = l3.LightCompile()();
- Assert(rc == ri);
- // goto carrying a value needs to pop the value from the stack before executing finally
- // clauses to prevent stack overflow (the finally clause doesn't expect the value on the stack):
- var label3 = Ast.Label(typeof(int));
- var l4 = Ast.Lambda<Func<int>>(
- Ast.Label(label3,
- Ast.Block(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.Goto(label3, Ast.Constant(1), typeof(void)),
- Ast.Call(null, m_g, Ast.Constant(2), Ast.Constant(3), Ast.Constant(4))
- ),
- Ast.Constant(3)
- )
- )
- );
- rc = l4.Compile()();
- ri = l4.LightCompile()();
- Assert(rc == ri);
- // goto needs to pop unused values from the stack before it executes finally:
- var label4 = Ast.Label(typeof(int));
- var l5 = Ast.Lambda<Func<int>>(
- Ast.Label(label4,
- Ast.Block(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.Call(null, m_g, Ast.Constant(9), Ast.Constant(8), Ast.Goto(label4, Ast.Constant(1), typeof(int))),
- Ast.Call(null, m_f, Ast.Constant(2), Ast.Constant(3), Ast.Constant(4), Ast.Constant(5))
- ),
- Ast.Constant(3)
- )
- )
- );
- rc = l5.Compile()();
- ri = l5.LightCompile()();
- Assert(rc == ri);
- }
- public static void Interpreter1_AddValue(StrongBox<int> value, int d) {
- value.Value = value.Value * 10 + d;
- }
- public static void Interpreter1_ThrowNSE() {
- throw new NotSupportedException();
- }
- public static int Interpreter1_f(int a, int b, int c, int d) {
- return a * 1000 + b * 100 + c * 10 + d;
- }
- public static int Interpreter1_g(int a, int b, int c) {
- return 20;
- }
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void Interpreter1B() {
- LabelTarget label = Ast.Label();
- // throw in a finally that is executed while jumping to a label cancels the jump:
- var l0 = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.TryCatch(
- Ast.Block(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.Block(
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(0)),
- Ast.Goto(label)
- ),
- // F2:
- Ast.Block(
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(1)),
- Ast.Throw(Ast.Constant(new Exception("foo")))
- )
- ),
- // F1:
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(2))
- ),
- // LABEL:
- Ast.Label(label),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(3))
- ),
- // CATCH:
- Ast.Catch(typeof(Exception),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(4))
- )
- ),
- // F0:
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(5))
- )
- );
- TraceTestLambda(l0);
- // throw in a finally that is executed while jumping to a label cancels the jump:
- var l1 = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.Block(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.TryCatch(
- Ast.Block(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.Block(
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(0)),
- Ast.Goto(label)
- ),
- // F2:
- Ast.Block(
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(1)),
- Ast.Throw(Ast.Constant(new Exception("foo")))
- )
- ),
- // F1:
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(2))
- ),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(3))
- ),
- // CATCH:
- Ast.Catch(typeof(Exception),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(4))
- )
- ),
- // F0:
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(5))
- ),
- Ast.Block(
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(6)),
- // LABEL:
- Ast.Label(label),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(7))
- )
- )
- );
- TraceTestLambda(l1);
- // throw caught a try-catch in a finally that is executed while jumping to a label doesn't cancel the jump
- var l2 = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.TryCatch(
- Ast.Block(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.Block(
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(0)),
- Ast.Goto(label)
- ),
- Ast.Block(
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(1)),
- Ast.TryCatch(
- Ast.Throw(Ast.Constant(new Exception("foo"))),
- Ast.Catch(typeof(Exception),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(2))
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(3))
- ),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(4)),
- Ast.Label(label),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(5))
- ),
- Ast.Catch(typeof(Exception),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(6))
- )
- )
- );
- TraceTestLambda(l2);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Faults.
- /// </summary>
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void Interpreter1C() {
- var label1 = Ast.Label();
- var label2 = Ast.Label();
- var inner =
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.TryCatch(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.Block(
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(0)),
- Ast.Throw(Ast.Constant(new NotSupportedException("ex1")))
- ),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(1))
- ),
- Ast.Catch(typeof(Exception),
- Ast.Block(
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(2)),
- Ast.Rethrow()
- )
- )
- ),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(3))
- );
- var l0 = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.TryCatch(
- inner,
- Ast.Catch(typeof(Exception),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(4))
- )
- )
- );
- TraceTestLambda(l0);
- var l1 = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.TryCatch(
- inner,
- Ast.Catch(typeof(InvalidOperationException),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(4))
- )
- )
- );
- TraceTestLambda(l1, typeof(NotSupportedException));
- var l2 = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- inner
- );
- TraceTestLambda(l2, typeof(NotSupportedException));
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Faults.
- /// </summary>
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void Interpreter1D() {
- var l1 = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- TraceCall(
- Ast.TryCatch(
- Ast.Call(null, new Func<int>(ThrowNSEReturnInt).Method),
- Ast.Catch(typeof(Exception),
- Ast.Block(
- Ast.Constant(2),
- Ast.Rethrow(typeof(int))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- );
- l1.LightCompile();
- }
- public static int ThrowNSEReturnInt() {
- throw new NotSupportedException();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Jump out of finally.
- /// </summary>
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void Interpreter_JumpFromFinally1() {
- var label1 = Ast.Label();
- var label2 = Ast.Label();
- var l0 = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.Block(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.Block(
- AstUtils.FinallyFlowControl(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.Block(
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(0)),
- Ast.Goto(label1)
- ),
- // F2:
- Ast.Block(
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(1)),
- Ast.Goto(label2)
- )
- ),
- // F1:
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(2))
- )
- ),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(3)),
- // LABEL2:
- Ast.Label(label2),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(4))
- ),
- // F0:
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(5))
- ),
- Ast.Block(
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(6)),
- // LABEL1:
- Ast.Label(label1),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(7))
- )
- )
- );
- TraceTestLambda(l0);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Pending continuation override: jump from finally should cancel any pending jumps (gotos or throws) from try-block.
- /// </summary>
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void Interpreter_JumpFromFinally2() {
- var label = Ast.Label();
- var l0 = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- AstUtils.FinallyFlowControl(
- Ast.Block(
- Ast.TryFinally(
- Ast.Throw(Ast.Constant(new Exception("ex"))),
- Ast.Block(
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(0)),
- Ast.Goto(label)
- )
- ),
- Ast.Label(label),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant(1))
- )
- )
- );
- TraceTestLambda(l0);
- }
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void Interpreter2() {
- Interpreter2_Test<Func<int>>(
- (var) => Ast.Lambda<Func<int>>(var),
- (c, i) => c() == i()
- );
- Interpreter2_Test<IRuntimeVariables>(
- (var) => Ast.RuntimeVariables(var),
- (c, i) => (int)c[0] == (int)i[0]
- );
- }
- private void Interpreter2_Test<TClosure>(Func<ParameterExpression, Expression> closure, Func<TClosure, TClosure, bool> comparer) {
- // value of try-catch:
- var closureVar = Ast.Parameter(typeof(int), "x");
- var indexVar = Ast.Parameter(typeof(int), "i");
- var limitVar = Ast.Parameter(typeof(int), "limit");
- var closuresVar = Ast.Parameter(typeof(TClosure[]), "closures");
- var returnLabel = Ast.Label(typeof(void));
- var l0 = Ast.Lambda<Action<int, int, TClosure[]>>(
- Ast.Label(returnLabel,
- Ast.Loop(
- Ast.IfThenElse(
- Ast.NotEqual(indexVar, limitVar),
- Ast.Block(new[] { closureVar },
- Ast.Assign(closureVar, indexVar),
- Ast.Assign(Ast.ArrayAccess(closuresVar, indexVar), closure(closureVar)),
- Ast.Assign(indexVar, Ast.Add(indexVar, Ast.Constant(1)))
- ),
- Ast.Return(returnLabel)
- )
- )
- ),
- new[] { indexVar, limitVar, closuresVar }
- );
- var fsc = new TClosure[2];
- l0.Compile()(0, 2, fsc);
- var fsi = new TClosure[2];
- l0.LightCompile()(0, 2, fsi);
- Assert(comparer(fsc[0], fsi[0]));
- Assert(comparer(fsc[1], fsi[1]));
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// ThreadAbortException handling.
- /// </summary>
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void Interpreter3() {
- if (_driver.PartialTrust) return;
- var label = Ast.Label(typeof(void));
- foreach (var gotoLabel in new Expression[] { Ast.Goto(label), Ast.Empty() }) {
- var var_tracker = Ast.Parameter(typeof(List<object>));
- var var_abort1 = Ast.Parameter(typeof(ThreadAbortException));
- var var_e = Ast.Parameter(typeof(Exception));
- var var_abort2 = Ast.Parameter(typeof(ThreadAbortException));
- var m_Interpreter3_abort = new Action(Interpreter3_abort).Method;
- var m_Interpreter3_catchAbortThrowNSE = new Action<List<object>, ThreadAbortException>(Interpreter3_catchAbortThrowNSE).Method;
- var m_Interpreter3_catchE = new Action<List<object>, Exception>(Interpreter3_catchE).Method;
- var m_Interpreter3_unreachable = new Action<List<object>>(Interpreter3_unreachable).Method;
- var m_Interpreter3_catchAbort = new Action<List<object>, ThreadAbortException>(Interpreter3_catchAbort).Method;
- var l = Ast.Lambda<Action<List<object>>>(
- AstUtils.Try(
- AstUtils.Try(
- AstUtils.Try(
- Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter3_abort)
- ).Catch(var_abort1,
- Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter3_catchAbortThrowNSE, var_tracker, var_abort1)
- )
- ).Catch(var_e,
- Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter3_catchE, var_tracker, var_e),
- gotoLabel
- ),
- Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter3_unreachable, var_tracker),
- Ast.Label(label, Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter3_unreachable, var_tracker))
- ).Catch(var_abort2,
- Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter3_catchAbort, var_tracker, var_abort2)
- ),
- new[] { var_tracker }
- );
- var ctracker = new List<object>();
- var itracker = new List<object>();
- try {
- l.Compile()(ctracker);
- l.LightCompile()(itracker);
- } catch (ThreadAbortException) {
- Thread.ResetAbort();
- Assert(false);
- return;
- }
- foreach (var t in new[] { ctracker, itracker }) {
- Assert(t.Count == 10);
- Assert(t[0] as string == "1");
- Assert(t[1] is ThreadAbortException);
- Assert(t[2] as string == "stateInfo");
- Assert(t[3] as string == "2");
- Assert(t[4] is NotSupportedException);
- Assert((ThreadState)t[5] == ThreadState.AbortRequested);
- Assert(t[6] as string == "3");
- Assert(t[7] is ThreadAbortException);
- Assert(ReferenceEquals(t[8], t[2]));
- Assert((ThreadState)t[9] == ThreadState.AbortRequested);
- }
- }
- }
- public static void Interpreter3_abort() {
- Thread.CurrentThread.Abort("stateInfo");
- }
- public static void Interpreter3_catchAbortThrowNSE(List<object> tracker, ThreadAbortException e) {
- tracker.Add("1");
- tracker.Add(e);
- tracker.Add(e.ExceptionState);
- throw new NotSupportedException();
- }
- public static void Interpreter3_catchE(List<object> tracker, Exception e) {
- tracker.Add("2");
- tracker.Add(e);
- tracker.Add(Thread.CurrentThread.ThreadState);
- }
- public static void Interpreter3_unreachable(List<object> tracker) {
- tracker.Add("UNREACHABLE");
- }
- public static void Interpreter3_catchAbort(List<object> tracker, ThreadAbortException e) {
- tracker.Add("3");
- tracker.Add(e);
- tracker.Add(e.ExceptionState);
- tracker.Add(Thread.CurrentThread.ThreadState);
- Thread.ResetAbort();
- }
- public static void Interpreter4() {
- // TODO: figure out if this is specified behavior of thread abort:
- //var var_tracker = Ast.Parameter(typeof(List<object>));
- //var var_abort1 = Ast.Parameter(typeof(ThreadAbortException));
- //var var_abort2 = Ast.Parameter(typeof(ThreadAbortException));
- //var var_abort3 = Ast.Parameter(typeof(ThreadAbortException));
- //var var_abort4 = Ast.Parameter(typeof(ThreadAbortException));
- //var m_Interpreter4_abort = new Action(Interpreter4_abort).Method;
- //var m_Interpreter4_traceE = new Action<List<object>, ThreadAbortException>(Interpreter4_traceE).Method;
- //var m_Interpreter4_traceS = new Action<List<object>, string>(Interpreter4_traceS).Method;
- //var m_Interpreter4_reset = new Action<List<object>, ThreadAbortException>(Interpreter4_reset).Method;
- //var l = Ast.Lambda<Action<List<object>>>(
- // AstUtils.Try(
- // AstUtils.Try(
- // Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter4_abort, Ast.Constant("r1"))
- // ).Catch(var_abort1,
- // Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter4_traceE, var_tracker, var_abort1),
- // AstUtils.Try(
- // AstUtils.Try(
- // Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter4_abort, Ast.Constant("r2"))
- // ).Catch(var_abort2,
- // Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter4_traceE, var_tracker, var_abort2)
- // ),
- // Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter4_traceS, var_tracker, Ast.Constant("1"))
- // ).Catch(var_abort3,
- // Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter4_traceE, var_tracker, var_abort3)
- // ),
- // Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter4_traceS, var_tracker, Ast.Constant("2"))
- // ),
- // Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter4_traceS, var_tracker, Ast.Constant("2"))
- // ).Catch(var_abort4,
- // Ast.Call(null, m_Interpreter4_reset, var_tracker, var_abort4)
- // ),
- // new[] { var_tracker }
- //);
- //var ctracker = new List<object>();
- //var itracker = new List<object>();
- //try {
- // l.Compile()(ctracker);
- // //l.LightCompile()(itracker);
- //} catch (ThreadAbortException) {
- // Thread.ResetAbort();
- // Assert(false);
- // return;
- //}
- }
- public static void Interpreter4_abort(string value) {
- Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(value);
- }
- public static void Interpreter4_traceE(List<object> tracker, ThreadAbortException e) {
- tracker.Add(e.ExceptionState);
- }
- public static void Interpreter4_traceS(List<object> tracker, string s) {
- tracker.Add(s);
- }
- public static void Interpreter4_reset(List<object> tracker, ThreadAbortException e) {
- tracker.Add(e.ExceptionState);
- Thread.ResetAbort();
- tracker.Add(e.ExceptionState);
- }
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void Interpreter5() {
- var strArray1 = new string[] { "foo" };
- var strArray2 = new string[1, 1];
- var strArray3 = new string[1, 1, 1];
- var strArray8 = new string[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
- strArray2[0, 0] = "foo";
- strArray3[0, 0, 0] = "foo";
- strArray8[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] = "foo";
- // T[]::Get
- Assert("foo" == Ast.Lambda<Func<string>>(
- Ast.Call(Ast.Constant(strArray1), typeof(string[]).GetMethod("Get"), Ast.Constant(0))
- ).LightCompile()());
- // T[]::Set
- Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.Call(Ast.Constant(strArray1), typeof(string[]).GetMethod("Set"), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant("bar"))
- ).LightCompile()();
- Assert(strArray1[0] == "bar");
- // T[,]::Get
- Assert("foo" == Ast.Lambda<Func<string>>(
- Ast.Call(Ast.Constant(strArray2), typeof(string[,]).GetMethod("Get"), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0))
- ).LightCompile()());
- // T[,]::Set
- Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.Call(Ast.Constant(strArray2), typeof(string[,]).GetMethod("Set"), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant("bar"))
- ).LightCompile()();
- Assert(strArray2[0, 0] == "bar");
- // T[,,]::Get
- Assert("foo" == Ast.Lambda<Func<string>>(
- Ast.Call(Ast.Constant(strArray3), typeof(string[, ,]).GetMethod("Get"), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0))
- ).LightCompile()());
- // T[,,]::Set
- Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.Call(Ast.Constant(strArray3), typeof(string[, ,]).GetMethod("Set"), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant("bar"))
- ).LightCompile()();
- Assert(strArray3[0, 0, 0] == "bar");
- // T[*]::Get
- Assert("foo" == Ast.Lambda<Func<string>>(
- Ast.Call(Ast.Constant(strArray8), typeof(string[, , , , , , ,]).GetMethod("Get"),
- Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0),
- Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0)
- )
- ).LightCompile()());
- // T[*]::Set
- Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.Call(Ast.Constant(strArray8), typeof(string[, , , , , , ,]).GetMethod("Set"),
- Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0),
- Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0), Ast.Constant(0),
- Ast.Constant("bar")
- )
- ).LightCompile()();
- Assert(strArray8[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] == "bar");
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Variable shadowing.
- /// </summary>
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void Interpreter6() {
- var i_var = Ast.Parameter(typeof(int), "i");
- var l1 = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.Block(new[] { i_var },
- Ast.Assign(i_var, Ast.Constant(1)),
- TraceCall(i_var),
- Ast.Block(new[] { i_var },
- Ast.Assign(i_var, Ast.Constant(2)),
- TraceCall(i_var)
- ),
- Ast.Block(new[] { i_var },
- Ast.Assign(i_var, Ast.Constant(3)),
- TraceCall(i_var)
- ),
- TraceCall(i_var)
- )
- );
- //XTraceTestLambda(l1);
- var e_var = Ast.Parameter(typeof(Exception), "e");
- var ex1 = new Exception("ex1");
- var ex2 = new Exception("ex2");
- // each catch block actually defines e variable again shadowing the block's e variable.
- // Thus assignments within the catch block don't affect block's e variable.
- var l2 = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.Block(new[] { e_var },
- Ast.TryCatch(Ast.Throw(Ast.Constant(ex1)), Ast.Catch(e_var, TraceCall(Ast.Property(e_var, "Message")))),
- TraceCall(e_var),
- Ast.TryCatch(Ast.Throw(Ast.Constant(ex2)), Ast.Catch(e_var, TraceCall(Ast.Property(e_var, "Message")))),
- TraceCall(e_var)
- )
- );
- l2.Compile()();
- //XTraceTestLambda(l2);
- var l3 = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.Block(new[] { i_var },
- TraceCall(
- Ast.Invoke(
- Ast.Lambda<Func<int, int>>(Ast.Add(i_var, Ast.Constant(1)), new[] { i_var }),
- Ast.Constant(1)
- )
- )
- )
- );
- l3.Compile()();
- //XTraceTestLambda(l2);
- // TODO: add tests for loop compiler
- }
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void InterpreterNumeric1() {
- Assert(Expression.Lambda<Func<short>>(
- Expression.Add(Expression.Constant((short)1), Expression.Constant((short)2))
- ).LightCompile()() == 3);
- Assert(Expression.Lambda<Func<int>>(
- Expression.Add(Expression.Constant((int)1), Expression.Constant((int)2))
- ).LightCompile()() == 3);
- Assert(Expression.Lambda<Func<short>>(
- Expression.AddChecked(Expression.Constant((short)1), Expression.Constant((short)2))
- ).LightCompile()() == 3);
- Assert(Expression.Lambda<Func<bool>>(
- Expression.LessThan(Expression.Constant((byte)1), Expression.Constant((byte)2))
- ).LightCompile()() == true);
- Assert(Expression.Lambda<Func<bool>>(
- Expression.Equal(Expression.Constant(true), Expression.Constant(false))
- ).LightCompile()() == false);
- object obj1 = 1;
- object obj2 = 1;
- Assert(Expression.Lambda<Func<bool>>(
- Expression.Equal(Expression.Constant(obj1, typeof(object)), Expression.Constant(obj2, typeof(object)))
- ).LightCompile()() == false);
- Assert(Expression.Lambda<Func<bool>>(
- Expression.Equal(Expression.Constant(1), Expression.Constant(1))
- ).LightCompile()() == true);
- }
- public class ClassWithMethods2 {
- private readonly string Str = "<this>";
- public static void SF0() { TestValues.Add("0"); }
- public static void SF1(string a) { TestValues.Add(a); }
- public static void SF2(string a, string b) { TestValues.Add(a + b); }
- public static void SF3(string a, string b, string c) { TestValues.Add(a + b + c); }
- public static void SF4(string a, string b, string c, string d) { TestValues.Add(a + b + c + d); }
- public static void SF5(string a, string b, string c, string d, string e) { TestValues.Add(a + b + c + d + e); }
- public static string SG0() { TestValues.Add("0"); return "G0"; }
- public static string SG1(string a) { TestValues.Add(a); return "G1"; }
- public static string SG2(string a, string b) { TestValues.Add(a + b); return "G2"; }
- public static string SG3(string a, string b, string c) { TestValues.Add(a + b + c); return "G3"; }
- public static string SG4(string a, string b, string c, string d) { TestValues.Add(a + b + c + d); return "G4"; }
- public static string SG5(string a, string b, string c, string d, string e) { TestValues.Add(a + b + c + d + e); return "G5"; }
- public void F0() { TestValues.Add(Str + "0"); }
- public void F1(string a) { TestValues.Add(Str + a); }
- public void F2(string a, string b) { TestValues.Add(Str + a + b); }
- public void F3(string a, string b, string c) { TestValues.Add(Str + a + b + c); }
- public void F4(string a, string b, string c, string d) { TestValues.Add(Str + a + b + c + d); }
- public void F5(string a, string b, string c, string d, string e) { TestValues.Add(Str + a + b + c + d + e); }
- public string G0() { TestValues.Add(Str + "0"); return "G0"; }
- public string G1(string a) { TestValues.Add(Str + a); return "G1"; }
- public string G2(string a, string b) { TestValues.Add(Str + a + b); return "G2"; }
- public string G3(string a, string b, string c) { TestValues.Add(Str + a + b + c); return "G3"; }
- public string G4(string a, string b, string c, string d) { TestValues.Add(Str + a + b + c + d); return "G4"; }
- public string G5(string a, string b, string c, string d, string e) { TestValues.Add(Str + a + b + c + d + e); return "G5"; }
- }
- private static MethodInfo GM2(string name) {
- return typeof(ClassWithMethods2).GetMethod(name);
- }
- [ThreadStatic]
- private static List<string> TestValues = new List<string>();
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void InterpreterMethodCalls1() {
- var sf = Expression.Lambda<Action>(Ast.Block(
- Ast.Call(null, GM2("SF0")),
- Ast.Call(null, GM2("SF1"), Ast.Constant("1")),
- Ast.Call(null, GM2("SF2"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2")),
- Ast.Call(null, GM2("SF3"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2"), Ast.Constant("3")),
- Ast.Call(null, GM2("SF4"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2"), Ast.Constant("3"), Ast.Constant("4")),
- Ast.Call(null, GM2("SF5"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2"), Ast.Constant("3"), Ast.Constant("4"), Ast.Constant("5"))
- ));
- var sg = Expression.Lambda<Func<string[]>>(Ast.NewArrayInit(typeof(string),
- Ast.Call(null, GM2("SG0")),
- Ast.Call(null, GM2("SG1"), Ast.Constant("1")),
- Ast.Call(null, GM2("SG2"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2")),
- Ast.Call(null, GM2("SG3"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2"), Ast.Constant("3")),
- Ast.Call(null, GM2("SG4"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2"), Ast.Constant("3"), Ast.Constant("4")),
- Ast.Call(null, GM2("SG5"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2"), Ast.Constant("3"), Ast.Constant("4"), Ast.Constant("5"))
- ));
- var i = Expression.Constant(new ClassWithMethods2());
- var f = Expression.Lambda<Action>(Ast.Block(
- Ast.Call(i, GM2("F0")),
- Ast.Call(i, GM2("F1"), Ast.Constant("1")),
- Ast.Call(i, GM2("F2"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2")),
- Ast.Call(i, GM2("F3"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2"), Ast.Constant("3")),
- Ast.Call(i, GM2("F4"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2"), Ast.Constant("3"), Ast.Constant("4")),
- Ast.Call(i, GM2("F5"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2"), Ast.Constant("3"), Ast.Constant("4"), Ast.Constant("5"))
- ));
- var g = Expression.Lambda<Func<string[]>>(Ast.NewArrayInit(typeof(string),
- Ast.Call(i, GM2("G0")),
- Ast.Call(i, GM2("G1"), Ast.Constant("1")),
- Ast.Call(i, GM2("G2"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2")),
- Ast.Call(i, GM2("G3"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2"), Ast.Constant("3")),
- Ast.Call(i, GM2("G4"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2"), Ast.Constant("3"), Ast.Constant("4")),
- Ast.Call(i, GM2("G5"), Ast.Constant("1"), Ast.Constant("2"), Ast.Constant("3"), Ast.Constant("4"), Ast.Constant("5"))
- ));
- sf.Compile()();
- var c_sg_result = sg.Compile()();
- f.Compile()();
- var c_g_result = g.Compile()();
- string[] c_list = TestValues.ToArray();
- TestValues.Clear();
- sf.LightCompile()();
- var i_sg_result = sg.LightCompile()();
- f.LightCompile()();
- var i_g_result = g.LightCompile()();
- string[] i_list = TestValues.ToArray();
- TestValues.Clear();
- Assert(ArrayUtils.ValueEquals(c_sg_result, i_sg_result));
- Assert(ArrayUtils.ValueEquals(c_g_result, i_g_result));
- Assert(ArrayUtils.ValueEquals(c_list, i_list));
- }
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void InterpreterLoops1() {
- ParameterExpression i_var = Ast.Parameter(typeof(int), "i");
- ParameterExpression s_var = Ast.Parameter(typeof(string), "s");
- ParameterExpression s2_var = Ast.Parameter(typeof(string), "s2");
- LabelTarget break2_label = Ast.Label();
- LabelTarget break1_label = Ast.Label();
- LabelTarget label1 = Ast.Label();
- var l = Expression.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.Block(new[] { i_var },
- Ast.Assign(i_var, Ast.Constant(0)),
- Ast.Loop(
- Ast.Block(new[] { s2_var },
- Ast.Assign(s2_var, Ast.Constant("z")),
- Ast.Loop(
- Ast.Block(
- new[] { s_var },
- Ast.Assign(s_var, Ast.Constant("a")),
- Ast.IfThen(Ast.Equal(Expression.Assign(i_var, Ast.Add(i_var, Ast.Constant(1))), Ast.Constant(3)), Ast.Break(break2_label)),
- Ast.IfThen(Ast.Equal(i_var, Ast.Constant(5)), Ast.Break(label1)),
- TraceCall(s_var),
- TraceCall(s2_var)
- ),
- break2_label
- ),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant("d"))
- )
- ),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant("b")),
- Ast.Label(label1),
- TraceCall(Ast.Constant("c"))
- )
- );
- TraceTestLambda(l);
- }
- public static void MethodWithRef(ref int foo) {
- foo++;
- }
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void InterpreterLoops2() {
- ParameterExpression i_var = Ast.Parameter(typeof(int), "i");
- ParameterExpression k_var = Ast.Parameter(typeof(int), "k");
- ParameterExpression j_var = Ast.Parameter(typeof(int), "j");
- ParameterExpression o_var = Ast.Parameter(typeof(object), "o");
- ParameterExpression d_var = Ast.Parameter(typeof(Func<int>), "d");
- LabelTarget label1 = Ast.Label();
- LabelTarget label2 = Ast.Label();
- var innerLambda = Ast.Lambda<Func<int>>(
- Ast.Block(new[] { k_var },
- Ast.Assign(k_var, Ast.Constant(0)),
- Ast.Loop(
- Ast.Block(
- Ast.IfThen(Ast.Equal(Ast.Assign(k_var, Ast.Add(k_var, Ast.Constant(1))), Ast.Constant(5)), Ast.Goto(label2)),
- Ast.Assign(j_var, Ast.Add(j_var, Ast.Constant(1)))
- )
- ),
- Ast.Label(label2),
- j_var
- )
- );
- var l = Expression.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.Block(new[] { i_var, j_var, d_var },
- Ast.Assign(i_var, Ast.Constant(0)),
- Ast.Assign(j_var, Ast.Constant(-1)),
- // close over j:
- Ast.Assign(d_var, innerLambda),
- Ast.Loop(
- Ast.Block(
- Ast.IfThen(Ast.Equal(Ast.Assign(i_var, Ast.Add(i_var, Ast.Constant(1))), Ast.Constant(5)), Ast.Return(label1)),
- // this assignment must be to the closure Value not to the local j_var:
- Ast.Assign(j_var, i_var),
- TraceCall(Ast.Convert(Ast.Invoke(d_var), typeof(Object)))
- )
- ),
- Ast.Label(label1)
- )
- );
- TraceTestLambda(l);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gotos with values jumping from the loop.
- /// </summary>
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void InterpreterLoops3() {
- ParameterExpression i_var = Ast.Parameter(typeof(int), "i");
- LabelTarget label1 = Ast.Label(typeof(int));
- var l = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.Block(new[] { i_var },
- Ast.Assign(i_var,
- Ast.Block(
- Ast.Loop(
- Ast.Goto(label1, Ast.Constant(123))
- ),
- Ast.Label(label1, Ast.Constant(5))
- )
- ),
- TraceCall(i_var)
- )
- );
- TraceTestLambda(l);
- }
- [Options(NoRuntime = true)]
- public void InterpreterLoops4() {
- ParameterExpression i_var = Ast.Parameter(typeof(int), "i");
- ParameterExpression j_var = Ast.Parameter(typeof(int), "j");
- ParameterExpression k_var = Ast.Parameter(typeof(int), "k");
- LabelTarget label1 = Ast.Label();
- var l = Ast.Lambda<Action>(
- Ast.Block(new[] { i_var },
- Ast.Loop(
- Ast.Block(new[]