C# | 1326 lines | 1035 code | 249 blank | 42 comment | 266 complexity | 56592a782086f663aa61195ce245d83d MD5 | raw file
- /* ****************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
- *
- * This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A
- * copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
- * you cannot locate the Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to
- * ironruby@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- * by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
- *
- * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- *
- *
- * ***************************************************************************/
- using System;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Reflection;
- using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
- using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
- using Microsoft.Scripting;
- using Microsoft.Scripting.Generation;
- using Microsoft.Scripting.Runtime;
- using Microsoft.Scripting.Utils;
- using IronRuby.Runtime;
- using IronRuby.Runtime.Calls;
- using IronRuby.Runtime.Conversions;
- namespace IronRuby.Builtins {
- using EachSite = Func<CallSite, object, Proc, object>;
- [RubyModule(Extends = typeof(IList), Restrictions = ModuleRestrictions.None)]
- [Includes(typeof(Enumerable))]
- public static class IListOps {
- #region Helpers
- // MRI: Some operations check frozen flag even if they don't change the array content.
- private static void RequireNotFrozen(IList/*!*/ self) {
- RubyArray array = self as RubyArray;
- if (array != null && array.IsFrozen) {
- throw RubyExceptions.CreateObjectFrozenError();
- }
- }
- internal static int NormalizeIndex(IList/*!*/ list, int index) {
- return NormalizeIndex(list.Count, index);
- }
- internal static int NormalizeIndexThrowIfNegative(IList/*!*/ list, int index) {
- index = NormalizeIndex(list.Count, index);
- if (index < 0) {
- throw RubyExceptions.CreateIndexError("index {0} out of array", index);
- }
- return index;
- }
- internal static int NormalizeIndex(int count, int index) {
- return index < 0 ? index + count : index;
- }
- internal static bool NormalizeRange(int listCount, ref int start, ref int count) {
- start = NormalizeIndex(listCount, start);
- if (start < 0 || start > listCount || count < 0) {
- return false;
- }
- if (count != 0) {
- count = start + count > listCount ? listCount - start : count;
- }
- return true;
- }
- internal static bool NormalizeRange(ConversionStorage<int>/*!*/ fixnumCast, int listCount, Range/*!*/ range, out int begin, out int count) {
- begin = Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, range.Begin);
- int end = Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, range.End);
- begin = NormalizeIndex(listCount, begin);
- if (begin < 0 || begin > listCount) {
- count = 0;
- return false;
- }
- end = NormalizeIndex(listCount, end);
- count = range.ExcludeEnd ? end - begin : end - begin + 1;
- return true;
- }
- private static bool InRangeNormalized(IList/*!*/ list, ref int index) {
- if (index < 0) {
- index = index + list.Count;
- }
- return index >= 0 && index < list.Count;
- }
- private static IList/*!*/ GetResultRange(CallSiteStorage<Func<CallSite, RubyClass, object>>/*!*/ allocateStorage,
- IList/*!*/ list, int index, int count) {
- IList result = CreateResultArray(allocateStorage, list);
- int stop = index + count;
- for (int i = index; i < stop; i++) {
- result.Add(list[i]);
- }
- return result;
- }
- private static void InsertRange(IList/*!*/ list, int index, IList/*!*/ items, int start, int count) {
- RubyArray array;
- List<object> listOfObject;
- ICollection<object> collection;
- if ((array = list as RubyArray) != null) {
- array.InsertRange(index, items, start, count);
- } else if ((listOfObject = list as List<object>) != null && ((collection = items as ICollection<object>) != null)) {
- listOfObject.InsertRange(index, collection);
- } else {
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- list.Insert(index + i, items[start + i]);
- }
- }
- }
- internal static void RemoveRange(IList/*!*/ collection, int index, int count) {
- if (count <= 1) {
- if (count > 0) {
- collection.RemoveAt(index);
- }
- return;
- }
- List<object> list;
- RubyArray array;
- if ((array = collection as RubyArray) != null) {
- array.RemoveRange(index, count);
- } else if ((list = collection as List<object>) != null) {
- list.RemoveRange(index, count);
- } else {
- for (int i = index + count - 1; i >= index; i--) {
- collection.RemoveAt(i);
- }
- }
- }
- internal static void AddRange(IList/*!*/ collection, IList/*!*/ items) {
- int count = items.Count;
- if (count <= 1) {
- if (count > 0) {
- collection.Add(items[0]);
- }
- return;
- }
- RubyArray array = collection as RubyArray;
- if (array != null) {
- array.AddRange(items);
- } else {
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- collection.Add(items[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- private static IList/*!*/ CreateResultArray(CallSiteStorage<Func<CallSite, RubyClass, object>>/*!*/ allocateStorage, IList/*!*/ list) {
- // RubyArray:
- var array = list as RubyArray;
- if (array != null) {
- return array.CreateInstance();
- }
- // interop - call a default ctor to get an instance:
- var allocate = allocateStorage.GetCallSite("allocate", 0);
- var cls = allocateStorage.Context.GetClassOf(list);
- var result = allocate.Target(allocate, cls) as IList;
- if (result != null) {
- return result;
- }
- throw RubyExceptions.CreateTypeError("{0}#allocate should return IList", cls.Name);
- }
- internal static IEnumerable<Int32>/*!*/ ReverseEnumerateIndexes(IList/*!*/ collection) {
- for (int originalSize = collection.Count, i = originalSize - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- yield return i;
- if (collection.Count < originalSize) {
- i = originalSize - (originalSize - collection.Count);
- originalSize = collection.Count;
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region initialize_copy, replace, clear, to_a, to_ary
- [RubyMethod("replace")]
- [RubyMethod("initialize_copy", RubyMethodAttributes.PrivateInstance)]
- public static IList/*!*/ Replace(IList/*!*/ self, [NotNull, DefaultProtocol]IList/*!*/ other) {
- self.Clear();
- AddRange(self, other);
- return self;
- }
- [RubyMethod("clear")]
- public static IList Clear(IList/*!*/ self) {
- self.Clear();
- return self;
- }
- [RubyMethod("to_a")]
- [RubyMethod("to_ary")]
- public static RubyArray/*!*/ ToArray(IList/*!*/ self) {
- RubyArray list = new RubyArray(self.Count);
- foreach (object item in self) {
- list.Add(item);
- }
- return list;
- }
- #endregion
- #region *, +, concat
- [RubyMethod("*")]
- public static IList/*!*/ Repetition(CallSiteStorage<Func<CallSite, RubyClass, object>>/*!*/ allocateStorage,
- IList/*!*/ self, int repeat) {
- if (repeat < 0) {
- throw RubyExceptions.CreateArgumentError("negative argument");
- }
- IList result = CreateResultArray(allocateStorage, self);
- RubyArray array = result as RubyArray;
- if (array != null) {
- array.AddCapacity(self.Count * repeat);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) {
- AddRange(result, self);
- }
- allocateStorage.Context.TaintObjectBy<IList>(result, self);
- return result;
- }
- [RubyMethod("*")]
- public static MutableString Repetition(ConversionStorage<MutableString>/*!*/ tosConversion,
- IList/*!*/ self, [NotNull]MutableString/*!*/ separator) {
- return Join(tosConversion, self, separator);
- }
- [RubyMethod("*")]
- public static object Repetition(
- CallSiteStorage<Func<CallSite, RubyClass, object>>/*!*/ allocateStorage,
- ConversionStorage<MutableString>/*!*/ tosConversion,
- IList/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol, NotNull]Union<MutableString, int> repeat) {
- if (repeat.IsFixnum()) {
- return Repetition(allocateStorage, self, repeat.Fixnum());
- } else {
- return Repetition(tosConversion, self, repeat.String());
- }
- }
- [RubyMethod("+")]
- public static RubyArray/*!*/ Concatenate(IList/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol, NotNull]IList/*!*/ other) {
- RubyArray result = new RubyArray(self.Count + other.Count);
- AddRange(result, self);
- AddRange(result, other);
- return result;
- }
- [RubyMethod("concat")]
- public static IList/*!*/ Concat(IList/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol, NotNull]IList/*!*/ other) {
- AddRange(self, other);
- return self;
- }
- [RubyMethod("-")]
- public static RubyArray/*!*/ Difference(UnaryOpStorage/*!*/ hashStorage, BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ eqlStorage,
- IList/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol, NotNull]IList/*!*/ other) {
- RubyArray result = new RubyArray();
- // cost: (|self| + |other|) * (hash + eql) + dict
- var remove = new Dictionary<object, bool>(new EqualityComparer(hashStorage, eqlStorage));
- bool removeNull = false;
- foreach (var item in other) {
- if (item != null) {
- remove[item] = true;
- } else {
- removeNull = true;
- }
- }
- foreach (var item in self) {
- if (!(item != null ? remove.ContainsKey(item) : removeNull)) {
- result.Add(item);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- internal static int IndexOf(CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object, object>>/*!*/ equalitySite, IList/*!*/ self, object item) {
- for (int i = 0; i < self.Count; i++) {
- if (Protocols.IsTrue(equalitySite.Target(equalitySite, item, self[i]))) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- #endregion
- #region ==, <=>, eql?, hash
- [RubyMethod("==")]
- public static bool Equals(RespondToStorage/*!*/ respondTo, BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ equals, IList/*!*/ self, object other) {
- return Protocols.RespondTo(respondTo, other, "to_ary") && Protocols.IsEqual(equals, other, self);
- }
- [MultiRuntimeAware]
- private static RubyUtils.RecursionTracker _EqualsTracker = new RubyUtils.RecursionTracker();
- [RubyMethod("==")]
- public static bool Equals(BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ equals, IList/*!*/ self, [NotNull]IList/*!*/ other) {
- Assert.NotNull(self, other);
- if (ReferenceEquals(self, other)) {
- return true;
- }
- if (self.Count != other.Count) {
- return false;
- }
- using (IDisposable handleSelf = _EqualsTracker.TrackObject(self), handleOther = _EqualsTracker.TrackObject(other)) {
- if (handleSelf == null && handleOther == null) {
- // both arrays went recursive:
- return true;
- }
- var site = equals.GetCallSite("==");
- for (int i = 0; i < self.Count; ++i) {
- if (!Protocols.IsEqual(site, self[i], other[i])) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- [MultiRuntimeAware]
- private static RubyUtils.RecursionTracker _ComparisonTracker = new RubyUtils.RecursionTracker();
- [RubyMethod("<=>")]
- public static object Compare(BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ comparisonStorage, IList/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol, NotNull]IList/*!*/ other) {
- using (IDisposable handleSelf = _ComparisonTracker.TrackObject(self), handleOther = _ComparisonTracker.TrackObject(other)) {
- if (handleSelf == null && handleOther == null) {
- // both arrays went recursive:
- return ScriptingRuntimeHelpers.Int32ToObject(0);
- }
- int limit = Math.Min(self.Count, other.Count);
- var compare = comparisonStorage.GetCallSite("<=>");
- for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
- object result = compare.Target(compare, self[i], other[i]);
- if (!(result is int) || (int)result != 0) {
- return result;
- }
- }
- return ScriptingRuntimeHelpers.Int32ToObject(Math.Sign(self.Count - other.Count));
- }
- }
- [RubyMethod("eql?")]
- public static bool HashEquals(BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ eqlStorage, IList/*!*/ self, object other) {
- return RubyArray.Equals(eqlStorage, self, other);
- }
- [RubyMethod("hash")]
- public static int GetHashCode(UnaryOpStorage/*!*/ hashStorage, ConversionStorage<int>/*!*/ fixnumCast, IList/*!*/ self) {
- return RubyArray.GetHashCode(hashStorage, fixnumCast, self);
- }
- #endregion
- #region slice, [], at
- [RubyMethod("[]")]
- [RubyMethod("slice")]
- public static object GetElement(IList list, [DefaultProtocol]int index) {
- return InRangeNormalized(list, ref index) ? list[index] : null;
- }
- [RubyMethod("[]")]
- [RubyMethod("slice")]
- public static IList GetElements(CallSiteStorage<Func<CallSite, RubyClass, object>>/*!*/ allocateStorage,
- IList/*!*/ list, [DefaultProtocol]int index, [DefaultProtocol]int count) {
- if (!NormalizeRange(list.Count, ref index, ref count)) {
- return null;
- }
- return GetResultRange(allocateStorage, list, index, count);
- }
- [RubyMethod("[]")]
- [RubyMethod("slice")]
- public static IList GetElement(ConversionStorage<int>/*!*/ fixnumCast,
- CallSiteStorage<Func<CallSite, RubyClass, object>>/*!*/ allocateStorage,
- IList array, [NotNull]Range/*!*/ range) {
- int start, count;
- if (!NormalizeRange(fixnumCast, array.Count, range, out start, out count)) {
- return null;
- }
- return count < 0 ? CreateResultArray(allocateStorage, array) : GetElements(allocateStorage, array, start, count);
- }
- [RubyMethod("at")]
- public static object At(IList/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol]int index) {
- return GetElement(self, index);
- }
- #endregion
- #region []=
- public static void ExpandList(IList list, int index) {
- int diff = index - list.Count;
- for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
- list.Add(null);
- }
- }
- public static void OverwriteOrAdd(IList list, int index, object value) {
- if (index < list.Count) {
- list[index] = value;
- } else {
- list.Add(value);
- }
- }
- public static void DeleteItems(IList list, int index, int length) {
- if (index >= list.Count) {
- ExpandList(list, index);
- } else {
- // normalize for max length
- if (index + length > list.Count) {
- length = list.Count - index;
- }
- if (length == 0) {
- RequireNotFrozen(list);
- } else {
- RemoveRange(list, index, length);
- }
- }
- }
- [RubyMethod("[]=")]
- public static object SetElement(RubyArray/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol]int index, object value) {
- index = NormalizeIndexThrowIfNegative(self, index);
- if (index >= self.Count) {
- self.AddMultiple(index + 1 - self.Count, null);
- }
- return self[index] = value;
- }
- [RubyMethod("[]=")]
- public static object SetElement(IList/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol]int index, object value) {
- index = NormalizeIndexThrowIfNegative(self, index);
- if (index < self.Count) {
- self[index] = value;
- } else {
- ExpandList(self, index);
- self.Add(value);
- }
- return value;
- }
- [RubyMethod("[]=")]
- public static object SetElement(ConversionStorage<IList>/*!*/ arrayTryCast, IList/*!*/ self,
- [DefaultProtocol]int index, [DefaultProtocol]int length, object value) {
- if (length < 0) {
- throw RubyExceptions.CreateIndexError("negative length ({0})", length);
- }
- index = NormalizeIndexThrowIfNegative(self, index);
- if (value == null) {
- DeleteItems(self, index, length);
- return null;
- }
- IList valueAsList = value as IList;
- if (valueAsList == null) {
- valueAsList = Protocols.TryCastToArray(arrayTryCast, value);
- }
- if (valueAsList != null && valueAsList.Count == 0) {
- DeleteItems(self, index, length);
- } else {
- if (valueAsList == null) {
- Insert(self, index, value);
- if (length > 0) {
- RemoveRange(self, index + 1, Math.Min(length, self.Count - index - 1));
- }
- } else {
- if (value == self) {
- var newList = new object[self.Count];
- self.CopyTo(newList, 0);
- valueAsList = newList;
- }
- ExpandList(self, index);
- int limit = length > valueAsList.Count ? valueAsList.Count : length;
- for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
- OverwriteOrAdd(self, index + i, valueAsList[i]);
- }
- if (length < valueAsList.Count) {
- InsertRange(self, index + limit, valueAsList, limit, valueAsList.Count - limit);
- } else {
- RemoveRange(self, index + limit, Math.Min(length - valueAsList.Count, self.Count - (index + limit)));
- }
- }
- }
- return value;
- }
- [RubyMethod("[]=")]
- public static object SetElement(ConversionStorage<IList>/*!*/ arrayTryCast, ConversionStorage<int>/*!*/ fixnumCast,
- IList/*!*/ self, [NotNull]Range/*!*/ range, object value) {
- int begin = Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, range.Begin);
- int end = Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, range.End);
- begin = begin < 0 ? begin + self.Count : begin;
- if (begin < 0) {
- throw RubyExceptions.CreateRangeError("{0}..{1} out of range", begin, end);
- }
- end = end < 0 ? end + self.Count : end;
- int count = range.ExcludeEnd ? end - begin : end - begin + 1;
- return SetElement(arrayTryCast, self, begin, Math.Max(count, 0), value);
- }
- #endregion
- #region &, |
- [RubyMethod("&")]
- public static RubyArray/*!*/ Intersection(UnaryOpStorage/*!*/ hashStorage, BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ eqlStorage,
- IList/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol]IList/*!*/ other) {
- Dictionary<object, bool> items = new Dictionary<object, bool>(new EqualityComparer(hashStorage, eqlStorage));
- RubyArray result = new RubyArray();
- // first get the items in the RHS
- foreach (object item in other) {
- items[item] = true;
- }
- // now, go through the items in the LHS, adding ones that were also in the RHS
- // this ensures that we return the items in the correct order
- foreach (object item in self) {
- if (items.Remove(item)) {
- result.Add(item);
- if (items.Count == 0) {
- break; // all done
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- private static void AddUniqueItems(IList/*!*/ list, IList/*!*/ result, Dictionary<object, bool> seen, ref bool nilSeen) {
- foreach (object item in list) {
- if (item == null) {
- if (!nilSeen) {
- nilSeen = true;
- result.Add(null);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (!seen.ContainsKey(item)) {
- seen.Add(item, true);
- result.Add(item);
- }
- }
- }
- [RubyMethod("|")]
- public static RubyArray/*!*/ Union(UnaryOpStorage/*!*/ hashStorage, BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ eqlStorage,
- IList/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol]IList other) {
- var seen = new Dictionary<object, bool>(new EqualityComparer(hashStorage, eqlStorage));
- bool nilSeen = false;
- var result = new RubyArray();
- // Union merges the two arrays, removing duplicates
- AddUniqueItems(self, result, seen, ref nilSeen);
- AddUniqueItems(other, result, seen, ref nilSeen);
- return result;
- }
- #endregion
- #region assoc, rassoc
- public static IList GetContainerOf(BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ equals, IList list, int index, object item) {
- foreach (object current in list) {
- IList subArray = current as IList;
- if (subArray != null && subArray.Count > index) {
- if (Protocols.IsEqual(equals, subArray[index], item)) {
- return subArray;
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- [RubyMethod("assoc")]
- public static IList GetContainerOfFirstItem(BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ equals, IList/*!*/ self, object item) {
- return GetContainerOf(equals, self, 0, item);
- }
- [RubyMethod("rassoc")]
- public static IList/*!*/ GetContainerOfSecondItem(BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ equals, IList/*!*/ self, object item) {
- return GetContainerOf(equals, self, 1, item);
- }
- #endregion
- #region collect!, map!, compact, compact!
- [RubyMethod("collect!")]
- [RubyMethod("map!")]
- public static object CollectInPlace(BlockParam block, IList/*!*/ self) {
- Assert.NotNull(self);
- if (self.Count > 0 && block == null) {
- throw RubyExceptions.NoBlockGiven();
- }
- int i = 0;
- while (i < self.Count) {
- object result;
- if (block.Yield(self[i], out result)) {
- return result;
- }
- self[i] = result;
- i++;
- }
- return self;
- }
- [RubyMethod("compact")]
- public static IList/*!*/ Compact(CallSiteStorage<Func<CallSite, RubyClass, object>>/*!*/ allocateStorage, IList/*!*/ self) {
- IList result = CreateResultArray(allocateStorage, self);
- foreach (object item in self) {
- if (item != null) {
- result.Add(item);
- }
- }
- allocateStorage.Context.TaintObjectBy<IList>(result, self);
- return result;
- }
- [RubyMethod("compact!")]
- public static IList CompactInPlace(IList/*!*/ self) {
- RequireNotFrozen(self);
- bool changed = false;
- int i = 0;
- while (i < self.Count) {
- if (self[i] == null) {
- changed = true;
- self.RemoveAt(i);
- } else {
- i++;
- }
- }
- return changed ? self : null;
- }
- #endregion
- #region delete, delete_at, reject, reject!
- public static bool Remove(BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ equals, IList/*!*/ self, object item) {
- int i = 0;
- bool removed = false;
- while (i < self.Count) {
- if (Protocols.IsEqual(equals, self[i], item)) {
- self.RemoveAt(i);
- removed = true;
- } else {
- i++;
- }
- }
- return removed;
- }
- [RubyMethod("delete")]
- public static object Delete(BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ equals, IList/*!*/ self, object item) {
- return Remove(equals, self, item) ? item : null;
- }
- [RubyMethod("delete")]
- public static object Delete(BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ equals, BlockParam block, IList/*!*/ self, object item) {
- bool removed = Remove(equals, self, item);
- if (!removed && block != null) {
- object result;
- block.Yield(out result);
- return result;
- }
- return removed ? item : null;
- }
- [RubyMethod("delete_at")]
- public static object DeleteAt(IList/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol]int index) {
- index = index < 0 ? index + self.Count : index;
- if (index < 0 || index >= self.Count) {
- return null;
- }
- object result = GetElement(self, index);
- self.RemoveAt(index);
- return result;
- }
- [RubyMethod("delete_if")]
- public static object DeleteIf(BlockParam block, IList/*!*/ self) {
- bool changed, jumped;
- DeleteIf(block, self, out changed, out jumped);
- return self;
- }
- [RubyMethod("reject!")]
- public static object RejectInPlace(BlockParam block, IList/*!*/ self) {
- bool changed, jumped;
- object result = DeleteIf(block, self, out changed, out jumped);
- return jumped ? result : changed ? self : null;
- }
- [RubyMethod("reject")]
- public static object Reject(CallSiteStorage<EachSite>/*!*/ each, CallSiteStorage<Func<CallSite, RubyClass, object>>/*!*/ allocateStorage,
- BlockParam predicate, IList/*!*/ self) {
- IList result = CreateResultArray(allocateStorage, self);
- if (predicate == null && self.Count > 0) {
- throw RubyExceptions.NoBlockGiven();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < self.Count; i++) {
- object item = self[i];
- object blockResult;
- if (predicate.Yield(item, out blockResult)) {
- return blockResult;
- }
- if (RubyOps.IsFalse(blockResult)) {
- result.Add(item);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- private static object DeleteIf(BlockParam block, IList/*!*/ self, out bool changed, out bool jumped) {
- changed = false;
- jumped = false;
- if (block == null && self.Count > 0) {
- throw RubyExceptions.NoBlockGiven();
- }
- RequireNotFrozen(self);
- // TODO: if block jumps the array is not modified:
- int i = 0;
- while (i < self.Count) {
- object result;
- if (block.Yield(self[i], out result)) {
- jumped = true;
- return result;
- }
- if (RubyOps.IsTrue(result)) {
- changed = true;
- self.RemoveAt(i);
- } else {
- i++;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- #endregion
- #region each, each_index
- [RubyMethod("each")]
- public static object Each(BlockParam block, IList/*!*/ self) {
- if (self.Count > 0 && block == null) {
- throw RubyExceptions.NoBlockGiven();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < self.Count; i++) {
- object result;
- if (block.Yield(self[i], out result)) {
- return result;
- }
- }
- return self;
- }
- [RubyMethod("each_index")]
- public static object EachIndex(BlockParam block, IList/*!*/ self) {
- if (self.Count > 0 && block == null) {
- throw RubyExceptions.NoBlockGiven();
- }
- int i = 0;
- while (i < self.Count) {
- object result;
- if (block.Yield(i, out result)) {
- return result;
- }
- i++;
- }
- return self;
- }
- #endregion
- #region fetch
- [RubyMethod("fetch")]
- public static object Fetch(
- ConversionStorage<int>/*!*/ fixnumCast,
- BlockParam outOfRangeValueProvider,
- IList/*!*/ list,
- object/*!*/ index,
- [Optional]object defaultValue) {
- int convertedIndex = Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, index);
- if (InRangeNormalized(list, ref convertedIndex)) {
- return list[convertedIndex];
- }
- if (outOfRangeValueProvider != null) {
- if (defaultValue != Missing.Value) {
- fixnumCast.Context.ReportWarning("block supersedes default value argument");
- }
- object result;
- outOfRangeValueProvider.Yield(index, out result);
- return result;
- }
- if (defaultValue == Missing.Value) {
- throw RubyExceptions.CreateIndexError("index {0} out of array", convertedIndex);
- }
- return defaultValue;
- }
- #endregion
- #region fill
- [RubyMethod("fill")]
- public static IList/*!*/ Fill(IList/*!*/ self, object obj, [DefaultParameterValue(0)]int start) {
- // Note: Array#fill(obj, start) is not equivalent to Array#fill(obj, start, 0)
- // (as per MRI behavior, the latter can expand the array if start > length, but the former doesn't)
- start = Math.Max(0, NormalizeIndex(self, start));
- for (int i = start; i < self.Count; i++) {
- self[i] = obj;
- }
- return self;
- }
- [RubyMethod("fill")]
- public static IList/*!*/ Fill(IList/*!*/ self, object obj, int start, int length) {
- // Note: Array#fill(obj, start) is not equivalent to Array#fill(obj, start, 0)
- // (as per MRI behavior, the latter can expand the array if start > length, but the former doesn't)
- start = Math.Max(0, NormalizeIndex(self, start));
- ExpandList(self, Math.Min(start, start + length));
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- OverwriteOrAdd(self, start + i, obj);
- }
- return self;
- }
- [RubyMethod("fill")]
- public static IList/*!*/ Fill(ConversionStorage<int>/*!*/ fixnumCast, IList/*!*/ self, object obj, object start, [DefaultParameterValue(null)]object length) {
- int startFixnum = (start == null) ? 0 : Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, start);
- if (length == null) {
- return Fill(self, obj, startFixnum);
- } else {
- return Fill(self, obj, startFixnum, Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, length));
- }
- }
- [RubyMethod("fill")]
- public static IList/*!*/ Fill(ConversionStorage<int>/*!*/ fixnumCast, IList/*!*/ self, object obj, [NotNull]Range/*!*/ range) {
- int begin = NormalizeIndex(self, Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, range.Begin));
- int end = NormalizeIndex(self, Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, range.End));
- int length = Math.Max(0, end - begin + (range.ExcludeEnd ? 0 : 1));
- return Fill(self, obj, begin, length);
- }
- [RubyMethod("fill")]
- public static object Fill([NotNull]BlockParam/*!*/ block, IList/*!*/ self, [DefaultParameterValue(0)]int start) {
- start = Math.Max(0, NormalizeIndex(self, start));
- for (int i = start; i < self.Count; i++) {
- object result;
- if (block.Yield(i, out result)) {
- return result;
- }
- self[i] = result;
- }
- return self;
- }
- [RubyMethod("fill")]
- public static object Fill([NotNull]BlockParam/*!*/ block, IList/*!*/ self, int start, int length) {
- start = Math.Max(0, NormalizeIndex(self, start));
- ExpandList(self, Math.Min(start, start + length));
- for (int i = start; i < start + length; i++) {
- object result;
- if (block.Yield(i, out result)) {
- return result;
- }
- OverwriteOrAdd(self, i, result);
- }
- return self;
- }
- [RubyMethod("fill")]
- public static object Fill(ConversionStorage<int>/*!*/ fixnumCast, [NotNull]BlockParam/*!*/ block, IList/*!*/ self, object start, [DefaultParameterValue(null)]object length) {
- int startFixnum = (start == null) ? 0 : Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, start);
- if (length == null) {
- return Fill(block, self, startFixnum);
- } else {
- return Fill(block, self, startFixnum, Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, length));
- }
- }
- [RubyMethod("fill")]
- public static object Fill(ConversionStorage<int>/*!*/ fixnumCast, [NotNull]BlockParam/*!*/ block, IList/*!*/ self, [NotNull]Range/*!*/ range) {
- int begin = NormalizeIndex(self, Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, range.Begin));
- int end = NormalizeIndex(self, Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, range.End));
- int length = Math.Max(0, end - begin + (range.ExcludeEnd ? 0 : 1));
- return Fill(block, self, begin, length);
- }
- #endregion
- #region first, last
- [RubyMethod("first")]
- public static object First(IList/*!*/ self) {
- return self.Count == 0 ? null : self[0];
- }
- [RubyMethod("first")]
- public static IList/*!*/ First(IList/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol]int count) {
- if (count < 0) {
- throw RubyExceptions.CreateArgumentError("negative array size (or size too big)");
- }
- if (count > self.Count) {
- count = self.Count;
- }
- return new RubyArray(self, 0, count);
- }
- [RubyMethod("last")]
- public static object Last(IList/*!*/ self) {
- return self.Count == 0 ? null : self[self.Count - 1];
- }
- [RubyMethod("last")]
- public static IList/*!*/ Last(IList/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol]int count) {
- if (count < 0) {
- throw RubyExceptions.CreateArgumentError("negative array size (or size too big)");
- }
- if (count > self.Count) {
- count = self.Count;
- }
- return new RubyArray(self, self.Count - count, count);
- }
- #endregion
- #region flatten, flatten!
- private static int IndexOfList(ConversionStorage<IList>/*!*/ tryToAry, IList/*!*/ list, int start, out IList listItem) {
- for (int i = start; i < list.Count; i++) {
- listItem = Protocols.TryCastToArray(tryToAry, list[i]);
- if (listItem != null) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- listItem = null;
- return -1;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Enumerates all items of the list recursively - if there are any items convertible to IList the items of that lists are enumerated as well.
- /// Returns null if there are no nested lists and so the list can be enumerated using a standard enumerator.
- /// </summary>
- public static IEnumerable<object> EnumerateRecursively(ConversionStorage<IList>/*!*/ tryToAry, IList/*!*/ list, Func<IList, object>/*!*/ loopDetected) {
- IList nested;
- int nestedIndex = IndexOfList(tryToAry, list, 0, out nested);
- if (nestedIndex == -1) {
- return null;
- }
- return EnumerateRecursively(tryToAry, list, list, nested, nestedIndex, loopDetected);
- }
- private static IEnumerable<object>/*!*/ EnumerateRecursively(ConversionStorage<IList>/*!*/ tryToAry, IList/*!*/ root,
- IList/*!*/ list, IList nested, int nestedIndex, Func<IList, object>/*!*/ loopDetected) {
- var worklist = new Stack<KeyValuePair<IList, int>>();
- var recursionPath = new Dictionary<object, bool>(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance);
- int start = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (nestedIndex >= 0) {
- // push a workitem for the items following the nested list:
- if (nestedIndex < list.Count - 1) {
- worklist.Push(new KeyValuePair<IList, int>(list, nestedIndex + 1));
- }
- // yield items preceding the nested list:
- for (int i = start; i < nestedIndex; i++) {
- yield return list[i];
- }
- // push a workitem for the nested list:
- if (nestedIndex != -1) {
- worklist.Push(new KeyValuePair<IList, int>(nested, 0));
- }
- } else {
- // there is no nested list => yield all remaining items:
- for (int i = start; i < list.Count; i++) {
- yield return list[i];
- }
- }
- // finished nested list workitem:
- if (start == 0) {
- recursionPath.Remove(list);
- }
- next:
- if (worklist.Count == 0) {
- break;
- }
- var workitem = worklist.Pop();
- list = workitem.Key;
- start = workitem.Value;
- // starting nested workitem:
- if (start == 0) {
- if (ReferenceEquals(nested, root) || recursionPath.ContainsKey(nested)) {
- yield return loopDetected(nested);
- goto next;
- } else {
- recursionPath.Add(nested, true);
- }
- }
- nestedIndex = IndexOfList(tryToAry, list, start, out nested);
- }
- }
- [RubyMethod("flatten")]
- public static IList/*!*/ Flatten(CallSiteStorage<Func<CallSite, RubyClass, object>>/*!*/ allocateStorage, ConversionStorage<IList>/*!*/ tryToAry,
- IList/*!*/ self) {
- IList result = CreateResultArray(allocateStorage, self);
- var recEnum = EnumerateRecursively(tryToAry, self, (_) => { throw RubyExceptions.CreateArgumentError("tried to flatten recursive array"); });
- if (recEnum != null) {
- foreach (var item in recEnum) {
- result.Add(item);
- }
- } else {
- AddRange(result, self);
- }
- return result;
- }
- [RubyMethod("flatten!")]
- public static IList FlattenInPlace(ConversionStorage<IList>/*!*/ tryToAry, IList/*!*/ self) {
- IList nested;
- int nestedIndex = IndexOfList(tryToAry, self, 0, out nested);
- if (nestedIndex == -1) {
- return null;
- }
- var remaining = new object[self.Count - nestedIndex];
- for (int i = 0, j = nestedIndex; i < remaining.Length; i++) {
- remaining[i] = self[j++];
- }
- bool isRecursive = false;
- var recEnum = EnumerateRecursively(tryToAry, self, remaining, nested, 0, (rec) => {
- isRecursive = true;
- return rec;
- });
- // rewrite items following the first nested list (including the list):
- int itemCount = nestedIndex;
- foreach (var item in recEnum) {
- if (itemCount < self.Count) {
- self[itemCount] = item;
- } else {
- self.Add(item);
- }
- itemCount++;
- }
- // empty arrays can make the list shrink:
- while (self.Count > itemCount) {
- self.RemoveAt(self.Count - 1);
- }
- if (isRecursive) {
- throw RubyExceptions.CreateArgumentError("tried to flatten recursive array");
- }
- return self;
- }
- #endregion
- #region include?, index, rindex
- [RubyMethod("include?")]
- public static bool Include(BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ equals, IList/*!*/ self, object item) {
- return Index(equals, self, item) != null;
- }
- [RubyMethod("index")]
- public static object Index(BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ equals, IList/*!*/ self, object item) {
- for (int i = 0; i < self.Count; ++i) {
- if (Protocols.IsEqual(equals, self[i], item)) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- [RubyMethod("rindex")]
- public static object ReverseIndex(BinaryOpStorage/*!*/ equals, IList/*!*/ self, object item) {
- foreach (int index in IListOps.ReverseEnumerateIndexes(self)) {
- if (Protocols.IsEqual(equals, self[index], item)) {
- return index;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- #endregion
- #region indexes, indices, values_at
- [RubyMethod("indexes")]
- [RubyMethod("indices")]
- public static object Indexes(ConversionStorage<int>/*!*/ fixnumCast,
- CallSiteStorage<Func<CallSite, RubyClass, object>>/*!*/ allocateStorage,
- IList/*!*/ self, params object[]/*!*/ values) {
- fixnumCast.Context.ReportWarning("Array#indexes and Array#indices are deprecated; use Array#values_at");
- RubyArray result = new RubyArray();
- for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i) {
- Range range = values[i] as Range;
- if (range != null) {
- IList fragment = GetElement(fixnumCast, allocateStorage, self, range);
- if (fragment != null) {
- result.Add(fragment);
- }
- } else {
- result.Add(GetElement(self, Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, values[i])));
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- [RubyMethod("values_at")]
- public static RubyArray/*!*/ ValuesAt(ConversionStorage<int>/*!*/ fixnumCast,
- CallSiteStorage<Func<CallSite, RubyClass, object>>/*!*/ allocateStorage,
- IList/*!*/ self, params object[]/*!*/ values) {
- RubyArray result = new RubyArray();
- for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) {
- Range range = values[i] as Range;
- if (range != null) {
- int start, count;
- if (!NormalizeRange(fixnumCast, self.Count, range, out start, out count)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (count > 0) {
- result.AddRange(GetElements(allocateStorage, self, start, count));
- if (start + count >= self.Count) {
- result.Add(null);
- }
- }
- } else {
- result.Add(GetElement(self, Protocols.CastToFixnum(fixnumCast, values[i])));
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- #endregion
- #region join, to_s, inspect
- private static void JoinRecursive(ConversionStorage<MutableString>/*!*/ tosConversion,
- IList/*!*/ list, List<MutableString/*!*/>/*!*/ parts,
- ref bool? isBinary, ref bool taint, ref Dictionary<object, bool> seen) {
- foreach (object item in list) {
- IList listItem;
- if ((listItem = item as IList) != null) {
- bool _;
- if (ReferenceEquals(listItem, list) || seen != null && seen.TryGetValue(listItem, out _)) {
- parts.Add(RubyUtils.InfiniteRecursionMarker);
- } else {
- if (seen == null) {
- seen = new Dictionary<object, bool>(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance);
- }
- seen.Add(listItem, true);
- JoinRecursive(tosConversion, listItem, parts, ref isBinary, ref taint, ref seen);
- seen.Remove(listItem);
- taint |= tosConversion.Context.IsObjectTainted(listItem);
- }
- } else if (item != null) {
- var tosSite = tosConversion.Site;
- if (tosSite == null) {
- tosSite = tosConversion.GetSite(ConvertToSAction.Make(tosConversion.Context));
- }
- var strItem = tosSite.Target(tosSite, item);
- parts.Add(strItem);
- taint |= strItem.IsTainted;
- isBinary = isBinary.HasValue ? (isBinary | strItem.IsBinary) : strItem.IsBinary;
- } else {
- parts.Add(null);
- }
- }
- }
- public static MutableString/*!*/ Join(ConversionStorage<MutableString>/*!*/ tosConversion, IList/*!*/ self, MutableString/*!*/ separator) {
- var parts = new List<MutableString>(self.Count);
- bool partTainted = false;
- bool? isBinary = (separator != null) ? separator.IsBinary : (bool?)null;
- Dictionary<object, bool> seen = null;
- JoinRecursive(tosConversion, self, parts, ref isBinary, ref partTainted, ref seen);
- if (parts.Count == 0) {
- return MutableString.CreateEmpty();
- }
- if (separator != null && separator.IsBinary != isBinary && !separator.IsAscii()) {
- isBinary = true;
- }
- MutableString any = separator;
- int length = (separator != null) ? (isBinary.HasValue && isBinary.Value ? separator.GetByteCount() : separator.GetCharCount()) * (parts.Count - 1) : 0;
- foreach (MutableString part in parts) {
- if (part != null) {
- length += (isBinary.HasValue && isBinary.Value) ? part.GetByteCount() : part.GetCharCount();