https://github.com/wuputah/heroku · Ruby · 163 lines · 156 code · 7 blank · 0 comment · 4 complexity · b942909f49adc8a83e7c1641f4e66af8 MD5 · raw file
- require "spec_helper"
- require "heroku/auth"
- module Heroku
- describe Auth do
- before do
- @cli = Heroku::Auth
- @cli.stub!(:check)
- @cli.stub!(:display)
- @cli.stub!(:running_on_a_mac?).and_return(false)
- @cli.stub!(:set_credentials_permissions)
- @cli.credentials = nil
- FakeFS.activate!
- File.open(@cli.credentials_file, "w") do |file|
- file.puts "user\npass"
- end
- end
- after do
- FakeFS.deactivate!
- end
- it "reads credentials from the credentials file" do
- @cli.read_credentials.should == %w(user pass)
- end
- it "takes the user from the first line and the password from the second line" do
- @cli.read_credentials
- @cli.user.should == 'user'
- @cli.password.should == 'pass'
- end
- it "asks for credentials when the file doesn't exist" do
- @cli.delete_credentials
- @cli.should_receive(:ask_for_credentials).and_return(["u", "p"])
- @cli.should_receive(:check_for_associated_ssh_key)
- @cli.user.should == 'u'
- @cli.password.should == 'p'
- end
- it "writes the credentials to a file" do
- @cli.should_receive(:credentials).and_return(%w( one two ))
- @cli.should_receive(:set_credentials_permissions)
- @cli.write_credentials
- File.read(@cli.credentials_file).should == "one\ntwo\n"
- end
- it "sets ~/.heroku/credentials to be readable only by the user" do
- @cli.should_receive(:set_credentials_permissions)
- @cli.write_credentials
- end
- it "writes credentials and uploads authkey when credentials are saved" do
- @cli.stub!(:credentials)
- @cli.stub!(:check)
- @cli.stub!(:ask_for_credentials).and_return("username", "apikey")
- @cli.should_receive(:write_credentials)
- @cli.should_receive(:check_for_associated_ssh_key)
- @cli.ask_for_and_save_credentials
- end
- it "save_credentials deletes the credentials when the upload authkey is unauthorized" do
- @cli.stub!(:write_credentials)
- @cli.stub!(:retry_login?).and_return(false)
- @cli.stub!(:ask_for_credentials).and_return("username", "apikey")
- @cli.stub!(:check) { raise RestClient::Unauthorized }
- @cli.should_receive(:delete_credentials)
- lambda { @cli.ask_for_and_save_credentials }.should raise_error(SystemExit)
- end
- it "asks for login again when not authorized, for three times" do
- @cli.stub!(:read_credentials)
- @cli.stub!(:write_credentials)
- @cli.stub!(:delete_credentials)
- @cli.stub!(:ask_for_credentials).and_return("username", "apikey")
- @cli.stub!(:check) { raise RestClient::Unauthorized }
- @cli.should_receive(:ask_for_credentials).exactly(3).times
- lambda { @cli.ask_for_and_save_credentials }.should raise_error(SystemExit)
- end
- it "deletes the credentials file" do
- FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_f).with(@cli.credentials_file)
- @cli.delete_credentials
- end
- it "writes the login information to the credentials file for the 'heroku login' command" do
- @cli.stub!(:ask_for_credentials).and_return(['one', 'two'])
- @cli.stub!(:check)
- @cli.should_receive(:set_credentials_permissions)
- @cli.should_receive(:check_for_associated_ssh_key)
- @cli.reauthorize
- File.read(@cli.credentials_file).should == "one\ntwo\n"
- end
- describe "automatic key uploading" do
- before(:each) do
- FileUtils.mkdir_p("~/.ssh")
- @cli.stub!(:ask_for_credentials).and_return("username", "apikey")
- end
- describe "an account with existing keys" do
- before :each do
- @client = mock(Object)
- @client.should_receive(:keys).and_return(["existingkey"])
- @cli.should_receive(:client).and_return(@client)
- end
- it "should not do anything if the account already has keys" do
- @cli.should_not_receive(:associate_key)
- @cli.check_for_associated_ssh_key
- end
- end
- describe "an account with no keys" do
- before :each do
- @client = mock(Object)
- @client.should_receive(:keys).and_return([])
- @cli.should_receive(:client).and_return(@client)
- end
- describe "with zero public keys" do
- it "should ask to generate a key" do
- @cli.should_receive(:ask).and_return("y")
- @cli.should_receive(:generate_ssh_key).with("id_rsa")
- @cli.should_receive(:associate_key).with(File.expand_path("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"))
- @cli.check_for_associated_ssh_key
- end
- end
- describe "with one public key" do
- before(:each) { FileUtils.touch("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub") }
- after(:each) { FileUtils.rm("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub") }
- it "should upload the key" do
- @cli.should_receive(:associate_key).with(File.expand_path("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"))
- @cli.check_for_associated_ssh_key
- end
- end
- describe "with many public keys" do
- before(:each) do
- FileUtils.touch("#{@cli.home_directory}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")
- FileUtils.touch("~/.ssh/id_rsa2.pub")
- end
- after(:each) do
- FileUtils.rm("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")
- FileUtils.rm("~/.ssh/id_rsa2.pub")
- end
- it "should ask which key to upload" do
- File.open("#{@cli.home_directory}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub", "w") { |f| f.puts }
- @cli.should_receive(:associate_key).with(File.expand_path("~/.ssh/id_rsa2.pub"))
- @cli.should_receive(:ask).and_return("2")
- @cli.check_for_associated_ssh_key
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end