Python | 263 lines | 179 code | 62 blank | 22 comment | 55 complexity | 54e4ca1685115c8dd49f88eea791c80e MD5 | raw file
- import copy
- from persistent.list import PersistentList
- from persistent.mapping import PersistentMapping
- from MaKaC.common.Conversion import Conversion
- globals()['_PickleJar__mappings_pickle'] = {}
- globals()['_PickleJar__mappings_unpickle'] = {}
- globalPickleMap = globals()['_PickleJar__mappings_pickle']
- globalUnpickleMap = globals()['_PickleJar__mappings_unpickle']
- def if_else(cond, resT, resF):
- if cond:
- return resT
- else:
- return resF
- class PicklerException(Exception):
- def __init__(self, message, inner=None):
- self.message = message
- self.inner = inner
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.message) + "\r\n" + str(self.inner)
- def functional_append(list, element):
- newlist = copy.deepcopy(list)
- newlist.append(element)
- return newlist
- def stringToBool(s):
- if (s.lower() == 'false'):
- return False
- elif (s.lower() == 'true'):
- return True
- else:
- raise ValueError('Impossible to convert \'%s\' to bool' % s)
- def classPath(clazz):
- return "%s.%s" % (clazz.__module__, clazz.__name__)
- def setProp(root, property, method, modifier, isPicklableObject = False):
- if len(property) == 1:
- if method.__name__ == '__init__':
- root[property[0]] = (None, modifier, isPicklableObject)
- else:
- root[property[0]] = (method,modifier, isPicklableObject)
- else:
- if not root.has_key(property[0]):
- root[property[0]] = PickleTree({})
- setProp(root[property[0]], property[1:], method, modifier, isPicklableObject)
- class PropIterator:
- def __init__(self, root):
- self.__stack = [([],root)]
- def __findNext(self):
- elem = self.__stack[-1]
- if elem[1].__class__ != PickleTree:
- self.__stack.pop()
- return elem
- else:
- (path,root) = self.__stack.pop()
- self.__stack.extend(map(lambda x: (functional_append(path,x[0]), x[1]),
- root.iteritems()))
- return self.__findNext()
- def next(self):
- try:
- (path,elem) = self.__stack[-1]
- except:
- raise StopIteration()
- if type(elem) == 'tuple':
- return (path, elem)
- else:
- return self.__findNext()
- class PickleTree:
- def __init__(self, root):
- self.__root = root
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return self.__root[key]
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- self.__root[key] = value
- def __iter__(self):
- return PropIterator(PickleTree(self.__root))
- def iteritems(self):
- return self.__root.iteritems()
- def __str__(self):
- txt = ""
- for elem in self:
- txt += str(elem)
- return txt
- def has_key(self,key):
- return self.__root.has_key(key)
- def Retrieves(cls, property, modifier=None, isPicklableObject=False):
- # This descriptor incrementally builds a tree of properties
- # (PickleTree)
- #
- # / size (fn, modif)
- # ____/
- # / \
- # /file \ name (fn, modif)
- # .
- # \
- # title (fn, modif)
- #
- # nested properties (like 'file.size') are supported.
- # This is particularly useful for formats like JSON.
- #
- def factory(method):
- if type(cls) == str:
- clsList = [cls]
- else:
- clsList = cls
- for clazz in clsList:
- if not globalPickleMap.has_key(clazz):
- globalPickleMap[clazz] = PickleTree({})
- setProp(globalPickleMap[clazz],
- property.split('.'),
- method,
- modifier,
- isPicklableObject)
- return method
- return factory
- def Updates(cls, property, modifier=None):
- #Similar to @Retrieves
- def factory(method):
- if type(cls) == str:
- clsList = [cls]
- else:
- clsList = cls
- for clazz in clsList:
- if not globalUnpickleMap.has_key(clazz):
- globalUnpickleMap[clazz] = PickleTree({})
- setProp(globalUnpickleMap[clazz], property.split('.'), method, modifier)
- return method
- return factory
- class DictPickler:
- @classmethod
- def pickle(cls, object, timezone = None):
- """ timezone can be a string (preferred) or a pytz.timezone object
- """
- # path mapping supported
- # i.e. getFileSize() ==> file.size
- if object is None:
- return None
- elif type(object) == list or type(object) == tuple or type(object) == set or isinstance(object, PersistentList):
- res = []
- for obj in object:
- res.append(DictPickler.pickle(obj, timezone))
- return res
- elif type(object) == dict or isinstance(object, PersistentMapping):
- res = {}
- for key, obj in object.iteritems():
- if not isinstance(key, basestring):
- raise Exception("Key %s cannot be pickled because it's not a string. object=%s" % (str(key), str(object)))
- res[key] = DictPickler.pickle(obj, timezone)
- return res
- elif isinstance(object, basestring):
- return object
- else:
- clazz = classPath(object.__class__)
- if not globalPickleMap.has_key(clazz):
- raise Exception('Class %s is not supposed to be pickled. object=%s' % (clazz, str(object)))
- return DictPickler._pickle(object, globalPickleMap[clazz], timezone)
- @classmethod
- def update(cls, object, dict):
- # path mapping supported
- # i.e. file.size ==> setFileSize()
- clazz = classPath(object.__class__)
- if not globalUnpickleMap.has_key(clazz):
- raise Exception('Class %s is not supposed to be pickled. object=%s' % (clazz, str(object)))
- return DictPickler._update(object, globalUnpickleMap[clazz], dict)
- @classmethod
- def _update(cls,object,unpickleTree,dict):
- def recursiveUpdate(dict, prop):
- for (key,elem) in dict.iteritems():
- nextPath = functional_append(prop, key)
- if type(elem) == 'dict':
- recursiveUpdate(object, elem, nextPath)
- else:
- for (eprop, (method, modifier,isObj)) in unpickleTree:
- if eprop == nextPath:
- if (modifier):
- method(object,modifier(elem))
- else:
- method(object,elem)
- recursiveUpdate(dict, [])
- @classmethod
- def _pickle(cls,object,pickleTree, timezone):
- def recursiveAttribution(obj, prop, result):
- if len(prop) == 1:
- obj[prop[0]] = result
- else:
- if not obj.has_key(prop[0]):
- obj[prop[0]] = {}
- recursiveAttribution(obj[prop[0]], prop[1:], result)
- resDic = {}
- for (prop, (method, modifier, isObj)) in pickleTree:
- if method == None:
- result = object
- else:
- result = method(object)
- # apply the modifier, if there is one
- if (modifier):
- if modifier == Conversion.datetime:
- result = modifier(result, tz = timezone)
- else:
- result = modifier(result)
- if isObj:
- result = DictPickler.pickle(result)
- recursiveAttribution(resDic, prop, result)
- return resDic