Python | 159 lines | 104 code | 17 blank | 38 comment | 9 complexity | e5fc6676a7f2c1892ece17c12c8a213a MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- ##
- ##
- ## This file is part of CDS Indico.
- ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 CERN.
- ##
- ## CDS Indico is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
- ## License, or (at your option) any later version.
- ##
- ## CDS Indico is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ## General Public License for more details.
- ##
- ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ## along with CDS Indico; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- from MaKaC.common.security import Sanitization
- from MaKaC.common.fossilize import fossilize, NonFossilizableException
- from MaKaC.fossils.error import ICausedErrorFossil
- try:
- from indico.web.wsgi import webinterface_handler_config as apache
- except ImportError:
- pass
- from MaKaC.services.interface.rpc.common import RequestError
- from MaKaC.services.interface.rpc.common import ProcessError
- from MaKaC.services.interface.rpc.common import CausedError
- from MaKaC.services.interface.rpc.common import NoReportError
- from MaKaC.services.interface.rpc.process import ServiceRunner
- from MaKaC.common.logger import Logger
- from indico.util.json import dumps, loads
- class Json:
- def __init__(self, content):
- self.json = encode(content)
- def encode(obj):
- return dumps(obj, ensure_ascii=True)
- def encode_iframe(obj):
- s = encode(obj)
- return "<html><head></head><body><textarea>%s</textarea></body></html>" % s
- def decode(str):
- return unicodeToUtf8(loads(str))
- def unicodeToUtf8(obj):
- """ obj must be a unicode object, a list or a dictionary
- This method will loop through the object and change unicode objects into str objects encoded in utf-8.
- If a list or a dictionary is found during the loop, a recursive call is made.
- However this method does not support objects that are not lists or dictionaries.
- This method is useful to turn unicode objects from the output object given by simplejson.loads(),
- into str objects encoded in utf-8.
- In case of a persistent object or an object inside a persistent object,
- you will need to notify the database of changes in the object after calling this method.
- Author: David Martin Clavo
- """
- # replace a single unicode object
- if isinstance(obj, unicode):
- return obj.encode("utf-8",'replace')
- # replace unicode objects inside a list
- if isinstance(obj,list):
- for i in range(0, len(obj)):
- obj[i] = unicodeToUtf8(obj[i])
- #replace unicode objects inside a dictionary
- if isinstance(obj,dict):
- for k,v in obj.items():
- del obj[k] #we delete the old unicode key
- #keys in JSON objects can only be strings, but we still call unicodeToUtf8
- #for the key in case we have a Python object whose key is a number, etc.
- obj[unicodeToUtf8(k)] = unicodeToUtf8(v)
- return obj
- def process(req):
- responseBody = {
- "version": "1.1",
- "error": None,
- "result": None
- }
- requestBody = None
- try:
- # check content type (if the users know what they are using)
- #if req.content_type != "application/json":
- # raise RequestError("Invalid content type. It must be 'application/json'.")
- # read request
- requestText = req.read()
- Logger.get('rpc').info('json rpc request. request text= ' + str(requestText))
- if requestText == "":
- raise RequestError("ERR-R2", "Empty request.")
- # decode json
- try:
- requestBody = decode(requestText)
- except Exception, e:
- raise RequestError("ERR-R3", "Error parsing json request.", e)
- if "id" in requestBody:
- responseBody["id"] = requestBody["id"]
- result = ServiceRunner().invokeMethod(str(requestBody["method"]),
- requestBody.get("params", []), req)
- # serialize result
- try:
- responseBody["result"] = result
- except Exception, e:
- raise ProcessError("ERR-P1", "Error during serialization.")
- except CausedError, e:
- try:
- errorInfo = fossilize(e)
- except NonFossilizableException, e2:
- # catch Exceptions that are not registered as Fossils
- # and log them
- errorInfo = {'code':'', 'message': str(e2)}
- Logger.get('dev').exception('Exception not registered as fossil')
- if isinstance(e, NoReportError):
- # NoReport errors (i.e. not logged in) shouldn't be logged
- pass
- else:
- Logger.get('rpc').exception('Service request failed. Request text:\r\n%s\r\n\r\n' % str(requestText))
- if requestBody:
- params = requestBody.get("params", [])
- Sanitization._escapeHTML(params)
- errorInfo["requestInfo"] = {"method": str(requestBody["method"]),
- "params": params,
- "origin": str(requestBody.get("origin", "unknown"))}
- Logger.get('rpc').debug('Arguments: %s' % errorInfo['requestInfo'])
- responseBody["error"] = errorInfo
- try:
- jsonResponse = encode(responseBody)
- except:
- Logger.get('rpc').exception("Problem encoding JSON response")
- # This is to avoid exceptions due to old data encodings (based on iso-8859-1)
- responseBody["result"] = responseBody["result"].decode('iso-8859-1').encode('utf-8')
- jsonResponse = encode(responseBody)
- req.content_type = "application/json"
- req.write(jsonResponse)
- return apache.OK