Python | 119 lines | 97 code | 12 blank | 10 comment | 6 complexity | 01e5db8aa709055964bc26d262b50bfd MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- from __future__ import with_statement
- from fabric.api import *
- from fabric.decorators import *
- from fabric.contrib import project
- import glob
- import logging
- import os
- import re
- import sys
- class LazyAttributeDictionary(dict):
- def __getattr__(self, key):
- if self.has_key(key):
- return self.__getitem__(key)
- else:
- raise AttributeError(key)
- def __setattr__(self, key, value):
- self.__setitem__(key, value)
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- val = super(LazyAttributeDictionary, self).__getitem__(key)
- if hasattr(val, '__call__'):
- val = val()
- self.__setitem__(key, val)
- return val
- if env.user is None:
- env.user = os.getenv('USER')
- opt = LazyAttributeDictionary(env)
- opt.prefix = (lambda: os.path.join('/u/apps/kyototycoon', re.findall('(?:[0-9]+\.)*[0-9]+', opt.archive)[0]))
- opt.target = os.path.realpath('./target')
- ## kyotocabinet
- opt.kc_archive = (lambda: glob.glob('kyotocabinet-*.tar.gz')[-1])
- opt.kc_extracted = (lambda: os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(opt.kc_archive)[0])[0])
- opt.kc_patches = (lambda: opt.kc_extracted + '.patches')
- ## kyototycon
- opt.archive = (lambda: glob.glob('kyototycoon-*.tar.gz')[-1])
- opt.extracted = (lambda: os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(opt.archive)[0])[0])
- opt.patches = (lambda: opt.extracted + '.patches')
- @task
- def setup():
- clean()
- build()
- upload()
- symlink()
- @task
- @runs_once
- def clean():
- local("""
- rm -rf %(kc_extracted)s %(extracted)s %(target)s
- """ % opt)
- @task
- @runs_once
- def build():
- build_kyotocabinet()
- build_kyototycoon()
- @task
- def build_kyotocabinet():
- local("""
- test -f %(kc_archive)s && ( rm -rf %(kc_extracted)s; tar zxf %(kc_archive)s )
- """ % opt)
- with lcd(opt.kc_extracted):
- ## patch
- local("""
- if test -d %(kc_patches)s; then
- umask 022; env QUILT_PATCHES=%(kc_patches)s quilt push -a
- fi
- """ % opt)
- ## configure
- local("""
- umask 022; ./configure --prefix=%(prefix)s
- """ % opt)
- ## build/test/install
- local("""
- umask 022; make -j4 && make -j4 check && make -j4 DESTDIR=%(target)s install
- """ % opt)
- @task
- def build_kyototycoon():
- local("""
- test -f %(archive)s && ( rm -rf %(extracted)s; tar zxf %(archive)s )
- """ % opt)
- with lcd(opt.extracted):
- ## patch
- local("""
- if test -d %(patches)s; then
- umask 022; env QUILT_PATCHES=%(patches)s quilt push -a
- fi
- """ % opt)
- ## configure
- local("""
- umask 022; ./configure --prefix=%(prefix)s --with-kc=%(kc)s
- """ % dict(prefix=opt.prefix, kc=os.path.realpath(opt.target + os.path.sep + opt.prefix)))
- ## build/test/install
- local("""
- umask 022; make -j4 && make -j4 check && make -j4 DESTDIR=%(target)s install
- """ % opt)
- @task
- def upload():
- run("""
- test -d %(prefix)s || mkdir -p %(prefix)s
- """ % opt)
- local_dir = os.path.realpath(opt.target + os.path.sep + opt.prefix) + os.path.sep
- project.rsync_project(local_dir=local_dir, remote_dir=opt.prefix, delete=True, extra_opts='--chmod=Du+rwx,Dgo+rx,Fu+rw,Fgo+r --links')
- @task
- def symlink():
- run("""
- current=`dirname %(prefix)s`/current; rm -f $current; ln -s %(prefix)s $current
- """ % opt)
- # vim:set ft=python :