ActionScript | 878 lines | 651 code | 87 blank | 140 comment | 106 complexity | 402893fdb4555260b31481323134b4b8 MD5 | raw file
- package net.flashpunk.debug
- {
- import flash.display.Bitmap;
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import flash.display.BlendMode;
- import flash.display.Graphics;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.display.Stage;
- import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import flash.text.TextField;
- import flash.text.TextFormat;
- import net.flashpunk.Entity;
- import net.flashpunk.FP;
- import net.flashpunk.utils.Draw;
- import net.flashpunk.utils.Input;
- import net.flashpunk.utils.Key;
- /**
- * FlashPunk debug console; can use to log information or pause the game and view/move Entities and step the frame.
- */
- public class Console
- {
- /**
- * The key used to toggle the Console on/off. Tilde (~) by default.
- */
- public var toggleKey:uint = 192;
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- public function Console()
- {
- Input.define("_ARROWS", Key.RIGHT, Key.LEFT, Key.DOWN, Key.UP);
- }
- /**
- * Logs data to the console.
- * @param ...data The data parameters to log, can be variables, objects, etc. Parameters will be separated by a space (" ").
- */
- public function log(...data):void
- {
- var s:String;
- if (data.length > 1)
- {
- s = "";
- var i:int = 0;
- while (i < data.length)
- {
- if (i > 0) s += " ";
- s += data[i ++].toString();
- }
- }
- else s = data[0].toString();
- if (s.indexOf("\n") >= 0)
- {
- var a:Array = s.split("\n");
- for each (s in a) LOG.push(s);
- }
- else LOG.push(s);
- if (_enabled && _sprite.visible) updateLog();
- }
- /**
- * Adds properties to watch in the console's debug panel.
- * @param ...properties The properties (strings) to watch.
- */
- public function watch(...properties):void
- {
- var i:String;
- if (properties.length > 1)
- {
- for each (i in properties) WATCH_LIST.push(i);
- }
- else if (properties[0] is Array || properties[0] is Vector.<*>)
- {
- for each (i in properties[0]) WATCH_LIST.push(i);
- }
- else WATCH_LIST.push(properties[0]);
- }
- /**
- * Enables the console.
- */
- public function enable():void
- {
- // Quit if the console is already enabled.
- if (_enabled) return;
- // Enable it and add the Sprite to the stage.
- _enabled = true;
- FP.engine.addChild(_sprite);
- // Used to determine some text sizing.
- var big:Boolean = width >= 480;
- // The transparent FlashPunk logo overlay bitmap.
- _sprite.addChild(_back);
- _back.bitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, true, 0xFFFFFFFF);
- var b:BitmapData = (new CONSOLE_LOGO).bitmapData;
- FP.matrix.identity();
- FP.matrix.tx = Math.max((_back.bitmapData.width - b.width) / 2, 0);
- FP.matrix.ty = Math.max((_back.bitmapData.height - b.height) / 2, 0);
- FP.matrix.scale(Math.min(width / _back.bitmapData.width, 1), Math.min(height / _back.bitmapData.height, 1));
- _back.bitmapData.draw(b, FP.matrix, null, BlendMode.MULTIPLY);
- _back.bitmapData.draw(_back.bitmapData, null, null, BlendMode.INVERT);
- _back.bitmapData.colorTransform(_back.bitmapData.rect, new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 0.5));
- // The entity and selection sprites.
- _sprite.addChild(_entScreen);
- _entScreen.addChild(_entSelect);
- // The entity count text.
- _sprite.addChild(_entRead);
- _entRead.addChild(_entReadText);
- _entReadText.defaultTextFormat = format(16, 0xFFFFFF, "right");
- _entReadText.embedFonts = true;
- _entReadText.width = 100;
- _entReadText.height = 20;
- _entRead.x = width - _entReadText.width;
- // The entity count panel.
- _entRead.graphics.clear();
- _entRead.graphics.beginFill(0, .5);
- _entRead.graphics.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 0, _entReadText.width, 20, 0, 0, 20, 0);
- // The FPS text.
- _sprite.addChild(_fpsRead);
- _fpsRead.addChild(_fpsReadText);
- _fpsReadText.defaultTextFormat = format(16);
- _fpsReadText.embedFonts = true;
- _fpsReadText.width = 70;
- _fpsReadText.height = 20;
- _fpsReadText.x = 2;
- _fpsReadText.y = 1;
- // The FPS and frame timing panel.
- _fpsRead.graphics.clear();
- _fpsRead.graphics.beginFill(0, .75);
- _fpsRead.graphics.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 0, big ? 200 : 100, 20, 0, 0, 0, 20);
- // The frame timing text.
- if (big) _sprite.addChild(_fpsInfo);
- _fpsInfo.addChild(_fpsInfoText0);
- _fpsInfo.addChild(_fpsInfoText1);
- _fpsInfoText0.defaultTextFormat = format(8, 0xAAAAAA);
- _fpsInfoText1.defaultTextFormat = format(8, 0xAAAAAA);
- _fpsInfoText0.embedFonts = true;
- _fpsInfoText1.embedFonts = true;
- _fpsInfoText0.width = _fpsInfoText1.width = 60;
- _fpsInfoText0.height = _fpsInfoText1.height = 20;
- _fpsInfo.x = 75;
- _fpsInfoText1.x = 60;
- // The output log text.
- _sprite.addChild(_logRead);
- _logRead.addChild(_logReadText0);
- _logRead.addChild(_logReadText1);
- _logReadText0.defaultTextFormat = format(16, 0xFFFFFF);
- _logReadText1.defaultTextFormat = format(big ? 16 : 8, 0xFFFFFF);
- _logReadText0.embedFonts = true;
- _logReadText1.embedFonts = true;
- _logReadText0.selectable = false;
- _logReadText0.width = 80;
- _logReadText0.height = 20;
- _logReadText1.width = width;
- _logReadText0.x = 2;
- _logReadText0.y = 3;
- _logReadText0.text = "OUTPUT:";
- _logHeight = height - 60;
- _logBar = new Rectangle(8, 24, 16, _logHeight - 8);
- _logBarGlobal = _logBar.clone();
- _logBarGlobal.y += 40;
- _logLines = _logHeight / (big ? 16.5 : 8.5);
- // The debug text.
- _sprite.addChild(_debRead);
- _debRead.addChild(_debReadText0);
- _debRead.addChild(_debReadText1);
- _debReadText0.defaultTextFormat = format(16, 0xFFFFFF);
- _debReadText1.defaultTextFormat = format(8, 0xFFFFFF);
- _debReadText0.embedFonts = true;
- _debReadText1.embedFonts = true;
- _debReadText0.selectable = false;
- _debReadText0.width = 80;
- _debReadText0.height = 20;
- _debReadText1.width = 160;
- _debReadText1.height = int(height / 4);
- _debReadText0.x = 2;
- _debReadText0.y = 3;
- _debReadText1.x = 2;
- _debReadText1.y = 24;
- _debReadText0.text = "DEBUG:";
- _debRead.y = height - (_debReadText1.y + _debReadText1.height);
- // The button panel buttons.
- _sprite.addChild(_butRead);
- _butRead.addChild(_butDebug = new CONSOLE_DEBUG);
- _butRead.addChild(_butOutput = new CONSOLE_OUTPUT);
- _butRead.addChild(_butPlay = new CONSOLE_PLAY).x = 20;
- _butRead.addChild(_butPause = new CONSOLE_PAUSE).x = 20;
- _butRead.addChild(_butStep = new CONSOLE_STEP).x = 40;
- updateButtons();
- // The button panel.
- _butRead.graphics.clear();
- _butRead.graphics.beginFill(0, .75);
- _butRead.graphics.drawRoundRectComplex(-20, 0, 100, 20, 0, 0, 20, 20);
- // Set the state to unpaused.
- paused = false;
- }
- /**
- * If the console should be visible.
- */
- public function get visible():Boolean { return _sprite.visible; }
- public function set visible(value:Boolean):void
- {
- _sprite.visible = value;
- if (_enabled && value) updateLog();
- }
- /**
- * Console update, called by game loop.
- */
- public function update():void
- {
- // Quit if the console isn't enabled.
- if (!_enabled) return;
- // If the console is paused.
- if (_paused)
- {
- // Update buttons.
- updateButtons();
- // While in debug mode.
- if (_debug)
- {
- // While the game is paused.
- if (FP.engine.paused)
- {
- // When the mouse is pressed.
- if (Input.mousePressed)
- {
- // Mouse is within clickable area.
- if (Input.mouseFlashY > 20 && (Input.mouseFlashX > _debReadText1.width || Input.mouseFlashY < _debRead.y))
- {
- if (Input.check(Key.SHIFT))
- {
- if (SELECT_LIST.length) startDragging();
- else startPanning();
- }
- else startSelection();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Update mouse movement functions.
- if (_selecting) updateSelection();
- if (_dragging) updateDragging();
- if (_panning) updatePanning();
- }
- // Select all Entities
- if (Input.pressed(Key.A)) selectAll();
- // If the shift key is held.
- if (Input.check(Key.SHIFT))
- {
- // If Entities are selected.
- if (SELECT_LIST.length)
- {
- // Move Entities with the arrow keys.
- if (Input.pressed("_ARROWS")) updateKeyMoving();
- }
- else
- {
- // Pan the camera with the arrow keys.
- if (Input.check("_ARROWS")) updateKeyPanning();
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Update info while the game runs.
- updateEntityLists(FP.world.count != ENTITY_LIST.length);
- renderEntities();
- updateFPSRead();
- updateEntityCount();
- }
- // Update debug panel.
- updateDebugRead();
- }
- else
- {
- // log scrollbar
- if (_scrolling) updateScrolling();
- else if (Input.mousePressed) startScrolling();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Update info while the game runs.
- updateFPSRead();
- updateEntityCount();
- }
- // Console toggle.
- if (Input.pressed(toggleKey)) paused = !_paused;
- }
- /**
- * If the Console is currently in paused mode.
- */
- public function get paused():Boolean { return _paused; }
- public function set paused(value:Boolean):void
- {
- // Quit if the console isn't enabled.
- if (!_enabled) return;
- // Set the console to paused.
- _paused = value;
- FP.engine.paused = value;
- // Panel visibility.
- _back.visible = value;
- _entScreen.visible = value;
- _butRead.visible = value;
- // If the console is paused.
- if (value)
- {
- // Set the console to paused mode.
- if (_debug) debug = true;
- else updateLog();
- }
- else
- {
- // Set the console to running mode.
- _debRead.visible = false;
- _logRead.visible = true;
- updateLog();
- ENTITY_LIST.length = 0;
- SCREEN_LIST.length = 0;
- SELECT_LIST.length = 0;
- }
- }
- /**
- * If the Console is currently in debug mode.
- */
- public function get debug():Boolean { return _debug; }
- public function set debug(value:Boolean):void
- {
- // Quit if the console isn't enabled.
- if (!_enabled) return;
- // Set the console to debug mode.
- _debug = value;
- _debRead.visible = value;
- _logRead.visible = !value;
- // Update console state.
- if (value) updateEntityLists();
- else updateLog();
- renderEntities();
- }
- /** @private Steps the frame ahead. */
- private function stepFrame():void
- {
- FP.engine.update();
- FP.engine.render();
- updateEntityCount();
- updateEntityLists();
- renderEntities();
- }
- /** @private Starts Entity dragging. */
- private function startDragging():void
- {
- _dragging = true;
- _entRect.x = Input.mouseX;
- _entRect.y = Input.mouseY;
- }
- /** @private Updates Entity dragging. */
- private function updateDragging():void
- {
- moveSelected(Input.mouseX - _entRect.x, Input.mouseY - _entRect.y);
- _entRect.x = Input.mouseX;
- _entRect.y = Input.mouseY;
- if (Input.mouseReleased) _dragging = false;
- }
- /** @private Move the selected Entitites by the amount. */
- private function moveSelected(xDelta:int, yDelta:int):void
- {
- for each (var e:Entity in SELECT_LIST)
- {
- e.x += xDelta;
- e.y += yDelta;
- }
- FP.engine.render();
- renderEntities();
- updateEntityLists(true);
- }
- /** @private Starts camera panning. */
- private function startPanning():void
- {
- _panning = true;
- _entRect.x = Input.mouseX;
- _entRect.y = Input.mouseY;
- }
- /** @private Updates camera panning. */
- private function updatePanning():void
- {
- if (Input.mouseReleased) _panning = false;
- panCamera(_entRect.x - Input.mouseX, _entRect.y - Input.mouseY);
- _entRect.x = Input.mouseX;
- _entRect.y = Input.mouseY;
- }
- /** @private Pans the camera. */
- private function panCamera(xDelta:int, yDelta:int):void
- {
- FP.camera.x += xDelta;
- FP.camera.y += yDelta;
- FP.engine.render();
- updateEntityLists(true);
- renderEntities();
- }
- /** @private Sets the camera position. */
- private function setCamera(x:int, y:int):void
- {
- FP.camera.x = x;
- FP.camera.y = y;
- FP.engine.render();
- updateEntityLists(true);
- renderEntities();
- }
- /** @private Starts Entity selection. */
- private function startSelection():void
- {
- _selecting = true;
- _entRect.x = Input.mouseFlashX;
- _entRect.y = Input.mouseFlashY;
- _entRect.width = 0;
- _entRect.height = 0;
- }
- /** @private Updates Entity selection. */
- private function updateSelection():void
- {
- _entRect.width = Input.mouseFlashX - _entRect.x;
- _entRect.height = Input.mouseFlashY - _entRect.y;
- if (Input.mouseReleased)
- {
- selectEntities(_entRect);
- renderEntities();
- _selecting = false;
- _entSelect.graphics.clear();
- }
- else
- {
- _entSelect.graphics.clear();
- _entSelect.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFFFFFF);
- _entSelect.graphics.drawRect(_entRect.x, _entRect.y, _entRect.width, _entRect.height);
- }
- }
- /** @private Selects the Entitites in the rectangle. */
- private function selectEntities(rect:Rectangle):void
- {
- if (rect.width < 0) rect.x -= (rect.width = -rect.width);
- else if (!rect.width) rect.width = 1;
- if (rect.height < 0) rect.y -= (rect.height = -rect.height);
- else if (!rect.height) rect.height = 1;
- FP.rect.width = FP.rect.height = 6;
- var sx:Number = FP.screen.scaleX * FP.screen.scale,
- sy:Number = FP.screen.scaleY * FP.screen.scale,
- e:Entity;
- if (Input.check(Key.CONTROL))
- {
- // Append selected Entitites with new selections.
- for each (e in SCREEN_LIST)
- {
- if (SELECT_LIST.indexOf(e) < 0)
- {
- FP.rect.x = (e.x - FP.camera.x) * sx - 3;
- FP.rect.y = (e.y - FP.camera.y) * sy - 3;
- if (rect.intersects(FP.rect)) SELECT_LIST.push(e);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Replace selections with new selections.
- SELECT_LIST.length = 0;
- for each (e in SCREEN_LIST)
- {
- FP.rect.x = (e.x - FP.camera.x) * sx - 3;
- FP.rect.y = (e.y - FP.camera.y) * sy - 3;
- if (rect.intersects(FP.rect)) SELECT_LIST.push(e);
- }
- }
- }
- /** @private Selects all entities on screen. */
- private function selectAll():void
- {
- SELECT_LIST.length = 0;
- for each (var e:Entity in SCREEN_LIST) SELECT_LIST.push(e);
- renderEntities();
- }
- /** @private Starts log text scrolling. */
- private function startScrolling():void
- {
- if (LOG.length > _logLines) _scrolling = _logBarGlobal.contains(Input.mouseFlashX, Input.mouseFlashY);
- }
- /** @private Updates log text scrolling. */
- private function updateScrolling():void
- {
- _scrolling = Input.mouseDown;
- _logScroll = FP.scaleClamp(Input.mouseFlashY, _logBarGlobal.y, _logBarGlobal.bottom, 0, 1);
- updateLog();
- }
- /** @private Moves Entities with the arrow keys. */
- private function updateKeyMoving():void
- {
- FP.point.x = (Input.pressed(Key.RIGHT) ? 1 : 0) - (Input.pressed(Key.LEFT) ? 1 : 0);
- FP.point.y = (Input.pressed(Key.DOWN) ? 1 : 0) - (Input.pressed(Key.UP) ? 1 : 0);
- if (FP.point.x != 0 || FP.point.y != 0) moveSelected(FP.point.x, FP.point.y);
- }
- /** @private Pans the camera with the arrow keys. */
- private function updateKeyPanning():void
- {
- FP.point.x = (Input.check(Key.RIGHT) ? 1 : 0) - (Input.check(Key.LEFT) ? 1 : 0);
- FP.point.y = (Input.check(Key.DOWN) ? 1 : 0) - (Input.check(Key.UP) ? 1 : 0);
- if (FP.point.x != 0 || FP.point.y != 0) panCamera(FP.point.x, FP.point.y);
- }
- /** @private Update the Entity list information. */
- private function updateEntityLists(fetchList:Boolean = true):void
- {
- // If the list should be re-populated.
- if (fetchList)
- {
- ENTITY_LIST.length = 0;
- FP.world.getAll(ENTITY_LIST);
- }
- // Update the list of Entities on screen.
- SCREEN_LIST.length = 0;
- for each (var e:Entity in ENTITY_LIST)
- {
- if (e.collideRect(e.x, e.y, FP.camera.x, FP.camera.y, FP.width, FP.height))
- SCREEN_LIST.push(e);
- }
- }
- /** @private Renders the Entities positions and hitboxes. */
- private function renderEntities():void
- {
- // If debug mode is on.
- _entScreen.visible = _debug;
- if (_debug)
- {
- var g:Graphics = _entScreen.graphics,
- sx:Number = FP.screen.scaleX * FP.screen.scale,
- sy:Number = FP.screen.scaleY * FP.screen.scale;
- g.clear();
- for each (var e:Entity in SCREEN_LIST)
- {
- // If the Entity is not selected.
- if (SELECT_LIST.indexOf(e) < 0)
- {
- // Draw the normal hitbox and position.
- if (e.width && e.height)
- {
- g.lineStyle(1, 0xFF0000);
- g.drawRect((e.x - e.originX - FP.camera.x) * sx, (e.y - e.originY - FP.camera.y) * sy, e.width * sx, e.height * sy);
- }
- g.lineStyle(1, 0x00FF00);
- g.drawRect((e.x - FP.camera.x) * sx - 3, (e.y - FP.camera.y) * sy - 3, 6, 6);
- }
- else
- {
- // Draw the selected hitbox and position.
- if (e.width && e.height)
- {
- g.lineStyle(1, 0xFFFFFF);
- g.drawRect((e.x - e.originX - FP.camera.x) * sx, (e.y - e.originY - FP.camera.y) * sy, e.width * sx, e.height * sy);
- }
- g.lineStyle(1, 0xFFFFFF);
- g.drawRect((e.x - FP.camera.x) * sx - 3, (e.y - FP.camera.y) * sy - 3, 6, 6);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /** @private Updates the log window. */
- private function updateLog():void
- {
- // If the console is paused.
- if (_paused)
- {
- // Draw the log panel.
- _logRead.y = 40;
- _logRead.graphics.clear();
- _logRead.graphics.beginFill(0, .75);
- _logRead.graphics.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 0, _logReadText0.width, 20, 0, 20, 0, 0);
- _logRead.graphics.drawRect(0, 20, width, _logHeight);
- // Draw the log scrollbar.
- _logRead.graphics.beginFill(0x202020, 1);
- _logRead.graphics.drawRoundRectComplex(_logBar.x, _logBar.y, _logBar.width, _logBar.height, 8, 8, 8, 8);
- // If the log has more lines than the display limit.
- if (LOG.length > _logLines)
- {
- // Draw the log scrollbar handle.
- _logRead.graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF, 1);
- var h:uint = FP.clamp(_logBar.height * (_logLines / LOG.length), 12, _logBar.height - 4),
- y:uint = _logBar.y + 2 + (_logBar.height - 16) * _logScroll;
- _logRead.graphics.drawRoundRectComplex(_logBar.x + 2, y, 12, 12, 6, 6, 6, 6);
- }
- // Display the log text lines.
- if (LOG.length)
- {
- var i:int = LOG.length > _logLines ? Math.round((LOG.length - _logLines) * _logScroll) : 0,
- n:int = i + Math.min(_logLines, LOG.length),
- s:String = "";
- while (i < n) s += LOG[i ++] + "\n";
- _logReadText1.text = s;
- }
- else _logReadText1.text = "";
- // Indent the text for the scrollbar and size it to the log panel.
- _logReadText1.height = _logHeight;
- _logReadText1.x = 32;
- _logReadText1.y = 24;
- // Make text selectable in paused mode.
- _fpsReadText.selectable = true;
- _fpsInfoText0.selectable = true;
- _fpsInfoText1.selectable = true;
- _entReadText.selectable = true;
- _debReadText1.selectable = true;
- }
- else
- {
- // Draw the single-line log panel.
- _logRead.y = height - 40;
- _logReadText1.height = 20;
- _logRead.graphics.clear();
- _logRead.graphics.beginFill(0, .75);
- _logRead.graphics.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 0, _logReadText0.width, 20, 0, 20, 0, 0);
- _logRead.graphics.drawRect(0, 20, width, 20);
- // Draw the single-line log text with the latests logged text.
- _logReadText1.text = LOG.length ? LOG[LOG.length - 1] : "";
- _logReadText1.x = 2;
- _logReadText1.y = 21;
- // Make text non-selectable while running.
- _logReadText1.selectable = false;
- _fpsReadText.selectable = false;
- _fpsInfoText0.selectable = false;
- _fpsInfoText1.selectable = false;
- _entReadText.selectable = false;
- _debReadText0.selectable = false;
- _debReadText1.selectable = false;
- }
- }
- /** @private Update the FPS/frame timing panel text. */
- private function updateFPSRead():void
- {
- _fpsReadText.text = "FPS: " + FP.frameRate.toFixed();
- _fpsInfoText0.text =
- "Update: " + String(FP._updateTime) + "ms\n" +
- "Render: " + String(FP._renderTime) + "ms";
- _fpsInfoText1.text =
- "Game: " + String(FP._gameTime) + "ms\n" +
- "Flash: " + String(FP._flashTime) + "ms";
- }
- /** @private Update the debug panel text. */
- private function updateDebugRead():void
- {
- // Find out the screen size and set the text.
- var big:Boolean = width >= 480;
- // Update the Debug read text.
- var s:String =
- "Mouse: " + String(FP.world.mouseX) + ", " + String(FP.world.mouseY) +
- "\nCamera: " + String(FP.camera.x) + ", " + String(FP.camera.y);
- if (SELECT_LIST.length)
- {
- if (SELECT_LIST.length > 1)
- {
- s += "\n\nSelected: " + String(SELECT_LIST.length);
- }
- else
- {
- var e:Entity = SELECT_LIST[0];
- s += "\n\n- " + String(e) + " -\n";
- for each (var i:String in WATCH_LIST)
- {
- if (e.hasOwnProperty(i)) s += "\n" + i + ": " + e[i].toString();
- }
- }
- }
- // Set the text and format.
- _debReadText1.text = s;
- _debReadText1.setTextFormat(format(big ? 16 : 8));
- _debReadText1.width = Math.max(_debReadText1.textWidth + 4, _debReadText0.width);
- _debReadText1.height = _debReadText1.y + _debReadText1.textHeight + 4;
- // The debug panel.
- _debRead.y = int(height - _debReadText1.height);
- _debRead.graphics.clear();
- _debRead.graphics.beginFill(0, .75);
- _debRead.graphics.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 0, _debReadText0.width, 20, 0, 20, 0, 0);
- _debRead.graphics.drawRoundRectComplex(0, 20, _debReadText1.width + 20, height - _debRead.y - 20, 0, 20, 0, 0);
- }
- /** @private Updates the Entity count text. */
- private function updateEntityCount():void
- {
- _entReadText.text = String(FP.world.count) + " Entities";
- }
- /** @private Updates the Button panel. */
- private function updateButtons():void
- {
- // Button visibility.
- _butRead.x = _fpsInfo.x + _fpsInfo.width + int((_entRead.x - (_fpsInfo.x + _fpsInfo.width)) / 2) - 30;
- _butDebug.visible = !_debug;
- _butOutput.visible = _debug;
- _butPlay.visible = FP.engine.paused;
- _butPause.visible = !FP.engine.paused;
- // Debug/Output button.
- if (_butDebug.bitmapData.rect.contains(_butDebug.mouseX, _butDebug.mouseY))
- {
- _butDebug.alpha = _butOutput.alpha = 1;
- if (Input.mousePressed) debug = !_debug;
- }
- else _butDebug.alpha = _butOutput.alpha = .5;
- // Play/Pause button.
- if (_butPlay.bitmapData.rect.contains(_butPlay.mouseX, _butPlay.mouseY))
- {
- _butPlay.alpha = _butPause.alpha = 1;
- if (Input.mousePressed)
- {
- FP.engine.paused = !FP.engine.paused;
- renderEntities();
- }
- }
- else _butPlay.alpha = _butPause.alpha = .5;
- // Frame step button.
- if (_butStep.bitmapData.rect.contains(_butStep.mouseX, _butStep.mouseY))
- {
- _butStep.alpha = 1;
- if (Input.mousePressed) stepFrame();
- }
- else _butStep.alpha = .5;
- }
- /** @private Gets a TextFormat object with the formatting. */
- private function format(size:uint = 16, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF, align:String = "left"):TextFormat
- {
- _format.size = size;
- _format.color = color;
- _format.align = align;
- return _format;
- }
- /**
- * Get the unscaled screen size for the Console.
- */
- private function get width():uint { return FP.width * FP.screen.scaleX * FP.screen.scale; }
- private function get height():uint { return FP.height * FP.screen.scaleY * FP.screen.scale; }
- // Console state information.
- /** @private */ private var _enabled:Boolean;
- /** @private */ private var _paused:Boolean;
- /** @private */ private var _debug:Boolean;
- /** @private */ private var _scrolling:Boolean;
- /** @private */ private var _selecting:Boolean;
- /** @private */ private var _dragging:Boolean;
- /** @private */ private var _panning:Boolean;
- // Console display objects.
- /** @private */ private var _sprite:Sprite = new Sprite;
- /** @private */ private var _format:TextFormat = new TextFormat("console");
- /** @private */ private var _back:Bitmap = new Bitmap;
- // FPS panel information.
- /** @private */ private var _fpsRead:Sprite = new Sprite;
- /** @private */ private var _fpsReadText:TextField = new TextField;
- /** @private */ private var _fpsInfo:Sprite = new Sprite;
- /** @private */ private var _fpsInfoText0:TextField = new TextField;
- /** @private */ private var _fpsInfoText1:TextField = new TextField;
- // Output panel information.
- /** @private */ private var _logRead:Sprite = new Sprite;
- /** @private */ private var _logReadText0:TextField = new TextField;
- /** @private */ private var _logReadText1:TextField = new TextField;
- /** @private */ private var _logHeight:uint;
- /** @private */ private var _logBar:Rectangle;
- /** @private */ private var _logBarGlobal:Rectangle;
- /** @private */ private var _logScroll:Number = 0;
- // Entity count panel information.
- /** @private */ private var _entRead:Sprite = new Sprite;
- /** @private */ private var _entReadText:TextField = new TextField;
- // Debug panel information.
- /** @private */ private var _debRead:Sprite = new Sprite;
- /** @private */ private var _debReadText0:TextField = new TextField;
- /** @private */ private var _debReadText1:TextField = new TextField;
- /** @private */ private var _debWidth:uint;
- // Button panel information
- /** @private */ private var _butRead:Sprite = new Sprite;
- /** @private */ private var _butDebug:Bitmap;
- /** @private */ private var _butOutput:Bitmap;
- /** @private */ private var _butPlay:Bitmap;
- /** @private */ private var _butPause:Bitmap;
- /** @private */ private var _butStep:Bitmap;
- // Entity selection information.
- /** @private */ private var _entScreen:Sprite = new Sprite;
- /** @private */ private var _entSelect:Sprite = new Sprite;
- /** @private */ private var _entRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle;
- // Log information.
- /** @private */ private var _logLines:uint = 33;
- /** @private */ private const LOG:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>;
- // Entity lists.
- /** @private */ private const ENTITY_LIST:Vector.<Entity> = new Vector.<Entity>;
- /** @private */ private const SCREEN_LIST:Vector.<Entity> = new Vector.<Entity>;
- /** @private */ private const SELECT_LIST:Vector.<Entity> = new Vector.<Entity>;
- // Watch information.
- /** @private */ private const WATCH_LIST:Vector.<String> = Vector.<String>(["x", "y"]);
- // Embedded assets.
- [Embed(source = '../graphics/04B_03__.TTF', embedAsCFF="false", fontFamily = 'console')] private const FONT_SMALL:Class;
- [Embed(source = 'console_logo.png')] private const CONSOLE_LOGO:Class;
- [Embed(source = 'console_debug.png')] private const CONSOLE_DEBUG:Class;
- [Embed(source = 'console_output.png')] private const CONSOLE_OUTPUT:Class;
- [Embed(source = 'console_play.png')] private const CONSOLE_PLAY:Class;
- [Embed(source = 'console_pause.png')] private const CONSOLE_PAUSE:Class;
- [Embed(source = 'console_step.png')] private const CONSOLE_STEP:Class;
- }
- }