https://github.com/freshprince/weechat-fish · Python · 1034 lines · 919 code · 49 blank · 66 comment · 20 complexity · 42fd0943d22caf0553386ac3d15f7ce0 MD5 · raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2011-2022 David Flatz <david@upcs.at>
- # Copyright (C) 2017 Ricardo Ferreira <ricardo.sff@goatse.cx>
- # Copyright (C) 2012 Markus Näsman <markus@botten.org>
- # Copyright (C) 2009 Bjorn Edstrom <be@bjrn.se>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- #
- #
- # NOTE: Blowfish and DH1080 implementation is licenced under a different
- # license:
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2009, Bjorn Edstrom <be@bjrn.se>
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
- # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- #
- #
- # Suggestions, Bugs, ...?
- # https://github.com/freshprince/weechat-fish
- #
- # NOTE ABOUT DH1080:
- # =================
- #
- # Diffie-Hellman key exchange assumes that you already have
- # authenticated channels between Alice and Bob. Which means that Alice
- # has to be sure that she is really talking to Bob and not to any man in
- # the middle. But since the whole idea of FiSH is that you want to
- # encrypt your communication on the IRC server whose operators you do
- # not trust, there is no reliable way for Alice to tell if she really is
- # talking to Bob. It could also be some rogue IRC admin impersonating
- # Bob with a fake hostname and ident or even doing a MITM attack on
- # DH1080. This means you can consider using DH1080 key exchange over
- # IRC utterly broken in terms of security.
- #
- import re
- import struct
- import hashlib
- import base64
- import sys
- from os import urandom
- SCRIPT_NAME = "fish"
- SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "David Flatz <david@upcs.at>"
- SCRIPT_DESC = "FiSH for weechat"
- import_ok = True
- try:
- import weechat
- except ImportError:
- print("This script must be run under WeeChat.")
- print("Get WeeChat now at: http://www.weechat.org/")
- import_ok = False
- try:
- import Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish
- except ImportError:
- print("Python Cryptography Toolkit must be installed to use fish")
- import_ok = False
- #
- #
- fish_config_file = None
- fish_config_section = {}
- fish_config_option = {}
- fish_keys = {}
- fish_cyphers = {}
- fish_DH1080ctx = {}
- fish_encryption_announced = {}
- #
- #
- def fish_config_reload_cb(data, config_file):
- return weechat.config_reload(config_file)
- def fish_config_keys_read_cb(data, config_file, section_name, option_name,
- value):
- global fish_keys
- option = weechat.config_new_option(
- config_file, section_name, option_name, "string", "key", "", 0, 0,
- "", value, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "")
- if not option:
- fish_keys[option_name] = value
- def fish_config_keys_write_cb(data, config_file, section_name):
- global fish_keys
- weechat.config_write_line(config_file, section_name, "")
- for target, key in sorted(fish_keys.items()):
- weechat.config_write_line(config_file, target, key)
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- def fish_config_init():
- global fish_config_file, fish_config_section, fish_config_option
- fish_config_file = weechat.config_new(
- CONFIG_FILE_NAME, "fish_config_reload_cb", "")
- if not fish_config_file:
- return
- # look
- fish_config_section["look"] = weechat.config_new_section(
- fish_config_file, "look", 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "")
- if not fish_config_section["look"]:
- weechat.config_free(fish_config_file)
- return
- fish_config_option["announce"] = weechat.config_new_option(
- fish_config_file, fish_config_section["look"], "announce",
- "boolean", "announce if messages are being encrypted or not", "",
- 0, 0, "on", "on", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "")
- fish_config_option["marker"] = weechat.config_new_option(
- fish_config_file, fish_config_section["look"], "marker",
- "string", "marker for important FiSH messages", "", 0, 0,
- "O<", "O<", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "")
- # color
- fish_config_section["color"] = weechat.config_new_section(
- fish_config_file, "color", 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "")
- if not fish_config_section["color"]:
- weechat.config_free(fish_config_file)
- return
- fish_config_option["alert"] = weechat.config_new_option(
- fish_config_file, fish_config_section["color"], "alert",
- "color", "color for important FiSH message markers", "", 0, 0,
- "lightblue", "lightblue", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "")
- # keys
- fish_config_section["keys"] = weechat.config_new_section(
- fish_config_file, "keys", 0, 0, "fish_config_keys_read_cb", "",
- "fish_config_keys_write_cb", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")
- if not fish_config_section["keys"]:
- weechat.config_free(fish_config_file)
- return
- def fish_config_read():
- global fish_config_file
- return weechat.config_read(fish_config_file)
- def fish_config_write():
- global fish_config_file
- return weechat.config_write(fish_config_file)
- ##
- # Blowfish and DH1080 Code:
- ##
- #
- #
- class Blowfish:
- def __init__(self, key=None):
- if key:
- if len(key) > 72:
- key = key[:72]
- self.blowfish = Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish.new(
- key.encode('utf-8'), Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish.MODE_ECB)
- def decrypt(self, data):
- return self.blowfish.decrypt(data)
- def encrypt(self, data):
- return self.blowfish.encrypt(data)
- # XXX: Unstable.
- def blowcrypt_b64encode(s):
- """A non-standard base64-encode."""
- B64 = "./0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
- res = ''
- while s:
- left, right = struct.unpack('>LL', s[:8])
- for i in range(6):
- res += B64[right & 0x3f]
- right >>= 6
- for i in range(6):
- res += B64[left & 0x3f]
- left >>= 6
- s = s[8:]
- return res
- def blowcrypt_b64decode(s):
- """A non-standard base64-decode."""
- B64 = "./0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
- res = []
- while s:
- left, right = 0, 0
- for i, p in enumerate(s[0:6]):
- right |= B64.index(p) << (i * 6)
- for i, p in enumerate(s[6:12]):
- left |= B64.index(p) << (i * 6)
- for i in range(0, 4):
- res.append((left & (0xFF << ((3 - i) * 8))) >> ((3 - i) * 8))
- for i in range(0, 4):
- res.append((right & (0xFF << ((3 - i) * 8))) >> ((3 - i) * 8))
- s = s[12:]
- return bytes(res)
- def padto(msg, length):
- """Pads 'msg' with zeroes until it's length is divisible by 'length'.
- If the length of msg is already a multiple of 'length', does nothing."""
- L = len(msg)
- if L % length:
- msg += b'\x00' * (length - L % length)
- assert len(msg) % length == 0
- return msg
- def blowcrypt_pack(msg, cipher):
- """."""
- return '+OK ' + blowcrypt_b64encode(cipher.encrypt(padto(msg, 8)))
- def blowcrypt_unpack(msg, cipher, key):
- """."""
- if not (msg.startswith('+OK ') or msg.startswith('mcps ')):
- raise ValueError
- _, rest = msg.split(' ', 1)
- if rest.startswith('*'): # CBC mode
- rest = rest[1:]
- if len(rest) % 4:
- rest += '=' * (4 - len(rest) % 4)
- raw = base64.b64decode(rest)
- iv = raw[:8]
- raw = raw[8:]
- cbcCipher = Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish.new(
- key.encode('utf-8'), Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish.MODE_CBC, iv)
- plain = cbcCipher.decrypt(padto(raw, 8))
- else:
- if len(rest) < 12:
- raise ValueError
- if not (len(rest) % 12) == 0:
- rest = rest[:-(len(rest) % 12)]
- try:
- raw = blowcrypt_b64decode(padto(rest, 12))
- except TypeError:
- raise ValueError
- if not raw:
- raise ValueError
- plain = cipher.decrypt(raw)
- return plain.strip(b'\x00').replace(b'\n', b'')
- #
- # DH1080
- #
- g_dh1080 = 2
- p_dh1080 = int('FBE1022E23D213E8ACFA9AE8B9DFAD'
- 'A3EA6B7AC7A7B7E95AB5EB2DF85892'
- '7AF7A7FA6A2B7BEB1E72EAE2B72F9F'
- '83EB68FA07A77AB6AD7BEB618ACF9C'
- 'A2897EB28A6189EFA07AB99A8A7FA9'
- q_dh1080 = (p_dh1080 - 1) // 2
- def dh1080_b64encode(s):
- """A non-standard base64-encode."""
- b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
- d = [0] * len(s) * 2
- L = len(s) * 8
- m = 0x80
- i, j, k, t = 0, 0, 0, 0
- while i < L:
- if s[i >> 3] & m:
- t |= 1
- j += 1
- m >>= 1
- if not m:
- m = 0x80
- if not j % 6:
- d[k] = b64[t]
- t &= 0
- k += 1
- t <<= 1
- t %= 0x100
- #
- i += 1
- m = 5 - j % 6
- t <<= m
- t %= 0x100
- if m:
- d[k] = b64[t]
- k += 1
- d[k] = 0
- res = ''
- for q in d:
- if q == 0:
- break
- res += q
- return res
- def dh1080_b64decode(s):
- """A non-standard base64-encode."""
- b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
- buf = [0] * 256
- for i in range(64):
- buf[ord(b64[i])] = i
- L = len(s)
- if L < 2:
- raise ValueError
- for i in reversed(list(range(L - 1))):
- if buf[ord(s[i])] == 0:
- L -= 1
- else:
- break
- if L < 2:
- raise ValueError
- d = [0] * L
- i, k = 0, 0
- while True:
- i += 1
- if k + 1 < L:
- d[i - 1] = buf[ord(s[k])] << 2
- d[i - 1] %= 0x100
- else:
- break
- k += 1
- if k < L:
- d[i - 1] |= buf[ord(s[k])] >> 4
- else:
- break
- i += 1
- if k + 1 < L:
- d[i - 1] = buf[ord(s[k])] << 4
- d[i - 1] %= 0x100
- else:
- break
- k += 1
- if k < L:
- d[i - 1] |= buf[ord(s[k])] >> 2
- else:
- break
- i += 1
- if k + 1 < L:
- d[i - 1] = buf[ord(s[k])] << 6
- d[i - 1] %= 0x100
- else:
- break
- k += 1
- if k < L:
- d[i - 1] |= buf[ord(s[k])] % 0x100
- else:
- break
- k += 1
- return bytes(d[0:i - 1])
- def dh_validate_public(public, q, p):
- """See RFC 2631 section 2.1.5."""
- return 1 == pow(public, q, p)
- class DH1080Ctx:
- """DH1080 context."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.public = 0
- self.private = 0
- self.secret = 0
- self.state = 0
- bits = 1080
- while True:
- self.private = bytes2int(urandom(bits // 8))
- self.public = pow(g_dh1080, self.private, p_dh1080)
- if 2 <= self.public <= p_dh1080 - 1 and \
- dh_validate_public(self.public, q_dh1080, p_dh1080) == 1:
- break
- def dh1080_pack(ctx):
- """."""
- cmd = None
- if ctx.state == 0:
- ctx.state = 1
- cmd = "DH1080_INIT "
- else:
- cmd = "DH1080_FINISH "
- return cmd + dh1080_b64encode(int2bytes(ctx.public))
- def dh1080_unpack(msg, ctx):
- """."""
- if not msg.startswith("DH1080_"):
- raise ValueError
- if ctx.state == 0:
- if not msg.startswith("DH1080_INIT "):
- raise ValueError
- ctx.state = 1
- try:
- cmd, public_raw = msg.split(' ', 1)
- public = bytes2int(dh1080_b64decode(public_raw))
- if not 1 < public < p_dh1080:
- raise ValueError
- ctx.secret = pow(public, ctx.private, p_dh1080)
- except Exception:
- raise ValueError
- elif ctx.state == 1:
- if not msg.startswith("DH1080_FINISH "):
- raise ValueError
- ctx.state = 1
- try:
- cmd, public_raw = msg.split(' ', 1)
- public = bytes2int(dh1080_b64decode(public_raw))
- if not 1 < public < p_dh1080:
- raise ValueError
- ctx.secret = pow(public, ctx.private, p_dh1080)
- except Exception:
- raise ValueError
- return True
- def dh1080_secret(ctx):
- """."""
- if ctx.secret == 0:
- raise ValueError
- return dh1080_b64encode(sha256(int2bytes(ctx.secret)))
- def bytes2int(b):
- """Variable length big endian to integer."""
- n = 0
- for p in b:
- n *= 256
- n += p
- return n
- def int2bytes(n):
- """Integer to variable length big endian."""
- if n == 0:
- return b'\x00'
- b = []
- while n:
- b.insert(0, n % 256)
- n //= 256
- return bytes(b)
- def sha256(s):
- """sha256"""
- return hashlib.sha256(s).digest()
- ##
- # END Blowfish and DH1080 Code
- ##
- #
- #
- def fish_modifier_in_notice_cb(data, modifier, server_name, string):
- global fish_DH1080ctx, fish_keys, fish_cyphers
- if type(string) is bytes:
- return string
- match = re.match(
- r"^(:(.*?)!.*? NOTICE (.*?) :)"
- r"((DH1080_INIT |DH1080_FINISH |\+OK |mcps )?.*)$",
- string)
- # match.group(0): message
- # match.group(1): msg without payload
- # match.group(2): source
- # match.group(3): target
- # match.group(4): msg
- # match.group(5): "DH1080_INIT "|"DH1080_FINISH "|"+OK "|"mcps "
- if not match or not match.group(5):
- return string
- if match.group(3) != weechat.info_get("irc_nick", server_name):
- return string
- target = "%s/%s" % (server_name, match.group(2))
- targetl = ("%s/%s" % (server_name, match.group(2))).lower()
- buffer = weechat.info_get("irc_buffer", "%s,%s" % (
- server_name, match.group(2)))
- if match.group(5) == "DH1080_FINISH " and targetl in fish_DH1080ctx:
- if not dh1080_unpack(match.group(4), fish_DH1080ctx[targetl]):
- fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target)
- return string
- fish_alert(buffer, "Key exchange for %s successful" % target)
- fish_keys[targetl] = dh1080_secret(fish_DH1080ctx[targetl])
- if targetl in fish_cyphers:
- del fish_cyphers[targetl]
- del fish_DH1080ctx[targetl]
- return ""
- if match.group(5) == "DH1080_INIT ":
- fish_DH1080ctx[targetl] = DH1080Ctx()
- msg = ' '.join(match.group(4).split()[0:2])
- if not dh1080_unpack(msg, fish_DH1080ctx[targetl]):
- fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target)
- return string
- reply = dh1080_pack(fish_DH1080ctx[targetl])
- fish_alert(buffer, "Key exchange initiated by %s. Key set." % target)
- weechat.command(buffer, "/mute -all notice %s %s" % (
- match.group(2), reply))
- fish_keys[targetl] = dh1080_secret(fish_DH1080ctx[targetl])
- if targetl in fish_cyphers:
- del fish_cyphers[targetl]
- del fish_DH1080ctx[targetl]
- return ""
- if match.group(5) in ["+OK ", "mcps "]:
- if targetl not in fish_keys:
- fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target)
- return string
- key = fish_keys[targetl]
- try:
- if targetl not in fish_cyphers:
- b = Blowfish(key)
- fish_cyphers[targetl] = b
- else:
- b = fish_cyphers[targetl]
- clean = blowcrypt_unpack(match.group(4), b, key)
- fish_announce_encrypted(buffer, target)
- return b"%s%s" % (match.group(1).encode(), clean)
- except Exception as e:
- fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target)
- raise e
- fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target)
- return string
- def fish_modifier_in_privmsg_cb(data, modifier, server_name, string):
- global fish_keys, fish_cyphers
- if type(string) is bytes:
- return string
- match = re.match(
- r"^(:(.*?)!.*? PRIVMSG (.*?) :)(\x01ACTION )?"
- r"((\+OK |mcps )?.*?)(\x01)?$",
- string)
- # match.group(0): message
- # match.group(1): msg without payload
- # match.group(2): source
- # match.group(3): target
- # match.group(4): action
- # match.group(5): msg
- # match.group(6): "+OK "|"mcps "
- if not match:
- return string
- if match.group(3) == weechat.info_get("irc_nick", server_name):
- dest = match.group(2)
- else:
- dest = match.group(3)
- target = "%s/%s" % (server_name, dest)
- targetl = ("%s/%s" % (server_name, dest)).lower()
- buffer = weechat.info_get("irc_buffer", "%s,%s" % (server_name, dest))
- if not match.group(6):
- fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target)
- return string
- if targetl not in fish_keys:
- fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target)
- return string
- key = fish_keys[targetl]
- try:
- if targetl not in fish_cyphers:
- b = Blowfish(key)
- fish_cyphers[targetl] = b
- else:
- b = fish_cyphers[targetl]
- clean = blowcrypt_unpack(match.group(5), b, key)
- fish_announce_encrypted(buffer, target)
- if not match.group(4):
- return b'%s%s' % (match.group(1).encode(), clean)
- return b"%s%s%s\x01" % (
- match.group(1).encode(), match.group(4).encode(), clean)
- except Exception as e:
- fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target)
- raise e
- def fish_modifier_in_topic_cb(data, modifier, server_name, string):
- global fish_keys, fish_cyphers
- if type(string) is bytes:
- return string
- match = re.match(r"^(:.*?!.*? TOPIC (.*?) :)((\+OK |mcps )?.*)$", string)
- # match.group(0): message
- # match.group(1): msg without payload
- # match.group(2): channel
- # match.group(3): topic
- # match.group(4): "+OK "|"mcps "
- if not match:
- return string
- target = "%s/%s" % (server_name, match.group(2))
- targetl = ("%s/%s" % (server_name, match.group(2))).lower()
- buffer = weechat.info_get("irc_buffer", "%s,%s" % (
- server_name, match.group(2)))
- if targetl not in fish_keys or not match.group(4):
- fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target)
- return string
- key = fish_keys[targetl]
- try:
- if targetl not in fish_cyphers:
- b = Blowfish(key)
- fish_cyphers[targetl] = b
- else:
- b = fish_cyphers[targetl]
- clean = blowcrypt_unpack(match.group(3), b, key)
- fish_announce_encrypted(buffer, target)
- return b"%s%s" % (match.group(1).encode(), clean)
- except Exception as e:
- fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target)
- raise e
- def fish_modifier_in_332_cb(data, modifier, server_name, string):
- global fish_keys, fish_cyphers
- if type(string) is bytes:
- return string
- match = re.match(r"^(:.*? 332 .*? (.*?) :)((\+OK |mcps )?.*)$", string)
- if not match:
- return string
- target = "%s/%s" % (server_name, match.group(2))
- targetl = ("%s/%s" % (server_name, match.group(2))).lower()
- buffer = weechat.info_get("irc_buffer", "%s,%s" % (
- server_name, match.group(2)))
- if targetl not in fish_keys or not match.group(4):
- fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target)
- return string
- key = fish_keys[targetl]
- try:
- if targetl not in fish_cyphers:
- b = Blowfish(key)
- fish_cyphers[targetl] = b
- else:
- b = fish_cyphers[targetl]
- clean = blowcrypt_unpack(match.group(3), b, key)
- fish_announce_encrypted(buffer, target)
- return b"%s%s" % (match.group(1).encode(), clean)
- except Exception as e:
- fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target)
- raise e
- def fish_modifier_out_privmsg_cb(data, modifier, server_name, string):
- global fish_keys, fish_cyphers
- if type(string) is bytes:
- return string
- match = re.match(r"^(PRIVMSG (.*?) :)(.*)$", string)
- if not match:
- return string
- target = "%s/%s" % (server_name, match.group(2))
- targetl = ("%s/%s" % (server_name, match.group(2))).lower()
- buffer = weechat.info_get("irc_buffer", "%s,%s" % (
- server_name, match.group(2)))
- if targetl not in fish_keys:
- fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target)
- return string
- if targetl not in fish_cyphers:
- b = Blowfish(fish_keys[targetl])
- fish_cyphers[targetl] = b
- else:
- b = fish_cyphers[targetl]
- cypher = blowcrypt_pack(match.group(3).encode(), b)
- fish_announce_encrypted(buffer, target)
- return "%s%s" % (match.group(1), cypher)
- def fish_modifier_out_topic_cb(data, modifier, server_name, string):
- global fish_keys, fish_cyphers
- if type(string) is bytes:
- return string
- match = re.match(r"^(TOPIC (.*?) :)(.*)$", string)
- if not match:
- return string
- if not match.group(3):
- return string
- target = "%s/%s" % (server_name, match.group(2))
- targetl = ("%s/%s" % (server_name, match.group(2))).lower()
- buffer = weechat.info_get("irc_buffer", "%s,%s" % (
- server_name, match.group(2)))
- if targetl not in fish_keys:
- fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target)
- return string
- if targetl not in fish_cyphers:
- b = Blowfish(fish_keys[targetl])
- fish_cyphers[targetl] = b
- else:
- b = fish_cyphers[targetl]
- cypher = blowcrypt_pack(match.group(3).encode(), b)
- fish_announce_encrypted(buffer, target)
- return "%s%s" % (match.group(1), cypher)
- def fish_unload_cb():
- fish_config_write()
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- #
- #
- def fish_cmd_blowkey(data, buffer, args):
- global fish_keys, fish_cyphers, fish_DH1080ctx
- if args == "" or args == "list":
- fish_list_keys(buffer)
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- argv = args.split(" ")
- if (len(argv) > 2 and argv[1] == "-server"):
- server_name = argv[2]
- del argv[2]
- del argv[1]
- pos = args.find(" ")
- pos = args.find(" ", pos + 1)
- args = args[pos+1:]
- else:
- server_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "localvar_server")
- buffer_type = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "localvar_type")
- # if no target user has been specified grab the one from the buffer if it
- # is private
- if argv[0] == "exchange" and len(argv) == 1 and buffer_type == "private":
- target_user = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "localvar_channel")
- elif (argv[0] == "set" and
- (buffer_type == "private" or buffer_type == "channel") and
- len(argv) == 2):
- target_user = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "localvar_channel")
- elif len(argv) < 2:
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR
- else:
- target_user = argv[1]
- argv2eol = ""
- pos = args.find(" ")
- if pos:
- pos = args.find(" ", pos + 1)
- if pos > 0:
- argv2eol = args[pos + 1:]
- else:
- argv2eol = args[args.find(" ") + 1:]
- target = "%s/%s" % (server_name, target_user)
- targetl = ("%s/%s" % (server_name, target_user)).lower()
- if argv[0] == "set":
- fish_keys[targetl] = argv2eol
- if targetl in fish_cyphers:
- del fish_cyphers[targetl]
- weechat.prnt(buffer, "set key for %s to %s" % (target, argv2eol))
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- if argv[0] == "remove":
- if not len(argv) == 2:
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR
- if targetl not in fish_keys:
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR
- del fish_keys[targetl]
- if targetl in fish_cyphers:
- del fish_cyphers[targetl]
- weechat.prnt(buffer, "removed key for %s" % target)
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- if argv[0] == "exchange":
- if server_name == "":
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR
- weechat.prnt(buffer, "Initiating DH1080 Exchange with %s" % target)
- fish_DH1080ctx[targetl] = DH1080Ctx()
- msg = dh1080_pack(fish_DH1080ctx[targetl])
- weechat.command(buffer, "/mute -all notice -server %s %s %s" % (
- server_name, target_user, msg))
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR
- #
- #
- def fish_announce_encrypted(buffer, target):
- global fish_encryption_announced, fish_config_option
- if (not weechat.config_boolean(fish_config_option['announce']) or
- fish_encryption_announced.get(target)):
- return
- (server, nick) = target.split("/")
- if (weechat.info_get("irc_is_nick", nick) and
- weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, "localvar_type") != "private"):
- # if we get a private message and there no buffer yet, create one and
- # jump back to the previous buffer
- weechat.command(buffer, "/mute -all query %s" % nick)
- buffer = weechat.info_get("irc_buffer", "%s,%s" % (server, nick))
- weechat.command(buffer, "/input jump_previously_visited_buffer")
- fish_alert(buffer, "Messages to/from %s are encrypted." % target)
- fish_encryption_announced[target] = True
- def fish_announce_unencrypted(buffer, target):
- global fish_encryption_announced, fish_config_option
- if (not weechat.config_boolean(fish_config_option['announce']) or
- not fish_encryption_announced.get(target)):
- return
- fish_alert(buffer, "Messages to/from %s are %s*not*%s encrypted." % (
- target,
- weechat.color(weechat.config_color(fish_config_option["alert"])),
- weechat.color("chat")))
- del fish_encryption_announced[target]
- def fish_alert(buffer, message):
- mark = "%s%s%s\t" % (
- weechat.color(weechat.config_color(fish_config_option["alert"])),
- weechat.config_string(fish_config_option["marker"]),
- weechat.color("chat"))
- weechat.prnt(buffer, "%s%s" % (mark, message))
- def fish_list_keys(buffer):
- global fish_keys
- weechat.prnt(buffer, "\tFiSH Keys: form target(server): key")
- for (target, key) in sorted(fish_keys.items()):
- (server, nick) = target.split("/")
- weechat.prnt(buffer, "\t%s(%s): %s" % (nick, server, key))
- #
- # MAIN
- #
- if (__name__ == "__main__" and import_ok and
- weechat.register(
- SCRIPT_DESC, "fish_unload_cb", "")):
- weechat.hook_command(
- "blowkey", "Manage FiSH keys",
- "[list] | set [-server <server>] [<target>] <key> "
- "| remove [-server <server>] <target> "
- "| exchange [-server <server>] [<nick>]",
- "Add, change or remove key for target or perform DH1080 key"
- "exchange with <nick>.\n"
- "Target can be a channel or a nick.\n"
- "\n"
- "Without arguments this command lists all keys.\n"
- "\n"
- "Examples:\n"
- "Set the key for a channel: /blowkey set -server freenet #blowfish"
- " key\n"
- "Remove the key: /blowkey remove #blowfish\n"
- "Set the key for a query: /blowkey set nick secret+key\n"
- "List all keys: /blowkey\n"
- "DH1080: /blowkey exchange nick\n"
- "\nPlease read the source for a note about DH1080 key exchange\n",
- "list || set %(irc_channel)|%(nicks)|-server %(irc_servers) %- "
- "|| remove %(irc_channel)|%(nicks)|-server %(irc_servers) %- "
- "|| exchange %(nick)|-server %(irc_servers) %-",
- "fish_cmd_blowkey", "")
- fish_config_init()
- fish_config_read()
- weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_notice", "fish_modifier_in_notice_cb", "")
- weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_privmsg", "fish_modifier_in_privmsg_cb", "")
- weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_topic", "fish_modifier_in_topic_cb", "")
- weechat.hook_modifier("irc_in_332", "fish_modifier_in_332_cb", "")
- weechat.hook_modifier(
- "irc_out_privmsg", "fish_modifier_out_privmsg_cb", "")
- weechat.hook_modifier("irc_out_topic", "fish_modifier_out_topic_cb", "")
- elif (__name__ == "__main__" and len(sys.argv) == 3):
- key = sys.argv[1]
- msg = sys.argv[2]
- print(blowcrypt_unpack(msg, Blowfish(key), key))