Python | 238 lines | 187 code | 9 blank | 42 comment | 0 complexity | 7feece85246060364c7fe5d37a86f95d MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Phil Sung
- #
- # This file is part of Zeya.
- #
- # Zeya is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
- # terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
- # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
- # later version.
- #
- # Zeya is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
- # details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- # along with Zeya. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- # Test suite for Zeya.
- import StringIO
- import os
- import unittest
- import backends
- import decoders
- import m3u
- import options
- import pls
- import rhythmbox
- class FakeTagpy():
- """
- Fake object that can be a stand-in for the tagpy module, but which returns
- a fixed tag object.
- """
- def __init__(self, retval):
- self.retval = retval
- def FileRef(self, filename):
- class FakeTag():
- # Avoid shadowing the outer instance of 'self', so we can read from
- # it.
- def tag(inner_self):
- return self.retval
- return FakeTag()
- class TagData():
- """
- Tag object that holds metadata for a single song.
- """
- def __init__(self, artist, title, album):
- self.artist = artist
- self.title = title
- self.album = album
- class CommonTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_tokenization(self):
- """
- Test that our tokenization method yields a correct ordering of songs.
- """
- # Note, filename1 > filename2
- filename1 = "/home/phil/9 - something.ogg"
- filename2 = "/home/phil/10 - something.ogg"
- t1 = rhythmbox.tokenize_filename(filename1)
- t2 = rhythmbox.tokenize_filename(filename2)
- self.assertTrue(t1 < t2)
- class DecodersTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_extensions(self):
- """
- Test decoders.get_extension.
- """
- self.assertEqual("mp3", decoders.get_extension("/path/to/SOMETHING.MP3"))
- def test_is_decoder_registered(self):
- """
- Test decoders.is_decoder_registered.
- """
- self.assertTrue(decoders.is_decoder_registered("/path/to/something.mp3"))
- self.assertFalse(decoders.is_decoder_registered("/path/to/something.xyz"))
- def test_get_decoder(self):
- """
- Test decoders.get_decoder
- """
- self.assertTrue(decoders.get_decoder("/path/to/SOMETHING.MP3")[0]
- .startswith("/usr/bin"))
- class M3uTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_parse_m3u(self):
- playlist_data = """#EXTM3U
- #EXTINF:,One
- /home/phil/music/1 One.flac
- #EXTINF:,Something
- /home/phil/music/2 Two.flac"""
- playlist = m3u.M3uPlaylist("/home/phil/foo.m3u",
- StringIO.StringIO(playlist_data))
- self.assertEqual(['/home/phil/music/1 One.flac', '/home/phil/music/2 Two.flac'],
- playlist.get_filenames())
- self.assertEqual(u'foo.m3u', playlist.get_title())
- def test_parse_m3u_with_relative_paths(self):
- playlist_data = "music/1 One.flac\nmusic/2 Two.flac"
- playlist = m3u.M3uPlaylist("/home/phil/foo.m3u",
- StringIO.StringIO(playlist_data))
- self.assertEqual(['/home/phil/music/1 One.flac', '/home/phil/music/2 Two.flac'],
- playlist.get_filenames())
- class MetadataExtractionTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_with_metadata(self):
- tagpy = FakeTagpy(TagData(artist="Beatles", title="Ticket to Ride",
- album="Help!"))
- metadata = backends.extract_metadata("/dev/null", tagpy)
- self.assertEqual("Ticket to Ride", metadata[backends.TITLE])
- self.assertEqual("Beatles", metadata[backends.ARTIST])
- self.assertEqual("Help!", metadata[backends.ALBUM])
- def test_without_metadata(self):
- tagpy = FakeTagpy(None)
- metadata = backends.extract_metadata("/the/path/to/Song.flac", tagpy)
- self.assertEqual("Song.flac", metadata[backends.TITLE])
- self.assertEqual("", metadata[backends.ARTIST])
- self.assertEqual("path/to", metadata[backends.ALBUM])
- def test_short_path(self):
- tagpy = FakeTagpy(None)
- metadata = backends.extract_metadata("/music/Song.flac", tagpy)
- self.assertEqual("music", metadata[backends.ALBUM])
- def test_noalbum_path(self):
- tagpy = FakeTagpy(TagData(artist="Beatles", title=None, album=None))
- metadata = backends.extract_metadata("/music/Song.flac", tagpy)
- self.assertEqual("", metadata[backends.ALBUM])
- def test_decode_filename(self):
- tagpy = FakeTagpy(None)
- metadata = backends.extract_metadata("/path/to/\xe4\xb8\xad.flac", tagpy)
- self.assertEqual(u"\u4e2d.flac", metadata[backends.TITLE])
- def test_album_name_from_path_unicode(self):
- value1 = backends.album_name_from_path(
- TagData(artist="Beatles", title=None, album=None),
- "/path/to/music")
- self.assertTrue(type(value1) == unicode)
- self.assertEqual(u'', value1)
- value2 = backends.album_name_from_path(None, "/path/\xc3\x84/music")
- self.assertEqual(u'path/\u00c4', value2)
- value3 = backends.album_name_from_path(None, "/\xc3\x84/music")
- self.assertEqual(u'\u00c4', value3)
- class OptionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_default(self):
- params = options.get_options([])
- self.assertFalse(params[0])
- self.assertEqual('dir', params[1])
- self.assertEqual(os.path.abspath('.'), params[5])
- def test_get_help(self):
- params = options.get_options(["--help"])
- self.assertTrue(params[0])
- def test_path(self):
- params = options.get_options(["--path=/foo/bar"])
- self.assertEqual('/foo/bar', params[5])
- def test_backend(self):
- params = options.get_options(["--backend=rhythmbox"])
- self.assertEqual('rhythmbox', params[1])
- def test_bad_backend(self):
- try:
- params = options.get_options(["--backend=invalid"])
- self.fail("get_options should have raised BadArgsError")
- except options.BadArgsError:
- pass
- def test_bitrate(self):
- params = options.get_options(["-b128"])
- self.assertEqual(128, params[2])
- def test_bad_bitrate(self):
- try:
- params = options.get_options(["--bitrate=0"])
- self.fail("get_options should have raised BadArgsError")
- except options.BadArgsError:
- pass
- def test_port(self):
- params = options.get_options(["-p9999"])
- self.assertEqual(9999, params[4])
- def test_bad_port(self):
- try:
- params = options.get_options(["--port=p"])
- self.fail("get_options should have raised BadArgsError")
- except options.BadArgsError:
- pass
- class PlsTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_parse_pls(self):
- playlist_data = """[playlist]
- X-GNOME-Title=Foo
- NumberOfEntries=2
- File1=foo/bar/1 one.flac
- Title1=One
- File2=/var/bar/2 two.flac
- Title2=Something"""
- playlist = \
- pls.PlsPlaylist("/home/phil/playlist.pls",
- StringIO.StringIO(playlist_data))
- self.assertEqual(['/home/phil/foo/bar/1 one.flac',
- '/var/bar/2 two.flac'],
- playlist.get_filenames())
- self.assertEqual(u'Foo', playlist.get_title())
- def test_parse_pls_with_file_url(self):
- playlist_data = """[playlist]
- X-GNOME-Title=Foo
- NumberOfEntries=1
- File1=file:///home/phil/music/Beach%20Boys,%20The/One.flac
- Title1=One"""
- playlist = \
- pls.PlsPlaylist("/home/phil/playlist.pls",
- StringIO.StringIO(playlist_data))
- self.assertEqual(['/home/phil/music/Beach Boys, The/One.flac'],
- playlist.get_filenames())
- class RhythmboxTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_read_library(self):
- """
- Verify that the contents of the Rhythmbox XML library are read
- correctly.
- """
- backend = rhythmbox.RhythmboxBackend(open("testdata/rhythmbox.xml"))
- library = backend.get_library_contents()
- self.assertEqual(u'Help!', library[0]['album'])
- self.assertEqual(u'The Beatles', library[0]['artist'])
- self.assertEqual(u'Help!', library[0]['title'])
- key1 = library[0]['key']
- self.assertEqual('/tmp/Beatles, The/Help.flac',
- backend.get_filename_from_key(key1))
- # Test correct handling of songs and filenames with non-Latin
- # characters.
- self.assertEqual(u'', library[1]['album'])
- self.assertEqual(u'', library[1]['artist'])
- self.assertEqual(u'\u4e2d\u6587', library[1]['title'])
- key2 = library[1]['key']
- self.assertEqual(u'/tmp/\u4e2d\u6587.flac'.encode('UTF-8'),
- backend.get_filename_from_key(key2))
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()