https://github.com/loucal/nifty-generators · Ruby · 274 lines · 232 code · 29 blank · 13 comment · 1 complexity · b0974967c951a69f6b03662b0f2dc0e7 MD5 · raw file
- require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "test_helper.rb")
- class TestNiftyAuthenticationGenerator < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include NiftyGenerators::TestHelper
- # Some generator-related assertions:
- # assert_generated_file(name, &block) # block passed the file contents
- # assert_directory_exists(name)
- # assert_generated_class(name, &block)
- # assert_generated_module(name, &block)
- # assert_generated_test_for(name, &block)
- # The assert_generated_(class|module|test_for) &block is passed the body of the class/module within the file
- # assert_has_method(body, *methods) # check that the body has a list of methods (methods with parentheses not supported yet)
- #
- # Other helper methods are:
- # app_root_files - put this in teardown to show files generated by the test method (e.g. p app_root_files)
- # bare_setup - place this in setup method to create the APP_ROOT folder for each test
- # bare_teardown - place this in teardown method to destroy the TMP_ROOT or APP_ROOT folder after each test
- context "" do # empty context so we can use setup block
- setup do
- Rails.stubs(:version).returns("2.0.2")
- Dir.mkdir("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config") unless File.exists?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config")
- File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/routes.rb", 'w') do |f|
- f.puts "ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|\n\nend"
- end
- Dir.mkdir("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app") unless File.exists?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app")
- Dir.mkdir("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers") unless File.exists?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers")
- File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/application.rb", 'w') do |f|
- f.puts "class Application < ActionController::Base\n\nend"
- end
- end
- teardown do
- FileUtils.rm_rf "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config"
- FileUtils.rm_rf "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app"
- end
- context "generator without arguments" do
- rails_generator :nifty_authentication
- should_generate_file 'app/models/user.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/controllers/users_controller.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/helpers/users_helper.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/views/users/new.html.erb'
- should_generate_file 'app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/helpers/sessions_helper.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/views/sessions/new.html.erb'
- should_generate_file 'lib/authentication.rb'
- should_generate_file 'test/fixtures/users.yml'
- should_generate_file 'test/unit/user_test.rb'
- should_generate_file 'test/functional/users_controller_test.rb'
- should_generate_file 'test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb'
- should "generate migration file" do
- assert !Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/migrate/*.rb").empty?
- end
- should "generate routes" do
- assert_generated_file "config/routes.rb" do |body|
- assert_match "map.resources :sessions", body
- assert_match "map.resources :users", body
- assert_match "map.login 'login', :controller => 'sessions', :action => 'new'", body
- assert_match "map.logout 'logout', :controller => 'sessions', :action => 'destroy'", body
- assert_match "map.signup 'signup', :controller => 'users', :action => 'new'", body
- end
- end
- should "include Authentication" do
- application_controller_name = Rails.version >= '2.3.0' ? 'application_controller' : 'application'
- assert_generated_file "app/controllers/#{application_controller_name}.rb" do |body|
- assert_match "include Authentication", body
- end
- end
- end
- context "generator with user and session names" do
- rails_generator :nifty_authentication, "Account", "CurrentSession"
- should_generate_file 'app/models/account.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/helpers/accounts_helper.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/views/accounts/new.html.erb'
- should_generate_file 'app/controllers/current_sessions_controller.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/helpers/current_sessions_helper.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/views/current_sessions/new.html.erb'
- should_generate_file 'test/fixtures/accounts.yml'
- should_generate_file 'test/unit/account_test.rb'
- should_generate_file 'test/functional/accounts_controller_test.rb'
- should_generate_file 'test/functional/current_sessions_controller_test.rb'
- should "generate routes" do
- assert_generated_file "config/routes.rb" do |body|
- assert_match "map.resources :current_sessions", body
- assert_match "map.resources :accounts", body
- assert_match "map.login 'login', :controller => 'current_sessions', :action => 'new'", body
- assert_match "map.logout 'logout', :controller => 'current_sessions', :action => 'destroy'", body
- assert_match "map.signup 'signup', :controller => 'accounts', :action => 'new'", body
- end
- end
- end
- context "generator with shoulda option" do
- rails_generator :nifty_authentication, :test_framework => :shoulda
- should "have controller and model tests using shoulda syntax" do
- assert_generated_file "test/functional/users_controller_test.rb" do |body|
- assert_match " should ", body
- end
- assert_generated_file "test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb" do |body|
- assert_match " should ", body
- end
- assert_generated_file "test/unit/user_test.rb" do |body|
- assert_match " should ", body
- end
- end
- end
- context "generator with rspec option" do
- rails_generator :nifty_authentication, :test_framework => :rspec
- should_generate_file 'spec/fixtures/users.yml'
- end
- context "with spec dir" do
- setup do
- Dir.mkdir("#{RAILS_ROOT}/spec") unless File.exists?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/spec")
- end
- teardown do
- FileUtils.rm_rf "#{RAILS_ROOT}/spec"
- end
- context "generator without arguments" do
- rails_generator :nifty_authentication
- should_generate_file 'spec/fixtures/users.yml'
- should_generate_file 'spec/models/user_spec.rb'
- should_generate_file 'spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb'
- should_generate_file 'spec/controllers/sessions_controller_spec.rb'
- end
- context "generator with user and session names" do
- rails_generator :nifty_authentication, "Account", "CurrentSessions"
- should_generate_file 'spec/fixtures/accounts.yml'
- should_generate_file 'spec/models/account_spec.rb'
- should_generate_file 'spec/controllers/accounts_controller_spec.rb'
- should_generate_file 'spec/controllers/current_sessions_controller_spec.rb'
- end
- context "generator with testunit option" do
- rails_generator :nifty_authentication, :test_framework => :testunit
- should_generate_file 'test/fixtures/users.yml'
- end
- end
- context "generator with haml option" do
- rails_generator :nifty_authentication, :haml => true
- should_generate_file "app/views/users/new.html.haml"
- should_generate_file "app/views/sessions/new.html.haml"
- end
- context "generator with authlogic option and custom account name" do
- rails_generator :nifty_authentication, "Account", :authlogic => true
- should_generate_file 'app/models/account.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/helpers/accounts_helper.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/views/accounts/new.html.erb'
- should_generate_file 'app/controllers/account_sessions_controller.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/helpers/account_sessions_helper.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/views/account_sessions/new.html.erb'
- should_generate_file 'test/fixtures/accounts.yml'
- should_generate_file 'test/unit/account_test.rb'
- should_generate_file 'test/functional/accounts_controller_test.rb'
- should_generate_file 'test/functional/account_sessions_controller_test.rb'
- should_generate_file 'lib/authentication.rb'
- should "only include acts_as_authentic in account model" do
- assert_generated_file "app/models/account.rb" do |body|
- assert_match "acts_as_authentic", body
- assert_no_match(/validates/, body)
- assert_no_match(/def/, body)
- end
- end
- should "should generate authentication module with current_account_session method" do
- assert_generated_file "lib/authentication.rb" do |body|
- assert_match "def current_account_session", body
- end
- end
- should "should generate AccountSession model" do
- assert_generated_file "app/models/account_session.rb" do |body|
- assert_match "class AccountSession < Authlogic::Session::Base", body
- end
- end
- should "should generate restful style actions in sessions controller" do
- assert_generated_file "app/controllers/account_sessions_controller.rb" do |body|
- assert_match "AccountSession.new", body
- end
- end
- should "should generate form for account session" do
- assert_generated_file "app/views/account_sessions/new.html.erb" do |body|
- assert_match "form_for @account_session", body
- end
- end
- should "should not include tests in account since authlogic is already tested" do
- assert_generated_file "test/unit/account_test.rb" do |body|
- assert_no_match(/def test/, body)
- end
- end
- should "should handle session controller tests differently" do
- assert_generated_file "test/functional/account_sessions_controller_test.rb" do |body|
- assert_match "AccountSession.find", body
- end
- end
- should "generate migration with authlogic columns" do
- file = Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/migrate/*.rb").first
- assert file, "migration file doesn't exist"
- assert_match(/[0-9]+_create_accounts.rb$/, file)
- assert_generated_file "db/migrate/#{File.basename(file)}" do |body|
- assert_match "class CreateAccounts", body
- assert_match "t.string :username", body
- assert_match "t.string :email", body
- assert_match "t.string :crypted_password", body
- assert_match "t.string :password_salt", body
- assert_match "t.string :persistence_token", body
- assert_match "t.timestamps", body
- assert_no_match(/password_hash/, body)
- end
- end
- end
- context "generator with authlogic option and custom account and session name" do
- rails_generator :nifty_authentication, "Account", "UserSession", :authlogic => true
- should_generate_file 'app/controllers/user_sessions_controller.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/helpers/user_sessions_helper.rb'
- should_generate_file 'app/views/user_sessions/new.html.erb'
- should_generate_file 'test/functional/user_sessions_controller_test.rb'
- should "should generate authentication module with current_user_session method" do
- assert_generated_file "lib/authentication.rb" do |body|
- assert_match "def current_user_session", body
- end
- end
- should "should generate UserSession model" do
- assert_generated_file "app/models/user_session.rb" do |body|
- assert_match "class UserSession < Authlogic::Session::Base", body
- end
- end
- should "should generate restful style actions in sessions controller" do
- assert_generated_file "app/controllers/user_sessions_controller.rb" do |body|
- assert_match "UserSession.new", body
- end
- end
- should "should generate form for user session" do
- assert_generated_file "app/views/user_sessions/new.html.erb" do |body|
- assert_match "form_for @user_session", body
- end
- end
- should "should handle session controller tests differently" do
- assert_generated_file "test/functional/user_sessions_controller_test.rb" do |body|
- assert_match "UserSession.find", body
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end